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    Friday, April 12, 2019

    What do you do when you’re burnt out? Ask Programming

    What do you do when you’re burnt out? Ask Programming

    What do you do when you’re burnt out?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    I'm at the tail end of a six month, 45 hr a week bootcamp. I also work about 30 hrs a week to pay bills. My brain is fucked. I'm powering through, but I don't want to just mail it in for the last 5 weeks of my program. I want to give my best. How do you guys cope/get through burnout?

    submitted by /u/jaypeejay
    [link] [comments]

    What’s the job title of someone who translates technical jargon (i.e. my code) to a non-technical person (e.g. - analyst, admin, etc.)?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    How are spacecraft flight computers programmed? Any specific programming languages? ETC?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    I am self studying aerospace engineering and astrodynamics, and a lot of it is full of differential equations which are not very easy to hand calculate. How are spacecraft flight computers programmed? Which languages?

    submitted by /u/MostMission
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    How to handle frequent saves in text

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    How does google docs, or word, or any online document app save the text? Are they really sending a save every time you press a key stroke?

    submitted by /u/NalgeneBottles
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    Groups for a simulation on a website

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:50 PM PDT


    I want to make a simulation where there are groups of 8 people that send files and do things between each other. So people in group 1 cannot access anything that group 2 does. For an example I made an infographic (https://prnt.sc/nbamul), people in the simulation would click a green button to join the group. Red means that the spot is taken and they need to join another group. How would I approach this scenario?

    Thank you for any help or info, it is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Yolobone
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    Editable Files on a Website

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    Just like in the title, how could I make like a document that you can write and draw on. It needs to be sent to different users at different times. For example, if like player one draws a red line and writes hello. That file needs to be sent to another person on the same website? What is my best bet to approach this scenario.

    Any help is super appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Yolobone
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    Does anybody use ELisp for programming things other than emacs?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    How do I level up my problem solving skills?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I've been programming for 5+ years now and I still love it. I've recently joined a functional programming team and I'm learning Elixir and Elm.

    Some of the developers on my team are very clever and seem to pull out very elegant algorithmic solutions to code I wouldn't have thought of. They are very smart yes but I believe they look at code differently due to their backgrounds. Even though I'm doing well at my job I'd love to be better at this.

    What sort of things should I study to do this? I figure studying algorithms or functional programming in general could help me. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    I'd like to stress that I know I don't need to do this, I'm doing well, but I'd like to do it purely because I'd like to better myself as a programmer and problem solver

    submitted by /u/bustyLaserCannon
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    How can I use django-haystack search facets with custom attributes?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    I thougt to start a new thread about this subject. I successfully installed Solr 4.7.2 as search engine. It works great with the predefined attributes, e.g. upc, title, product_class...But filtering for additional attributes did not work. Thats my catalogue/models.py:

    class Product(AbstractProduct): video_url = models.URLField() co2 = models.IntegerField() is_public = models.BooleanField() test = models.TextField() 

    In search_indexes.py, I tried to add something like:

    co2 = indexes.IntegerField(model_attr="co2", null=True, indexed=False) def prepare_co2(self, obj): return self.apps.get_model().objects.filter(co2="2") #return obj.co2 etc. here I tried a lot of code, but didnt work 

    I also tried to copy the ready-made code for this function.

    Has anyone an idea, how to do that? When I filter for catalogue.products.title it works fine but not with cataolgue.products.co2 (which I have suplemented myself).

    submitted by /u/discorogo
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    How can I implement a simple "calendar" system for my family?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    So here's a bit of background. My parents are kind of old-school, and they've been using a so-called "e-mail calendar". That involves a text document with all of our important dates which is re-forwarded to our family members whenever an update needs to be made to the calendar. The pros:

    • It's convenient for my parents, who can just open up their email to see the calendar.

    • It's not an external program, so my dad can view/edit it at his work.

    The big cons:

    • Like I said, it's old-school and kind of frustrates me.

    • It's INCREDIBLY inefficient. Every time an update needs to be made, a new calendar needs to be sent out, so it gets confusing which calendar email to use.

