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    Saturday, April 13, 2019

    Resume Advice Thread - April 13, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - April 13, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - April 13, 2019

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - April 13, 2019

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I'm 19 and my carpal tunnel syndrome has gotten bad. Any other CS students with CTS? Will I need to switch careers?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    I've let my CTS get really bad by ignoring the pain, and now I'm regretting it. I took a CS final yesterday and my wrists are still in so much pain now, my left wrist is usable right now and my right is getting there.

    Have any of you guys had to deal with this? How did you overcome it?

    EDIT: I've been using a wrist brace, doing wrist exercises, and have an ergonomic Anker mouse. The only pain-reliever I use is this Axe Brand Universal Oil stuff.

    Thank you guys so much for all the suggestions! Here are some of them that stuck out to me:

    submitted by /u/LeRedditArmieX3
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    Put my two weeks notice in this week without another one lined up and it felt so liberating

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    So my company has been going through a LOT of changes. People who have been there for a while have been leaving to the point that I became the only developer in my domain in my department.

    This led to no code reviews, stagnation, etc. I expressed my concerns and I felt like they weren't addressed. Currently we are on a project that was sold to a customer as a white-label solution. Well that white-label solution didn't even exist. We had to build it but it was sold as existing. I wasn't even part of the estimation process for this because I was working on other stuff.

    That meant that we had an extremely unrealistic deadline. Basically 3 months to build software driven by a backend. About a month ago, I told them that we need more time. My manager said we couldn't have more time because we committed to the customer. My manager also said if I have to work 100-120 hours per week to finish then that's what needs to be done.

    Myself and another dev worked from 10 am to 2am a lot and the other dev would sometimes even work until 6:30am. 18 hours in one day! I think last week I may have worked 60-70 hours while the other dev worker 80+

    Anyways, as the deadline has approached, there are so many bugs. Almost every ticket has been returned to us. It's been a complete disaster, one which could have been avoided. I told my boss that we aren't going to hit the deadline and he said again that we promised the customer.

    So I put my 2 weeks notice in and said I'm sorry but I have been working so many hours just for the higher ups to not even appreciate it and I'm not going to do this job anymore effective 2 weeks from now because it's taking a toll on my mental health (not to mention my long term relationship, found myself drinking every night, etc which I didn't mention).

    The good thing though is that I'm in the hiring pipeline with 8 different companies right now so I should have a job lined up soon. I've only applied to about 12 companies total so 8/12 is pretty good!

    submitted by /u/throwaway73829292
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    How long did it take you to get your second full time programming job?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    Hey all.

    I've been looking for my second full time programming job for about four months now.

    I've been able to get interviews at a somewhat reasonable rate.

    My issue is that I tend to screw up on the final round onsite technical interviews, where you're given a problem to solve and you need to write it on the whiteboard.

    I'm continuing to study Elements of Programming Interviews and practice Leetcode and do mock interviews and I feel like I have been improving, though only slightly.

    I am just a little concerned that it's been taking me too long to find employment and how other companies might perceive this gap. It's also challenging at times to keep morale up with one failure after another.

    So I was just wondering how long did it take you all to find the second one and how was the process for you?

    If anybody's in the same boat right now, I hope things work out for you.

    submitted by /u/sukuuidowado
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    For those with around 2 yrs of exp in a tech hub, what was the fastest and average time it took from applying to job offer?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Like the title says, just wanted to see what the average and fastest times were for a person with a round two years of experience in a tech hub when they were moving jobs within that same tech hub.

    as a side point, how about those with ~2 yrs experience but no CS degree?

    submitted by /u/bbcjs
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    Accepting job with the intention to quit within 2 weeks

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    I accepted a job to work at CompanyA since I had a deadline of when I had to accept offer by (i dragged it out as long as I can) because I was waiting to hear back from CompanyB that everything about it is better. So after have working at CompanyA for a few days, got all the paper work done, meet all the managers and CEOs, finally started doing some work, CompanyB gets back to me with an amazing offer, way better than what CompanyA is giving.

