• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 25, 2019

    Today I got made fun of for using vanilla JS and ES6 web developers

    Today I got made fun of for using vanilla JS and ES6 web developers

    Today I got made fun of for using vanilla JS and ES6

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    A coworker told me that the maintenance team (who use jquery and Bootstrap only) laugh at me for using grid/flexbox and vanilla JS/es6 in our site pages. I'm dumbfounded.

    submitted by /u/Cassius-cl
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    Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:13 AM PDT

    Ex-Web Developer Acting Shady.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    I don't know if I'm posting in the right place, please tell me if I should post this elsewhere. Regardless, I do need some advice.

    I'm a solo web developer and I work with a handful of clients. One particular client, has struck me and I'm not sure what to do.

    She was previously working with a web dev company. She briefly mentioned that the people at this company were quite possessive, jealous of her working with others and very controlling. I thought little of it until now.

    It was very hard to even begin working with her, because she wasn't given administrative privileges to her website. She had to ask numerous times to get this access for me to even start working on the project as they ignored her emails.

    This company kept ties with my client while she continued to work with me, because 1) They provide her with hosting services and 2) They were providing her with "Security and Backup" services - giving them full access to the site at all times.

    Once I started working, things started getting weird. Things would go missing on the website. Things on pages would be re-arranged. Plugins would get deleted. It just made working on the website impossible, I was constantly just trying to fix things that were going wrong.

    I talked to my client about it, and we both agreed to cancel the security services so we could delete their Wordpress user profile and remove their administrative access to the website (of course they would still have access via the hosting, but *sigh*, I just didn't know what else to do).

    So, I removed the profile, changed our passwords and started monitoring all activity... Login attempts, every day, sometimes multiple times per day... I couldn't believe it, it's beyond obsessive.

    We reached out to them to cancel our service with them. This is what they said back: "You have 2 more months of our security and back ups package. If you are cancelling this early then we need to be given access to the website (our admin login account was removed a few weeks ago) to manually remove our software and licenses from the account. These are paid plugins that we pay for".

    I responded saying that I have removed the plugins and they should revoke their license key. They have responded with this: "This is industry standard for a handover, please provide temporary access to the website, so we can verify that our paid assets are removed".

    I don't know what to do. I was not aware that this was the standard at all. Can I get some advice on this? What are your thoughts?

    TLDR; Seemingly sketchy company is basically stalking my client and now demanding to be given admin access to verify that their plugins have been removed after wreaking havoc on a clients' website since she decided to work with another developer.

    ***UPDATE***: Thanks SO much for your responses, really appreciate it. I was starting to panic a little bit, it feels like we're getting bullied about this nonsense! So I spoke with my client and we've agreed under no circumstances are we giving access. I have asked her about her hosting situation. See, another thing here is my client is a little tech-challenged. I've been trying to sort these issues out with her but it's hard to get straight answers from her as she struggles to understand the things we need to discuss.
    I've finally established that she does have the hosting under her own name, she has full access to it, but for some reason she's still paying it through this company...? It's absurd! We've changed her hosting passwords, and I'm going to look into it further. Like a lot of you said - I could always restore a backup of the plugin or copy the files over, them accessing this themselves is not very useful.
    Also, I didn't mention this in the post, but my client has another website, which has no active subscriptions to their services and no ongoing work for more than a year - they STILL had not provided admin rights to it until a few hours ago - after I have finally been given the go ahead to step in and speak for my client. They've been taking advantage of her so bad.

    submitted by /u/blissbox
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    Price of .org domains could get jacked up

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:34 AM PDT


    • ICANN is renewing its contract with the registry that runs .org domains
    • Previously, the registry was limited to increasing their wholesale price for .org domains a maximum of 10% per year
    • The new proposal will remove all limits on price increases.