    So our system is starting to fall apart. Now, a few months ago, in an attempt to solve the problem, I created a simple calendar application using Node.js that stores the (password-hashed) calendar and loads it on a simple webpage. The webpage had some hosting issues on our local home server (i.e not being able to access it on our home wifi), so I scrapped the idea. The project was also bad enough to make a developer faint (using GET requests with headers to transfer a password...), so it fell through.

    Now, let's get to the question. We're still having a bit of an issue with our email calendar, which my parents really don't want to change from unless there is a better alternative that's just as simple. Here's what I would like to know:

    • Is there a simple replacement?

    • Does it involve web development? If so, what's the language and hosting requirements?

    • Or is it an online resource, by chance?

    • If it does not fall anywhere in those questions, could you briefly describe the idea you had?

    I think you in advance, your opinion will be helpful in helping me decide how to go about fixing our issue here at home.

    submitted by /u/xMikee
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    how can i check a checkbox using curl in a router page?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    i am trying to check the box that enables the ssid 2 in the router page then

    submit it using curl to do some testes..

    the curl command with the box checked

    curl "^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch" -H "Origin:" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36" -H "Referer:^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2" --data "IF_ERRORSTR=SUCC^&IF_ERRORPARAM=SUCC^&IF_ERRORTYPE=-1^&IF_CONFIGTAG=Y^&IF_ACTION=apply^&WLAN_INSTNUM=4^&WLAN_SSID0=IGD.LD1.WLAN1^&WLAN_SSID1=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&WLAN_SSID2=IGD.LD1.WLAN3^&WLAN_SSID3=IGD.LD1.WLAN4^&IF_SSIDATTR1=0^&IF_SSIDATTR2=0^&IF_SSIDATTR3=0^&IF_SSIDATTR4=0^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&SettingStatus=CurruntSetting^&CardIsIn=1^&MaxInterface=4^&DeviceMode=InfrastructureAccessPoint^&CardMode=b^%^2Cg^%^2Cn^%^2Cbg^%^2Cgn^%^2Cbgn^&CardRev=0^&Class=255^&PID=33169^&VID=4332^&ValidIf=1^&Enable=1^&RadioStatus=NULL^&Standard=NULL^&BeaconInterval=NULL^&RtsCts=NULL^&Fragment=NULL^&DTIM=NULL^&TxPower=NULL^&CountryCode=NULL^&TxRate=NULL^&Channel=NULL^&ESSID=12345^&ESSIDPrefix=NULL^&ACLPolicy=NULL^&BeaconType=NULL^&WEPAuthMode=NULL^&WEPEncryptionLevel=NULL^&WEPKeyIndex=NULL^&WPAAuthMode=NULL^&WPAEncryptType=NULL^&WPAGroupRekey=NULL^&WPAEAPServerIp=NULL^&RadiusPort=NULL^&RadiusServerPort=NULL^&WPAEAPSecret=NULL^&PossibleChannels=NULL^&BasicDataRates=NULL^&OpDataRates=NULL^&PossibleTxRates=NULL^&OOBAccessEnabled=NULL^&BeaconEnabled=NULL^&ESSIDHideEnable=1^&RegulatoryDomain=NULL^&WlanMode=NULL^&DistanceFromRoot=NULL^&PeerBSSID=NULL^&AuthServiceMode=NULL^&QosType=NULL^&Priority=1^&UAPSDEnabled=NULL^&AutoChannelEnabled=NULL^&ChannelsInUse=NULL^&11iAuthMode=NULL^&11iEncryptType=NULL^&MaxUserNum=32^&SSIDIsolationEnable=NULL^&VapIsolationEnable=0^&Band=2.4G^&11nMode=1^&BandWidth=20Mhz^&SideBand=Lower^&11nRate=Auto^&SGIEnabled=0^&GreenField=0^&WdsMode=WDS_Disable^&Tx2Path=1^&IsPublicWiFiInterface=NULL^&MasterAuthServerIp=^&MasterAuthServerPort=0^&MasterAuthServerSecret=^&Name=wlan0^&RealRF=1^&ChannelInUsed=8^&TxRateInUsed=Auto^&Bssid=54^%^3Abe^%^3A53^%^3A6a^%^3Af6^%^3Ac0^&IfStatus=Up^&UAPSDSupported=1^&WMMSupported=1^&TotalAssociations=4^&TotalBytesSent=2246220234^&TotalBytesReceived=3268409714^&TotalPacketsSent=22743088^&TotalPacketsReceived=14280169^&ErrorsSent=3057^&ErrorsReceived=0^&NonUnicastPacketsReceived=0^&UnicastPacketsSent=97163073747419137^&UnicastPacketsReceived=61100857587924993^&DiscardPacketsSent=8137^&DiscardPacketsReceived=68^&TotalPSKFailures=66^&TotalIntegrityFailures=6^&NumEasyPair=0^&ConnectStatus=Disconnected^&SingalQuality=0^&SingalStrength=0^&_SESSION_TOKEN=2714922195119803" --compressed 

