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    Saturday, April 6, 2019

    Some advice to software engineering candidates from an interviewer. learn programming

    Some advice to software engineering candidates from an interviewer. learn programming

    Some advice to software engineering candidates from an interviewer.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    I'm a software engineer at a large company based in the bay and I've recently been interviewing people quite a bit to fill mid career full stack engineering and QA Automation engineer roles. After awhile I've noticed some patterns from applicants that I wanted to share for anyone actively looking for work. These have come up multiple times in round table discussions with other interviewers about candidates and seem like easy gets if people were aware of them:

    1. When doing a technical problem always explain what your game plan is before you begin to solve the challenge and why you think it will work. There is usually a brute force or naive solution that you can reach somewhat easily and many applicants jump into coding that immediately before discussing their thoughts. Depending on the role, this may or may not be acceptable, but if I'm looking for something more complex I'm happy to nudge the candidate toward a better method if that's what I'm looking for. If I just want the naive solution, I'll say its fine and to proceed - going super complex right out of the gate without explaining the naive solution may make it seem like you're over-engineering the problem or aren't practical (especially if your complex solution is wrong). I get the sense that most candidates are anxious to prove that they can code and dive in hastily. This is considered a red flag and usually results in negative marks in the critical thinking column.
    2. Start with test cases. Even if you don't practice test driven development, this shows foresight and gives the interviewer a chance to course correct fundamental misunderstandings about the problem at hand. Even if you don't execute them by the end, write them in comments - show the input and expected output. Try to think up as many edge cases as possible. Once you're most of the way through the problem and you realize you fundamentally misunderstood something its too late for me to help.
    3. If you stop talking for more than a minute people become worried about your ability to communicate your thought process. Even if you're stuck, talk about why you're stuck and if you are unable to make progress just admit it and I'm happy to offer some leading hints. I want to see that you can think critically and program, not that you know the 'trick' to getting the optimal solution.
    4. If you can only do the naive solution and you're not prompted for something harder, try to explain the more complex solution when you're done as best you can. I've passed multiple people through phone screens who would not otherwise have gotten through because I knew they understood that their solution wasn't the best, they just didn't think of the optimal one immediately. If we have time and I want to see something more complex I'll ask you to try to implement it.
    5. In your questions for the interviewer ask about the team. Often the deciding factor for myself and my colleagues concerning a couple of candidates has been whether we got the feeling that the person would be satisfied in the role they're applying for. We don't want to hire someone who is going to leave in a year, engagement is incredibly important. On multiple occasions we have selected someone who was not quite as technically advanced as someone else because they seemed enthusiastic about what the team was working on.

    If anyone wants any specifics or has questions about interviewing I'd be happy to answer but I just wanted to share with folks here the common themes I've seen in the last couple of months. Good luck everyone :)

    submitted by /u/neobonzi
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    Teach inner city kids to code

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I used to code many years ago and have since moved in to sales. I want to give back to the community and help low income kids develop an interest in programming. I am considering renting a community hall, buying 10 old laptops and teach kids from ages 10 to 15 either Javascript or Python. The coding has to be visual meaning they can see the results of what they code. I'm thinking programs like create a circle or bounce a circle around with sound effects will help kids develop an interest in coding.

    I'm looking for thoughts/feedback from you to help refine the idea. Of course, I will have to sharpen my own Python skills. I have not coded for a really long time.

    submitted by /u/forestgump2016
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    Am I a bad programmer?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:16 PM PDT


    I would like to ask your opinions about my situation.

    I really want to be a programmer, and this is important for me.

    Currently I'm learning Java (I learnt front end web development and also php, and beforbe these all I've learnt C# game programming in Unity)

    My question is about that am I/will I be a bad programmer if I have to google almost all my questions right now?

    I can't really use what I learnt for example 1 day ago so that if I want to build a project, I have to google the parts that will build my project.

    For example, once I built an application system for my school.

    I knew which parts will be needed, but technically I couldn't even start writing the harder parts of the project.

    I knew what should I do and I understanded the logic in theory, but I didn't know how to do that technically so that I couldn't write the code even when I already knew the logic behind the page.

    When I successfully copied some codes from Google/Stackoverflow I could reuse them for the other parts of the page by deleting a few lines or adding a few lines by myself.

    So the main point is usually I know the logic behind the things, but currently I can't start writing that on my own.

