• Breaking News

    Monday, May 27, 2019

    Procedural overmap generation inspired by Slay the Spire

    Procedural overmap generation inspired by Slay the Spire

    Procedural overmap generation inspired by Slay the Spire

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    Pixel art vehicles (50×), animated characters and props for your game! (free/public domain)

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've made some new assets, 50 vehicles plus animated characters and some props. They're in side-view so suited for platformers, infinite runners or maybe a stunt game. Let me know what you think, or if you've got requests!

    License: CC0 (public domain), completely free to use in personal, educational and commercial projects (no permission/credit required). Download includes license file.

    If you can, consider purchasing one of my bundles or doing a donation, those are greatly appreciated and ensure that there will be plenty of more assets in the future (6 years and counting!)

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    Remastering 1997’s Quake II with Ray Tracing

    Posted: 27 May 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    How I got my developer account banned by Steam

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    Most minimalistic game engines

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm a bit bored of the Unity/Godot/Unreal stuff and would like to experiment with a very much constrained 2D engine. I remember I saw one that was based on a single sprite sheet and basic controls, nothing else. I'm looking for really basic and minimal, any good advice?

    I found a bunch of them (some I knew but forgot, here's some links for reference if someone is interested).


    submitted by /u/TierMax
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    2 years of solo game development. And i did it. My first official gameplay teaser.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit. After 2 years of developing I finally created my first gameplay teaser. This is very big day for me.


    On this very difficult path, I encountered many problems, but I was approaching my goal step by step.
    And today I want to show you the first gameplay teaser.

    Hope you'll like it.

    submitted by /u/Oliwarder
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    5 strategies I use to make time for game dev in a busy schedule.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit, we're developing a VR horror game (Shattered Lights), ask us anything!

    Posted: 27 May 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    Hi there! We're Team Morbid, a group of 3rd year game development students from the award-winning Breda University of Applied Sciences. Our team consist of 18 fresh developers with wide skillsets and a love for gaming. We're only a couple weeks away from releasing our year-long project, Shattered Lights.

    Shattered Lights is a one-of-a-kind, fully roomscale based VR horror game which takes you on a journey down a seemingly abandoned underground medical facility armed with nothing but a flashlight and your sanity. Using non-euclidean geometry the game will immerse you into a world where every single step you take is purely physical and you'll never once have to use controllers to move around, even so, you'll still be able to explore intricate areas, impossible geometry and any situation that Shattered Lights will throw at you.

    Thanks to experimental features such as our fully explorable non-euclidian environment, we've learned a lot about virtual reality and its strengths/quirks. It has been a challenging development cycle to say the least and our learning process never really ended. It is for this reason we'd like to share our newfound knowledge and pass it on to others that might find use for the information or are simply interested.

    If you have any questions regarding VR, non-euclidian environments, horror etc. from a design, art, tech or audio perspective, ask away! We've got a full team of developers who'd love to answer some questions.

    submitted by /u/TeamMorbid
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    Getting into game design with a Film and Computer background.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    For many years I've had a passion for art and media development, and dream of one day entering the game industry. As I work on developing the relevant skills through projects, I'm finding myself paralyzed in how to enter the game industry.

    There have been previous threads regarding this, which have been extremely helpful. However, I find myself in a potentially unique situation, though not sure if it is one that can be used to an advantage.

    I'll simplify as much as I can for brevity, but can clarify if you wish. I received a bachelor of Fine Arts in Filmmaking in 2013, and will be getting my BA in CompSci at the end of the year. I've been doing VR research with professors and graduate students. I have made feature films, ad agencies, graphics design, and managing my own 11k Kickstarter.

    In essence, I have about a decade of experience and education in both technical and artistic pursuits.

    This background has been invaluable for making smaller projects in Unity and Unreal. My film experience especially taught me how to manage a bunch of moving parts towards a creative project. For my graphics course, I made a project in two weeks that my professor asked if I spent the entire semester on.

    However, the actual portfolio of "Games" I've made is very small. This is something I plan to spend the summer and my remains year of school on.

    In any case, would you have any advice for someone in my position and background to eventually work in games?

    submitted by /u/Dagomon
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    How does clothing work?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    What does it take to make a costume work in a game? How does it differ between game to game (example between GTA V and Spiderman PS4)? What does it take to make a complete costume for a character? Should someone redo animations depending on the clothing? I am not a game dev, please excuse me if this question is too basic or wrong.