    Has anyone had experience with this? Basically accepting a position with the possibility/intention of leaving within such a short time period to go to another company as a safety net? CompanyA has been very helpful and nice with all the onboarding and such it makes me feel bad, but CompanyB offer just blows them out of the water

    submitted by /u/Storm-Spirit
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    How to prepare for coming freshman internship

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    I am sorry if this question just reinforce another distressed senior high school kid stereotype in CS. I have been accepted to Computer Science/ Engineering at either Union or Connecticut College. I am very happy to get there but I also know that I would have a hard time competing against the T20 school or top LAC college kid

    I found a post about freshman internship experience opportunities with Google, Facebook, Uber, Microsoft,.. for freshman and sophomore year. I want to utilize my summer learning/ improving CS language from Code Academy ( thinking about either Python or C+).

    I would like to get some advice on how to best increase my chance for these interview and prepare for these interview. I am also a woman and an international student so I might love to know more about diversity recruiting event. Hopefully, through the process, even if I might not be good enough for these freshman role yet, I would meet recruiters, make connection for my sophomore and junior.

    Thanks a lots for your time. I hope you have a great day

    submitted by /u/AlexFleming007
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    When to discuss salary

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Hi everybody, I am graduating this June and I have two different interviews for a job as a Junior developer. I got one of them writing directly to the company and the other one from a recruiter, and in both of the job descriptions there is not info at all. Of course money is not everything to me, I really want to learn but when is the right time to discuss it? I get that not during the first interview, that's a big no no, but I don't know how much time should I wait. Any tip is welcome!

    submitted by /u/mdmcc
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    Companies that do fall internships?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm looking for a fall internship right now. I've applied to the big 4 because they recruit early, but was wondering if there are others I can apply for.

    Also, when do most applications open for fall internships?

    submitted by /u/An_Anonymous_Acc
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    What do you do when the exciting new job turns into the same old s#!t?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:16 AM PDT

    TL;DR: The job I accepted, which requires a move, is about to start but with new information it has reverted from exciting to the same old slop. How do I decide if I still take it?

    Hello all,

    I've been searching for a job for months, and responses have only picked up in the past 6 weeks.

    I was excited about one job in another state and agreed to take it - even though after the in-person interview they scaled it back (I didn't have my C-level translator on). After a roller coaster ride of dealing with their HR, yesterday I finally talked with the project's manager and discovered that it is the opposite of what I expected: it is on-site staff supplementation near a big airport instead of central office project work near the ocean.

    Now I'm not sure I can believe their earlier enthusiasm (implied promises) about career and skill growth or how that would happen since I'm just there to be a billing-hours machine instead of using and growing my skills. Expectations have been degenerating over the past couple weeks, but now I'm not sure if I can trust them on much besides my salary. They don't even put their PTO policies in anything they're willing to hand out before you start the job.

    And surprise! The tech guy I interviewed with who I clicked with blindsided me as he is now leaving the area, too. So I'll never meet him in person.

    So I'm here to ask: what would you consider or compare to decide if you'd still accept this job or turn it down now before it starts?

    FYI: if I went, I'd have to commit to at least 1 year or there would be (more?) financial penalties. And I'm not desperate for a new job, but like I said, I haven't seen much interest in the kind of jobs I want.


    submitted by /u/liam42
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    Got a complex career problem to solve, my reputation doesn't match up well with my experience. How do I catch up on it?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    I heard that you guys can solve advanced career problems, having the skills to get hired into the top tech companies and such, so here's an advanced problem for you.

    I can't stay long enough in one job to be considered a "known quantity" that can be recalled upon to vouch for a better job. To make matters worse, I usually lose/finish my current job before getting an offer for the next so it's like my bargaining position is reset every time. Mostly I get contract jobs, but I never get jobs through recommendations. I don't prefer contract jobs but I take them anyways because It's harder for me to get offers for full-time jobs out here in the Midwest. It's terrible.

    It's always been some sort of blind job application, and I'm tired of the rat race. A lot of the problem would be due to the fact that I've only taken shorter-term contract jobs, all at very small companies.