    Am I/Will I be a bad programmer?

    submitted by /u/definitelynotkristof
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    How was your programming journey from 0 to where you are now?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    A good example would be me with fitness.

    I started simple. Walking into the gym. Learning to use the weights. Weeks of fucking up not knowing what I was doing.

    Then I followed a beginner routine with a focus on completing it. Then a focus on using the right form per exercise. Once I had a foundation I jumped to a more advanced routine.

    I dieted using caloric surplus or caloric deficit. Didn't care what I ate.

    I still feel I'm learning new things now but I am at a better place now then I was in the past. And am eager to learn more about diet, exercises, routines, and more.

    As for programming.

    I've fiddled with free code camp. Applied what I learned to a website and am a bit stuck of where to go from there.

    What's your story?

    submitted by /u/BeanNCheeze
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    Is college worth it?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    Originally, I was going to college for computer science, then changed it to the finance field and eventually I just dropped out of college.

    Recently, I've been getting into programming on my own time and I just realized that when I was in college for CS, I wasn't putting any effort into my studies and programming.

    So my question is, is college necessary? I mean, you can learn things online and we live in the era of information. I get that college would be necessary for networking but I'm not that much of a social person.

    Thanks for your input

    submitted by /u/LeeeeeroyPhishkins
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    How do I get used to working with large codebases and get over my imposter syndrome?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    I graduated from college in December, and started a software engineering job in early February. Unfortunately, my degree was not in computer science or software engineering like all of the other new hires, and my skills at doing anything programming related are extremely poor relative to them. It's a paired environment so I can usually contribute something, but my actual coding contributions are damn near nonexistent. I'm trying to learn the languages that my team uses in my free time for a few hours every day, but beyond that working with the full code base and trying to actually do anything without without breaking everything seems way beyond my current level

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Solomon
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    How to get better at live coding interviews/programming interview questions

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    I just failed another live coding interview and I'm wondering what resources you all recommend to improve on these. I'm a frontend/fullstack Javascript developer with mostly freelancing / contracting experience and I can build webapps/projects fine, however, the interview questions I've been getting are extremely difficult for me and I've been bombing them one after the other. I get through the Q/A portions etc no problem, but I need to improve on this area and I'm unsure what to do as they're so vastly different at each company.

    A couple of the more recent questions were to Recursively iterate through nested objects and return a boolean based on a conditional statement, or without any console.logs or google recursively iterate through an input to get x value out.

    After writing this I guess I need to improve my recursion, and hackerrank skills. Does anyone have any good references or advice for these specifically?

    submitted by /u/dmeow
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    i've hit a brickwall in my learning, help?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    So i've recently covered the basics, however ive been getting started on object oriented programming. i keep learning new concepts such as inheretence and composition, however im not sure how i can apply all these concepts and practise them.. would you guys happen to know of any beginner project on such topics that i can attempt would mean alot, and other tips are also welcomed. How did you guys get past the initial wall of object orentiented programming? Im studying this on my own which is why i dont have any idea.

    submitted by /u/ShahanB
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    Help With Python Programming Code

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Good Afternoon guys, I am a college student currently learning the basics of python. I have an assignment that asked me to use variables to x and a total to create a while loop that automates the sum of squares for numbers 1-50 and associate the value with the total. using no other variables besides x and total i came up with

    >>> K = 0

    >>> total = 0

    >>> while k <= 50:

    >>> total = total + k * k

    >>> k = k + 1


    however the second part asks us to do the same thing as question one but only total squares that are even in the loop

    third part asks the same thing but only total squares that are odd.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    Bonus: Write a program that prompts a user for their age. Once received, check if it is odd or even. If even, output their year of birth. If odd, output the phrase 'You are the odd one'

    ^ does anyone know how to do this too?

    submitted by /u/cartisythe
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    Python! Django! cannot import Step!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 12:25 AM PDT


    File "/home/jhjhj/learning_site/courses/admin.py", line 4, in <module>

    from .models import Course, Step

    ImportError: cannot import name 'Step'


    from django.contrib import admin
    # Register your models here.
    from .models import Course, Step

    class StepInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Step
    class CourseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [StepInline,]
    admin.site.register(Course, CourseAdmin)


    Need help!

    submitted by /u/prasantbagale
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    Difficulty with passing values from HTML form to PHP (dropdown menu value to PHP)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:45 PM PDT

    Hi guys.

