• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    Made an IK system for handing people things in VR

    Made an IK system for handing people things in VR

    Made an IK system for handing people things in VR

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    What's the most comfortable engine for long term 2D RPG making?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    I know this question is beyond repetitive at this point and I'm sorry, but I'm really not sure on what engine should I start on.
    As for me: I am a complete beginner when it comes in game making. The only language I am intermediate is C++, and somewhat python, but beyond that – nothing.


    The game I'm aiming for:

    It's a pixel open world isometric 2D RPG. It will be a single class Mage Necromancer type of game. It will include ai NPCs, small towns, dungeons, drag and drop, point and click, text speeches, quests, skill slots, spells, inventory (i.e. moderately heavy GUI), summoned followers (zombies, skeletons and what not).

    And I know this looks quite ambitious for a beginner game creator, but I am willing to put in few years into making it as a side hobby while I'm in college.


    So, it comes down to I don't know which engine to use:

    After browsing various websites, reddit posts, I'm still not sure on the perfect 2D RPG engine for me. Right now, the two best contenders that everyone keeps recommending are Godot and Game Maker Studio 2 for 2D games.

    GMS 2 Is looking quite attractive to me, but I've been reading a lot of comments saying that while projects start of easy, in the long term it begins to be a nightmare to manage. Also, that GUI heavy games are difficult to make. Meaning you have to write everything from ground up.


    I'll be thrilled to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/Anfluxian
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    Releasing the source for an abandoned game of mine

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Open-source Unity Tools and Demo Project (MIT-License)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    BGC_Tools and CleanBGCProject

    I recently posted to share news about BGC_Tools, our internal utility repository for Unity projects, going public. However, that post was perhaps a little premature and a little brief. In order to facilitate use I knew we really needed to accompany it with a demo project showing some of the features in in use. This post is to introduce CleanBGCProject, a small unity project showing a number of the utilities in use.

    But allow me to back up...

    Who the fuck do we think we are?

    The UC Riverside Brain Game Center (or BGC for short) is a psychology and neuroscience research lab at University of California, Riverside. The BGC's Director is Dr. Aaron Seitz, and we have several post-docs and graduate students. We have a team of 3 full-time programmers (myself and two others), and a few undergrad volunteers, working on support and development for about 8-10 projects. The BGC projects, both current and past, include but are not limited to:

    • Vision and Hearing Rehabilitation
    • Neuroplasticity and the improvement (or "training") of working memory
    • The Design, Development, and Validation of automated cognitive assessments (tests) of memory, inhibitory control, and fluid intelligence
    • Electrophysiology studies (EEG and ERP) of the neurocorrelates of some of our training tasks and assessment
    • The creation of a psychoacoustics toolbox (P.A.R.T.) for developing and deploying completely shareable and reproducible hearing tests

    Development for research is different from working in the games industry in some ways that I find interesting. A given project is almost never "complete". You're always either implementing new features, making highly lateral or incompatible changes, significantly scaling up how many subjects your project can support concurrently, or it's retired because you've created something brand new that does what it did, but better.

    Why should you care?

    This shit's got the MIT License - who doesn't like free stuff?

    Less facetiously, our Unity projects undergo a lot of constant evolution, and we have a number of them, so we've needed to maintain a flexible, shared set of generalized tools. BGC_Tools has been built to work well when added to a Unity project as a submodule in order to make it easy maintain for all the projects it's being used in, and make sure some of the effort we put in for one project can transfer to others. See the "WTF is a Git Submodule?" footnote at the bottom if you use git but don't know what a submodule is.

    We've had the opportunity to work with some really clever people, and I'd be delighted if that cleverness could be useful.

    NOTE: Behavior in Editor

    It has always been important to us to support rapid prototyping and easy testing. If a developer is working on some internal game scene, we want it to be convenient and easy to just press Run and test it. As such, all the systems that will be mentioned have been designed with either well-behaved default fallback behavior, or trivial initialization that can just be slapped into a scene and forgotten about.

    The Good Stuff

    Once again, the demo project is CleanBGCProject. The releases are here, as well.

    What to look forward to:

    Player Profiles (BGC.Users.PlayerData)

    It's got a system for easily managing multiple user accounts, complete with serialization to JSON. The default behavior in the editor and on desktop is to store player profile data in the project directory, under ./SaveData/, and in an appropriate alternative location on iOS and Android. The format and location make it really easy to inspect, modify, and share. It's not at all obfuscated because that's not a problem for us, though it could be for you. Cheaters... *SMH*

    The SettingsMenu (next) as well as both TestA and TestB in CleanBGCProjects makes use of PlayerData. Take a look at the persistent values accessed and written in /TestA/SettingsDemo.cs and /TestB/TestBPanel.cs, specifically the PlayerData references in the Properties defined towards the top of each of the mentioned classes.

