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    Tuesday, May 28, 2019

    Looking for possible cross-platform GUI application framework/library/etc. Ask Programming

    Looking for possible cross-platform GUI application framework/library/etc. Ask Programming

    Looking for possible cross-platform GUI application framework/library/etc.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    So I've used Qt pretty extensively to create some WinAPI-based applications for personal use. I'm definitely a big fan of some aspects of it (its UI creation tools, automatic code stub generation that's hooked into those tools, the entire signal-slot paradigm, etc.) But I'm also a not-so-big fan of other aspects of it (the very definition of bloated binaries thanks to Qt's dependencies, its secondary compilation requirement, the hacky roundabout way you have to implement very simple and ubiquitous elements such as "Select All" boxes for lists, etc.)

    What I'm going to be creating soon is a cross-platform, GUI-based application with a focus on "painting" and "drawing"... kind of. As basically as I can put it:

    I'm developing an embedded arcade system from scratch, and my graphics system requires a certain format for tiles, sprites, color palettes etc. I want to be able to create these graphical elements in a similar way to how something like asesprite does it, however with certainly a much simpler toolset and with a much more specific output.

    I am wondering if there are any cross-platform GUI frameworks or libraries which will be a good fit for this project. If Qt is the answer, then so be it. I'm interested though in branching out.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/EschersEnigma
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    Have you ever used OOP as a way to take notes?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I've joined a new project team dealing with an overwhelming amount of details to keep track of! I'm looking for a better way to model my employer's internal business processes for my own understanding. Conventional note-taking makes it difficult to visualize relationships, mind maps grow burdensome to maintain, and writing a relational database app is overkill. Has anyone ever used OOP as a kludgy way to take notes or model a complicated topic? I'm curious if anyone has ever tried this before?

    submitted by /u/Mutand1s
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    Array with Variables in a Json file?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm looking at tracking values of 12 objects via Amazon Rekognition.

    Currently there's about 32 variables I want to track per item in the array, using Integers, Floats, Boolean and String Values. I don't think a Json file could support that 'Variable within an array' structure.

    I'm currently coding with Python. Is there anything you could recommend I look at?

    submitted by /u/TheLastParade
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    How to prevent fake reviews?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm thinking about building an app with reviews for different kinds of services. Are there any ways in which I can prevent someone creating multiple accounts to try to leave lots of bad/good reviews on something? I know even Google is vulnerable to this but they must have some kind of safeguards in place.

    submitted by /u/raresdn
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    What to do when motivation is gone completely?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    I just feel like my spark of interest for programming has completely fizzled out, it's been years of not finishing any projects and I don't know anything I haven't tried to maintain motivation. I've upped planning, I've worked on various development models/cycles, I've got people to test my games and they enjoy them, and so much more, but somehow I never have the drive to get any of my games to an acceptable state. These days, getting a prototype done to completion is almost a miracle. My interest has been gone for what feels like months and I've been programming for years now, I've even taken breaks during this and then tried to expand my horizons to try and get out of any ruts but nope, it just isn't working. I'm getting stressed that the spark of interest is never coming back, opening any engine or IDE now just makes me feel drained immediately.

    I'm very sorry if this post comes off as whiney because overall my life is very good right now and I'm happy, but I have spent years future-proofing this as my career and now all of a sudden I don't care, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/TT456
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    Learning c# recommendations for a first development job

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    Hiya all, so this is my first post on reddit so apologies for the incorrect formatting etc.

    So i'm just about to graduate university and I've somehow managed to land a junior dev role. Now I was originally being interviewed for a graduate position but I ended up failing to get this, the day i received confirmation i had failed, I got a telephone call offering me another role. I was sent over the job advert (being advertised internally) and it was for a c#/asp .net MVC role. 2 things i have never used, touched or got close to learning. Now i have some Java experience (very minor) from Uni, however I was pretty bad at this and preferred the web development side of things, using Node. (still not very good at this/barely a junior).