    the curl command without the box checked

    curl "^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Cache-Control: max-age=0" -H "Origin:" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36" -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3" -H "Referer:^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,ar;q=0.8" --data "IF_ERRORSTR=SUCC^&IF_ERRORPARAM=SUCC^&IF_ERRORTYPE=-1^&IF_CONFIGTAG=Y^&IF_ACTION=apply^&WLAN_INSTNUM=4^&WLAN_SSID0=IGD.LD1.WLAN1^&WLAN_SSID1=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&WLAN_SSID2=IGD.LD1.WLAN3^&WLAN_SSID3=IGD.LD1.WLAN4^&IF_SSIDATTR1=0^&IF_SSIDATTR2=0^&IF_SSIDATTR3=0^&IF_SSIDATTR4=0^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&SettingStatus=CurruntSetting^&CardIsIn=1^&MaxInterface=4^&DeviceMode=InfrastructureAccessPoint^&CardMode=b^%^2Cg^%^2Cn^%^2Cbg^%^2Cgn^%^2Cbgn^&CardRev=0^&Class=255^&PID=33169^&VID=4332^&ValidIf=1^&Enable=0^&RadioStatus=NULL^&Standard=NULL^&BeaconInterval=NULL^&RtsCts=NULL^&Fragment=NULL^&DTIM=NULL^&TxPower=NULL^&CountryCode=NULL^&TxRate=NULL^&Channel=NULL^&ESSID=NULL^&ESSIDPrefix=NULL^&ACLPolicy=NULL^&BeaconType=NULL^&WEPAuthMode=NULL^&WEPEncryptionLevel=NULL^&WEPKeyIndex=NULL^&WPAAuthMode=NULL^&WPAEncryptType=NULL^&WPAGroupRekey=NULL^&WPAEAPServerIp=NULL^&RadiusPort=NULL^&RadiusServerPort=NULL^&WPAEAPSecret=NULL^&PossibleChannels=NULL^&BasicDataRates=NULL^&OpDataRates=NULL^&PossibleTxRates=NULL^&OOBAccessEnabled=NULL^&BeaconEnabled=NULL^&ESSIDHideEnable=NULL^&RegulatoryDomain=NULL^&WlanMode=NULL^&DistanceFromRoot=NULL^&PeerBSSID=NULL^&AuthServiceMode=NULL^&QosType=NULL^&Priority=1^&UAPSDEnabled=NULL^&AutoChannelEnabled=NULL^&ChannelsInUse=NULL^&11iAuthMode=NULL^&11iEncryptType=NULL^&MaxUserNum=NULL^&SSIDIsolationEnable=NULL^&VapIsolationEnable=NULL^&Band=2.4G^&11nMode=1^&BandWidth=20Mhz^&SideBand=Lower^&11nRate=Auto^&SGIEnabled=0^&GreenField=0^&WdsMode=WDS_Disable^&Tx2Path=1^&IsPublicWiFiInterface=NULL^&MasterAuthServerIp=^&MasterAuthServerPort=0^&MasterAuthServerSecret=^&Name=wlan0^&RealRF=1^&ChannelInUsed=1^&TxRateInUsed=Auto^&Bssid=54^%^3Abe^%^3A53^%^3A6a^%^3Af6^%^3Ac0^&IfStatus=Up^&UAPSDSupported=1^&WMMSupported=1^&TotalAssociations=3^&TotalBytesSent=140746452^&TotalBytesReceived=23331851^&TotalPacketsSent=143174^&TotalPacketsReceived=88465^&ErrorsSent=2^&ErrorsReceived=0^&NonUnicastPacketsReceived=0^&UnicastPacketsSent=609133736755201^&UnicastPacketsReceived=374834680823809^&DiscardPacketsSent=14^&DiscardPacketsReceived=1^&TotalPSKFailures=0^&TotalIntegrityFailures=0^&NumEasyPair=0^&ConnectStatus=Disconnected^&SingalQuality=0^&SingalStrength=0^&_SESSION_TOKEN=3656933071036814" --compressed 