    Here's an summary of my work history as a programmer:

    • Worked as SWE over the span of 11 years, but not continuously
    • 5 of those are contractor jobs (only 2 of which are 30-40 hrs/week)
    • One short full-time job and one part-time job (those two were 8 and 10 years ago respectively)
    • Never collected benefits, nor put money towards retirement
    • 2 to 15 months unemployed in between jobs

    Out of all these jobs, I made the best connections from the 2nd job, and current job. But they usually don't know anyone that is hiring when I contact them, nor do they really contact me first about work.

    So here I am at a standstill on how to build up my reputation after so much time spent not building it. I can see myself with two options:

    • Return to college and complete a CS degree as a BS or MS. Use the resources in college to network with people. Talk to professors, join career-oriented clubs, go to job fairs, hackathons and take internships, convert to full-time.

    • Harder route: Apply to larger companies for full-time roles, and interview prep. I don't know of any good reliable sources for reading your interview approach. I'm talking to local developers through a Slack channel to see if anyone has time to mock interview, but opening up time is hard.

    I am open to other options besides these two. Let me know what I should do to build that network effectively, and lay out a game plan for me to get hired at a company in a Medium COL city because I don't need the competition from the West Coast eating me alive. And also to get better leads to jobs without cold applying so I don't have to be in the rat race forever.

    submitted by /u/SameBusiness
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    Startup world, two years in and I get the feeling our product is going to be terrible

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Characters are boss, me, old rich guy, devops guy, and cad guy just for easier reading.

    This wasn't some venture capital silicon valley start-up, but rather a weird collision between an older rich man who sold a company and a handful of developers at a smaller similar company.

    Old rich guy really liked our software, and he wanted to see us turn that into a product he could sell to other companies like his former one. He also already had a company that offered consulting with ~10 employees to act as a bit of a pipeline to get people in the door. He's a fantastic sales guy, but he comes across as a con-man to me. A hundred tall tales, and always blustering about complicated things being simple. He once worked at a huge world-known firm as a developer in ancient times when the world was young.

    Our team was essentially poached, and we were all paid better than the old job, more than enough to compensate for losing some benefits. I was never that invested in our "shares" of the new company, but we were told we all had x% coming "when they figured it out." I wasn't worried, more money, maybe something down the line, but I think it's fair to raise questions since that still hasn't been set up two years in.

    We were also told that we would all be equals here (we had all been at the old company for an average of 10 years), but one person was in charge at the old job and was heavily involved in negotiating this whole expedition. He more or less called it a "mutiny" against the prior job. He left on bad terms, I left on good terms. I really tried to make sure people were taken care of, and all of my projects and code tended to be written to require minimal oversight and to be easily modified if necessary. He had always had a very simplistic programming style, all scripts, all one-off, all requiring him to manually take very specific actions over and over again every month. But he was in charge at the old job because he was there the longest. He was my boss, and that was fine. I needed the job at the time, and I stuck it out.

    So at the new job things started off relatively well. The move in to a new building boss handled a lot of the physical stuff, hanging up white boards, running cable, and I built our desktops and started researching a lot of options we should consider. Frameworks, databases, etc. Things that were dictated at the old job by what was decided fifteen+ years ago. Because we had been "just programmers" at the old job we were not experts at the full stack, just passable, but here we would have to take on at least some of that.

    At first we had really good detailed discussions about what to use, how to structure code, architecture, how to handle permissions. I took the actual code lead, and having had the most experience with security and APIs worked heavily on that backend. I wanted to avoid several pitfalls from the old job, and we did. Everyone seems to really like our overall setup and it's really easy to navigate, and my first projects had tests, exceptions, error handling, proper http codes, etc. Another coworker worked on a project for the consulting firm (they paid someone to do CAD work that we were able to automate) and devops guy worked on the front end.

    Boss really wanted to do specific things with the databases, and I didn't look into it at the time because he was mostly implementing things the way we did at the prior job and even if it has problems it could get the job done. It's a little different than anywhere else in the world, but if you're familiar with databases you can find your way around. We often have to go back in after him and fix typos and make the naming conventions consistent.

