• Breaking News

    Monday, April 8, 2019

    TIL The United States Government has it's own Design System web developers

    TIL The United States Government has it's own Design System web developers

    TIL The United States Government has it's own Design System

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    Microsoft releases new Microsoft Edge based on Chromium

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    How can I detect what coding language is used on website?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:36 AM PDT

    Do modern web devs actually code websites up from scratch or do you use templates/pre-existing resources and then modify your way from there?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:33 AM PDT

    Very new to web development and am starting to learn the basics of html/css/javascript etc. and was wondering if modern working webdevs actually code from complete scratch or use some kind of template and work off of that...

    submitted by /u/lotyei
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    A RealWorld Comparison of Front-End Frameworks with Benchmarks (2019 update)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    Framework being used here?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    So I came across this site and some of the animations are too smooth and the class names seem too generic for this to not be a framework:


    I checked builtwith and its vue.js and pixie.js -- and I've never heard of pixie before.

    I'm also not entirely convinced that everything on this site was custom built for just this website. I know how I can replicate some things on here but it just wreaks of a framework but I can't seem pinpoint exactly what they're using.

    Anyone have an idea? Or is this truly custom made with just VUE, Pixie, and plain old JS?


    submitted by /u/PursuitOfAdvice
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    SVG Abstract Background Resource?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, is there a tool or website where I can find/create svg backgrounds like these --> https://imgur.com/a/jWSk5Mp

    I was only able to find websites like https://www.heropatterns.com/ , but those are patterns.

    I tried to post it in r/web_design but my Karma is too low

    submitted by /u/Moshi-Mosh
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    What are some of the biggest pain points in webdev?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Color theme generator

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 12:34 AM PDT

    Hi all, I have recently released:

    https://geenes.app A tool to create harmonious color themes with code and sketch file export.

    Since than it appeared in a few website such as sidebar or codrops.

    The feedback I collected from the users has been very helpful so far. I have a better idea now of what to improve and what new feature to add. This last release add an undo/reset functionality and it's something I didn't think about it but it come directly from the users.

    I would love to hear your opinion about my tool so I can keep working on it and improve it in a meaningful direction.

    Thank you very much

    submitted by /u/Gginidesignz
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    Are website builders an immediate threat to Wordpress.org, Joomla & Drupal?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    I've been a freelance Wordpress developer for almost a decade.

    In those 10 years I've seen just about every industry change dramatically. Technology has altered car dealerships, taxi companies, and cable companies. In fact, I'm struggling to come up with an example of an industry that has remained totally unchanged by technology over the past 10 years.

    I didn't view website builders like Squarespace, WIX, and Weebly as a threat when they started to enter the industry a few years ago. They filled a need in the marketplace, helping people with very low budgets build websites without knowing how to code.

    I wasn't threatened by the website builders at the time. People with non-existent budgets were not going to hire me, a professional Wordpress developer, to build them a website at my rates. Plus, once a lot of non-technical people tried out the website builders they would find that it was over their head and they would need to find a professional to help them.

    Squarespace gives people the tools to build a website, but not the practical knowledge that comes with a professional website consultant. – You could give me a hammer, saw, and all of the tools needed to build a house, but I couldn't build a house without a professional carpenter's help.

    However, it was important to keep reminding myself that website builders were and currently are in their infancy. It would be dangerous to write them off as something to totally ignore.

    Squarespace has every incentive to keep growing and developing their software. They want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to create a website. The technology isn't there now, but is it possible that one day very soon my job as a freelance Wordpress developer will be obsolete? Will Squarespace be able to perfect website customization to be so cheap and easy that everybody can do it? Is it possible that one day Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal will be dominated by Squarespace et. al.?

    In just the past six months I've had 3 clients switch from Wordpress to Squarespace/Shopify. Even one of the advertising agencies I subcontract for have been using their in-house, non-coding graphic designers develop sites in Squarespace – work that was previously sent to the agency's freelance Wordpress developers.

