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    Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    Wired Elements 1.0: Hand-Drawn, Sketchy UI Elements for the Web web developers

    Wired Elements 1.0: Hand-Drawn, Sketchy UI Elements for the Web web developers

    Wired Elements 1.0: Hand-Drawn, Sketchy UI Elements for the Web

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I Sell Onions on the Internet

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 02:01 AM PDT

    Storeon: "Redux" in 173 bytes from the creator of PostCSS

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    WebSockets - A Conceptual Deep-Dive

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Any tips or tricks you wish you would've figured out sooner as a remote dev?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I am going to transition to full remote work in 30 days and wanted to know if there is anything you figured out after a few months/years of remote work that you wish you would've known the whole time?

    Processes, products, techniques, trade secrets, fun ways to avoid burnout, etc. all very appreciated.

    Extra info:

    It will be at the same company I have been working at for a while now so workflow and process will all be the same as well as I will still know all the staff.

    I will be commuting to the office once a month for important client meetings / team meetings / having some facetime in the office.

    Dev comp setup is a 13" macbook pro with a 15" asus Zen mobile monitor for working out of the office and an apple thunderbolt display so working at my home office setup. Bluetooth Mouse and noise cancelling headphones.

    I am planning on setting up a standing desk (im getting fat sitting all day), getting a large whiteboard ( I like to visually layout complex functionality flowcharts ) and buying a plant of some kind (recommendations of type of plant appreciated), but dont really know what else to buy

    submitted by /u/KonyKombatKorvet
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    Don't be like Accenture

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp


    submitted by /u/petron
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    Chrome 74 adds some new features

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    - mostly fixed a buncha bugs
    - they added "prefers-reduced-motion" to media queries which will destroy your animations :)

    submitted by /u/Ravavyr
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    Building a pure CSS animated SVG spinner

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 02:36 AM PDT

    Headless CMS Pricing

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    The way I see it, there are 3 ways headless CMS price themselves:

    1. Pricing Based on Features

    Pricing models based on features is one of the most popular ways to segment tiers of a headless CMS. On a sliding scale, the smaller projects get less features up to full enterprise, which has access to all features the CMS has to offer.


    • Pay for the tools you need. If your project doesn't need certain business-grade features, you don't have to pay for them.
    • Less clutter in the platform.


    • Building a proof of concept in a smaller tier may not be accurate, as there is not full access to the platform.
    • Limited access can be detrimental. As projects morph, you may need to upgrade into a more expensive tier just to gain access to new tools.

    2. Pricing Based on Content Entry

    Another pricing model that appears to make sense on the surface is pricing for content models or content entries. The size of a project is largely defined by the number of content entries, rows, or records in a project. As such, pricing corresponds directly to the number of content entries in a platform. Before committing to a headless CMS that prices based on content entries, consult with a solution engineer to ensure your content is accurately quoted.


    • Pay as you grow. As projects grow, so too does pricing correspond directly.
    • Extremely predictable and controllable. Your team knows when they will be entering more content according to a content calendar, so you can expect price increases accordingly.


    • Discourages use of the platform. The more content you enter, the more you will be charged. So, teams tend to be judicious to a fault so as not to enter too much content in a system that charges them more.
    • Estimating content models, types, and records can be difficult and fluctuates.

    3. Pricing Based on Data

    Pricing based on data largely corresponds to the data transfer in requests, whether they be JSON requests, media requests, etc. This pricing model is for projects big and small to be charged according to content demand rather than content entries.


    • Pricing corresponds directly to success. As a project is more successful and gains traction, you will likely be making more sales.
    • Increases can be predictable based on seasonality of your business.


    • Based on demand. If a piece of content goes viral, you'll have to pay more to cover those costs.

    Is this what you see in the market too? Which pricing model has worked best for your projects/why?

    submitted by /u/chloesellssaas
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    A good Node CMS

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm wanting to set up a small gallery website, so i know there are about a billion ways of setting this up, further to this I want the user whom will be dealing with the running of the site to have a cms (and i know there are a billion more ways to have a cms than my intended option). I'm keen to try Node, just because I want to learn something new and the user doesn't mind what I use. It would probably be out of my depth to build a custom CMS so i've had a look at a few Node options.

    Have any of you guys had some successes with keystone JS? further to this I've only used Heroku to deploy applications, I'm quite keen to use Digitial Ocean, would this be a easy option for me?

    submitted by /u/hiya19922
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    Packem: A blazing fast JavaScript bundler written in Rust

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    What is the best use of my time as a self-studying aspiring web developer?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    I have completed an 8 month web development schooling program, where I have learned a variety of front and back end languages.

    While I am currently applying and interviewing at jobs, I have taken to studying several hours a day to expand my knowledge. I have done this for several months, and while it is hard to master every language, I feel like it is beneficial and I've gained a degree of familiarity. But I feel like I've covered a lot, and I'm running out of ideas and new languages to study.

    How would you recommend I spend my time studying? I am targeting front end design positions right now.

    Are there areas I should give more attention?

    Also in addition to studying I also spend my time working, (working on projects to display on my portfolio) and practical time I spend experimenting and coding.

    So, experienced developers, how would you recommend I spend my free time studying/coding if my goal is to get hired?


    submitted by /u/Daniel1836
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    How to setup paid services for clients

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    I am beginning to do some web dev projects at work for clients and wondering how it is best to set up paid services such as hosting.

    Do you set it up yourself and bill the client annually for it?

    Do you direct the client to enter payment details themselves?

    Wondering how I can best deal with this professionally. I have to set up a few different services for my current project and would rather have the recurring charges going to my client.

    Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read this and/or reply.

    submitted by /u/nohiddenmeaningname
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    How do you achieve "large nav item titles" for google search?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Google Search: Target (or any other prominent website) Their nav-items show up in large blue font.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    Website design specifically for Screen Reader accessibility

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    So I am just learning more about accessibility right now. I wondering if anyone has done any experiments with accessibility first design for Screen Readers.

    For example I am thinking how traditional layout design (top -> down, left->right ) may not be very beneficial for a blind user. Wondering if there are any super edge case designs people have created to maximize for screen reader accessibility.

    submitted by /u/versaceblues
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    Learning by using a Debugger?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    I started watching a video from Dan Abramov where he set up a debugger for himself to understand how Fiber works. His goal was to see how data flows in Fiber and to understand how Fiber is structured internally. It never occurred to me to take such an approach to learn. Typically, I'm going through documentation and constantly experimenting, but I'm pretty excited to try this approach out.

    Has anyone else taken this approach to learning? I'm curious to know other developers experience and opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/gimmietheloot_
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    ELI5 why does Firefox freeze up in slow connections? Why is that sometimes I cannot open Dev Tools in the page that is slowly awaiting requests?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    I sometimes get caught in shitty 2G connections so I have to deal with throttled bandwidth when loading pages. While the page is blank and the gray ping pong ball on the tab is bouncing I try to right-click to open up the Dev Tools but the right click is disabled? Sometimes it works though. Is this browser just built in a way that it freezes more as a side effect for seeking a response in a slow net connection? Seems like it shouldn't happen this way

    submitted by /u/ExitTheDonut
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    How much would you charge to build something like dominos website?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    The entire website, not just the design.

    submitted by /u/eggtart_prince
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    I create static websites for clients using GitHub pages. Are there any other platforms that work best?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    I make websites for my friends using GitHub pages. As I progress and start gaining more serious clients, I see a problem down the road.

    Obviously, from time to time, these clients would need me to update their website (ex: adding more photos, content, editing content, etc). Seeing that none of these people understand coding and I won't have time to manage all of these things for all my clients -- are there any workarounds to this?

    Is this why people make websites with WordPress because the client can still have control over their website? I need advice and what I can do to change my processes.

    submitted by /u/fine_shrines
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    Web domain/hosting for dummies

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    I am the lucky "IT person" for a small nonprofit, and while I know a couple more things about websites than most of my people I'm still sorely ignorant of how the internet really works. I need some clarification about domains and hosting, and the relationship between the two.

    We have a web domain with one provider (doteasy) which we pay for, and are currently also paying them for email and web hosting. We have recently switched our email service to GSuite, so the email service that we used to use through them (doteasy Webmail via Horde) is no longer needed. Our website itself is built on Wix, which supposedly offers free web hosting for any site published via their service.

    So that's all great, except that I'm afraid to tell anyone to cancel the email and web hosting service because I don't really understand how hosting and domains work. When I set up the GSuite account I had to point the MX records via Wix (not doteasy), so in my mind as long as I make sure that Wix has an active mailbox for my domain (purchased from doteasy), all should be good. There are still some aliases that reference the doteasy mailbox, but I assume those may not matter--they're all about webmail (ie. "mail.mydomainname.org").

    TL;DR--if I cancel web and email hosting through one provider, how does that mess up the website given that the domain name is still owned by me via that same for another 4 years? If I switch web hosting from one provider to another, is it possible that that switch might demolish the website?

    submitted by /u/yeg88
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    Learn math vs keep learning webdev

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I have front-end + back-end knowledge, both at the basic level, and my back end is with python, django and sql. I do not want to be fullstack, I've learned front only for more basic uses (like add something if need be, do some api call and add elements in DOM etc, and also know sass) and currently I'm trying to improve my back end with focus in future learn about ML.

    However: I do not have a degree, and the math I learned at school was very precarious. And when I picked up the book "grokking algorithms," there are a lot of math-related things, mostly logarithms, and I'm sure other python books on this also make a lot of math use.

    So my question is basically: learn math until you get into linear algebra, then read algorithm books and then finally read the book "Fluent Python" so that I have a better understanding of the language.

    Or, continue learning webdev: learn more about APIs, http (cookies, cache, load balancing etc), finish a sql book and learn how to use Django + Django REST to solve most common problems.

    Which would give me more chances to get my first job? I studied exactly 1 year ago, but I stopped sometimes because of family problems.

    submitted by /u/marcosr00t
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    In need of some guidance or input.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Hello Devs,

    I graduated from a full-stack web dev coding boot camp about 3 months ago and have recently been given an amazing opportunity to build an inventory database/tracking system. The database must store the number of parts in stock, notify the user when stock is low, update the database, and track where a part is within the facility. Parts must be scanned in and out of different locations(bins) so that tracking the location of the part could be made easy by a simple search. The user would like this database to be able to support a simple scanner to pull up data about a part or bin (current bin number/cost/how many in stock). Other features include: barcode generator to label part bins, location bins, and parts themselves.

    I plan to use:

    - Javascript

    - Node.js

    - Express.js

    - Passport.js

    - MySQL(Sequelize)

    - Handlebars or React.js

    - HTML/CSS

    I am looking for direction and tips in any way shape or form as this is my first real-life project/freelance gig. Any input is appreciated.

    Don't hesitate to message me further questions.

    Thank you so much for your time!

    submitted by /u/CurlyNipples
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    Sub Contractor Opportunity

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    We are a small team and develop WordPress sites. Typically we use a pre-setup Advanced Custom Field configuration to manage content within a custom theme, and a custom css framework for styling. We develop with Grunt for processing and compacting css and scripts, and of course manage everything in branched repositories.

    If that's a workflow you feel comfortable with and are familiar with, and would like more work, message me.

    submitted by /u/rmendesjr
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    How to achieve not storing cookies locally?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2019 12:57 PM PDT

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