• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 30, 2019

    TIL there's a special Edition of Firefox dedicatede to devs. Privacy AND being dev friendly. Hell yes. web developers

    TIL there's a special Edition of Firefox dedicatede to devs. Privacy AND being dev friendly. Hell yes. web developers

    TIL there's a special Edition of Firefox dedicatede to devs. Privacy AND being dev friendly. Hell yes.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Handy online tool for image prototyping

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    What are some best practices for making a site work well in a terminal browser?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new site and I want the site to look and work really well in a terminal browser (w3m, lynx, elinks, etc.)

    Would it be better to have 2 different versions of the site, one for terminal browsers and one for GUI ones? If so, what's the best way to do it without doubling the workload maintaining 2 separate versions of the site?

    The site will mostly be a site that hosts files, as well as some information on the stuff you're about to download. It will also be able to stream some media in-browser, but I'm assuming that wouldn't work too well in a terminal.

    submitted by /u/Rpgwaiter
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    noob question:how to save/write website states?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Hi, sorry for the noob question but believe me it isn't my first instinct to bother you busy beez.

    So, if I have an interactive webpage, like a todo list that can be organized by the user (adding removing items which add divs to the page for instance) what technologies enable me to serve the user the page he/she left ie. saving the order of items and the items?

    Can I/Should I write into the html and somehow save the html file on the server?

    Or there is a database that I can use for preserving changes in the DOM? Is there a book/tutorial about this? Seemingly all I can find is simple html and css, and all the changes are lost when there is a refresh on the page as it resets back to the original and that is not optimal for todo lists to say the least. I hope I was understandable. Thank you in advance guys !

    submitted by /u/Lakerman
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    Does The Odin Project leave you more prepared for a webdev role than Udemy courses?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    IF i were to complete the odin project and built my own personal projects, would I be ready for a webdev position?

    Or are watching Udemy courses a faster alternative?

    submitted by /u/fut-13
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    Migrate easier with Global DNS Propagation Checker

    Posted: 30 May 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    What's the best way to translate this graphic design to my website?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    You’re Not Praised For The Bugs You Didn’t Create

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    I failed a technical assignment badly, how can I find out why? (mobx/React)

    Posted: 30 May 2019 01:02 AM PDT

    I applied for a well-ish known company (not Google level) as a Software Engineer, they liked me in the introduction interview before giving me a technical assignment. I spent a lot of my weekend on it, tried to polish it, commit often, comments where necessary and added tests.

    I used: - mobx - styled-component - react-testing-library - create-react-app (for speed)

    I had a store that maintained that data and the components rendered the data much like a "view".

    I was told it wasn't close to the standard they were expecting. Apart from the ego bust, I'm questioning what I even did wrong that drastically? Apparently they are unlikely to provide feedback, according to my recruiter.

    I am considering everything I've learnt up until now, is there any place I can get a peer to review it, without asking too much?

    EDIT: Some examples. It was a website that displayed hotels and you could sort them by rating. Very simple. Some data was hard-coded where it wasn't provided - they only gave a .json file.

    https://pastebin.com/Rz7DXF8g https://pastebin.com/G7J6NzAH

    submitted by /u/farAwayTomorrow
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    Safari gets stuck in an infinite loop of redirecting a .htaccess forced non-SSL page to an HTTPS page

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    I have a page that requires non-SSL due to where some of the content comes from (out of my control right now). I have rules in place that work perfectly in Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Brave, etc), IE11, Edge, and Firefox. But while using Safari it continually tries to push you to HTTPS while the server rule says "hey this page needs to be HTTP" and tries to push you there and that loop happens endlessly. Has anyone ever encountered this or does anyone have any suggestions on how to tell Safari to stop making redirects to HTTPS?

    submitted by /u/HellaDev
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    Does anybody have an idea on how to add these clickable icons on the browser's url bar?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Best way to share developer documents?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:15 PM PDT

    I'm about to leave my current position and I'll be passing on this company website to someone else. I'm working on putting together some documentation and I'm wondering what you think the best way to publish/share this developer guide is for future developers on this project.

    Currently it is all in a Markdown file. Here are the things I have considered:

    -Github Pages (although I'm not using github as my repo on this site). I could make the page private and you would need to be invited via github username to view.

    -password protected subdomain on my main sites url? (deploy with Jekyl or somehow else?)

    -password protected wordpress install with a wiki style theme?

    Or am I overthinking this and I should just put everything into a word document and just give them that so that i can get lost in the ever expanding nebula that is our internal fileserver...

    Bonus question: Converting the markdown file to an actual webpage... Any preferred methods on this?

    Would love to know what other people have done or what your company/shop is using for group documentation.

    submitted by /u/nosir1987
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    How to paginate a collection with Jekyll. Video link inside.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Hi all, I want to share this video on how to set up pagination with Jekyll. Jekyll is a pretty neat framework built with Ruby. Jekyll allows you to generate static sites which you can just drop into your FTP for super quick deployment.

