• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    You can no longer trust the URL: "AMP pages displaying your own domain" by Google (with Cloudflare support) web developers

    You can no longer trust the URL: "AMP pages displaying your own domain" by Google (with Cloudflare support) web developers

    You can no longer trust the URL: "AMP pages displaying your own domain" by Google (with Cloudflare support)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Mozilla bringing Python interpreter to browsers, allowing it to talk to JS directly

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Would anyone be interested in free portfolio/resume reviews with a senior product designer and a fullstack dev live on stream?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    I made a post before about streaming mock interviews that got decent interest, which I'm trying to flesh out and schedule. Is there interest for having portfolios looked at live on stream?

    The critique would be done by me, mid-level fullstack engineer, and a friend, senior UI/UX/Product designer. We both have experience interviewing and reviewing portfolios/resumes (him more-so). This would be held in a very respectful way, and you could sit with us in Discord and ask questions if you'd like.

    The chat would be moderated so we could filter negative comments for the sake of being negative. I think it'd be nice to allow constructive criticism though from the chat.

    If anyone has feedback on how to make this idea more helpful, please reach out.

    If interested in participating, please message or leave a comment.

    EDIT: Anyone that left/leaves a comment expressing interest, I will PM you by tomorrow with further details!

    submitted by /u/csaccnt
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    Just how hard is it to learn web development?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    I've been trying to learn web dev for a couple years but every time I've went past HTML/CSS and into JavaScript I get lost and give up. I would say the 2 markup languages I'm pretty intermediate level with I can build a static site from scratch with looking up a little bit of different tags and styles to use, but as soon as I get to actual programming(JavaScript) I go clueless. Can anyone help me out? How did it take you to get it or when did it just "click"?

    submitted by /u/ztay90
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    I just lost my job: Help me stay sane with some code projects!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    So, long story short, I just got fired a few hours ago. I'm not here to complain, though.

    Instead, I want some code projects to work on while I hunt for a new job and try to improve my skills further to meet the needs of current employers.

    Previously, I've always been the "jack of all trades" guy. Front-end, back-end, design, branding, everything. No real opportunities to work on modern tech aside from Wordpress, though, which only came about because enough clients needed it to justify it.. And even then, I wasn't allowed to get too fancy, because I was the only one with code experience. All our other sites are built using one of those iffy hosted/managed CMSes that are just a PITA for people like me.

    So, I've been working on pushing myself lately. I signed up on Codewars.com. I've started a GitHub for random crap I come up with. Problem is, I really want some good projects that can help me get a new job in the front-end dev field (or back-end, or whatever).

    I've got a few things I'm considering. Building a resume website utilizing React (first time using it; studied, but never built anything) on the front-end, with a PHP/MySQL backend API. I've got a React/Node.JS (once again, never used Node before) web app for people like me who suffer from chronic pain that I've been planning for a bit, but honestly am not sure how far I want to go with it, as I'd never be able to put it up live (hosting costs), and there are already countless apps that do what I was planning.

    I feel like the ideal for me would be smaller stuff. Scripts that solve problems. Maybe Wordpress plugins. Things that I don't have to sit and work on for months at a time, but stuff I can crank out quickly while still being useful.

    Where do I start? Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/classicwfl
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    My Web Developer Roadmap, Opinions

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    Devs who have worked at a digital agency, what do you wish you would have known before starting there?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Freelancers, what is your refund and cancellation policy?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Also, what is your overall payment plan?

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    Any recommend service to use for donations on website (client does not like PayPal)?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I have a super-small, non-profit website that is currently collecting donations via a PayPal link to a donate form. I know that PayPal is not great but this method seems to work well enough, it even allows for recurring donations.

    They, however, do not like that they have manually transfer donations from PayPal to their bank account (1st World Problems, right?)

    I personally like Stripe but I do not see that they have any ready-to-use (free) donation form services.

    Does anyone have any recommend companies or services to try that may work better than PayPal's built-in donations forms and also auto-transfer the funds to their bank?

    submitted by /u/quantumized
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    Should/do Full Stack Developers Exist?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    Does this thing exist? (Something that takes a snapshot of the DOM)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    I am attempting to take a snapshot of the DOM at a specific point during when my vue app is loading. I am trying to look at some styles that change after the app is loaded. Does something that will allow me to snapshot the DOM at a particular moment exist?

    submitted by /u/NidHammer
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    Currently the mobile menu on my site is very boring. How can I make it look similar to the example below?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Title says it all. My site: intentionaldetours.com

    What I want (generally) = lostwithpurpose.com

    View on mobile to see.

    submitted by /u/Barrythehippo
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    Why are images not showing up on facebook when I link to this website?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Edit: fixed it. For the next person with this frustration: Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/, put in your url, then click Scrape Again.

    When I post a link to this website on my facebook feed, the images show up blank. If I put https:// in front of the link, it gives me my og:image pic. https://www.hoffmanbrosinc.com. But not if I only type in www.hoffmanbrosinc.com.

    Here is a link to what I see when posting. It looks the same when I click publish: https://imgur.com/a/th46CIS

    I believe the OG Tags are set up correctly:

     <title>Hoffman Bros, Inc. Excavating Contractors – Michigan and Illinois</title> <meta name="description" content="Hoffman Bros, Inc. Excavating Contractors – Michigan and Illinois" /> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Hoffman Bros, Inc. Excavating Contractors" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Hoffman Bros, Inc. Excavating Contractors – Michigan and Illinois" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://www.hoffmanbrosinc.com" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" https://www.hoffmanbrosinc.com/images/hoffman-bros.jpg" /> <meta property="og:description" content=" Hoffman Bros, Inc.Excavating Contractors – Michigan and Illinois" /> 

    Can anyone help me figure out why the images are coming up blank like that? It is very frustrating.

    submitted by /u/No-Insult-Intended
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    Got a front-end internship this summer, looking for resources to sharpen my skills!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    Any books/videos/articles you guys recommend to really practice, learn best practices, sharpen my skills and whatnot before the start of summer?