    The first major hurdle was probably that front end, which boss-guy decided was no-bueno and so we should go with Angular. I actually think that was a good decision, because none of us are "amazing" at front end work, and it forced us into some standards. However, boss and the devops guy basically didn't bother to organize or plan anything, they just went from their first pass into production. Everyone else seems to be able to navigate it, but when I've done work on the front end I've found it pretty frustrating. Then again, I'm just weaker at that sort of thing... but CAD-guy is better than the rest of us at those things and has expressed the same frustrations.

    At some point early in the project we had our first major disagreement between me and boss. He did something he had done one time before at the old job, because I didn't think what he wanted was a good idea he tried to foist the project onto someone else who will just do what they're told. There was some sort of problem, I forget if it was with his concept of permissions or something else in the database, but I forced us to lay out everything on the white boards to actually arrive at why his idea was a bad idea. At the old job I would not have bothered, as he was in charge. But here, I thought we were all on team trying to make a really good product. The thing is, this tired me out. I don't go to work to have a fight about things, and while we were all "equal shareholders" in this new company in theory, it wasn't worth the stress. For the most part I let a lot of following things drop if he insisted on something I had thoughts about.

    There was one issue that I let drop initially to a massive product detriment. Basically we decided at some point mid-project to switch everything to use fully unique IDs (something I had proposed at the beginning but it was pushed off). I wasn't part of this initial change, it was boss and devops guy. They added a table to handle the unique IDs and added columns to many tables to hold that value. A fair enough start, but I immediately encountered something unfriendly about the implementation. There were little issues like the unique ids being stored in maybe an inefficient format, but then bigger problems.

    Maybe there's an easier answer to this, I've tried a few things but hadn't stumbled into it yet, but since everything they were doing relied on foreign keys with their autoincrement integer indexes, all of our inserts were having to select on that one (eventually massive) database or the relevant parent table to convert the unique ids from the interface to the integer we were inserting and using as a foreign key, all of our selects would have to join on these other tables as well to get back out the unique IDs to send to the front end. So more than just a code rewrite pass, we were going to be adding several operations to every single thing that could be mitigated by storing (probably the binary, not sure if that's best, but I'd test it) the unique ID as the foreign keys. I explained as much, but it caused another fight. Everything "seemed" quick at the time anyway, so it was put off.

    Well then we finally start to notice things being exceptionally slow when we have a large number of records. Inserts are taking 22 seconds for a certain fairly important nested object, and it finally falls to me as a project to "fix" it. I get permission to prototype a fix, and well... it's that issue. I create a new database with the foreign keys on binary unique ids and remove all that redundant cruft and got it down to 0.8 seconds. Not perfect, probably a lot more could be done to push it further, but that factor was enough to me to justify it.

    Somehow overnight boss figures out what I did in my test (I was going to present it after more testing the next day) and blows up in our scrum about it. He threatens my job, and I'm really caught off-guard by just how pissed he is. He says I'm "going rogue" at one point. At this point he hadn't seen my actual test results though. So I convince him to let me show everyone, and boss just kinda goes silent and sits back in his chair.

    Well this lines up three or four months before our first "release" and a production customer. Boss seems to re-write the situation in his head over the next couple weeks while pushing off on making that change and looking for other fixes. He wants everything to background certain processes and run asynchronously, push things to files on disk that are then processed in batches, and several other things that do make things a bit faster, but we never get it below 7 seconds. The biggest difference we got was by offloading all the logging to batches, which is honestly a good move, but clearly the fundamental issue will always be there.

    Since then he's just been more and more hostile, and it's starting to sink in with me and CAD guy that perhaps a lot of our problems at the old job were not related to "that company." We have this constant cycle of new features we halfway implement, we're constantly cutting corners on testing and exception handling and other things to "make it work" which was fine for our product as a fancy demo. We constantly have things dropped on us at the beginning or the end of the day because some potential customer might want X. We have a creeping project scope, and our minimal product has essentially changed directions. Boss exclusively talks to old rich guy and exclusively goes to the trade shows because he doesn't want to be contradicted. For the most part, I was fine with that, but I'm starting to realize that at our old job he always had "enemies" and "allies" and it was just based on whether you agreed with him or not. That's one of many reasons he left on bad terms, he had gone scorched earth with many other departments and had went from talking up the owners as the most amazing people in the world into talking like they should die by the time we left.

