• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 28, 2019

    PLEASE STOP USING THE GOOGLE CAPTCHA. It is a horrible user experience to select all the images with buses, crosswalks, store fronts! web developers

    PLEASE STOP USING THE GOOGLE CAPTCHA. It is a horrible user experience to select all the images with buses, crosswalks, store fronts! web developers

    PLEASE STOP USING THE GOOGLE CAPTCHA. It is a horrible user experience to select all the images with buses, crosswalks, store fronts!

    Posted: 27 May 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    I made a tutorial showing how to scrape an API and store the data in WordPress

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Google may almost certainly be intentionally sabotaging Chromium based Edge

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    W3C and the WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on a single version of HTML and DOM

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Web Developer jobs that don’t require React/Angular and/or overall career alternatives in NYC - where are they!?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    I just don't understand these frameworks at all, I've tried learning them, taking classes and reading their docs and just don't get it. It's just gibberish to me. My work is slowly starting to go into that direction and all other jobs around here seem to want experience in it. At this point, I don't want to even be bothered trying to learn it. I'm more of a vanilla JS/jQuery guy and want to do more E-Commerce websites.

    All the jobs I'm applying for are quizzing me on them and I bomb horribly every time.

    My skill level has maxed out and despite spending 8 hours a day, I'm just not getting better. At this point I just really don't want to be a developer anymore and want to do something else with my life.

    I tried getting into a completely different field entirely (UX) , but that is turning out to be a flop too.

    Is there anyone here that is going through or went through something similar that would be willing to share insight on what I should do?

    Let me know if I need to provide more details and I will be happy to share.

    submitted by /u/kawnah
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    DevDash, Entirely Configurable Dashboard for Developers

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    DevDash, Entirely Configurable Dashboard for Developers

    Hello everybody!

    I released not long ago the first version of DevDash, a terminal dashboard for developer, entirely configurable.

    The goal is to have the data you really need in your terminal. You can create and display an unlimited amount of dashboard with whatever widget you want.

    The configuration allow you to place your widgets, change their color, size, what data they fetch, from what API.

    For now, you can pull data from:

    • Github
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Search Console

    ... and more to come (trello, jira, gitlab...).

    I hope you like it! Don't hesitate to give me feedback, it's important for me to create something which can be useful to the community.


    submitted by /u/phantaso0s
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    So I created a Docker image for my PHP/MySQL project. Now what?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:29 PM PDT


    I've been following this tutorial to learn how to use Docker for PHP applications. It was the first time I used Docker on an actual project, and I learned a lot. However, it is not clear what I should do now. The image I created is currently on my computer. My goal is to use it on a VPS I plan on getting probably tomorrow.

    So here's what I have :

    • The source code of my application
    • My Dockerfile, used to build the image of my *application* (the MySQL database is created in a separate image/container)
    • A docker-compose.yml file that gets my app's image and MySQL's image up. It is pretty much the same than the one on the tutorial (I didn't use Redis though).

    So when I use docker-compose up, it instantiates my application in its own container, and uses MySQL's official image to create a database in its own container.

    An important thing to remember, the Dockerfile of my PHP app copies all the code source directly inside of the image, while my docker-compose.yml file creates a volume outside of the container so I can develop my website without having to rebuild the image all the time.

    So now that my app is (more or less) complete, I will have to upload it to a server. The question is : how will I deploy it ? If I use the docker-compose.yml file, then I will have an unnecessary volume. If I use just the Dockerfile instead of the docker-compose.yml, I will not have the link defined anymore, which I use in my app's code to connect to the database (the host is currently mysql instead of some IP address which will change once the app is online).

    What's your opinion on that ? Personally I think the solution with the docker-compose is the best, however I don't know the exact commands to run it. -d is for running it in the background, but then how do I restart it or reload it if necessary ?

    submitted by /u/to_fl
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    First experience with coding during an interview

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Forgive my formatting, posting this on mobile.

    I've been working at the same company for a long time and just recently started casually looking at other opportunities. I had a recruiter contact me from a company that looks like it would be good to work for and we had a short one hour interview. After that we scheduled an hour where I would work with one of their senior developers (the job was for an intermediate position) and solve a problem using CodePair.

    In the end, I didn't end up meeting their requirements, but figured I'd post my experience here in case anyone has any feedback or questions.

    The senior dev contacted me by phone and we both joined the CodePair session. We talked briefly about what I had done in the past and then got into the details of the problem I had to solve. I chose JavaScript for my language as my backend language is usually PHP and I rely on a lot of framework specific functions, whereas I'm more comfortable with vanilla JS.

    The task was to take an array of topics and users, store it in a way that separated public topics and topics assigned to each user, and then be able to accept input containing a user and a topic to determine if they could access it.