    Settings Menu (CleanBGCProject: /Core/Settings/SettingsMenu.cs)

    This one doesn't live in BGC_Tools yet largely because a number of projects have made nontrivial, individualized changes to it, and it's so easy to add new settings that it's nearly criminal. Settings can be defined with scopes of either Global or User, default values, etc.

    TestA in CleanBGCProjects makes a lot of use of the settings controlled by the settings menu. Take a look /TestA/SettingsDemo.cs, specifically SettingsDemo.FocusAcquired() to see where the settings are applied.

    SystemInitializer Idiom (CleanBGCProject: /Core/SystemInitializer.cs)

    Just a convenient method of slicing up the linear initialization of system elements and being able to use the same initialization method in either less disruptive coroutine chunks (ie Standard launch through the splash screen), or immediately inplace before anything else wakes up in an internal scene (ie when directly launching a scene for testing in the editor).

    The Audio System (BGC.Audio.*)

    I've had to design and build a fairly sophisticated AudioStream system to support the real-time mathematical generation of auditory stimuli that we use in several of our projects. Working with Unity's AudioClips and AssetBundles to load audio from file was far too constraining, being limited to the main thread and gobbling up memory as they do. Then gaining access to the underlying sample data required passing in a large buffer, doubling up our memory inconveniences. So I read up on the WAV specs and built BGC.Audio.WaveEncoding to load (and save) audio from file in a background thread and have direct access to the data, handling a number of the most common formats WAV encoding formats. Then I began layering Audio filters and effects...

    Then, since I was able to synthesize some simple instruments, I figured I might as well go for it and I implemented a simple MIDI renderer (trust me, this was so much more work than I expected going into it). Check out BGC.Audio.Midi.MIDIEncoding to see the entry point, or MidiEncodingTests.cs to see what it looks like to use. You may need to download some midis to substitute in the source for some tests, since I didn't explicitly have a license to redistribute them.

    How much code does it take to render "./Test/toccata1.mid" and save the output to a WAV file "./Test/toccata1.wav"?

    MidiEncoding.LoadFile( filePath: DataManagement.PathForDataFile("Test", "toccata1.mid"), midiFile: out MidiFile midiFile); WaveEncoding.SaveStream( filepath: DataManagement.PathForDataFile("Test", "toccata1.wav"), stream: new MidiFileStream(midiFile).SafeCache().SlowRangeFitter()), overwrite: true); 

    I haven't spent much time defining how each instrument should be synthesized, but the tools here are pretty powerful, so BGC.Audio.Midi.Synth.InstrumentLookup should be easy to fill out.

    Both TestA and TestB in CleanBGCProject utilize the audio system in fairly obvious ways. Take a look at /TestA/SettingsDemo.cs and /TestB/TestBPanel.cs

    Programmatic State Machine (BGC.StateMachine)

    We have built a fairly robust and powerful programmatic StateMachine, connecting custom States, Transitions, and TransitionConditions. Some features in one of our projects started off implemented in Unity's animation state machines, but they were too restrictive and slow. A maximum one state transition per frame was causing issues for design.

    TestB in CleanBGCProject uses a StateMachine to manage game flow. Check out /TestB/TestBPanel.cs, specifically TestBPanel.ConstructStateMachine(ITestBMessenger messenger), where we simulate constraining access to members through a simple interface.

    Action Channels (BGC.MonoUtility.Interaction and BGC.MonoUtility.Interpolation)

    What started as an attempt to better manage Coroutines that continuously modify gameobjects (hah!) became BGC.MonoUtility.Interpolation.LerpChannel<T>. Each instance of a LerpChannel is kicked off with a specific duration and can support up to 1, each, of an IContinuousAction<T>, ILerpAction<T>, an Action<T> finishedCallback, and an Action<T> interruptedCallback.

    These guys are responsible for the craziness in TestA (SettingsDemo). Take a look at SettingsDemo.KickOffMessAround() to follow the logic. Admittedly, the use case here is simple enough that the instances basically disregard the templated argument (because all the action channels were just attached to SettingsDemo), but I'm confident you'll get the point.

    Maths (BGC.Mathematics.*)

    Fourier transforms, complex numbers, Bessel functions, prime number factorization, LCM computation. If you need it, here it is. If you don't need it... figure out a way to need it. Math is great. Don't overlook BGC.Audio.Visualization.Spectrogram, which can generate spectrograms, and some other visualizations.

    Other Small Utilities

    • BGC.IO.DataManagement has been surprisingly useful for streamlining file access across platforms
    • BGC.Utility.ApplicationVersion is a struct handling sematic versioning logic
    • BGC.Utility.Epoch gives you the Posix time in Milliseconds
    • FileBrowser scene in BGC_Tools lets you navigate the local files and view text files. On mobile this is super convenient. (See CleanBGCProject)

    But this is so ugly...?