    Now they wanted me because I have actually had some experience compared to the other graduates, a) working has a chef for 8 years, b) I've had 2 internships over the summer with a web development company and non technical company (doing up their website etc). I'm really shitting it over the fact they somehow think I'm used to C# development, I never had this on my CV and it never came up in any interviews but still it worries me they think with the internships I'm more experience than I am.

    I was planning on doing some short online courses in the basics of C# and .Net over the next 5 days (before i start my new role). I realise I won't learn much but i thought it would be good to get familiar with the new environment and way of thinking but perhaps this is fucking stupid too. The company uses pluralsight so i've signed up for that as I know their c# path is well regarded and I have a course on udemy in .net that has been sitting there for about a 1/2 year waiting for me. Could anyone offer any other advice or ways I could soak up something that might help me not to look useless and be fired within an hour

    submitted by /u/john201818
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    Help With A SQL Query

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    I am trying to write a SQL query to pull income and expense data from a table. There is also a income category table and an expense category tables that are used to look up what the incomes and expenses are. The tables look like this (with sample data included):


    propertyid address
    1 1000 Sth Street


    expenseid propertyid category date amount note
    1 1 1 2019-04-05 100.00 a note


    categoryid categoryname
    1 Advertising

    The income and income_category tables are identical, other than income rather than expense. Here is what I need to pull:

    1. Every income between a given date range for a property.
    2. Every expense between a given date range for a property.
    3. I need to pull the category for the expenses and incomes using the correct lookup table.

    I believe the part above is not difficult, I just need to use a join to pull from the lookup tables. Here is where I am stumped: I need to get the total dollar amount for each category as well, for the given property and the given date range. I can get all of this with multiple queries, but I am wondering if it possible or logical to do it with two queries, one for income and one for expenses? If anyone had any input, I would appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/myworkaccount765
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    If I write a SQL dependent C# app, do users need SQL server installed?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    I am attempting to build a (local, not online) game that generates and updates a lot of data. How is this handled on the user's end if they don't have any SQL server installed? Can my compiled app include and use db files without the user having to worry about that part of it?

    submitted by /u/juiceboxbiotch
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    Don't know how to run dragged and dropped java files in Eclipse, or projects, especially GitHub projects. It always says "Debug As" and to select an Ant Build?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    Basically what the title says. I'm working with a GitHub project right now, but this has happened with any other project I tried to import or anytime I've tried to drag and drop java files into Eclipse (or simply just opening them with Eclipse). I'm not sure what an ant build is or what it does. I've always gotten around this by just copying and pasting the code from a java file into a new class or whatever I would just make with Eclipse.

    I've seen stuff online about trying to change the run configuration to Java Application, or something like that, but that's never even come up as an option? I've been very confused.

    submitted by /u/IAmNotAPerson6
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    Optimal way to get date difference with ISO-8601 formatting?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    I usually would use a lib or something to get the time elapsed between two dates. I was thinking there might be some "fun" and quick way to get the time elapsed with a base365 system on the ISO-8601 date/time formatting. I'll write it up in Python tonight if no one has anything to share outside of libs.

    submitted by /u/but_how_do_i_go_fast
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    Best way to manage code base for cross platform GUI application?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I know there are some cross platform GUI toolkits like QT, and GTK. Also frameworks like Electron. However, let's say I don't want to use one of these, and want to use something native for each OS. What is the standard way to organize a project in this case? Multiple github repos? Multiple branches (app-linux, app-windows, app-osx)?

    How was it done before all these fancy frameworks started coming out? Should I even bother with this, or should I just give in and use something like electron or build a progressive web app?