    This is a rough example of the data array: ["topic thing", "topic stats", "user john", "topic country", "topic dev", "user jane", "topic something", "topic web"]

    I had about 40 minutes to complete the task and only got as far as being able to store the data correctly before we had to move on to a final few minutes of questions. My structure in the end looked like this:

    { public: ["thing", "stats"], users: [ { name: "john", topics: ["country","dev"], }, { name: "jane", topics: ["something","web"] }, ] }

    I didn't save the function I wrote to create that, but it basically amounted to a for loop to go over each piece of data and break it into key/value pairs and then a while loop to get their topics after seeing the user key come up in the for loop.

    In the end it amounted to determining if the array element was a topic or user, if I hadn't seen any users then the topics were public, and then iterating over everything. My biggest mistake was getting nervous. I wrote a while loop to get topics pertaining to the current user incorrectly and I lost what I'm guessing is about 5-8 minutes trying to figure it out.

    All in all it was a good experience and I'm sure I'll do better next time. If anyone has any questions or tips, let me know.

    submitted by /u/MuskasBackpack
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    Just finished bootcamp, looking for advice on a position I believe I'm going to be offered.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    So a bit of background on my experience first. I started teaching myself web development a couple years back, but very off an on as I would get busy with school and work. Fast forward to February this year, I started a local web dev bootcamp and just finished it up last week. It was a great experience and I learned a lot and I know development is what I want to do. That being said, I have no relevant professional experience aside from teamwork and communication skills, just what I've learned these past few months.

    My first big questions is this: Does $17 per hour to start for someone with my experience level (and no college degree) sound right? All the students in my bootcamp have been told by instructors, directors, and some of the professional developers we met during the bootcamp that typical starting salary ranges from $40k-$50k in our region (southern-ish state). I'm willing to take a position paying less than the regional standard for the right culture fit and to get my foot in the industry, since finding that first position is the hardest. This segues into my next concern...

    The second questions is this: this potential employer is looking to bring someone on in a QA/developer role and not strictly as a developer. A 50/50 or even 75/25 split between QA/developer duties. Is this common? And more importantly, how does this affect future opportunities? Is someone in a future interview going to say well you're applying for a development position but only 1/2 or 1/4 of your professional experience is in development? What qualities/skills carry over to development coming from a QA background, if any?

    submitted by /u/villainousgamgee
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    A Beginner’s Guide to Designing for Accessibility

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Free landing page

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    Can anyone recommend a good service to use for a temporary free landing page? I'm hoping to launch a new website sometime midsummer and don't want to pay for hosting until the site is ready to go but I'd still like the url to direct to a temporary landing page. Is this possible? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/synchromysticism
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    Issue with clickable elements in iOS

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    LINK: https://c3churchatlanta.com/whats-happening/

    I have a webpage that has a calendar on it; When the event titles are clicked, the details of the event pop up. Pretty simple. Works perfectly in desktop as well as on mobile on android devices.

    iOS is another story. The elements are just for some reason not clickable when viewing from iOS, regardless of the browser (tested Safari, Chrome, and Firefox).

    So far found lots of suggestions such as adding cursor: pointer to the elements, as well as adding an event listener for touchend(); but neither have worked so far. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Not sure what other information would be useful to provide, so just ask.

    submitted by /u/LessTechnical
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    Riot Games Tech Blog article tutorial on SSR + data store injection for web apps

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Has Anybody Here Dumped Linux For WSL Yet?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    I'm a long time Ubuntu, now Pop OS, user and am curious about WSL, especially with WSL2 around the corner.

    Has anyone made the jump already, if so why?

    Are you happy/enjoying the transition, any benefits you've noticed?

    What does your setup look like?


    submitted by /u/half_way_through
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    What's the best path to director/executive? (X post from r/jobs)

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    I'm a front-end web developer working at a marketing company that is undergoing an insane amount of growth. We don't do a lot of very in-depth or complicated type development here - just a lot of DOM manipulation with JS/jQuery and CSS. Our dev team is small, but growing and my boss wants to promote me to a team leader position. This would mean me being over team members, hiring new positions, etc. This is my first real leadership position so I'm both very excited and very nervous over it. My career goal is to secure a director or executive type position down the road (either at this company or otherwise).

    My question is - how valuable is a leadership position as opposed to a more development-focused type position? I love this job and am very good at it, but as a self-taught developer, I do worry about falling behind from a development standpoint (I don't really know technologies like React/Python/Angular/etc). When it comes to future promotions or applying to future jobs, would a leadership position hold more weight or would a better knowledge of web dev? How much should I stress about learning and knowing new languages as opposed to a working knowledge of them?

    submitted by /u/sneffadi
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    Google Autocomplete Places API

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    I'm working on a small school project, that makes use of Google Autocomplete Places API.