    the not checked vs checked https://i.stack.imgur.com/ivFHZ.png

    java script of the ssid in the router page

    > <script language="javascript">var CONFIG_PARA = new Array("Enable","RadioStatus","Standard","BeaconInterval","RtsCts","Fragment","DTIM","TxPower","CountryCode","TxRate","Channel","ESSID","ESSIDPrefix","ACLPolicy","BeaconType","WEPAuthMode","WEPEncryptionLevel","WEPKeyIndex","WPAAuthMode","WPAEncryptType","WPAGroupRekey","WPAEAPServerIp","RadiusPort","RadiusServerPort","WPAEAPSecret","PossibleChannels","BasicDataRates","OpDataRates","PossibleTxRates","OOBAccessEnabled","BeaconEnabled","ESSIDHideEnable","RegulatoryDomain","WlanMode","DistanceFromRoot","PeerBSSID","AuthServiceMode","QosType","Priority","UAPSDEnabled","AutoChannelEnabled","ChannelsInUse","11iAuthMode","11iEncryptType","MaxUserNum","SSIDIsolationEnable","VapIsolationEnable","IsPublicWiFiInterface");function getmsg(id){var str = new Array();str[0] = new Array(101, " cannot be empty, please input again.");str[1] = new Array(102, "'s length is error, please make the length of characters within ");str[2] = new Array(103, ".");str[3] = new Array(113, " is error, please input legal SSID Name.");str[4] = new Array(118, "Current operation is ineffective, please check whether ");str[5] = new Array(119, " is legal.");str[6] = new Array(122, "Current operation is ineffective, please check configuration parameters.");str[7] = new Array(115, " is error, please input legal integer.");str[8] = new Array(116, " is error, please input integer in the range of ");str[9] = new Array(117, ".");return getMsgFormArray(str, arguments);}function Wireless_switch(){if(getValue("RealRF") == "1"){jslDiDisplay("t_warn");jslEnable("Frm_SSID_SET","Frm_ESSIDHideEnable","Frm_Enable","Frm_ESSID","Frm_Priority","Btn_Submit","Btn_Cancel","Frm_VapIsolationEnable","Frm_MaxUserNum");ESSID_Enable();}else {jslEnDisplay("t_warn");jslDisable("Frm_SSID_SET","Frm_ESSIDHideEnable","Frm_Enable","Frm_ESSID","Frm_Priority","Btn_Submit","Btn_Cancel","Frm_VapIsolationEnable","Frm_MaxUserNum");}}function SubParaGetValue(){if(getValue("ESSIDHideEnable") == "1"){setChecked("Frm_ESSIDHideEnable", true);}else {setChecked("Frm_ESSIDHideEnable", false);}if(getValue("VapIsolationEnable") == "1"){setChecked("Frm_VapIsolationEnable", true);}else {setChecked("Frm_VapIsolationEnable", false);}jslSetValue("Frm_MaxUserNum","MaxUserNum");jslSetValue("Frm_ESSID","ESSID");if(getValue("Priority") == ""){setValue("Frm_Priority","0");}else {jslSetValue("Frm_Priority","Priority");}}function ESSID_Enable(){if(getChecked("Frm_Enable")==false){SubParaGetValue();jslDisable("Frm_ESSIDHideEnable","Frm_ESSID","Frm_Priority","Frm_VapIsolationEnable","Frm_MaxUserNum");}else {jslEnable("Frm_ESSIDHideEnable","Frm_ESSID","Frm_Priority","Frm_VapIsolationEnable","Frm_MaxUserNum");PageAttrInfo();}}function checkNum(frm_id, fnt_id, isNull, minValue, maxValue){var msg = "";if( 0 == isNull && false == checkNull(getValue(frm_id)) ){return true;}var numCheck = checkIntegerRange(getValue(frm_id), minValue, maxValue);if("-1"== numCheck){msg = getmsg(101);ShowErrorForCom(frm_id, fnt_id, msg);return