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    Tuesday, April 16, 2019

    Resume Advice Thread - April 16, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - April 16, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - April 16, 2019

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    Note on anonomyizing your resume: If you'd like your resume to remain anonymous, make sure you blank out or change all personally identifying information. Also be careful of using your own Google Docs account or DropBox account which can lead back to your personally identifying information. To make absolutely sure you're anonymous, we suggest posting on sites/accounts with no ties to you after thoroughly checking the contents of your resume.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - April 16, 2019

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How a handwritten thank you note got me an internship

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'll keep this short. Recently, an HR representative from a local health tech company came on-campus to give a talk about writing a good resume, and handling the behavioral side of the interview. She was volunteering to do it.

    I took notes and asked good questions, then wrote her a small thank you note, so her efforts don't go unnoticed. Fast forward 3 months, we meet at a local career fair. I showed her that I followed her formula in my resume, and BOOM. I got an interview with an engineering lead a week later. 3 days after, I received a software developer internship offer.

    I've done that to every talk by professors, experts, or anyone who took time out of their day to help students with nothing in return. A lot of my younger classmates have accused me of kissing ass, but I think if you're nice to everyone, everyone will be nice to your. The head of advisors once told me, it's a red flag to her if candidates don't follow-up with thank you email/DM/note.

    Show that you care.

    submitted by /u/ease78
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    Choosing between data science opportunities in tech, finance, and consulting

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Background: I was formerly a (non-computer) engineer who spent five years as an engineer in the manufacturing sector. Due to interests in programming and business analysis, I took the plunge to start a master's degree in Data Science last Fall. Due to the reputation of the school and perhaps my unique background, I have been fortunate to get interviews for all sorts of data science related internships. I interviewed largely in tech, finance, and consulting. I recently opted for a FAANG Data Science position for the summer.

    Outlook: Looking forward to full-time recruiting in 2020, I technically have the options to recruit in any of those sectors I mentioned above and am largely uncertain as to which opportunities I should focus on. I've been stretching myself to learn about each of them- doing more practice on coding and machine learning projects, learning about corporate finance, derivatives, and algorithmic trading, and studying business strategy and case studies for management consulting roles. This is probably the last time where I'll have infinite options at my disposal so I'd like to leave no stone unturned.

    Scenario: I feel like I'm stretching myself thin trying to position myself for interviews and full-time recruiting in all these industries and that may affect the quality of the preparation. This is especially the case because my pre-Masters background is in neither tech, finance or business strategy. It may be better to dedicate myself to one and invest all my time into it so that the quality of my preparation is better. At the same time, all those fields are competitive and I don't know if I should be putting all my eggs in one basket. I also enjoy each of these fields for various reasons- they each draw on different skill sets that I enjoy using.


    1. Given the many areas where it is possible to work as a data scientist, how do you go about selecting the right industry or area to focus?
    2. If someone selects to go into a more traditional management consulting role (very little formal data science) with a top firm (Deloitte, BCG, etc), would that limit my options to work as a data scientist in the future or in a quantitative finance position down the line?
    3. I have no issue with working long hours which many of these fields require but is there any areas or companies where the expectation is for 40-50 hours? I'm thinking that if I can pursue additional interests in my spare time, choosing a role with fewer expected hours may allow me to continue to grow and figure out my long-term path on my own time.
    4. I have a bit of specialized industry experience in manufacturing- outside of consulting and finance, would those ever come in handy when working as a data scientist for a FAANG company?
    5. What should a data scientist who hasn't worked in any of these sectors be aware of in terms of the job description or the demands?

    I appreciate any responses to any or all of the above questions. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/texas_caveman
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    What's happening with the job market?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    I was laid off in Jan. 2019 and I had company X say yes to me verbally for an offer and then I got ghosted. Followed up twice email plus phone but no response.

    Been applying and interviewing for the past 3 months or so. With 3 years of experience in backend Java. Feel like the hiring process has slowed down some how? Not sure exactly what is going on. I'm the only one not passing the interviews maybe?