    As for the product itself it's got a nice coat of paint on top of a bunch of half-done disorganized software. They've promised the world, and we're going to vastly under-deliver. And I'm tired of having "fights" over any conjecture that something isn't perfect. Boss doesn't write any code at-all anymore but has incredible conviction for how things should work and how much time they should take. He's constantly talking himself up and talking about how he's going to be rich. We're now technically "behind" a week because boss wanted to move some widgets and re-do somethings we had not intended.

    I did have one meeting in private at a lunch with just co-owner of the consulting part of the company and CAD-guy just to privately vent over boss's head about this. He seemed to agree, and I think the presumption was we all just agree, but there's not really anything to do about it. Boss isn't going to change and he's core at this point as the middle-man on the product, and none of the rest of us want to be in that position, and boss would go nuts if we were not "under him" officially or unofficially.

    I feel really "senior" now as a developer, though I havn't messed around with all the new hotness everyone wants. I'm seriously considering leaving any time now just to not have to deal with boss. I feel a little incompetent because I've spent my entire programming career essentially with "these guys" and while I was able to do things in a lot more modern ways it was always a little bit "custom."

    I guess that's a lot of story to get to a question, but the question is basically "what do you think?" or "what would you do?" I needed to vent somewhere somehow about this.

    submitted by /u/Hargbarglin
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    Comparing W2 contract-to-hire with direct hire job that has poor benefits

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    TL;DR: $95,000 direct hire job offer that is two job titles above my current skillset vs a $65/hr ($124,000/hr) W2 contract-to-hire offer with a job title that matches my skillset. Looking for advice on how to compare.

    I have two offers I'm trying to compare here. Full disclosure, I've been out of work since early March and I've been going through the interview gauntlet.

    Most threads I've read about comparing contract-to-hire to permanent full-time have discussed either 1099 work vs full time or a strong direct hire job with a short term w2 contract.

    Mine is a little different, so I'd like to get some opinions.

    I have two offers here:

    Offer 1 - Permanent Full Time Direct Hire

    Salary: $95,000

    Role: Senior Frontend Developer working on greenfield projects

    Benefits: "Unlimited PTO," 100% health insurance premium covered (I'm single), $50 match HSA contribution

    Type of work: Agency

    Offer 2 - 12 Month W2 Contract-to-hire with TEKSystems recruiting agency

    Hourly Wage: $65 (at 48 weeks per year, this would be equal to $124,800 for the year long contract)

    Role: Mid-level Frontend Developer working on app rewrite and R&D

    Benefits: Monthly health insurance premium $268 (pretty bad insurance

    Type of work: Bank

    My Thoughts

    I've only been in the industry for 1.5 years. So, offer 1 probably two levels above my skillset right now. They need someone that is going to help build projects from scratch with 1 other developer on a team. So, it's me and him. He has 8 years of experience. However, it's full-time permanent and the position would be a great learning experience. The main problem is I just don't think I'm that good of developer yet to be called a senior dev.

    Whereas the contract-to-hire position is closer to my skillset, but I don't know if I will get converted to full-time. The bank seems to have great benefits if I were to get converted to a full-time employee. 6% 401k match after 1 year of employment, yearly health care premium for me would be $750 for a single dude, 20 PTO days per year and 10 holidays. Also, I do not know the salary I'd be hired at if I am converted to full-time.

    I just don't want to be in the job hunt again in a year. I don't know if I'm a strong enough developer to take offer 1 if I can't do the job, but I don't know if I'll get converted to full-time with offer 2.

    I got offer 1 after 4 weeks waiting to hear from them after three interviews total. So, I think I must have been the #2 or #3 choice and others didn't accept so I was a fallback. I don't really care about being a fallback, they still offered the job, but I'm guessing they are aware that I'm not exactly what they are looking for, but they need to get the project going.