    I have a HTML form.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <form action="getdetails.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> Colour: <input type="text" name="colour"><br> <br> Type: <select> <option value="Kitchen">Kitchen</option> <option value="Office">Office</option> <option value="Bedroom">Bedroom</option> <option value="General">General</option> </select> <br> <br> Unit Price, (between 5 and 500): <input type="number" name="price" step="0.01" min="5" max="500"> <p><input type="submit"></p> </form> </body> </html> 

    The PHP/SQL is as follows:

    <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = "courseworkv2"; $name = $_POST["name"]; $colour = $_POST["colour"]; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql = "Insert Into flatpack_apn (Name, Colour) Values('" . $name . "', '" . $colour . "')"; $result = $conn->query($sql); ?> 

    Everything is being passed successfully from my HTML form to the PHP to the database and table....except for Type. In my database, Type is specified as an ENUM, of which there are four possibilties, Kitchen, Office, General and Bedroom and it was on that basis that I thought the dropdown menu would work, as that seemed to be a HTML version of an ENUM. Evidently however, the values chosen for the dropdown menu are not being registered by my script. Can anyone please advise?

    submitted by /u/outragedpenguin
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    C# Newbie - Objects with Objects as Properties and those Objects having their own Object Properties and so on...

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:39 PM PDT

    Hello, I hope everyone is well today!

    Kind of a newbie here and I've been working diligently on teaching myself, so always trying to be conscious of how things work and best practices. I have I guess sort of a conceptual question and I'm not sure how to phrase it in Google or what concept I'm looking to learn more about. But it has to do with classes that have objects of other classes as properties and then those classes having their own property objects and so on. If anyone sees what I'm talking about and has a reference for a concept or something for me to Google and research, I'd be greatly appreciative.

    So to try to illustrate, say I'm making a game with a player character. So there's a Character class, and each Character has a Sidekick and also has a Backpack object, and then inside the Backpack there's a HealingPotion in it. And HealingPotion has a method called Use() where it just adds health, goes on cooldown, whatever else (& this isn't specifically the problem I'm facing, just quick pseudocode or whatever to try to illustrate my question):

    public class Character { internal Backpack Backpack {get; set;} internal Weapon Weapon {get; set;} internal PetSidekick PetSidekick {get; set;} internal Stats Stats {get; set;} public Character(){...} etc... whatever } public class PetSidekick { internal PetBackpack {get; set;} internal string Name {get; private set;} = Rover; internal Stats Stats {get; set;} internal Etc... etc... } public class PetBackpack { internal DogTreat DogTreat {get; set;} } public class Backpack { internal HealPotion HealingPotion {get; set;} internal Notepad Notepad {get; set;} internal Etc... etc... } public class HealPotion { internal int ValueOfHealing {get; set;} internal int CoolDown {get; set;} internal bool CurrentlyUsable {get; set;} internal Etc... etc... internal void Use() { // } } 

    I know I could pass a Character as a parameter into HealPotion.Use(Character charToHeal) and heal a character that way, but is it possible to somehow have HealPotion.Use() reference the Character whose Backpack it's in, if that makes sense? Or have HealPotion.Use() reference that specific Character's PetSidekick (or even PetSidekick's MiniBackpack)? Or would I need to overload like HealPotion.Use(PetSidekick petToHeal) and handle everything like that? And say there are more levels, so like the Character is in a Room on a Boat (I know that's kind of ridiculous and not practical, but would it be possible for HealingPotion.Use() to reference a Boat object that far removed, if that makes sense?)

    I apologize if this is a silly question or concept or I'm maybe thinking about this the wrong way, I'm trying to understand best ways to structure and write programs that have objects inside objects inside objects etc..., how I can associate objects with each other while still trying to keep encapsulation, keep things separate from one another. So any insight on what I might research to learn more on how this is typically handled, I'd be very grateful. Thanks so much everyone.

    submitted by /u/digitalcoyote9
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    What after software engineering career?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    At some level of experience, there's a situation when almost every task seem pretty boring.

    Technologies change constantly, however, a working pattern remains to be the same.