    I live in Chicago and I'm applying all over US. Last 2 weeks have been pretty stale in getting call backs.

    submitted by /u/plathack
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    Getting hired as a remote frontend developer

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    Message to mods: This is a crosspost from my blog, but I've removed all the links to my own content.


    This post is about getting hired in Europe. Hiring practices in other parts of the world may differ. This post reflects my personal journey and is by no means a definitive guide to getting hired.

    Around eight months ago I started feeling like I'm stagnating at work. My commute was also seriously wearing me down. And because I was already enjoying 2 days of homeoffice per week I decided to try switching to a fully remote position.

    At that moment I had already received and declined a couple of offers from local companies and as a result felt pretty confident in my skills.

    I was wrong.

    Competition is heavy

    When applying to remote positions you are essentially competing with hundreds of different candidates from around the world. Some of them will have more experience. Some of them will have impressive open-source contributions. Some of them will have serious background in design. And some of them will have much lower salary expectations because of their location.

    Suddenly what was considered impressive in your local job market becomes average at scale.

    I never struggled with being hired in my life so the barrage of constant rejections was totally new to me. I became really discouraged by these rejections and even thought about giving up on this idea altogether. I thought maybe I don't have it.

    Job-hunting requires a completely different mindset though, let's call it "dungeon grinder". You wander into the dungeon with basic gear, die, lose nothing but gain valuable experience in the process.

    The idea is that you apply to roles you may not even want just to score an interview or two, then go on those interviews as a way of getting familiar with the interview process and the kinds of questions you'll need to be able to answer

    This quote sums it up pretty nice.

    You can learn so much on the internet for the low price of your ego

    You'll have to grow a thick skin though. Prepare to be rejected without feedback via automated email messages. Prepare to be ghosted. Prepare to be ignored after you wrote a perfect cover letter where you describe your favourite science fiction book (yes, it was one of the questions).

    The interviews

    I am talking about senior positions here. In fact, junior remote jobs are very rare and I wouldn't recommend it anyway.

    Things I did NOT encounter:

    • Leetcode/Hackerrank challenges
    • Tricky questions about prototypes, events, closures, this etc

    Things I encountered:

    • General functional programming questions
    • General system design questions
    • Practical event loop exercises
    • Some OOP design
    • Describe a challenge you encountered and how you solved it
    • Describe different CSS methodologies and their pros and cons
    • Why are ES6 modules better than CommonJS/AMD?

    Most of the frontend developer positions required React knowledge, so I was also asked some React-specific questions about immutability and different state management strategies. Many wanted to know how I feel about Redux.

    I was also asked how I would approach debugging and fixing a performance problem in a React application.

    Most of the interviews also involved 1-4 hour take-homes. These take-homes were usually pretty reasonable, like creating small single-page applications which meet specific requirements. Some of them required a candidate to not use any frameworks. Some required usage of Redux and redux-saga. Once I was asked to use styled-components and React Hooks.

    One of the most popular questions I got after completing a take-home was "How would you scale this?" or "What would you change if you had more time?".

    Overall I felt like the whole process was not as "broken" as we often read online, although I did encounter some questionable stuff along the way. For example one company invited me to their slack workspace with 100 other candidates and an #introductions channel. And everyone was sitting there writing stories about how great they are compared to others.

    Another company only wanted candidates with "25+ stars github repo".

    My main problem though was the following: I just wasn't as good as I imagined.


    You will get bonus points if you have another field of expertise. Here are some of the combinations I've encountered:

    • UI/UX + JS
    • Ruby + JS
    • PHP + JS
    • AWS stuff + JS 🤔

    So typically experience in some backend technology (Node, Ruby, Python, PHP) or having an "eye for design" will open up a lot more options for you.

    Framework knowledge is almost always mentioned and React is dominating this space. I don't have the exact numbers, but you can go to weworkremotely and compare search results for different frameworks.

    Sticking out

    After accomplishing nothing for several months I decided to take a look at my resume from outsiders perspective. It wasn't that impressive after all. I had one large challenging project available online, but that's it. Others were mostly intranet apps and I didn't mention them in my resume, which in hindsight was wrong.