    I got offer 2 after 10 days total and three interviews. So, they seemed to really want me and feel like I'm a good fit for the current team.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/gsxrfz6
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    Time is running out and no internships, any advice?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    Hi guys, its been a stressful couple of months and I'm currently a student (grad in CS) and haven't got any proper offers as of yet for a summer internship. As its getting closer, I'm starting to loose hope in it as well since some have basically ghosted me. I'm feeling that I have to face the facts and make up mind that I won't get a summer position, do you have any tips on how to earn some cash in such a case? I guess freelancing online would be a possibility but any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/thnok
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    Made somewhat of a technical lead, how to deal with it/organize myself?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    I've recently been put into a position that I think would resemble that of a technical lead. I am leading a project with 1 other developer and have been so far coming up with the tech stack, conventions for the project, meeting with external dependencies, etc. I've been having trouble though juggling everything as before when I was just a plain developer I would have stories and stuff basically handed to me and my days focus was just don't development work, now I am juggling all these different meetings and timelines and finding it hard to adapt. This is somewhat compounded I believe by the fact that I have only been out of college for a little less than 2 years with no prior internships. How should I focus/prioritize things that I need to do?

    submitted by /u/SordOfKnot
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    How does a government internship look?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    Hello all. I'm a CS sophomore. Last year I began the process to get an internship at a 3 letter agency (DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, DOD, DHS etc etc). A couple months ago I found out I got it. The particular place I'm working has high name recognition but possibly a mixed political reputation.

    How do you think that will look on my resume? Could it help me find certain types of jobs in the future after college? What about an internship next year?

    Also, does anyone have experience with such an internship, and can tell me if they liked it or not?

    submitted by /u/TheUnderstood1278
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    Given where I am right now in school, what can I do over the summer to really excel next year and get an internship?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    Throw away account.

    First off: I've been reading this subreddit everyday for the past 5 months or so and have found a lot of really useful information and so I want to first off, thank everyone that takes the time out of their day to help those of us interested in the CS career path.

    With that said here is my situation:

    Currently enrolled in a technical college for Software Engineering in Canada. In Canada University and College are not really interchangeable as they are in the US I think. Anyways, my program as a whole doesn't have a heavy math focus, I didn't need any grade 12 level math courses to get in. It's a 3 year program with more focus on programming and such. I am about to finish my second semester so my first year and this is what we have learned so far:

    Programming 1 and Programming 2-Both taught in C#. Part one was obviously intro stuff, variables, loops, conditionals, methods etc...Part 2 got more intense because that's where we started to cover OOP conepts. Inheritance, polymorphism, objects/classes, encapsulation etc...

    HTML/CSS/JavaScript-HTML/CSS were taught first semester and Javascript was second semester. In JavaScript we learned about the DOM did a couple projects(one involving restful APIs).

    Basic SQL-Everything from basic database concepts such as normalization, ER diagrams, creating tables, inserting data, executing queries,joins, row functions

    Linux OS/Python-A weird course where the first half we spent executing commands on the linux terminal and the second half we started some very basic intro python.

    Now my program has a co-op option in it and if accepted I would be doing my first co-op next January. What I'd like to know is how can I best prepare myself over the summer to make sure I succeed in getting a co-op placement?

    I've already gotten a copy of CTCI and even Introduction To Algorithms by CLRS. My program has one data structures and algorithms course, but that isn't until the fourth semester and I want to try to be ahead of the curve.

    Aside from this a couple of my profs highly reccommended I also try to get into some projects over the Summer which seems obvious. My web development teacher reccommend I "master" vanilla javascript. I didn't really understand why he said that. Is it because you should be comfortable with the language before using any frameworks?

    Also, I will be working full time this summer as well therefore I won't have a whole lot of time to be studying like I was during school, so if I had to prioritize what should I give more of my attention to? DS&A or projects?

    Would you also recommend I pick up another language this summer or do I already have enough on my plate to work with and strengthen. I'm also going to be learning Java in my third semester.

