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    Tuesday, May 28, 2019

    I made a threading guide for beginners. learn programming

    I made a threading guide for beginners. learn programming

    I made a threading guide for beginners.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    After searching for days on internet, and not being able to find a good quality, easy, and detailed tutorial on threading, I've decided to make my own tutorial series. Hopefully it will be helpfully to a newbie like me, and will help them save time. Here is the part-1 of the series.


    submitted by /u/gostewpid
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    Learning N64 MIPS

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently trying to learn N64 assembly. I am doing so by reading the existing disassembled code of a game and figuring out what each thing does from there. I learned gameboy assembly like that from looking through the Pokemon Red Disassembly on GitHub and using the official Gameboy Assembly Manual. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything that simple for the N64, and learning this is like trying to shove a brick through my ear. It's just going nowhere.

    For example: The 3rd line of code for Ocarina of Time's code.zasm file is this
    addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFC8

    I assume that is subtracting 56 from the value of the stack pointer and re-assigning the result TO the stack pointer, but I don't understand why. Even worse, I don't seem to fully understand the syntax because later things confuse me more.

    sw $ra, 0x001C($sp) ; I think this means it's storing the value of the return address register to the current stack pointer plus 0x001C, but I'm not sure

    sw s0, 0x0018($sp) ; And this is storing the value of the first saved register to the stack, but I don't know where in the stack. I don't know if it's from the last place it left off (sp + 0x001C) or from just sp + 0x0018.

    Then the last thing that confuses me horribly.

    I have these two lines of code:

    lui at, 0x40C0

    mtc1 at, $f4

    I don't recognize the register 'at' and even worse, I know that lui at, 0x40C0 makes it 0x40C00000

    but then the next instruction stores a floating point value in the same register according the the manual that tells me what mtc1 does. I'm not sure what the value would be. The disassembly tells me that $f4 = 6.000000 but I don't know why.

    Sorry for the ridiculous number of questions, but I really want to understand this, and it's nowhere near as easy as GB assembly. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mallos42
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    C++ question

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    Whom to follow and where to learn C++ to be a pro from scratch ?

    submitted by /u/1150-Laxh-0722
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    Java or .NET/C#

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    I'm currently looking to join a coding bootcamp. At Coding Dojo, the Los Angeles campus teaches Java as one of their stacks and the Orange County campus teaches .NET/C#.

    Which should I choose?

    Any advice helps. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MichaelPaulfv
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    Feeling very overwhelmed learning Web Development, worried I'm not retaining a lot of the material being taught. What can I do to ensure I'm holding onto the skills I'm supposed to be learning?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:57 PM PDT

    This term I'm taking an intermediate/advanced CSS class as well as an intro to JavaScript/jQuery (also a beginner Wordpress class, but it feels secondary to JS and jQ at this point).

    I'm getting good grades in these classes, but I think that's more reflective of how the assignments are designed to walk you through every step. As I learn this week's material, I'll forget most everything I learned last week. I dont know how I'm supposed to learn and retain all this new information. Each week feels isolated from the previous week and so I'm not retaining what I just learned. I was hoping everything would be re-integrated towards the middle-end of the term, but I'm looking ahead and it seems as though I'll be learning new topics until the end of class. I'm sad these classes didn't choose to fortify what they taught, instead it's a vomit of new material each week which ends up having no context in my brain so it slips from my memory.

    Has anyone else gone to school for Web Dev and ran into this problem? What solutions did you find?

    submitted by /u/twislebutt
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    I want to make Dungeons & Dragons for phones

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    Is it too big for a first time project? I have a little under 2 years of experience with Python. Especially for the last few months I've been coding my heart out and making small baby projects here and there. I think its finlly time to do something that pushes me out of my comfort zone. This is something I've been wanting to do for a really long time mostly because as a kid, my parents and my sister never realy wanted to play board games with me so I never got to try out this amazing game. I don't completely understand how D&D works but I do know the basics and I'm willing to stick with it for as long as it takes (although it would be great if I could finish this by October and be able to mention this in my college appliations but nevermind that). Do you think I have my head in the clouds and need to be brought back down to reality?

    submitted by /u/ErisedKT
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    Summer level up in programming.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Quick overview of myself.

    I'm junior at a state school and I am a computer science major. This summer I have not applied for internships and would really like to use this time to level up in programming.

    This semester that just ended, has been a real struggle, we had c++ projects and I struggled really bad. Not only am I bad at programming but my base(data structures) is extremely weak. Next semester I have a class that uses Java and honestly I forgot most of my java and I really need to work on my programming skills.