    I also didn't have any significant online presence and notable side-projects. All in all I didn't really stand out from the crowd.

    After reading this great blogpost I decided to adopt a different mindset and created a very unoriginal plan.

    • Learn
    • Revamp my resume
    • Fill my github profile with some notable projects
    • Create personal website with a blog
    • Prepare and record a meetup talk and publish it on youtube
    • Send a conference talk proposal
    • Network


    I basically removed all the unnecessary junk and tried to squeeze out the most value out of the projects I participated in.

    • Recorded screencasts of projects that weren't freely accessible
    • Described in more details what I accomplished and which technologies I used in these projects
    • Removed any mentions of my nonexistent CS degree
    • Completely removed the "skills" section
    • Removed any mentions of bullshit jobs I did at the start of my programming career

    In the end I reduced my resume to a single page.


    We as programmers often neglect the power of networking. What the hell is networking anyway?

    the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts

    The first thing I did was I found this incredible Reactiflux Discord community. There I sought advice about my resume and career in general. I also asked questions about functional programming, React internals, Redux, TypeScript and a bunch of other things. From time to time I also managed to be helpful to others.

    Someone suggested me to create a Twitter account, which I though was stupid at first, but in the end turned out to be a great advice. I started using it as a technical notebook where I express my thoughts about things I learn and build.


    Around this time React Hooks were announced and I became completely fascinated by them. I began experimenting. It will probably sound funny, but for me the announcement of Hooks was the catalyst for becoming a better developer. I acquired tremendous amount of knowledge in the process of learning how they work and how they can be used and also experimented with a bunch of different technologies.

    Going an extra mile

    When I noticed that Company X was looking for a remote React developer, I became kinda sad. I've been a regular user of this app for several years because of my cycling addiction and always admired how it was built. Working at such a company would be a dream coming true, but I just wasn't sure I was good enough.

    So to test myself I decided to build a small app where I'd replicate some of Company X functionality. Companies love it when you create projects specifically tailored to getting their attention. You also have more chances if you have someone "on the inside".

    I sent a link to their senior javascript developer on Twitter and was immediately invited to apply to this position. My previous "interview training" helped me greatly to complete a ~4 hour take-home and do two zoom interviews with cofounders.

    I am starting in May.

    Random thoughts

    Being good at tech is not enough for remote work, you also have to be a good communicator. You'll need to show your potential employer that you are responsible and have great self-discipline. Your employer is essentially trusting you to do a good job.

    I preferred fully-remote companies when applying, because they are usually better at this whole asynchronous communication thing. Being one of the few remote developers at a company without remote culture can be challenging.

    Random links

    submitted by /u/latviancoder
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    Part time software jobs

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Do part time jobs exist in software? Like I only want to work 3 days a week(Or 25 hours).

    If yes, what sort of companies would allow that? Is FAANG out of question? Startups? Medium sized companies?

    I have 8 years of experience mostly from FAANG.

    If anyone has info on this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/MajorPussyEater
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    Accepted Offer Verbally a week ago - was promised a confirmation email with start date and haven't received - is this a red flag?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    Hi /r/cscareerquestions. Here's the timeline:

    1) Be desperate about-to graduate senior looking for a job

    2) Interview at company (twice!)

    3) Get a very high offer for a new grad in my area.

    Here's the problem - I received the offer verbally and accepted later that day (I emailed them confirming the salary $ and start date). I got a response email stating I'd get a confirmation of me accepting the offer in a few days (that was a week ago).

    I'm getting a little worried I haven't gotten it yet - should I follow up? Furthermore, how would I word an email to follow up without sounding pushy? It's a really nice offer and I'm hoping not to lose it haha.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Aiiight
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    Anyone get freaked out by how small and well-tracked this industry is?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Here's some incidents that have happened to me while internship recruiting:

    1. A recruiter told me that a woman I had met at the NYC branch of a company advocated for me when I applied at the Bay Area branch (same division so it makes sense she'd be privy to the the intern/new grad resumes, but I was surprised she remembered me at all).
    2. A company recruiter emailed me about full time roles. I told him I was looking for internships and asked if he could interview for that, but he told me to apply online. I managed to get an employee referral and an interview. The aforementioned recruiter emailed me to wish me luck. It wasn't even the same division.
    3. A company asked why I ghosted their interviewer the previous year ???
    4. I recognized the name of a recruiter who had interviewed me previously. She had moved to a new company and was screening me for a role there.