false;}if("-2"== numCheck){msg = getmsg(115);ShowErrorForCom(frm_id, fnt_id, msg);return false;}else if("-3"== numCheck){msg = getmsg(116, minValue, maxValue);ShowErrorForCom(frm_id, fnt_id, msg);return false;}else {}return true;}function ESSIDCheck(){var check;if(getChecked("Frm_Enable")==false){return true;}check = checkEssid(getValue("Frm_ESSID"));if (check == -1){msg = getmsg(101);ShowErrorForCom("Frm_ESSID","Fnt_ESSID",msg);return false;}if (check == -3){msg = getmsg(102,1,32);ShowErrorForCom("Frm_ESSID","Fnt_ESSID",msg);return false;}if (check == false){msg = getmsg(113);ShowErrorForCom("Frm_ESSID","Fnt_ESSID",msg);return false;}if(false == checkNum("Frm_MaxUserNum", "Fnt_MaxUserNum", 1, 1, 32)){return false;}return true;}function AllCheck(){if (ESSIDCheck() == false){return false;}return true;}function ESSID_Choose(){var url = getURL("net_wlan_essid_t.gch", "IF_VIEWID", getValue("Frm_SSID_SET"));DisableALL();location.href = url;}function pageLoad(url){moveErrLayer(580,95);getObj("fSubmit").action = url;var errstr= getValue("IF_ERRORSTR");var errpara = getValue("IF_ERRORPARAM");ProcessRet(errstr, errpara);pageGetValue();}function hideSSIDParm(){var tmp = getValue("IsPublicWiFiInterface");if("1"== tmp){jslDiDisplay("TR_HideSSID", "ssidenable", "TR_IsolateSSID");}else {jslEnDisplay("TR_HideSSID", "ssidenable", "TR_IsolateSSID");}}function PageAttrInfo(){var essidname=getValue("Frm_SSID_SET");var i = essidname.charAt(12);var attr = getValue("IF_SSIDATTR"+i);if(attr == "3"){jslDisable("Frm_ESSID");}else {jslEnable("Frm_ESSID");}}function pageGetValue(){jslSetValue("Frm_SSID_SET","IF_VIEWID");if(getValue("Enable") == "1"){setChecked("Frm_Enable", true);}else {setChecked("Frm_Enable", false);}SubParaGetValue();hideSSIDParm();Wireless_switch();}function pageSetValue(){HiddenParaInit(CONFIG_PARA);if(getChecked("Frm_Enable") == true){setValue("Enable", "1");jslSetValue("ESSID","Frm_ESSID");if(getChecked("Frm_ESSIDHideEnable") == true){setValue("ESSIDHideEnable", "1");}else {setValue("ESSIDHideEnable", "0");}if(getChecked("Frm_VapIsolationEnable") == true){setValue("VapIsolationEnable", "1");}else {setValue("VapIsolationEnable", "0");}jslSetValue("MaxUserNum","Frm_MaxUserNum");}else {setValue("Enable", "0");}jslSetValue("Priority","Frm_Priority");}function pageSubmit(){ReSetValueRmZero("Frm_MaxUserNum");if(AllCheck() == true){jslDisable("Btn_Submit","Btn_Cancel");pageSetValue();setValue("IF_ACTION", "apply");setValue("IF_CONFIGTAG", "Y");setValue("IF_VIEWID", getValue("Frm_SSID_SET"));DisableALL();getObj("fSubmit").submit();}}function pageCancel(){jslDisable("Btn_Submit","Btn_Cancel");DisableALL();getObj("fSubmit").submit();}</script> 

    the ssid checkbox html code

    <option value="IGD.LD1.WLAN2" id="Frm_SSID_SET1">SSID2</option> <tr id="ssidenable"> <td class="td1">Enable SSID</td> <td class="td2"><input name="" type="checkbox" value="" checked="checked" id="Frm_Enable" onclick="ESSID_Enable()"></td> </tr> 

    the submit button code

    <input name="Submit" type="button" id="Btn_Submit" onclick="pageSubmit()" class="button" value=" Submit 