    I know this is kind of long but I've been wanting to ask this for quite a while so forgive me if it's kind of messy. My thoughts are kind of running as I type lol. Has the plan I outlined for my Summer sound a little too agressive? I don't want to burn out, but I also don't want to be unprepared for an interview. Any advice/questions are welcome. I'd love to hear more about what you guys reccommend I do. I'm sure there are CS students on here that might be in the same position as me and may also be wondering the same thing!

    submitted by /u/artofthrowaway
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    Something I don’t see discussed often: in a CS job, how important are soft skills/emotional intelligence?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    I frequently read posts in this sub from people who get negative performance reviews. I'm about to enter the workforce, so I'm curious how prominent unrealistic standards are, or if we as an industry are socially sub-par which leads indirectly to sub-par evaluations.

    submitted by /u/MetatronsRubiksCube
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    When the department you work in is a clusterf***. What is the best way to handle?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    Let's say there is role ambiguity and no boundaries as everyone's job title/description is the same, even though we all have different skillsets and some are more highly skilled than others even though they are ranked the same.

    What was before a simple process (me being involved in all phases of the SDLC) and making decisions that worked is turning into a more collaborative effort where we spend more time discussing how things should be done. People who have no knowledge of software development are giving their input.

    Co-workers who stick their nose into your projects even though they have no software experience. For example, a co-worker who has never done software development is talking to managers about projects you've done. Or making suggestions to you on how you should do your work. This is a level one tech support guy trying to tell me how to do my job.

    A boss that is stressed out and is so overwhelmed with his work and general IT projects that he doesn't care to get involved in your software projects. While the projects are important, he knows that he cannot take credit nor does he know anything about software development.

    I have a more specific situation in which I have the capability to complete a project that is in the works. There has been a communication breakdown with too many people now involved the process. Should I take control over this process since I have the most experience doing the actual work? Or let those higher than me deal with the communication breakdown and just do what I'm told?

    tldr: If the company culture is a clusterf****, is is better to take initiative and focus on productivity (even though it might rub some people the wrong way) or keep your head down and just do what you're told?

    submitted by /u/murph8421
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    Anyone not able to enjoy anything you didn’t “work” hard enough?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    Sitting here feeling low because I didn't do enough LC/CTCI/EPI prep today. It's hard to enjoy my day knowing I didn't get anything done. Even when I get things done, I still feel like I didn't get enough done.

    Had 9 hours today and shined my shoes, biked, scrubbed my carpet and vacuumed, charged my devices, and did some other stuff but damn I'm just laying in bed now hopefully going to grab dinner with a friend but none of it is enjoyable because I didn't progress in my prep.

    How do I go back to enjoying prep for getting another job?

    submitted by /u/fan-blew-me-lol
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    Are all these CS and Math courses worth it in the end?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Lately, I've been feeling frustrated and wondering if any of these CS/Math courses I've been taking will be worth it in the end. I'm looking to become a generic SWE after graduation, whether that be working with front end technologies or back end. I'm not looking for a fancy high end job.

    A bit about my background, I'm 31 years old, 2 years into college (first degree, if that matters), and working full-time at a desk job to support my family. I'm not pursuing CS because of some newfound love for technology. I'm pursuing this field because I felt like it would be a beneficial career to have with how technology has become important in today society and I can see myself not minding the work.

    I found a lot of courses useful like OOP/OOD, Operating System, Discrete Math, and DS&A, but I also find myself wondering why I'm required to take courses like Differential Calculus, Computational Theory, and other highly theoretical courses, which will make up the remainder of my last 2 years. While the classes itself are interesting and I'm doing well by putting my life aside (thank god for an understanding wife) I don't see how this will be helpful outside of academia.

    Sometimes I wonder if I might have been better off taking a bootcamp and get the practical experience considering I don't have the patience, time, and ambition like someone in their young 20s a 4 year degree might not have been the best choice.

    I'm just ranting in the end but I wanted to ask the professionals, have these theoretical courses helped you in your career in some way? I need some justification to make myself feel better about my life choice.

    submitted by /u/LowAcanthocephala9
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    Anyone else bored to heck with your first job?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    -worked my first week

    -nothing for me to really do so far beside company product training modules that has nothing to do with the code

    -team lead is busy with meetings most of the day

    -thousands of lines of legacy code extending from class to class to class

    -Only good thing is the standing desks, so I don't have to sit all day.