    So a question I have is, how do I go about improving my programming skills(in java this time) my data structure skills and my overall skills to prepare for internships next summer (2020).

    submitted by /u/ReallyMovinUp
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    What's the point in truth tables?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    Just recapping on basic Python stuff and the video I'm watching is talking about truth tables, stuff like this:


    What's the point in saying False or False? I mean, if there's a point in remembering the truth tables then maybe I'll make a flashcard for them but is there any real point?

    submitted by /u/Bunny_Wabbit
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    It it worth learning non computer science skills

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Hi I am a junior in college double majoring in computer science with a concentration in software development and finance. I have always been interested in different learning skills such as 3d animation, photoshop, and autocad. I have done a few YouTube tutorials on them but never dove deep into learning them due to not knowing if it would help my career. I still want to learn one just as a hobby so I was wondering if any of you learned these types of skills and if so did it help in your programming career.


    submitted by /u/driverone1013
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    Learn Programming

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:19 AM PDT

    Is the Youtube channel 'The New Boston' good for learning languages ?

    submitted by /u/1150-Laxh-0722
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    3D wireframe cube - back face culling - I'm either really close or way, way off!

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:17 AM PDT

    I've modified Code from Colin Ord here to try and implement back face culling. I've got to the point where 4 of the 6 cube faces are periodically disappearing but it isn't back face culling. I feel like it's either something really simple like the vertice order is wrong or I'm miles off and it's never going to work. I'm using the shoelace formula to find the area of each face of the cube and then not drawing it if the area is negative - ie. facing away. Can anyone give any insight or pointers?
    There is a short video of the cube in action here - https://youtu.be/WP3mBSFrKrA


    //3D_Cube for Arduino OLED module by Colin Ord, 9/1/2015 //A port of my original JustBasic Cube_3D demo to the Arduino Uno using U8G library. //modified to use U8g2.lib by Okubo Heavy Industries - May 2019 //#include "U8glib.h" #include <U8g2lib.h> //the line below specific to the OLED being used U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); float tx, nx, p; float ty, ny, py; float rot, rotx, roty, rotz, rotxx, rotyy, rotzz, rotxxx, rotyyy, rotzzz; int i; //0 to 360 int fl, scale; //focal length int wireframe[24][2]; float normala; float normalb; float normalc; float normald; float normale; float normalf; int originx = 64; int originy = 32; //32 //Store cube vertices int fd = 0; //0=orthographic void Cube(); void setup(void) { u8g2.begin(); //Clear Screen u8g2.firstPage(); do { // empty screen } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); } void draw_vertices(void) { u8g2.drawPixel (rotxxx, rotyyy); } void draw_wireframe(void) { normala = { (wireframe[0][0]*wireframe[1][1] - wireframe[0][1]*wireframe[1][0]) + (wireframe[1][0]*wireframe[2][1] - wireframe[1][1]*wireframe[2][0]) + (wireframe[2][0]*wireframe[3][1] - wireframe[2][1]*wireframe[3][0]) + (wireframe[3][0]*wireframe[0][1] - wireframe[3][1]*wireframe[0][0]) }; if (normala >=0) { //Face A u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1], wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1], wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1], wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1], wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1]); } normalb = { (wireframe[0][0]*wireframe[4][1] - wireframe[0][1]*wireframe[4][0]) + (wireframe[4][0]*wireframe[5][1] - wireframe[4][1]*wireframe[5][0]) + (wireframe[5][0]*wireframe[1][1] - wireframe[5][1]*wireframe[1][0]) + (wireframe[1][0]*wireframe[0][1] - wireframe[1][1]*wireframe[0][0]) }; if (normalb >=0) { //Face B u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1], wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1], wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1], wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1], wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1]); } normalc = { (wireframe[4][0]*wireframe[5][1] - wireframe[4][1]*wireframe[5][0]) + (wireframe[5][0]*wireframe[6][1] - wireframe[5][1]*wireframe[6][0]) + (wireframe[6][0]*wireframe[7][1] - wireframe[6][1]*wireframe[7][0]) + (wireframe[7][0]*wireframe[4][1] - wireframe[7][1]*wireframe[4][0]) }; if (normalc >=0) { //Face C u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1], wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1], wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1], wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1], wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1]); } normald = { (wireframe[3][0]*wireframe[7][1] - wireframe[3][1]*wireframe[7][0]) + (wireframe[7][0]*wireframe[6][1] - wireframe[7][1]*wireframe[6][0]) + (wireframe[6][0]*wireframe[2][1] - wireframe[6][1]*wireframe[2][0]) + (wireframe[2][0]*wireframe[3][1] - wireframe[2][1]*wireframe[3][0]) }; if (normald >=0) { //Face D u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1], wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1], wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1], wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1], wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1]); } normale = { (wireframe[0][0]*wireframe[4][1] - wireframe[0][1]*wireframe[4][0]) + (wireframe[4][0]*wireframe[7][1] - wireframe[4][1]*wireframe[7][0]) + (wireframe[7][0]*wireframe[3][1] - wireframe[7][1]*wireframe[3][0]) + (wireframe[3][0]*wireframe[0][1] - wireframe[3][1]*wireframe[0][0]) }; if (normale >=0) { //Face E u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1], wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[4][0], wireframe[4][1], wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[7][0], wireframe[7][1], wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[3][0], wireframe[3][1], wireframe[0][0], wireframe[0][1]); } normalf = { (wireframe[1][0]*wireframe[5][1] - wireframe[1][1]*wireframe[5][0]) + (wireframe[6][0]*wireframe[6][1] - wireframe[5][1]*wireframe[6][0]) + (wireframe[6][0]*wireframe[2][1] - wireframe[6][1]*wireframe[2][0]) + (wireframe[2][0]*wireframe[1][1] - wireframe[2][1]*wireframe[1][0]) }; if (normalf >=0) { //Face F u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1], wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[5][0], wireframe[5][1], wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[6][0], wireframe[6][1], wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1]); u8g2.drawLine(wireframe[2][0], wireframe[2][1], wireframe[1][0], wireframe[1][1]); } } void Cube(){ int cube_vertex[8][3] = { {-20, -20, 20}, {20, -20, 20}, {20, 20, 20}, { -20, 20, 20}, { -20, -20, -20}, {20, -20, -20}, {20, 20, -20}, { -20, 20, -20}, }; for (int angle = 0; angle <= 360; angle = angle + 3) { u8g2.firstPage(); do { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { rot = angle * 0.0174532; //0.0174532 = one degree //rotateY rotz = cube_vertex[i][2] * cos(rot) - cube_vertex[i][0] * sin(rot); rotx = cube_vertex[i][2] * sin(rot) + cube_vertex[i][0] * cos(rot); roty = cube_vertex[i][1]; //rotateX rotyy = roty * cos(rot) - rotz * sin(rot); rotzz = roty * sin(rot) + rotz * cos(rot); rotxx = rotx; //rotateZ rotxxx = rotxx * cos(rot) - rotyy * sin(rot); rotyyy = rotxx * sin(rot) + rotyy * cos(rot); rotzzz = rotzz; //orthographic projection rotxxx = rotxxx + originx; rotyyy = rotyyy + originy; //store new vertices values for wireframe drawing wireframe[i][0] = rotxxx; wireframe[i][1] = rotyyy; wireframe[i][2] = rotzzz; draw_vertices(); } draw_wireframe(); u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_u8glib_4_hf); u8g2.setCursor(10, 50); u8g2.print(rotxxx); u8g2.setCursor(10, 56); u8g2.print(rotyyy); u8g2.setCursor(10, 62); u8g2.print(rotzzz); } while (u8g2.nextPage()); } } void loop(void) { //picture loop Cube(); } 
    submitted by /u/okuboheavyindustries
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    (C) Need hints with populating array from tree traversal