    You can view the details of the proposal and submit a comment (deadline is the 29th) here: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/org-renewal-2019-03-18-en

    Edit: Here's the link for comments: https://www.internetcommerce.org/comment-org/

    Further reading: CircleID article, NameCheap article

    submitted by /u/ha_ya
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    Any decent HTML5/CSS3 Responsive Framework without JS?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a front-end "framework" alternative to Bootstrap for a small project, but I don't want it to use javascript at all. Sure I'm not expecting to have all the the things that bootstrap has, but as long as it has the main HTML components well styled and responsive, and a responsive grid, it will do the job.
    Found a few but all of them used JS, tried to remove it from 2 of them but they get broken without JS/JQuery.
    Any suggestion?

    submitted by /u/estupor
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    Non-Computer Science major web developer?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    I am in school for a Marketing degree (more focused towards digital marketing). I am teaching myself front-end code. I am done with HTML. I am now learning CSS. Later, JavaScript. Anyways, if I do later on look for web developer internships, will I be at a disadvantage that I am not going for a Computer Science/Engineering degree? How will that look towards other employers?

    submitted by /u/SOLODOLOGUY
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    Ad-hoc problem: How do I recreate this table in HTML?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Ad-hoc problem: How do I recreate this table in HTML?

    I'm working on a web application. I came upon a problem at one point with turning this table into HTML:

    Table I'm trying to recreate in HTML

    I've tried using colspan and rowspan, but they don't seem to be working:

    <table class="table table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr rowspan="2"> <td rowspan="2">***</td> <td colspan="29">Text first row</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="19"></td> <td colspan="10"></td> </tr> <tr rowspan="9"> <td class="rot">Rotated text 1</td> <td colspan="19">wqeqwewqeew</td> <td colspan="10">asdadasdsadsad</td> </tr> <tr rowspan="9"> <td class="rot">Rotated text 2</td> <td colspan="19">wqeqwewqeew</td> <td colspan="10">asdadasdsadsad</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 

    Is there a better approach? If not, could you help me figure out why row/colspans aren't working properly?

    Note: I'm using Bootstrap 3

    submitted by /u/dnf0sp
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    Be careful optimizing page speed scores

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    What is a good framework for implementing an animated webgl 3D particle swarm, that takes user input, for the frontend of a website, that is passed particle coordinates from an extremely resource-intensive AWS CUDA python process on the backend?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    Generally, I would be home free if I could take user input on a webpage, do complex stuff on the back end, and update the 3D positions of two or more spheres on the frontend. I am only beginning to learn about frontend web development, and I want to pursue the simplest approach that I can. This could be as simple as a backend program passing a JSON array to a webpage with webgl, that knows to wait, and then update the webgl.

    Specifically, the spheres in the particle swarm represent molecular orbitals, the user input is the starting locations, velocities, ionization number, and energy levels of quantum mechanical atoms. I want the tricks in the backend code private, and a ton of backend computation has to occur before a sphere location can be updated maybe using JSON on the frontend.

    If there's not a great 3D framework for this, I could render the animation in 3 2D cross sections, which I'm honestly considering at this point, but it would look wonky.

    So far, I've been considering using:

    • Django python
    • Forgetting backend GPUs, and rewriting the entire backend in node.js, just because there are so many examples of node.js backend frontend communication. But, I am very weak in javascript, and javascript is definitely not a scientific programming language. My backend languages in order of preference are python, java, C, or matlab.

    And in response to a previous query:

    • Django-drf?
    • Flask?

    I really don't know the best place to start, and I don't want to reinvent the world if I could find a "hello world" backend/frontend 3D (or even 2D) animation example in a framework, tutorial, or github library. I'm perfectly willing to change the backend language if the user-interface on the frontend works smoothly, because I haven't done more web programming than slow, just-for-fun javascript-only animations with transparent code.

    Also, please let me know what I should be reading about to learn more about this project, or send me relevant tutorial links! I want to spend almost all of my time on the backend, which is complicated enough.

    submitted by /u/Fauster
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    Headless WordPress - is there any performance difference?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    So, i'm trying to use WordPress as my backend by only using the Rest API. (i.e. example.com/wp-json/).