    A few bad signs for Wordpress/Drupal/Joomla:

    • Website builders don't get hacked or require maintenance/backups
    • Development with website builders are much cheaper and require less coding knowledge
    • Young website developers entering the industry will probably be using Squarespace, Wix, etc because of the learning curve
    • Wordpress is trying to mimic some of the website builder features in order to compete (like the block editor/Gutenberg update) which are frustrating to use.
    • Website builders' marketing is insane. My Grandma knows about Squarespace/Wix and she doesn't even have a computer.

    A few good signs for Wordpress/Drupal/Joomla

    • There are always going to be companies that see the value in paying a professional to do professional work
    • Currently, it's mostly cheap, budget conscious business owners using website builders
    • Wordpress/Drupal/Joomla can do a ton of complex things that website builders can't do

    But for how long can we say that those three "good signs" wont be things that Squarespace/Wix/Shopify can take care of?

    It's sad for me to accept, but I think our industry is changing faster that I'd like to admit.

    And admitting it is a huge first step – if Blockbuster admitted their industry was changing we may be going home to "Blockbuster and Chill" (luckily Netflix stepped in because it doesn't have the same ring to it).

    What about you? Do you agree with me? If so, what changes are you making to your business?

    submitted by /u/everything-went-numb
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    Hubspot APIs & Date Formatting

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    Hey -

    Anyone have experience with hubspot and their date picker fields? I cannot for the life of me get this properly formatted.

    I read this: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/faq/how-should-timestamps-be-formatted-for-hubspots-apis

    Which says:

    HubSpot API endpoints accept UNIX formatted timestamps in milliseconds

    But formatting milliseconds still errors out. Only pushing dates are causing my final hangup.

    Any advice or anyone want to hope in discord for like 5 minutes?

    submitted by /u/Rebeleleven
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    How to finish personal projects?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    I have always been struggling to finish personal projects.

    First I get an idea that I am very excited about. I start writing code as long as possible.

    But as I progress I gradually lose interest.

    At some point I feel like it's a 'chore' to finish the project.

    Is this common behaviour? How does one go about fixing this?

    submitted by /u/physiQQ
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    need help identifying how to build a website like the ones listed here. What platform can they be built upon, etc

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    I need to be able to describe to a freelancer what I need the site to technically do and I want to ensure I am using the best platforms to do the job.

    Here is a link to 3 websites that offers a similar functionality. The only difference is that I would want someone to upload 1 photo when added event.




    submitted by /u/MrRed504
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    SSL Help

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    I am trying to make Wordpress work with the SSL I have. But I'm nervous I'm going to crash my clients site again (tried using cloudflare and got a redirect loop)

    I would really appreciate a walkthrough on how to get everything up and running.

    My understanding is you edit htaccess file and add the forced https script.

    When I did that last time it went okay, but then I went into Wordpress and changed the site url to https and bam redirect loop crash.

    I think I might also have to do a query through phpmyadmin to change all of the database files from http to https but I've never done this before and it's a clients live site. So if some awesome experienced dev wants to walk a newbie through it I would greatly appreciate it

    submitted by /u/audionoobhelpme
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    Feeling like my current job isn't handling a project properly

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have been working as a developer for ~two years now at a very small agency - my first job in the industry. Im the only in-house developer, and we mainly focus on Wordpress sites with the occasional static/react microsite. I have a strong friendship with my boss and co-workers, and love working with them as people. At the end of last year, we were approached to work on a full stack react PWA with many moving parts, accompanied by 2 separate admin dashboards to manage the application. I have some personal experience with React for about a year, but nothing production worthy. And our agency has never had a project of this scale that wasn't a Wordpress site.

    The client is a set of older dudes who know very little about software development, web, UX etc. It has been four months working on this project, and every meeting there is a new 'idea' that they have or something that they want to rework with the application, delaying the project more and more. Also, we dont have a professional designer - all designs that I have had to work off of are screenshots that the client makes on their ipad with some design/paint-type app. This project was supposed to be finished end of last month, but we are barely even 1/3rd done with the project due to the lack of preparation/new ideas constantly being brought up.

    Basically, I'm just frustrated that my boss is not forcing our clients to be more prepared with their content and ideas - It becomes difficult to write a proper codebase when scope and requirements are constantly changing and deadlines are not set.