    People say reneging is fine and no one will remember you... but idk anymore. Anyone else have similar stories?

    submitted by /u/WearyNeat
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    Going from trader at a HFT to a dev role?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT


    I've been working as a junior trader at a HFT since I graduated ~1 year ago. While I am enjoying it now and very happy financially, it's a very intense/high-pressure work environment, the hours are long, and I am mentally drained at the end of each day. I'm still kind of in a trainee position, but I'm not sure if I could do this for the next 5-10 years, so I'm wondering where my exit ops are if/when I eventually burn out. I really like programming (minored in CS) and the programming aspect of my job currently is what I enjoy the most. Has anyone here made the move from a trading role to a dev role? If so, I have a few questions:

    1. Did you make the move internally or move to a different company? Did you have the option to move internally?
    2. What were your reasons for leaving trading? Do you miss it?
    3. How did your compensation change? Based on what I've heard so far, devs/traders tend to make similar base salaries (at similar experience levels) but traders have the potential to earn much higher bonuses if they perform well. Is there much truth to this?

    I realize the target audience for this question is very specific, so I would appreciate if anyone with experience in the industry could share their 2 cents. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DSInternThrowaway
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    Accepting a better offer within weeks of starting a new job?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    I feel like a scumbag for even considering this, but let's say you started a new full time job, and within a week, you get a marginally better offer (let's say 10k more sign on bonus):

    1. Would it be ok to just quit and take on the new job?
    2. All else being equal, what your personal sellout point to even consider this?
    3. Any advice on minimizing the burned bridge effect?
    submitted by /u/cs_starry
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    Fresh Physics PHD, How to switch to CS Career?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Background: Physics Phd from elite school in Cambridge/Boston doing 90% lab work + analyzing experimental data (XPS, PL, Raman, Uv-Vis, XRD, FTIR, Ellipsometry), 10% solid state simulations + software dev for scientific equipment control systems. Outside of academia, I've developed several side projects and apps using a combination of Python, Node, MySQL, Mongodb, docker, React.

    Done a class on Data Science and on quantitative finance, along with an internship at a small quant fund building infrastructures (data collection to trade execution) that handles their entire AUM (yes that tiny) and enjoyed them all. Started Leetcoding 100+ Easys, Udemy course on Data Science and Machine Learning, brushing up on probability/stats using Brilliant.org.

    Scenario/Current Understanding: I want to switch out to a CS-based career in the Cambridge/Boston area. However, DS job postings mostly require several years of work experience, ML jobs require PhD in CS/ML/AI and relevant fields. SWE jobs test heavily on Data Structures and Algorithms (esp. FANGM) which I have not done a class in, hence the Leetcode grinding and MOOC/Udemy. Quant roles have higher bars that FANG in their tech interviews (Leetcode hard+?) along with extreme proficiency in Math.


    1. Am I unable to leverage my Physics Phd and can only choose entry level CS jobs?
    2. How much Leetcoding do I need to do? How fast should I aim to solve Leetcode Mediums?
    3. Does Physics Phd fall under "Phd in CS/ML/AI or relevant fields"?
    4. Having only college level stats and math (inc. PDE), should I even bother with junior quant roles?

    tldr; With just a Physics Phd (Ivy league if it helps), no CS degrees and no work experience, how can I transition to a CS career, if possible?

    submitted by /u/PawOfFurry
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    Is it common these days for recently-finished freshman to have many offers for internships?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    So I was doing a former colleague a favor (at her request) by getting their daughter into my company for an internship and found out today that the daughter has declined my company's offer to find a better one. Ours wasn't bad, but not great either. But shit, it's an internship for a kid who would have a chance to code in the real world. Aside from making me look like a donkey at my company (it's a far from ideal, but far from irreparable situation), I was surprised by this. Is this common? What companies are competing for 18-year-old coders?

    submitted by /u/MeetLawrence
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    Keeping a shitty solution working just to save face!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 02:45 AM PDT

    Maybe this is a bit of a rant. How many of you all are writing code literally just so that some bigwig at your job can save face?