    However, WordPress' performance of the Rest API is not that good compared to many other C.M.S

    My idea now, is to create a custom Theme based on the index.php and style.css from this page: https://github.com/postlight/headless-wp-starter/tree/master/wordpress/wp-content/themes/postlight-headless-wp

    Does this make any difference in performance by removing the frontend completely? Or does WordPress performance completely rely on the amount of Plugins and bloat you install on it (e.g. WordFence, Yoast, Woocommerce,... which make wordpress each time a bit slower)?

    If not, what would you recommend to increase API performance?

    submitted by /u/Tanckom
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    I made a CAN I USE spreadsheet but for web app audio streaming with Spotify and Apple Music (things are looking up)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Self-hosting fonts from Google fonts

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    I recently started using this utility made by another redditor to implement Google fonts with proper font-display leveraging. I found the post and there seemed to be a majority of users in the comments who preferred self-hosting their fonts.

    How is self-hosting fonts going to be faster than Google's CDN servers when it comes to page load time? If I understand correctly, when someone connects to a website that uses a custom font and they do not have it stored locally on their device, the web browser downloads the font from wherever it is specified in the HTML/CSS. So unless my fonts are hosted on a CDN that is faster than Google's, how could I possibly gain the same level of performance by self-hosting?

    I would prefer to self-host my fonts and avoid having to force users to connect to Google if they don't have the font I'm using already installed on their device. I also would prefer having to use JavaScript for a simple static website. Assuming some of my assumptions are incorrect and self-hosting fonts is negligible on performance if implemented correctly, what kind of licensing do I need to include for a font that uses SIL OFL for example?

    Appreciate any input I can get. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/takoiddit
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    Road map explained in the most simplified way

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Im looking to start learning the skills of HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT for the purpose of web development. I have seen the git hub front end road map https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2400/1*V7TMAzvhW7_cn9FbkKqOcQ.png can someone explain the path routes in the terms of the applications/coding tool as well as the best resources/ tutorials /books that I should follow in order to reach the end of the map if that makes sense. thanks

    submitted by /u/dxrklvght
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    How much Can a web application firewall secure a web app ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Front-end alternative to full SPA

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    I recently started a project to work on my web development skills -- it consists of a simple REST api backend written in Flask using Postgresql for my database. Now I'm looking to build the front-end that will consume this REST api. The front-end will have a few dynamic components (modifiable forms, data table where you can edit the contents of the table, etc.) but the rest is fairly static. I'm not interested in doing a full fledged SPA -- it seems like overkill for the fairly simple site I am trying to build. That being said I want something that consumes my rest API and isn't done with server side html template rendering. I've thought of doing a multi-page website with react components embedded for my more dynamic components but this seems poorly supported by the React framework (doesn't work out of box with create-react-app). So my question is, what front-end options are there that live between a full SPA and a html templated site that consume a REST api?

    tl;dr I have a REST api to consume, don't want front-end to be full SPA, what multi-page options do I have that aren't just html template rendering?

    submitted by /u/TripleChill
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    Guys I feel lost and nervous on what I am doing here