    Furthermore, since the designs i am being given are done by someone with 0 web design experience and are crude mockups of what they want the site to look like, the site looks like shit and I am embarrassed to put this on my portfolio. I am primarily looking to be a React/JS Front end dev, and this was something i was looking forward to putting on my portfolio to show that I'm able to create a large scale, production-ready React site.

    Sorry for the wall of text - just wanted to see if this is a common situation in web dev/agency work and if im being a bit too jaded towards my bosses preparation of the project. Would adding a project to my portfolio that from a planning and visual standpoint is a mess be a bad idea, even if its with a technology i really want to work with in future jobs?

    submitted by /u/nebflix
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    Would anyone mind helping me with a class interview?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Basically I just have to ask 10 questions to someone in this field. I already did this same exact project two years ago yet I have to do again, you can probably tell I'm not too excited about it. If anyone is willing to help me out, I can just send you the question bank and you can pick the questions that would be easiest to answer for you. Shoot me a PM if you want to be a saint.

    I will have to know your real name, the company you work for, and your title in case you are uncomfortable sharing that.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/acowstandingup
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    What's the best way to continue developing a facebook app after you've already set your domains?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    After getting facebook login and basic accounts set up, making sure that a few user accounts worked, I've gone back into development mode to work on the next feature.

    I had to make sure everything worked live, so I set the domains and validRedirectURI to the server. Now I can set it back to localhost, but part of my site is now relying on it.

    What's the best way to continue working on the webapp from my localhost (which doesn't pass Facebook authentication to get data), without constantly re-uploading via FTP?

    submitted by /u/NeoHenderson
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    Adding a font to Heroku (Static)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:53 PM PDT


    I created a static webpage (pureply css and html) and used a font I downloaded and uploaded to my local repository. However, other people without the font cannot see my deployed webpage with the font and sees the default TNR. How can I upload the font to Heroku?

    submitted by /u/jasonlolwut
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    Ok to create a subdomain for testing a new niche?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    Hey gang, apologies for what I'll assume is a noob question. I've got a "placeholder" site for sales, but it's not optimized for organic traffic at all due to a lack of an overall long term vision.

    Now, I have an idea for what that vision could be, and I'd like to get started with the grunt work (keyword SEO, backlinking, whatever's the latest since I mentally checked out a few years ago). But that niche would alienate a fair amount of my current demographic for the placeholder sales, and so I'd rather not just recycle the existing site toward the niche idea, at least until it's proven itself in the market.

    My question is - for long term organic traffic, should I just create all this niche content on a subdomain as an "option" for customers, with the intent of it becoming the main site focus if things go well?

    And follow up q - if it does go well, what's the best way to transfer the niche pages/content to replace the main site pages without it affecting traffic?

    submitted by /u/nycwildcard
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    How does this site able to do this?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. So a friend needs help with her mobile app. I'm loading a webview that needs to load a local HTML page that mimics something similar to this https://www.sololearn.com/Play/CPlusPlus/. Click on for example basic concepts -> variables. The tabbed sections/page is what I need. Each tab can be either text with information or questions in the style of the following: fill in the blanks, multiple choice, select all that apply, rearrange the blocks and a drag and drop.


    submitted by /u/Pholoxo
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    Extracting legacy application logic

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've got several aspnet webforms Applications that I'm tasked with characterizing for our dev team. Our goal is to do a rewrite using a more modern stack so it's important that they're characterized properly. Basically scoping out what it's doing and how, etc. does anyone know of any tools to aid in this? I know I can do this manually myself, but if there are tools that can help in the process it'd be great (maybe something similar to swagger that can help document)

    submitted by /u/throwawayacc201711
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    Simultaneous remote collaboration tool - simultaneous IDE

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    I am trying to help a friend learn some web dev stuff, but we are remote. I would like, basically, to have an IDE that we can both access at the same time, similarly to google docs.

    I've looked at codepen, but it looks like their collaboration tool is a paid feature. Is there a free service I can use?

    submitted by /u/DanielPBak
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    What can't I do on a static website ?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm currently in the process of developping a website, all in ReactJS.

    I keep reading about static websites, how they can be hosted for free on Netlify, Github Pages and so on. I just can't figure out what I can't do on a static website.

    Can my website fetch info on an external API ?

    Can my website have user authentication, with displayed content depending on the type of user ?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Anohid
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