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:11 AM PDT

    I have been practicing tree traversals and got it down just fine without googling anything, now I want to do stuff with the tree and my first idea was to populate an array with the node values. I dont want to google this, I have time to learn and just want some hints so I came here. my function to populate array with node is below.

    //arr post int arrPost(struct node* node){ int arr[5]; if(node==NULL){ return 0; } else{ for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ arr[i]=node->data; printf("%d",arr[i]); } } return 0; } 

    i know the return 0; will annoy alot of you I just wanted to avoid errors that I think have nothing to do with the array population because im printing it within the function as well (ie, return doesnt matter to me... or should it)

    edit: my output is 111111

    submitted by /u/hildrisking
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    What should I learn next?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:59 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a beginner in C# language and been learning it for 3 months and I have learned the basics oop and working around with console application and been a few days started working with Windows form application and Im reading a book about C# also a bit old (PROFESSIONAL C# 2008) but i just found it lying around in my home :P And my question is am I going the right way or am I skipping some other importent stuffs and also what else I need to learn so eventually I can start making small applications or games to practice.

    I know the basics of c and cpp(limited to console application) and also learning java script. Any advice would helpful. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Newb-Dupe
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    Google Cloud Proffesional certification prerequisites

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    So Google suggests 3 years of industry experience and 1 year of managing cloud solutions. That is the certification I want to do. I currently am a beginner in Python Machine Learning. I want to be a Machine Learning engineer. And I know ML engineer doing that course and working on cloud platforms. Thats what I want to do. Currently I am in college, by the time I leave college, I want to have enough knowledge that is in 3-4 years, i want to be able to be sit for that certification exam. Can anybody suggest me a full path which I can follow ?

    submitted by /u/SwastikDas
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    Graph Adjacency List

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:35 PM PDT

    When making an adjacency list, are we storing the Vertices or the Edges?