    I tried to use it without providing billing details, I was able to use it, but there was a ~20-30 seconds wait time between each request. Now I have provided Google with my billing details. How much requests can I make free of charge to Google Autocomplete Places API? I make maybe less than 3000 requests a day, and the requests are only during development, do I need to worry that Google will charge me?

    submitted by /u/SeriousWolverine
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    Why I'm still using jQuery in 2019

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    How is this scroll effect achived?​

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    When I scroll vertically it goes horizontally. I see he has used overflow-x: scroll;. But I don't get the same effect when I try it.

    Also what has he done to make the image sizes calculate this way?


    submitted by /u/vickerslewis
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    Using something like Wufoo forms (with payment capture feature) instead of e-commerce website?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:53 PM PDT


    My thought was this, my website will have a small number of products (mechanical parts used in factories).

    It's a B2B business so the people buying these parts are professional who already know what the part is/does so they don't need an further information apart from the part number.

    So I was thinking, rather than creating a e-commerce website, I could just have a brochure website that uses something like Wufoo forms to take payment? Wufoo has a payment integration with PayPal which is what I use.

    So the customer will be able to select the part and pay from the wufoo form itself.

    Has anyone done or seen something like this?

    Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/DrillSarg2
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    Tornis - JS lib that watches the state of a browser's viewport

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to make a layout with diagonals? [Beginner Question]

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    i want to make a layout like this:


    i currently have a crude version on https://desertsunstudio.com

    my question is how would i make the two panels cover up the entirety of the screen on the top and bottom as well as allow the middle section to be accessible (rn the panels are covering the nav)

    heres the stackoverflow question that expands on the issue fully: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56344450/svg-animation-diagonal-viewbox

    submitted by /u/salonethree
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    Trying to figure out how professionals do it...

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    We are a small start-up in the Application Life cycle Management space. We are currently working on extending the functionality of some software that we are licensed to sell and service through a "plugin" type add on. We have developed several web apps that add different types of functionality. Each app has a front end web UI that has been devolved on the Foundations framework and each was created separately of each other.

    As we are trying to move from "this was a good idea and it works" to actually managing the code bases properly and get to a point where we can say "Here is a link, go download it and install it." There are several issues we are coming up on. The first is managing common things like login modals and actions, nav bars, headers, footers, error modals, ect. Because each app was created independently If I want to change a link on the nav bar I am doing it 7 times in 7 projects. I am convinced there is a better way to do this I am just not sure how its accomplished. we use git for versioning, I have looked into submodules, but that seemed like it was more library driven and while that would solve the js issues what about the HTML and CSS? I also looked into Bit, which seemed like it may be the right choice but it doesn't seem to integrate with the foundations framework. I have try so much google and I think maybe I am not asking the right question but Im starting to think I dont even know what question to ask.

    The resolution I am looking for is a way to have multiple web apps that are all their own projects, they are built seperatly, but share the common features in our overall suite of add-ons. So if I change the color of the nav bar it will change the color of the nav bar in every app. What tools, or methods do you use to accomplish this?

    As a bonus to this right now I build and compile all the code, zip it up, then unpack and copy and paste everything where it needs to go on the client computer. I feel like this is very unprofessional. I would like to be able to hand the customer some sort of executable with a setup wizard that would prompt for needed properties create the properties file and unpack all the folders where they need to go. Anyone have any experiance with doing that and can point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/Cureck
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    Need help figuring out how a website is preventing Reddit from pulling the title and thumbnail (attempt #2)

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need help identifying what is happening on this website: https://brainly.com/ to prevent Reddit from grabbing the title and thumbnail image. If you you go to a sub and add a link post the "suggest title" text says "Attention Required!" and the thumbnail refuses to show (even on pages that have proper OG meta tags)

    Any help you can provide will be extremely appreciated!


    I posted this to /r/programming last week and didn't receive any answers.

    ALSO, this was just removed from this sub because I didn't let you know what research was done on this problem ahead of time.

    Research and work done before being completely desperate and needing help:

    • I added all appropriate meta title, description, social media, and open graph tags.
    • Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are all able to grab the title and thumbnail without issue. However on Reddit this does not work. I have never experienced this before in my life.
    • I Googled the crap out of this problem and haven't been able to find anyone having the same issue on any forums, StackOverflow, or in Reddit threads.
    • I consulted a web designer friend of mine who checked to see if there were robots blocking Reddit specifically (there weren't) and they couldn't figure it out.
    • I have no idea what else I can do besides asking for your help

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/DannytheMC
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    Help, how do I replace what´s in the main domain with what I created in a subdomain?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    I created a website using wordpress (Astra + Elementor) on a subdomain (taisir.grupovpglobal.com). Now I want to replace what is in the main website (grupovpglobal.com) with everything I did on the subdomain. How do I do this?

    submitted by /u/taijabba
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    I can see your local web servers

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:55 AM PDT

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