    I just started a job at a startup. My boss has rolled them out in a really broken setup. I don't want to go into the details, but he is made it very clear that The design is sacred, and not to be questioned.

    I'm looking at this thing and I can tell that it's already reaching the limits of maintainibility and scalability.

    To make matters worse, I'm realizing that I was hired by management to fix this guy's designs. He is their first developer, and is used to working alone. I can't even question any of these designs without him blowing up at me!

    So I'm literally writing code right now, doing development that I know is in the wrong direction, basically just because these high level guys at this company won't talk to me, and won't talk to one another!

    Does anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/charmian523
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    When do I get to start ghosting companies and negging HMs for not knowing anything?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 06:42 PM PDT

    I'm at 2 YOE and want this table to turn already and be in control.

    submitted by /u/fan-blew-me-lol
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    Most sought after skills?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    I have had a burning desire to get into programming, and I am considering a few bootcamps (Turing, Thinkful, GA). All the curriculums seem pretty good albiet different.

    This would be a pretty big deal in my life right now, and I understand the search afterwards can last a while too, and it's valuable to continue studying/working on your craft after finishing the program. So I want to be sure I'm making the best use of my time studying.

    When I look into job postings for developers/programmers, I see so many different specialties that employers look for. Everything from basics like C++ and Java to a wider range of things I don't even quite know what they are. So, be it in the learning program or not, what are some of your opinions for the most sought after frameworks/programs to be proficient in in the industry? From what I see they seem to be more backend technologies. Give me some guidance here as I construct my plan! Thank you <3

    submitted by /u/monstaro
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    advice for prof giving university-level app design course? (android)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Hello, i was recently hired at a mid-tier university in canada as a tenure-track computer science prof. one of the courses i will be teaching this fall is 'mobile app design', a course to introduce students to mobile app progrmaming (who have already taken an introductory programming course in c++, and possibly a more advanced course in java - they are 2nd and 3rd year university compsci students).

    I have already decided to teach in android, as i have released several mobile apps in android myself, and i know java quite well. what i'm wondering now is what is the best way to go about teaching this type of course? ie, what are the major topics i should cover? should i place more emphasis on software architecture, or learning the peculiarities of android studio and layout design? should i try to cover both iOS and android? I want the students to not only learn to make their own apps from scratch, but also develop core skills that would make them an attractive hire at software companies. I think app design is a good way to motivate students to write a lot of code and really develop their programming skills.

    i've already searched the web for some syllabi used at other schools, and i'm slowly sorting through those to get an average of what other schools are doing, but i'd like to get some input from the community at large.

    so, for any experienced android developers, who develop apps professionally at software companies, or indie developers, how would you go about teaching such a course? thanks

    submitted by /u/compsci_prof
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    When do you ask about salary?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    Assuming they never asked for your salary expectations, and you're a new graduate with no experience, when do you bring it up?

    Phone screening? Technical phone interview? Code challenge? On-site? Via email? Only once an offer is made?

    submitted by /u/TakeOffYourMask
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    Another visualized internship search

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    (Totally copying this post from /u/tsmaomao)

    Hello everyone! I just accepted an internship position for the summer and have graphed out my results here.

    Anonymous version of my resume for those interested.


    • The one that goes straight from interview to declined is because they have not gotten back to me and I have already accepted an offer
    • About 72 of the applications were done between August 2018 and December 2018. 8 were between January 2019 to February 2019. The last 53 were applied to in the first two weeks in March.
    • Of the 53 in March, both of my offers came from those applications.