    In my class notes, we are storing Vertices, but my professor never covered making an adjacency list for a weighted graph. Everywhere I'm seeing people are storing Edges in their adjacency lists when dealing with weighted graphs. Is that just the difference right there, or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/IndieHamster
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    Is it possible to write an article using only keywords?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:09 PM PDT

    I was working on keyword extraction on python and I had a thought whether it is possible to write an article using only certain keywords? Are there any existing algorithms? Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/h_space
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    How to keep simplifying? (Boolean algebra)

    Posted: 27 May 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    I'm doing some circuits and simplifying an expression, eventually I got to this: (ÃBÄŒ)+(AB̃ÄŒ)+C, and I figured I would factor the ÄŒ to get: ÄŒ(ÃB+AB̃)+C and I just got stuck there. Then I passed that expression through an online simplifier and got the following as output: AB̃+ÃB+C (it works) but I just cannot understand which laws were used to reach this result (technically eliminating the ÄŒ?) Any help? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Dashaund
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    Install Path and File Inclusion Question - Language VB 2017

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    I am working on a program and need to fix the install path and include files with it. When I try to include them with the automated "Publish" option, the created installer program does not install to where I would like it to (somewhere in 'userdata' I think). I would like it to install the program to "c:\myfolder\myprogram", but I don't know how to do this with the automated process. I also need to have a directory in the program that connects configuration files the program calls on. I imagine these two are part of the same process, but then again I am new to this so.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/RocketBallsct
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    What is the difference between int x{} and int x = 0? And what about int x{5} and int x = 5?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I saw an answer for the first comparison in Stack Overflow. The top reply said that int x = 0 is an example of copy initialization, where in this case x is initialized with the value 0. In the case of int x{} , it is apparently an example of zero initialization. What exactly is zero initialization? Does it initialize x with 0 in a different way? As far as I know, in both methods both variables are assigned the value 0, right?

    As for the second comparison, that's just to see what would be different if there was an integer value inside the {} in int x{} and whether or not that would change the way that x would be initialized by int x{}.

    This is supremely confusing for me, and I don't remember seeing an answer to this in learncpp (the website that I am using to learn more about C++).

    submitted by /u/SenseDeletion
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    List of Strings field for a Web API in DotNet Entity Framework

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Honestly, no I have not tried learning dotnet. I'm programming in Java. However, me and my friend have a project in which we are both building 2 Web APIs. His API is dotnet 2 based. Mine is Java 8. He's using Entity Framework, I'm using Spring Framework JPA. Problem is, we've agreed on this API Response Spec:

    [ { "id":1, "questions":[ "Why art thou?", "Thou art I?" ], "scheduleId":1 } ]

    Specifically regarding the questions field, in Spring JPA (Java( this is a piece of cake. Just create an object with a field of List<String> and play around with the annotations. But in Entity Framework (dotnet), apparently it's a different case. Unlike in Spring JPA, the tables aren't automatically generated by the ORM. So me and my friend (who's fairly new to dotnet) are trying to figure out how to do so. Can somebody help us out?

    submitted by /u/imthecapedbaldy
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    Data Science and Machine Learning

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    I'm very interested in things like machine learning and artificial intelligence and would really like to learn how to program an AI, so I enrolled in the Intro to Data Science with Python course by UMich on Coursera. I just wanted to know if it's beneficial for me to be taking this data science specialization because I heard that it's best to learn data science prior to diving into the world of AI and machine learning. Or am I better off just taking courses on TensorFlow and AI? This is the course I'm currently taking.

    submitted by /u/ogyk24
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    How do I create a desktop application with a web interface?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've been looking on what thing to try to build next and I really can't wrap my head around this concept. So I need some help with the logic behind this idea:

    I want a desktop application that has a web interface. For example: A website where. i enter some text and press a button and now theres a messagebox on my screen displaying that text.

    I know that I must host a HTTP server and load my website there but that is really everything I know and I'm wondering how this could be done, even just a quick summary of how it works and some things I can search would be nice.

    Thanks in advance for your time

    submitted by /u/MoistQuacker
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    Lightweight responsive carousel

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    What do you guys think would be the best lightweight and responsive carousel/slider (is there a difference btw?) to download? I'm already using Bootstrap and JQuery, if that matters. And I want to be able to have multiple items at once, not just one.

    And would it even be the best route to use a plugin, or should I just try making the built-in Bootstrap carousel responsive and multi-item capable by using javascript and media queries... (like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20007610/bootstrap-carousel-multiple-frames-at-once)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AProgrammerZ
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