    -pay is alright for a growing town in BC, Canada. 50k

    -I don't know how long I wanna stick around for or if this field is even fit for me.

    submitted by /u/DarioRex
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    I'm in a job which gives me very little actual work to do, not sure what to think

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    So my first SWE job out of college is at a company I think most Americans reading this would recognize by name. I make about 95k so I was ecstatic to land this job as someone who is far from FANG material being completely honest. (still struggling hard af with almost any Leetcode medium I haven't seen before)

    From more than 6 months of daily observation, I have come to a definitive conclusion that at least half of the people in my office could probably get their shit done in 2-3 hours then go home. We all technically have projects that we're actively working on, but the managers tend to give teams comprised of numerous people several months for something that a skilled engineer (maybe Google L4 caliber for example) could probably knock out by himself in 2 or 3 weeks of focused effort.

    There are even a number of people who could probably be fired for doing almost nothing if management had their shit together, but I'm not a snitch like that. Take a walk by one of these guys desks at any time of the day and there's a 98% chance they're fucking around on their phone or obviously non-work related sites such as r/politics and r/funny. Some people come in at 9:45 (supposed to be there at 9-5), take a 75 minute lunch and leave at 4:30... doing this almost every single day.

    This pervasive culture of brazen laziness kind of annoys me because I have always been the type of person who actually wants to get shit done while at work and grow my career through meaningful projects and experience, but I also realize that I have basically stumbled into a lucky situation that many others would be grateful for.

    Is this situation more common than I seem to believe? I don't want my manager to pile a bunch of shit on me for complaining but it also gets boring sitting at your desk waiting for 4:45. Lately I've been secretly studying AWS/cloud stuff during periods of downtime to keep myself productive, but there's still so little that I actually need to deliver that it seems ridiculous honestly.


    submitted by /u/chicaho79
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    Vancouver - Number of Co-op terms preferably needed to secure a entry-level job after graduation

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    Hi, I am in my last year of CS and I am not sure if I need more experience under my belt in order to secure a job after graduation. I did 8 months of QA, mostly manual and did 8 months of software development. I can go ahead and take 6 more courses and graduate, but at the same time, Im not sure if I am competent enough to secure a job after graduation. I already did 4 terms, which is 16 months (with 8 months of QA) and I wonder if anyone went through the same thing, or have any advice in terms of doing another term of Co-op, possibly aiming for return offer or just graduate and start looking for junior position. I understand this can be subjective and it depends, but if you can share your experience, that would be really awesome. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mastermind1000
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    Unsure of Where to Go From Here

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    So I am an undergraduate student at a local university, and lately the idea of what I am going to do after college has been weighing on my mind. I feel like I like too many things, and haven't really taken a lot of courses in my majors, just taken a bunch of different classes here and there. My major is in History and German language studies, and I've been thinking about going into teaching, but lately I've been thinking about taking more math courses, and wondering whether I should go get a second bachelor's after I'm finished in Mathematics/Physics.

    I am going to start taking math classes again this summer, and until I graduate so I can brush up and stay up to date on my math skills. I kinda wish I was focused enough to have just picked something and stayed with that but I kinda jumped around from major to major these past couple years, before settling on my current majors. I'm wondering if I should just sign up for more history classes and try to get the most out of a history major, and just not try to take so many different courses, but I feel like I'd be a person with just knowledge on history if that makes sense.

    I also work a lot while at undergrad, and feel like I should stop because its really starting to drain on my energy. I just get anxious when I don't work, because I feel like just doing school work in 'history' isn't that impressive, and feel like I need do a bunch of different things while I'm here. My family says I don't have to work, but I just feel kinda lost, and like I said all over the place.

    Sorry that this post is kinda rambling, I'm new to Reddit and don't really know what I'm doing. Is there anyone else who is experiencing something similar?

    submitted by /u/sleepyhead_0
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