    Here is how I assume it works in a game like GTA V - there is a basic character model and whenever user selects a shirt, you apply the selected shirt's texture to the character model. For creating a complete new shirt, someone has to design the cloth, set its colour, fabric type (determines how it interacts with light?) and add it to the list of shirts assets.

    submitted by /u/vivek_tagore
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    Possibilities of AI-generated voices

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I saw a couple of videos of famous people having their voices replicated by an AI, and I was wondering if there are any developments in the game industry in this field? In MMOs for instance, couldn't this potentially be used to voice act the entire game, including all quests and dialogue to make it more immersive? Are there any game companies working to provide such a service or is it even a good idea to do so?

    submitted by /u/olasbondolas
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    What OS concepts are required for starting in the industry?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    I'm a college student in his final year and I wanted to enter a gaming company after graduation. I have already made a few games and am currently working on a release in Unity. I wanted to know the pre requisites for the game indusry. Like every opening I see says strong OS concepts. Could someone point me to a book or something like that which actually links to everything that may be needed? I also saw networking API being thrown around here and there. Does that mean networking concepts? I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KoniGTA
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    How does unity's ECS design handle component memory?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    I'm trying to understand how unity's new ECS design works internally, I know how to use it within Unity, but I'm wondering how it actually works 'behind the scenes'. I've seen some of the talks given by the unity team, but I still have some questions.
    From what I understand, unity stores component data in archetype chunks (typically of 16kb size), these chunks store component data for a given set of component types. Systems then query components that they want to operate on, in the form of a stream.

    I have the following questions about this:

    • Given archetype { A, B } and archetype { A, B, C }, does the component data for types A and B get stored N times (in this case twice) in memory (once for each archetype chunk) ?
      • The cache performance in this case would be (near-)optimal, but wouldn't the memory cost scale exponentially?
      • Writing component data would be done indirectly, since it would have to write to multiple locations/chunks at once, how this is done? And wouldn't this negate the gained cache performance (since for a single write we now have to do N writes to different chunks spread out in memory)?
    • How does unity create a stream of components from multiple archetypes? e.g. querying components { A } would yield a stream that includes components from both the { A, B } and { A, B, C } archetype chunks. Or would it internally register an additional archetype { A }?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/mriamamister
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    Straight To The Point Gamepad Input

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Recommended podcasts / YouTube series / etc about game design / development / etc

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    So my work commute has gotten a bit longer and wanted to make a more productive use of that time other than listening to the radio. I am looking for any kind of content I can download to my phone and play during my commute that related to game development in any way whether it be design, programming, discussions, etc.

    For example I am currently going through the Extra Credits content (starting from scratch on it) and hopefully that will last me number of months but I want to find out what other content I can start digesting after I get through that content.

    submitted by /u/ryanzec
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    Outrun Jam!

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    Learn How To Make a Mario Like Hop Attack & Sword Swing Attack

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Weird spike in downloads from Steam at precise time

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    The downloads for my game had pretty much completely fizzled out. I was getting an average of about 1 a day for the past few months. Suddenly, I got a spike of 155 downloads at 2:08AM, and haven't had any more since. This seems a bit odd. Does anyone know how to explain this?


    submitted by /u/Ralen_Hlaalo
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    Copying Game Models - Is it problematic?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    I'm modeling assets at the moment for a FP medieval game and I am always trying to find as many references as I can when modeling generic objects such as barrels,tables,crates, chairs etc.

    When I find a real life picture I try and recreate as best I can. However if I find a reference from another game I like, I feel like I have to make variations to the model incase I am in breach of some law. Obviously this is good practice anyway as you want your own theme and style so it isn't too bad.

    Is there an issue of copyright? My thoughts were unless it was clearly art heavily associated with another game such as modelling Sonic or Mastercheif and calling them as such in your game.

    submitted by /u/Enaver
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    Gameplay Design question : how do you balance depth in a TBS game for mobile with sinplicity

    Posted: 27 May 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    So Im building a turn based strategy mobile game and right now the battle premise is simple, individual units have different elemental affinities and you can determine the unit composition of any given unit during the battle in order to counteract what the AI enemy puts together against you.