    Be that as it may, what we're showing off here is tech completely decoupled from the presentation.

    Style and Unity Idioms

    This one is going to be more contentious, but I've developed a number of particular preferences for how to work with Unity in ways that minimize errors and unnecessary work while maximizing clarity. Just as in any other programming context, it's important to understand how your various systems are coupled together. Unfortunately, when complex instructions are implemented in serialized delegates in the Unity inspector (even just simple UI callbacks like UnityEngine.UI.Button.onClick()) information and interactions are obfuscated, refactors are obnoxious at best, and rebuilding them after a scene collision or anomolous scene hiccup can be nightmarish. For this reason, we limit inspector-populated delegates to a very limited set of designer-oriented tools.

    To build interaction between scripts on static scene elements (like fixed UI), we generally include private serialized fields to capture all the references we'll need in the script, and assign callbacks in the Awake() method. Like so:

    public class SettingsInnerPanel : ModePanel { [Header("Engine References")] [SerializeField] private ModePanelManager settingsPanelManager = null; [SerializeField] private SettingsMenu generalSettingsMenu = null; [SerializeField] private UserIDMenu userIDMenu = null; [Header("Settings Menu Tab Buttons")] [SerializeField] private Button generalSettingsButton = null; [SerializeField] private Button userSelectButton = null; [Header("Settings Menu UI")] [SerializeField] private Button lockButton = null; // ---Snip--- void Awake() { generalSettingsButton.onClick.AddListener(() => TabButtonClicked(SettingPanelMode.General)); userSelectButton.onClick.AddListener(() => TabButtonClicked(SettingPanelMode.UserSelect)); lockButton.onClick.AddListener(LockPressed); } // ---Snip--- } 

    Using this approach, it is generally really obvious what reference belongs in each serialized field in the inspector, it's easy to confirm that you haven't missed anything, and most refactors just work, or are effectively compiler-checked.


    I don't know why I included this section. I don't really have a lot else to say... If you have any questions, feel free to drop them here or shoot me an email.

    We are open to pull requests that improve functionality and/or clarity.

    Thank you for your time, and I hope something here might be useful for some of you.


    WTF is a Git Submodule?

    I started writing a summary of what git submodules are and how to use them, but it was exploding into a post bigger than the whole of this one. So I made it into a blog post. I'll be pleased if at least someone finds this useful, but at the very least I'll be able to use it as reference materials for trainees.

    The abridged version is this: A git submodule is an excellent and flexible way of managing code that is shared by multiple projects. It is a core feature of git.

    Edit: tpyos

    submitted by /u/TASagent
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    I have a Computer Science major, what would be best for landing jobs on the game dev industry? a Game design minor, or a Math minor?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello! I have been struggling a bit thinking of this, if my major is computer science, what kind of minor would be more beneficial in landing a job on the videogame industry, I understand that people say a Math minor would be preferable over any, but wouldnt game design be better?

    also I know that the best minor is a good portfolio but I dont want to screw up something as expensive as university

    submitted by /u/yonoirishi
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    3d style 2d game?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    Hi guys

    I am a noob in game development, I have questions about the concepts.

    Can you please explain to me the design of games like this?

    Specially the part the player casts a spell. how they create the 3d game feeling? I know it is about view angle but I want more technical details.


    submitted by /u/zeos_403
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    Why do you want to make games?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    In the past I've been asked by different people why I make games. To tell the truth, I've asked myself a time or two as well. It can be hard to remember when times are tough and I'm pushing hard to finish working on something.

    When asked this question though I think back to the first video games I had ever played. Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 and Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. It was more than just entertainment to me. Where I grew up there weren't too many people to talk with. A lot of my time was spent alone in my bed room. The family was too busy and I was a nerd so nobody in the area could really relate to me. It also didn't help that I was home schooled so there wasn't much room for socializing.

    The feeling I got when I played Super Mario World was exciting. It was fast, I was having fun and everything was colorful. The game itself was pretty simple and could be picked up pretty easily. This was my first game ever and I love it now just as much as I loved it then.

    But then I played Ocarina of Time. This game has changed my life for the better in ways that my family could never have expected. As a young kid when you play games your imagination goes wild. Being presented this story about a hero who travels the lands to go save a princess using this awesome toolkit to solve puzzles was so exciting. There's a good possibility this game is the reason why I love traveling. Back then and to this day I love the idea of going on an adventure and I've been fortunate to fulfill that desire on multiple occasions. Granted I'm not going to some castle and saving princesses or anything crazy like that, but I do get to see parts of the world that I've never explored before and learn about the culture of all kinds of people.