    I finally dove into it and used it for a small website but when I tried to paginate a collection, I found the documentation of the required plugin kind of difficult to understand. So I made a video about it.


    submitted by /u/8oh8
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    Help! I've lost my mojo.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    I had a self-proclaimed anal-retentive perfectionist boss who killed my passion by making me perfect things that were never going to see the public eye in their perfected state. I got bored of fixing minute details that nobody outside of the company was ever going to see, and started to feel like my work didn't matter. As a result my productivity tanked because and I was let go in spite of what I felt was a generally positive performance review less than two months prior. I now have no desire to do anything related to code. How do I find my "mojo" again? I used to enjoy web development and the problem solving that came with it. Now I don't really want to look at code.

    submitted by /u/yramagicman
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    Career Advice From A Second Year Dev

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:56 PM PDT


    I'm a React Dev working for a large corporation (S&P 500), and I figure I'd offer some advice for those looking to get into the industry.

    Just a little bit about myself here, as some advice may or may not depend on my background.

    * I've treated web development as a hobby since 2005 (not on my resume)

    * Graduated from a standard 4-year university (Business degree in MIS)

    * Took up online education for coding (Team Treehouse Front-end Techdegree)

    * My first professional web-dev project was for a company I worked for as a call center representative

    *I usually code for no less than 2 hours a day, professionally or not

    Is Web Development For Me?

    Problem-solving is the first and probably most important trait of any software developer. I've always enjoyed word problems in math. It challenged my ability to sift out meaningless information from what I need to work with to provide an answer.

    My time as a call-center rep probably honed my problem-solving abilities further. So many times, customers will call in wanting to do x, but tell me a, b, c, d, and so on. I'll need to probe the customer to get x out of them. Sometimes I'll identify trends throughout the day to solve a customer's problem before they've realized they had one.

    Software development isn't any different. Key stakeholders, project managers, your team members, will provide you with input on a myriad of things. Or you may be debugging, or refactoring some code. The same practices are here. Do I have enough information? If not, probe further.

    Are there trends throughout the codebase, or can writing a few lines of code higher up in the application prevent me from writing hundreds of lines of code elsewhere?

    Ok, I'm A Decent Problem Solver. What Next?

    Before I joined TeamTreehouse to learn code, I knew I wanted to build an app for a hobby of mine. I initially created the app with Microsoft Excel but telling folks to go to my site to download an Excel file didn't work out all too well. Most didn't own Excel at all, and if they did, it was too complicated to set-up.

    So, I had to ask myself what I could use to build an app that everyone can use with no barriers of any kind? Java? C++? Swift? Decent options, but users will still need to download the app. So I decided to go deep with JavaScript and bring my HTML and CSS skills up-to-speed.

    Professional Career

    I put together a decent portfolio site. Along with a recommendation from my boss for the web work, I knew I was ready for the job market.

    It took me ten months to land my first web dev job. It took a few months to put together a resume that says, 'hey I have practical experience,' instead of dumping a list of technologies and random projects.

    My first job involved building and maintaining content management systems (WordPress, Craft, etc.) for various clients. The tech stack there was PHP, HTML, Sass, and JS/jQuery. I was able to build an internal dashboard using React, and it became the segway into my current job.

    My first job was roughly 50% planning, meetings, and about 50% code. It was a great experience because I learned the importance of providing accurate time estimates while gaining practical experience with the system development lifecycle.

    I'm a few weeks into my second job as a member of a significantly more substantial team of developers. I interact with a handful of them on a day-to-day, but the team is enormous.

    Some Traps To Avoid (Opinion)

    * Sharpen your skills with the basics before working with libraries/frameworks

    * Or not, I've worked with a dev who can run but not walk.

    * Never say 'I know.' Always hear them out.

    * Plan your career path before starting the journey. The reward is the journey, not the destination. You'll avoid taking up jobs that won't advance your growth and the likelihood of burning out. Check-in on it and keep it updated. Who knows, your journey may take you outside of software development.

    * Specialize in something. I'm capable of PHP and Python and plan to take up a third server-side language next year, but I am a JavaScript developer through and through. That won't change.

    *Job titles are just that, 'job titles'. You'll work with senior level guys who have the skills of junior devs. Don't get distracted by this stuff. Focus on your career path and nothing more.


    * Two years, two jobs. Now at a big company

    * College degree may or may not have helped all too much

    * Problem-solving ability might be the biggest tell for how good of a developer you'll be

    * Getting one professional project along with a decent portfolio is good enough to start job hunting

    * Coding boot camps / online courses are WORTH the money

    * Plan out what you want to do before getting into the software dev world

    submitted by /u/Hovi_Bryant
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    [HELP] PWA Development - Offline capabilities and Restrictions

    Posted: 30 May 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Can someone Please tell if the PWA apps are restricted in certain countries?

    client says they are blocked in China.

    As far as i know if chrome is there in the mobile system it will be running on that browser, in China's case google is not used there.

    Also, there is a requirement, where videos are to be played offline, currently the API gives a URL of video and that URL is loaded onto an HTML5 Video tag (videos are usually large in size more than 100mb).

    client wants the video to be downloaded offline and to be played later in PWA app

    such offline downloading and playing the video only via App while one is offline is effectively done in native apps like Youtube, Netflix , etc.