    the event listener


    the output of the command

    * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > POST /getpage.gch?pid=1002^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch HTTP/1.1 > Host: > Accept: */* > Origin: > Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 > DNT: 1 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36 > Referer:^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2 > Content-Length: 2229 > Expect: 100-continue > * Done waiting for 100-continue * We are completely uploaded and fine < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Server: Mini web server 1.0 ZTE corp 2005. < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 < Accept-Ranges: bytes < Connection: close < Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store < Content-Length: 770 < <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>&#90;&#88;&#72;&#78;&#32;&#72;&#49;&#48;&#56;&#78;&#32;&#86;&#50;&#46;&#53;</title> <script> function logout_redirect() { alert("Session\x20timeout\x2c\x20please\x20login\x20again\x2e"); document.getElementById("flogout").submit(); } </script> </head> <body> <form name="flogout" id="flogout" method="post" onsubmit="return false;" action="/" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="logout" id="logout" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="logout_from" id="logout_from" value="login_timeout"> </form> <script> logout_redirect(); </script> </body> </html>* Closing connection 0 

    i don't know why i get session expired although it's the new token

    every reply is appreciated

    edit i got the command working by removing every ^ from it

    submitted by /u/minanageh
    [link] [comments]

    Total beginner here

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    So I have finished learning c++ and half java. But my biggest problem is where do I implement my skills? I don't know what to do. I have made some programs in command line but I want move beyond that and make some other programs too. I want it make GUI stuff. Where can I find some motivation and understand them?

    submitted by /u/Coolest_Gamer6
    [link] [comments]

    What is faster: average or same comparison?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Random thought, how do you explain in terms of computation which one would be faster without running it.

    The case is, you have a bunch of integers that can change eg. -1, 0, 1, etc...

    It's possible to have all entries be 1. I guess you can't tell that all rows are 1 by averaging.

    So is it faster to average/figure out that all entries are 1. Or is it faster to compare.

    Probably simple question/concept

    submitted by /u/crespo_modesto
    [link] [comments]

    Hi! I know nothing about programming but I need a little code.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    So I need to disable Ctrl + Esc windows scort cut. Guys on r/windows10 suggested to write a code using AutoHotKey. So far I know how to print text using short cuts. I have no idea how to write code that I need. Maybe you could help me out? 🙃

    submitted by /u/Thurik
    [link] [comments]

    I have a project idea and don't know what type of platform to use

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    Hi there. Thanks for reading. The basic concept of the app I want to build is basically a SQL generator that I would like to access a database. The goal is that there are a few parameters in drop downs or something on the site like size, color, height, etc that people enter in and it makes a DB call to return all matching dog breeds. I am not concerned about creating the DB and self populating, but I'm wondering what kind of application is best suited for doing this is a moderate beginner? A tomcat web application? An AWS app? A simple mobile app? I would like to learn React or Angular in the process if possible. I can code I just don't know where to start as far as platform goes.

    submitted by /u/macmeyers50
    [link] [comments]

    My array is not saving correctly! Please help!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    I am creating a tic tac toe that will use reinforcement learning. As a part of this I need to save previous games;however, each move is not saving correctly in the array. I have tried saving the data at different points in my program, except it still saves moves in increments of two. Please help!

    code: https://pastebin.com/aTSVyKp0

    submitted by /u/CaptainAdd49
    [link] [comments]

    Walked into a company with all Access and VB apps... Need help modernizing.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    Hi r/AskProgramming. My apologies if this isn't the right sub, but this seems to be the best for for a question like this).

    To keep this as short as I can, a year ago I started at a new company an an IT Manager (20 years in IT). All has been going well, and we've fully modernized the servers/infrastructure/networking.

    Our apps, however, are all MS Access and VB. They're perfectly functional and well supported by our Dev, Sue. Sue actually isn't a dev by training, she's an accountant. She was a hobbyist programmer, and then one day 7 years ago created an access app for a particular division in her spare time. The CFO liked it, so fast forward to 2019, we have a bunch of Access and VB apps (with some basic .NET web pages for some form/data input).

    Last week my execs come to me and say all of our customers are demanding mobile. Our current customer-facing stuff is very basic VB/.NET sites. They're functional, but pretty ugly (and don't scale for phones).