    Any help would be very appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dannerdarko
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    Google Map API ToS question about storing lat/lng for dragged marker

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    This question is related to Google's ToS but also application design in order to be ToS compliant. If this is the wrong sub please direct me to a more appropriate one.

    Google's ToS for the Maps API doesn't allow storing lat/lng in a database for more than 30 days for a Geocoded address. Google does allow storing their proprietary "location id" but their "location id" is really only valid for a Geocoded address, not a dragged marker with an "ad hoc" lat/lng.

    The application I have to build will be used to place makers on a map for which there is NOT an address. In other words I am not Geocoding an address, I am opening a map, the user places/drags a marker and I need to store the lat/lng for the placed maker in a database. I have to persist this information... the whole point of the app is to persist this information. Is storing the lat/lng for a dragged marker allowed under Google's map api ToS? If not is there some design that would allow us to be compliant with Google's ToS? Is there a Google API that would allows us to create our own "location id" for a a dragged marker (which we can then persist in a db)? Or is there some application design that would meet the requirement to store the dragged pin lat/lng in a db yet still be ToS compliant?

    submitted by /u/NullPoint3r
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    Advanced user tracking over time?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    This is ( I think ) my first post, so if it's in the wrong place I apologize. I'm relatively new to reddit.

    I recently started working with a new client where I'm driving traffic to their website to hopefully generate sales. My question is if there is a way to track visitors over a long period of time through the use of cookies or IP's or some other method?

    So basically I want to know:

    What users clicked my link and went there the first time. Also, if that same user goes back maybe a month later that they are the same user that came from me initially.

    This way I can show/prove that people coming from my source are generating sales overtime and not just on any given day of promotion. Is this possible at all to track people / users over a long period of time? Can it be done without having them sign up, or log into your website? Any information, links, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Even if you could just point me in the right direction that would be great.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I look forward to any and all replies I can get on this.

    submitted by /u/HunterFogarty
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    How do I collect previous work for a portfolio at previous jobs?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    So i'll be taking up a job for 6 weeks in the summer, i've worked for this business for a few weeks to test the water and have come out with nothing to show for it portfolio wise.

    My question is, say i'm working on the backend or front end of a website, how would i gather the work i did and present it to future employers?

    Is it possible to present a website you built or helped build and say 'i did this, this and this'. If not, what other ways do i collect and show the projects i worked on and what i did to help.

    submitted by /u/m1nted
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    A year as a webdev, still not convinced

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    A year ago i got hired as a webdev. I'm working mainly with Ruby and Linux. I do many different things, development build and deploy apps, maintaining Linux environment and so on.

    However, in my company i'm the only one doing such a job, i never have someone to talk about choices i made or some kind of a mentor. I'm learning everything by myself and sometimes I don't really know if what i am doing is correct or wrong. Google and Stackoverflow are my best friends there, i feel the need to speak with some colleagues, to share experiences and knowledge but there aren't any (they all do embedded programming). It's like i'm not learning anything new, but just doing my job thanks to my college knowledge.

    How would you handle a situation like this? Sometimes i am really thinking to change company in order to have the opportunity to learn more and improve my knowledge of tech tools.

    submitted by /u/alpoco17
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    how can i do a Date Picker with Flask

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    how can i do a Date Picker with Flask

    submitted by /u/goodwiins
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    How we secured our payment pages using a Content Security Policy

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    Setup Express with TypeScript in 3 Easy Steps

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    'Mod_rewrite and .htacess?'---how difficult is this?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    HI Friends,

    I'm trying to SETUP a directory site rewrite script but coming up empty. The URL Result i am seeking will look like 'mysite.com/country/state/city/targetsite'

    I recently purchased a udemy course on this subject but it fails (or i'm failing) to get the big picture on how (-.htacess, -mod_rewrite) WORKS??

    I searched high/low on you tube for videos that explain the nuts and bolts of 'how' it works (but no luck). I've done countless search on this and come up empty


    1. How difficult is this to Implement?
    2. Does anyone have a decent webpage or video OR A COURSE that they can share on 'how mod_rewrite works?'


    thanks for your constructive input...

    submitted by /u/7-t-7
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    Domain expired. Registrar is in jail. What do we do?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but we are in desperation mode.

    Our company hired a freelancer to build our website. He was a friend who owned his own web design company.

    After several months, he went out of biz and we found someone new, who has been great. He was able to connect the website to the domain, but was never able to acquire the URL.

    Well, today the domain expired. We have tried all day to get ahold of the domain registrant before finding out he is currently in jail.

    We have reached out to GoDaddy to either pay of the domain on his behalf, acquire the domain, and everything inbetween, but they need a photo ID, his 4-digit pin or the last 8 digits of the CC used to purchase the domain. None of which we have.

    Our website is currently down, as is our email. We need to get this solved ASAP. Does anyone have any advice?


    submitted by /u/MSpil
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    new reddit scroll bar behavior

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    how does reddit make the main scroll bar control the scrolling of a modal when one clicks on items

    submitted by /u/cultulhul
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    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    I'm building a website, normally I use bootstrap, because it's quick. But now I've a design that is very unusual when it comes to the grid system, and want more flexibility with the layout. I obviously don't want to make my own grid, when there are tons of them already. What grid system/flexboxes do you use?

    submitted by /u/Emilek1337
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