    Thanks for the help in advance.

    submitted by /u/hersharan
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    Any plugins to get nicely formatted api pages from NodeJS/Express

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Last project I worked on was using Django Rest Framework. I really like how hitting an api page in our browser, returned a nicely formatted, paginated UI.

    Are there any plugins for express that would allow me to do something similar.

    submitted by /u/versaceblues
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    HTML not integrating with PHP in NetBeans IDE

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    So I'm working on a very simple app, and am using the latest version of NetBeans. My HTML code (I can post if needed) written within the PHP tags, is not highlighting, so therefore isn't working.

    I have checked my syntax and spelling and there doesn't seem to be problems there. When not within the PHP tags, HTML works fine and is highlighted.

    Does any one have an idea why this would be happening and how to fix it? Is this something with NetBeans, specifically?


    submitted by /u/justmehhh
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    LMS platform

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    I will be using wordpress for a small-scale e-learning platform to start out. I see many options for LMS plugins like learndash, learnpress, namaste lms, lifterLMS, and so on. Many themes for LMS as well. I've heard astra, oceanwp, and generatepress are all good. For those who have experience working with these kinds of sites, what has worked for you? Any themes/plugins combination that worked well for you?

    submitted by /u/r3ginald
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    WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance Scanners?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    We are looking to start working on compliance for WCAG 2.0 AA... I am looking for suggestions on automated scanners that can help us identify any compliance issues in our various sites.

    • The scanner should be automated
    • Provide reporting on issues found
    • Provide some documentation on how to fix the compliance issues
    • Should be able to run deep reporting through the sitemap/internal nav links

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/withoutink
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    gmail pop3 alternative options

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    i have an email address from a domain i own and prefer to manage it via gmail. unfortunately gmail doesn't check it quite frequently enough for my needs (sometimes over 1 hr) what are my options to better manage this...besides gsuite. i'm thinking about Thunderbird, is that a good option? would prefer to do it via web browser, not desktop program

    submitted by /u/mrrockymountain
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    HTTP requests from distant php shared hosting to localhost nodeJS server

    Posted: 30 May 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, first post here, tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.

    My issue

    I'm trying to get a oauth token from a service that requires users to log into their web app before sending out said token to a predetermined redirection URL. But I'm trying to get this in a nodeJS script.

    Current solution

    I kickoff a http server in node using localtunnel to get a public URL that I store in my own shared hosting (on which I can only script in php). The predetermined redirection URL of the web app will send its token to the shared server, which will pass it along through localtunnel to the http server of my local node process.

    1. localhost:port <----> localtunnel <----> public URL
    2. localtunnel public URL is stored on shared hosting.
    3. URL of said shared hosting is pre-registered to web app.
    4. user authenticates => web app sends token to shared hosting => php script pings localtunnel => localhost:port receives token


    Is there a way to simplify all that? The web app requires a public URL, so I have to use my shared hosting, and I can only use Php on there. The way I see it, I'd have to have a way for a php script on my shared hosting to make http requests to a node http server running on my laptop. How can I do that?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Sheraff33
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    Best e-commerce solution for websites built in react?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Hello webdevs,

    I recently started a website development LLC because working for corporate America is hell.

    Some of my client prospects will need e-commerce for their sites, but I need a solution that I can integrate with react. I dont need a platform that provides the view; I want to design the UI myself and simply pull data from the provider.

    For CMS, I use a headless CMS system called Sanity.io; it allows clients to easily edit their content, which is then queried by my sites. I would like an e-commerce solution that works in a similar fashion, both for myself and for my clients (to have a simple interface to control their shop content)

    Ideally, I want this to be relatively low cost, preferably based on usage so clients get the best value for money.

    Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/steveoaustin
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    How would you implement filtering and sorting of elements loaded from a database?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    - Context of the problem

    I am learning PHP+MySQL so I can do a website for a friend. People should be able to register with information about themselves and possible employers should be able to find them like they would find items in amazon or pc parts in pcpartpicker (like this). The amount of users would be less than 5.000 and most likely around 1200.

    - Problem you are attempting to solve with high specificity

    I want to be able to load this user data into divs in an efficient way and implement a quick filter and search function. It would be very similar to the pcpartpicker example, the only difference being each person/item would show up separate from each other, not in a table, like this

    Only the most important data would be shown and once clicked you should be able to see all the information about the person.

    The search should be able to look for any content shown in the main page (not the detailed info)

    - Research you have completed prior to requesting assistance

    I can load items from a MySQL database with PHP into different divs with nice styling. I was also able to implement a search bar that filters elements by using the information contained in this divs. I don't know how efficient this is.

    I don't know how to add pagination and load items for each page separately.

    I found datatables.net but I don't think it fits my purpose because I want to display every user as a separate div and include filter tools in a sidebar like the examples mentioned before.

    I also found list.js but couldn't get it to work.

    Is there a plugin or framework that can do this easily/fast?

    If not, how would you load the items partially with php and how would you implement search and filter functionalities?

    If too complex, where could I learn or find more information on this?

    Could be achieved by using datatables (hiding table headings and making each table row taller) + something to filter and sort ?

    submitted by /u/mateokross
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