    I hope this helps spread a little light on what the internship search is like and/or gives some people hope!

    submitted by /u/FredFredBurger55
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    What's a reasonable salary to ask for an intern to full time offer in Canada, if I got a top performance review and competing offers?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    I'm currently finishing an internship at a satellite company in Toronto and expecting a fulltime offer from them. Their typical new grad rate is 80-100K CAD on glassdoor, but my manager and mentors (all principle engineers) stated in my review that I'm already performing in senior level territory and beyond.

    I have upcoming internships at FAANG in the states and I personally would like them to match FAANG's Satellite office base salary and RSU, so around 160K/year CAD total comp. Would this be a reasonable request? Any tip on how to bring this topic up with my manager?


    submitted by /u/negotiation_101
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    Getting fired at the big G

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    I got a job at the big G company which is famous for its search engine.

    This is my first job out of college and I think I am underperforming, how common/easy is it to get fired for performance related reasons? Those who are working/worked here before, have you heard of anyone getting fired?

    submitted by /u/ExtensionWeekend
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    Was I ghosted?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    Recruiter said I need to send him my update resume that he'll forward to the hiring manager and that he'll send me an email that I can respond to for the resume.

    He never sent me an email after the call so I just sent my resume as a reply to his other email he sent me before. He never replied to me.

    Am I ghosted?

    submitted by /u/mrspeedciscuit
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    Anyone in Sunnyvale looking for intern roommate?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit,

    Recently secured an internship at Sunnyvale. Was wondering if any other interns are traveling over there for the summer and anyone who may be looking for other interns for rooming.

    submitted by /u/theoffercanceler
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    Which trends in programming / development do you think will be the highest paid in the next 1-3 years?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    What do you guys believe will be the highest earning field in programming / development in the next few years?

    I currently know Python, SQL, HTML/CSS but do not currently work in a dev position despite working in FinTech, I just use them for side projects for work or myself. My knowledge of them is pretty basic compared to someone that is an actual dev. I'd like to leverage my interest in programming into a higher paying career.

    I am wondering what field of programming / dev is going to present the highest earning career opportunities so I can begin either sharpening my current knowledge / start picking up something new so I can eventually switch to a more dev based career.

    What languages, databases, frameworks would you recommend for whatever you believe will be the highest earning trend in the next few years?

    submitted by /u/skramboney
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    Should I quit my job?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    I hate my job. I took two weeks of unpaid time off to have a round of interviews, which I think I unfortunately did not get any jobs offers yet. I still have two interviews though. I work as a software engineer in a startup in Asia. I've been here for about 8 months as a first tech job. The language barrier here is too much, and I just fucking dread going to work.

    Reasons to stay at current job:

    I think I should get least 1YOE

    My girlfriend lives here, so if I quit and go back to the US, then I will have to leave her too..

    Reasons to leave:


    Company culture fucking sucks

    language barrier from living here

    I miss US culture

    Applying to US jobs from Asia is a huge fucking pain in the ass. I need to wake up at 1:30am or 7:00 am for the recruiter call/phone interview, and for multiple companies. It gets old real quick.

    If I quit my job, I can just move back home and apply to jobs there, so I won't be burning through any savings whatsoever!

    How important is it to get a year of experience? When I get 1YOE, will I get more interest from recruiters on linkedin, or other application portals because the linkedin algorithm/ATS realizes that 1 YOE? Is there a big difference between 10 months/11 months/1 yoe, or are all those kind of lumped into one category?

    Additionally, if I quit my job right now, how much time could I spend looking for a new job before the gap starts to look worrisome?

    submitted by /u/StunningMeasurement
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    Study Resource Comparisons

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm beginning to start studying data structures and algorithms for interviews and would like to go through a structured approach to studying. I came across interviewcamp and can't find many comments about it. Has anyone used this resource before and if so, how is it in terms of structure and content? Do they provide videos as I find I'm more inclined to learning from videos as opposed to just reading.

    I haven't used interview cake but from what I've read, it isn't structured learning but it is well organized. There aren't any videos but it contains in depth articles and answers to practice problems. Can anyone who has had experience with either or both give their opinion on these resources and if they're worth the price? Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/distraughticy
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