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    This is not something I hate, I really do enjoy coding but, at the moment, it's been nearly a year back from travelling in Australia and Southeast Asia for a year and a half, and I am not sure if I am making any progress. I have created a website for a personal trainer - but this took longer than expected and mainly because the personal trainer wasn't helping me much. He kept taking his time. I can't blame too much on him because he had other stuff to focus such as a new house, baby on the way, a slight decline in clients, etc. But now just waiting on him to set up the GoDaddy account so I can upload and show the work. I am debating just to upload it myself, use my money and he can transfer me back.
    But still, waiting on my personal trainer to get back to me is no excuse for me not to focus on other works to improve my coding. Right now I love learning HTML and CSS. I really love CSS! It amazes me when using animation keyframes for example. Javascript is a hit and miss. I almost finished reading Head First Javascript, and while it is impressive about learning objects, prototypes, and how it's like creating a map of instructions on what to do and how to behave, and much, much more, I feel like nothing is going in. I have ordered YDKJS book series to help me more to understand but is there anything I can do to keep me active and get myself challenged??
    What I am just asking for is a direction. Just a simple guy asking for some advice. Am I heading the right path for me to get a job? Realistically, my plan was to do freelance work, creating websites such as the personal trainer and get myself around the local area to do some more work and then start applying jobs in London city. But I keep thinking what am I doing now is too late or there's no point when there is social media or WordPress/Wix/Squarespace/etc.
    Should I sign up to freelance websites? find any agencies that might help me? Once the personal trainer website is uploaded, show it on LinkedIn and hope someone will come to me and ask me to create them a website? Should I just use all of my savings and go to a coding Bootcamp? At the moment, I am lucky that I have a job that is flexible and let me work three days a week to focus or my goals, but I am in my mid-twenties, still living at home and just want myself out there with comfortable life but full of rewards and hard challenges.

    submitted by /u/FriendlyMinimum
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    Wordpress form requiring all fields

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    New to contact forms in Wordpress here. There are only a few fields with '*' asteriskses in my form but submitting the form is requiring every field. Kinda messing me up because I need certain options to be disabled when you select 'no' on another group of radio buttons. Would be nice to have the required fields conditional.

    Right now I'm trying to figure out a way to do this with some jQuery. Anyone ever do this with just jQuery or JS?

    submitted by /u/CrazeDawg
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    Ghost as a headless CMS

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share this link. A dev on my team made Ghost a headless CMS and created a weekly content newsletter which was a pretty cool. Tutorial and demo included. Just thought it was kinda' cool!


    submitted by /u/NThompson_
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    Offering speed as a feature ⚡️

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    Am I the only person that fixes problem and don't even know how I have fixed them, or does that happens regularly?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 03:08 AM PDT

    SquareSpace Developer - Add GitHub Repo

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I hope I am not wasting anyones time with this question, as I am not an experienced developer.

    I am attempting to add the following GitHub repo to a page on my SquareSpace site by use of their Developer server(https://github.com/ketodiet/keto-calculator). Given that I have minimal development capabilities, I have been unsuccessful.

    If anyone has any tips as to how to accomplish this, it would be extremely appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mcrosen10
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    JWT authentication

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 02:06 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I'm building a small app to allow users to create some files.

    I want said users to be logged in, so that not everyone can modify any file.

    I've a backend made of two dotnet core project : one for the file management itself, and the other for the identity. That "identity" part is able to register a new user , and to generate a JWT (via IdentityServer4).

    I've a frontend made of a VueJs app, through which my users should login and authenticate to get authorization to use the app.

    I've tested with postman, technically it works : I can't access the restricted controllers if I don't send the bearer token generated by the Identity server. Great.

    Now I'm a bit confused as to the flow.

    Let's say my user is new. He will register to my app, then he should login (or maybe that's automatic after creating your account ? I don't fully get how identity server and those middleware works), then he should ask for a token to prove who he is.

    How do I store that token ? Where ? Should I just put it in VueX's store ? Is that "safe" ? Should my backend fetch that token as soon as the user tries to login (if he actually logged in I mean), or should it be another call from the front-end ?

    I'm sorry if this counts as a "beginner" question, it seems to me it's already a bit advanced. The issue I have is with the flux and good practices, and my google-fu is of little help on this one. If someone could provide a clear explanation of the way it should/could be done, without entering in technical details, I'd be grateful.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DoctorPrisme
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    Is there a plugin for Notepad++ that can (attempt to) autodetect languages when you paste in large amounts of code?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I looked into this a while back but found nothing. I realize this would be difficult to achieve with only a few lines of code as many languages are similar, but surely pasting in huge blocks of code could narrow the possibilities down. Hell, it could even just do a popup with a the languages it's narrowed it down to and then you manually select the one you want.. Over time it'd learn your preferences and could narrow things down more easily.

    submitted by /u/Honkmaster
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