    The question is, have you ever faced this feeling, and if yes, where to go next?

    submitted by /u/Atagor
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    How can I view my data from the stack container when using windows forms (C#)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    I built a large container of objects; and I just want to check to see if I added them all correctly. Normally in a command prompt; I could just output the entire container by looping through view methods; but with windows forms it seems a bit different. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Crazypete3
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    Python Classes for age 10-13

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I started teaching computer science classes at my school to kids that are around 10-13 years old. We have now arrived to the coding unit, where we are learning Python 3. After 3 lessons, I have noticed that they are not enjoying it as much as other classes such as hardware, command line... Some kids are really interested, but as others don't understand something, they immediately stop trying and becomes very hard for me to follow everyone. I notice that they are not even listening to me since they literally ask questions that have been asked 5 times and that I have also explained 5 times.

    I have realized that the way in which I am teaching them can be a bit boring, but I try to tell them the first steps always are...

    I have a powerpoint, where I explain some theory, some jupyter scripts, that they can copy from the board and a github repo from where they can access some more theory: https://github.com/FedeCuci/ISU.

    However, some of these kids don't even know how to save documents, while others already get the basics and already want to start solving challenges...

    In short, I was interested in knowing whether any of you guys has any suggestions on some fun ways in which I can teach them Python 3. I have seen some online games and what not, but they all a bit too complicated. What should my next step be? I have tried to look at this website: https://skillcrush.com/2017/04/03/free-coding-games/. for some inspiration, but none of these are really what I am looking for.

    They are really competitive and like to play games, so I think they would love a coding challenge where they have to make something of their own and compare with each other or something... They have really enjoyed overthewire bandit challenges when learning about the command line, and I thought they would love something like https://codefights.net/ (but again, I need an invitation code which I don't have....).

    I really hope to hear some nice suggestions and I would appreciate all the help I can get!

    submitted by /u/FedeCuci
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    Diy PHP MVC framework

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:57 PM PDT

    Work is quiet so decided to learn something new and figured i'd try to make a php mvc framework for fun and learning.

    I've read some tutorials and followed a few but wondering if anyone can recommend a good one that is fairly up to date and uses good practices.

    I've checked out this one and this but both have faults i'm reading and suspect there's better.

    submitted by /u/onions5000
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    I have found an easy way to create a calculator Dapp

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    I have seen an easy way to develop a calculator in Dapp. If anyone interested in creating a calculator and also a beginner can check the link given below. Knowledge sharing post. Visit the link for more information.

    submitted by /u/Johnkite7
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    For software engineering/software development/computer science

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    What did you think was harder in college? Learning to actually program and learn new languages or the math? Seems to be a lot of math so I'm wondering which y'all thought to be harder.

    submitted by /u/IIIIIIIIIIIIlllll
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    Is there a way to check if a video file is downloaded completely? (python)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:39 PM PDT

    Sometimes I download a movie but when I open the mp4 file it just shows me until 60%. So the rest of the file is not downloaded.

    I wrote a script for downloading movies automatically but when this problem happens, I always manually have to check that if the video is streamable. For example my video player says duration is 2:04:12 but i cant watch after 1.30.00

    Is there a something can help me with python? So I can know these corrupted files and download it again?

    submitted by /u/Blackwater_7
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    Suggestions for learning

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Hi guys I recently got a job(not software) which has lot of free time. So I want to start learning some tools/skills/languages which can help me to acquire freelance projects but I don't where to start or look for. So my best friend told me about this subreddit. Hope you guys can help me.

    P.S : I have decent knowledge of C++ and python which I have learned during my undergraduate program.

    submitted by /u/shisui1729
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    Android smart app localisation using Firebase!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    Currently in a coding bootcamp, and the recruiter coming to visit (and hire!) us has openly said she is only interested in hiring women. How prevalent is this attitude? Should this just be expected to be the norm?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    For reference, there are only a few women in our class of ~25.

    I'll admit, hearing this has been pretty demoralizing. Learning all of this is tough enough without feeling like you are starting at a deficit.

    Is this one of those things I should just get used to or is this an outlier for the industry?

    submitted by /u/magus678
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    GraphQL with Ruby On Rails: Queries in Multiple Files

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    Where can I learn more about Quantitative Finance?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    I know nothing about almost financial markets, but they seem interesting and like a good source of jobs for the tech sector. I'm just a sophomore Computer Engineering major, so where might I learn more about Quantitative Finance?

    submitted by /u/Not_Reverse_Flash_
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