    Sorry, this turned into like 3 questions.

    submitted by /u/largepongus
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    Stuck on python assignment.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    Yea I hate myself , and I'm an idiot in python. I have no idea how to go about finishing my code in this assignment. Can someone point me in the right direction?


    submitted by /u/lolzmadmaster
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    What languages, *plural*, do you consider absolutely essential to any and every software developer?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    I see a lot of discussion of 'what's the best language¹' or 'what's the best first language for a new programmer to learn²'; but I'm realizing I've never seen a good thorough discussion of that approximate topic from the point of view of experienced developers³, those with a diverse toolbox of languages and frameworks.

    So, Reddit, which programming languages do you think every single developer should learn during their career? What do you think an ideal Programmer's Toolbox contains? (Answers needn't be specifically for 'advanced' developers; nor do they specifically need to be accessible to beginners.)

    1. lol, fam. no. just no.

    2. JavaScript or Ruby. If you disagree, you're objectively wrong. 😇

    3. i.e. those of us who know that languages are just a tool like any other, and that knowing a large variety of them is a damned good idea. 😋

    submitted by /u/elliottcable
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    I just graduated high school and just got an internship for Node JS development. What are your experiences with high school interns and what advice do you have?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Why is WORA better than WOCA?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    What's the difference between distributing a compiled program to different platforms and distributing the source code to be compiled from the different platforms? Is it about time usage or the way the program will run on different platforms?

    submitted by /u/HiTek_142857
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    Choosing language for website development

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    First of all I apologize for what I imagine is a common/basic question. I've tried searching with no luck.

    I'm looking for very general/broad advice on choosing a language to learn to create a photography driven website.

    The primary purpose of the site will be to display my wildlife photography. I envision having all the information about my photos in a database (I am familiar with MySQL but am open to something new). Then I would like to build a simple application that allows users to filter in various ways, utilizing the information stored in the database.

    I am familiar with HTML and develop things in VB.NET often for work. Would people typically use PHP or JavaScript for what I'm trying to do? What do you all think would work well for this project, and be most useful as I expand the website down the road?

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/TheEntosaur
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    Virtual Assistant Help

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:33 PM PDT

    Ive been working on a smart virtual assistant (can pretty much deduce what you're asking it as long as there's a module available for it) and midway i stopped to ask myself if there's any offline virtual assistant library or program where I can do the same, that way I dont waste my time making something that someone else probably made better.

    submitted by /u/Floppy3--Disck
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    Display (on the same window) and Save images using matplotlib dynamically

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    I am trying to save images by pre-processing audio files and converting them into spectrograms. By using matlotlib, the below code keeps saving the image as the same file i.e., there is only one image saved in the end and that is the last one. I am also trying for matplotlib to display images on the same window by using fig.canvas.draw() and fig.canvas.flush_events() as explained here (although fig.canvas.update()) throws an error.

    How do I rectify this? So, I want to:

    • display matplotlib images on the same window (since it would be fast as explained in the linked article)
    • save images as we display them in preferably a different folder on the same directory.

    How can this be done?

    for file in glob.glob("*.wav"): print(f"Pre-Processing file: {file}") data, sr = librosa.core.load(file, sr=sampling_rate, res_type='kaiser_fast') i = 0 # apply padding padded_data = padding(data, sr, input_length) if use_mfcc: data = mfcc(padded_data, sampling_rate, n_mfcc) else: data = preprocessing_fn(padded_data)[:, np.newaxis] pcen_S = pcen(data, sr) denoised_data = waveletDenoising(pcen_S) #Plotting and Saving fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) plt.ion() plt.show() # print(data.shape) ax.imshow(denoised_data) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.savefig(f"spec_wavelet{i}.jpg", dpi=500, bbox_inches="tight", quality=95, pad_inches=0.0) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() i += 1 # pylab.savefig('spec_wavelet.jpg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.show() 
    submitted by /u/ZER_0_NE
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    Anyone know how to create this "Seat View"? searching in the web but cant seem to find it.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    Why isn't there a program people can use to just make money for them? Is it too complex a thing yet?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:28 AM PDT

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