    The problem that Im facing is that I created 27 friendly units, some have advantages depending on what "hero" you assign the unit to, so there are a ton of different team composition options that you can play with. Problem is, its starting to get complicated for a mobile device, and the more I work the UI around the concepts, the more conplicated things become.

    Its all super clear to me (because I mapped out the mechanics before hand on paper), but then in dev I get a new idea for a new feature or aspect of gameplay and I tweak things here and there, and things are becoming more complicated mechanics wise. Im having a really hard time finding the right balance between depth and simplicity for mobile users.

    How would you guys go about this? I dont have enough to release yet for even alpha testing, but if I keep moving forward I'll be pretty locked into the decisions im making now. Im afraid im testing from too much of an "expert" perspective. I also dont really have friends (that sounds sad) who really game so I cant have personal friends really test either because they are completely the wrong audience for the game. Would you still air on the side of simplicity knowing its mobile sticking to the original plan, or would you go all in when a new "great idea" comes to mind?

    submitted by /u/eboxrocks
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    This shows the beginnings of a procedural implementation for a city I like to build procedurally. See comments for tutorials on this...

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Ludum Historica Project: a self-imposed gamemaking challenge (Also, livestream!)

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    [In case of TL;DR, link to the stream]

    Greetings fellow developers!

    My name is Iñaki, or if the Ñ intimidates you, you may call me Gabriel! I'm a slightly-above-novice level Unity game developer, with two years experience as a college level Unity teacher, but only just above a year of game development. I want to mend this by working on expanding my portfolio and making small projects to showcase my abilities and maybe even turn a small profit.

    There is the obstacle, however, of my inability to maintain a small scope in whatever project I tackle without constraints from above. My portfolio-oriented projects all end up deviating from their original idea, and they grow into an eldritch abomination with no beginning, end or raison d'être. This results in dozens upon dozens of unfinished pseudo-prototypes that can barely showcase a couple of things and look nowhere near good or even usable, and with no clear direction on what to do next. All except my Ludum Dare Jam attempts. I've attempted to do a few, but never got to finish them in time, and ended scrapping them entirely. It is, however, the only time outside the office where I've felt I'm programming for myself with direction and purpose. So I wish to replicate that, with a little twist.

    Enter the Ludum Historica Project, a self-imposed form of torture game development challenge I cooked up to rein myself in when making games, where I will die on screen go through and make a game based on each and every Ludum Dare theme in history, with similar constraints as the LDJ itself. This will, of course, be live streamed for your sadistic pleasure educational purposes. Here are the rules:

    • Rule 0: these rules are subject to change, so as to properly take care of my mental and physical health, because I'm sensitive to high stress and poor sleep schedules.
    • Rule 1: Make Unity games based on the themes of previous Ludum Dare Jams, ordered randomly, in 48-72 hours each (adjustable depending on my rate of progress), over the course of god knows how long.
    • Rule 2: No pre-made assets of any kind for the first game, but all assets can be shared with subsequent games. I.E.: I can use the assets of the first game in the second, and the assets of both in the third, so on. I call this the snowball rule.
    • Rule 3: Livestream the entire process, for reasons of education, self-motivation and documentation.
    • Rule 4: Provide a sort of post-development analysis and feedback with any viewers/people interested.

    Note: I do not intend this to be a genitalia-measurement contest, a call-out/criticism of any sort to game jams, or a proof of superiority, I simply aim to attempt something that will make me finish a project for once, and this idea seems fun and challenging, and possibly even engaging for the game development community, so why the hell not?

    I'll be streaming Monday-Friday during most of the day. Stream starts this Monday 27 of May, at:

    • 9:00AM GMT-3/Buenos Aires
    • 5:00AM PDT/PST
    • 8:00AM EDT/EST
    • 1:00PM BST/GMT

    Useful links:

    • The stream
    • My Itch.io, where I'll be uploading all the games (finished or otherwise) as I make them.
    submitted by /u/Naiduren
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    How to check against profanity?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    Odd question, but I'm building my high scores server. I'm thinking of having a notification sent to me if a profane looking word is posted in a name, so I can decide to make an edit. Is threre an available list, library, or service of multi-language slurs/curse words somewhere that I can load up for checking?

    Server's written in java

    submitted by /u/febutember
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    How to texture a low poly character with Blender 2.8

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:37 AM PDT

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