    I talked with Sue, and she was leaning towards finding an access runtime for Android (which there don't really seem to be any out there that are actually decently supported). But Sue admits she's not familiar with anything but VB and is receptive to other ideas.

    So I had coffee with an old friend of mine (full time dev), and he says if we really want to get modern, go React-Native or Flutter is the way to go. Apparently they can even compile for Web and Windows.

    I ran this by Sue... her first question is if you can use VB code, or how RN/Flutter interact with Access.... Sigh.

    So, I'm curious, how would you approach a situation like this (legacy apps, legacy mindsets), for a company that's growing quickly and needs to modernize? What kinds of tools or technologies might be a fit here? We're a primarily Windows shop, but a lot of mobile users (we've deployed 200+ HP and Lenovo tablets since they run Windows and can run access). Our apps are actually pretty simple (mostly just data input into basic forms with various conditional logic).

    submitted by /u/theotheritmanager
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    What skills should I work on over the summer to further my abilities as a programmer?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    After this semester ends, relevant classes I'll have taken are Calc 1, 2, Discrete Math, data structures and algorithms as well as two general programming classes, intro to software engineering, and digital logic.

    Next semester I'll be taking Linear Algebra, Operating Systems, and Computer Organization which I'm excited about. What skills should I really hammer down over the summer? I'll be interning as a backend dev from june to august, but i have about a month of down time

    submitted by /u/BruinsPatriots1288
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    What ressources would you recommend to learn deep learning from? I'm currently considering cs231 or the deep learning package from deeplearning.ai.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Unable to match bundle identifier "....." with App ID "...." in the selected provisioning profile. Bundle identifier value should be "...." so it can be used with the selected provision profile "IOS Provisioning Profile: ....."

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Trying run my iOS app in my iPhone but keep getting this problem in Project<Options<Provisioning. What am I suppose to do? (Delphi to iPhone)

    submitted by /u/pashacan
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    Dont know jack about programming!!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    So im thinking to learn programming in the coming summer break......can u guys suggest which is the easiest language to learn. Im ""little to nothing"" familiar to python. Don't know anything about C and C++ though. And btw what is the difference between c# and regular c.

    submitted by /u/gtrfanboy2
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    Send notification to user after whole queue batch processing is done

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    Hi. I would like to ask about insight regarding sending notification to user (let's say email) after whole batch of items from queue is processed). Let's say we have a scenario when user asks for sending email for 100 of his clients. I've already have message queue reader for handling sending emails. So the flow looks like this

    1. POST to ApiGateway -> /emails/send - let's say that in body of this request there are 100 emails of clients
    2. ApiGateway publish 100 messages to the queue for SendEmailWorkers and returns CREATED response
    3. SendEmailWorkers read messages from the queue and send emails one by one

    I need to send the notification to the user once all 100 emails from given batch are sent

    I thought about approach like this

    1. POST to ApiGateway -> /emails/send - let's say that in body of this request there are 100 emails of clients
    2. ApiGateway
      1. Publish 1 message to the queue SendingEmailsBatchStarted (with counter 100 and unique Guid of given Batch processing)
      2. Publish 100 messages to the queue for SendEmailWorkers
      3. returns CREATED response
    3. SendEmailWorkers read messages from the queue and send emails one by one. Also it should somehow tract counter from SendingEmailsBatchStarted and if it detects that all messages from given batch were processed it should send notifiation to the user (in that case just publish another event to the queue so that part is not important for this question)

    I'm not sure how I could realize 3. point from my solution. I mean how I can track count of processed vs total messages in given batch? I think I could store the total count somewhere inside primary SQL database (BatchProcessingId; counter <- in table like this) but if anyone has a solution for this problem without using any other storage than queues I would appreciate that

    submitted by /u/maju1993
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    what is the newest version of eclipse java ide that supports 32-bit?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    Hidden password in .exe file?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:19 AM PDT


    I have an .exe file created by someone I work with to try and get a 'key' (basically just a string in the format of xx{xxxx}) to find, once I get the password I'll get the key!

    Can anyone give any clues as to how strings are commonly hidden in .exe files?

    The .exe itself just prompts for a password but then does nothing more.

    submitted by /u/Ainsley_
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