    Then there's Sonic Adventure which is this bright and colorful game about a hedgehog going fast. It's straight out of a cartoon and takes itself so seriously that it's funny. Sure maybe it's not the best game but we all have music, show's or games that we like despite the flaws it has.

    It sounds silly to some people, but games really have shaped who I am today. It's the same thing that happens when you watch Rocky and become inspired, or perhaps listen to music that pumps you up. Media helps you become you by suggesting ideas and presenting perspectives that may be new to you. Simply put, games made me happy, gave me insight and things to think about. They told stories that inspired me to be something more and I want to share that feeling with the world.

    Sure, sometimes I think in a logical way and think I should use my programming skills to make medical software or help researchers. Someday I would love to work on some sort of aviation software to learn more about planes. But making games is far more important than people give it credit for. The drive I have comes from the passion inspired by the ideas that games have presented me with, shaping the person I am today. If I could make that same impact in someone else's life and bring them the joy that I have felt from video games, I'll have been successful.

    I want to share my stories, make people happy and inspire them to be something more. That's why I make games.

    What about you? Why do you want to make games? Is it out of fun, or do you feel compelled to tell stories? I would love to hear about it!

    submitted by /u/D00TD00TDigital
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    My music for your games(creative commons license). Yes its not perfect, but some one maybe need. Thanks

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Any good source of music ?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Hello, it's my first time posting here. I'm actually doing a game as a school project. It's close to done, but the deadline is in one week, and I didn't thought about music at all. I cant make music, and won't be able to learn in one week. Does anyone knows a place where I can find free to use music, and how to check if I can use a music or not ?

    submitted by /u/Ducknorrisu
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    [X-POST from r/stadia] 100% trustworthy client means peer-to-peer connections and more processing power on the server than ever before.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Are browser-based (multiplayer games) dead?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Probably 2 decades ago I remember playing a browser-based, Starship Troopers influenced space pilot game. It was top down, 2D 3rd person. You controlled your ship with your keyboard and would go shoot at other players zooming around or eventually the other team's base etc. You could be a quick fighter or a slow bomber. I can't find it anywhere online. I think it might have been available through AOL games back in the day....

    Anyway, as a side hobby I basically wanted to try to create a very simple recreation of that style game. But before I dove into it, I just wanted to ask:

    Are browser-based (multiplayer games) dead? I thought a browser-based game would be pretty simple to make compared to a full-blown desktop game. I'd be open to making a mobile game but I'd be worried the UI I would want to make would be too cluttered and would have a lot more potential connectivity issues.

    Or should I just bite the bullet and try to build this in Unity?

    Not looking to make this project profitable or some awesome $$ game. Just looking for a side project to learn really for now.

    submitted by /u/pm-me-your-covfefes
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    My Game's First 7 Days on itch.io: a Statistical Breakdown

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    On April 11th, I released a short puzzle game/visual novel called "If I Say I Love You"onto itch.io. The game has an interesting concept, but the execution was not that good due to the way I decided to implement that concept. The characters are flat and the puzzles don't have much consistency. Since this is my first real game, I wasn't pinning my hopes and dreams on it. I thought I'd get two downloads and initially didn't put much thought into promoting it.

    The following is a complete breakdown of how the game did in the seven days since its release. It might help other developers understand what statistics they could expect as a baseline.

    Release History

    The game was released initially on April 11 at 11:56 AM MST. After uploading it, I made a post on the LemmaSoft Forum's "Completed Works" page and on my game development Facebook page.

    On April 14th at 11:16 PM MST, I uploaded an update to the game which featured a new route and music. I posted about the changes in a DevLog on itch, and decided to post about the game on r/visualnovels.

    Itch's download system isn't able to tell me how many downloads of version 1.1 are coming from people who already downloaded the 1.0 release, but I would guess that the number is fairly low given how short the game is and the fact the download numbers for the different versions don't seem to match up.

    Views and Downloads per Day

    A graph of the views and downloads of my game on itchio.

    The most popular day for views and downloads was April 15th. Even though the views stayed stagnant, the first three days have increased numbers of downloads. I'm not sure why.

    It is possible for the analytics to show downloads that are technecally for tommorow, depending on where you are on the international date line.

    All of the collections my game is in are private.

    Incoming Visits

    A table showing where people are finding my game.

    Until I made the reddit post, the vast majority of my views came from itch.io itself, either from "new" or from tags. Once I made the Reddit post, that became the most popular way to find the game for a couple of days. I'm still getting views from Reddit. Itch.io appears to be the most consistent in terms of views.

    Version Download Counts

    A table showing the downloads of each version.

    When If I Say I Love You version 1.1 released, I made version 1.0 unavailable for download. Anyone downloading on or after April 15th would be downloading 1.1.

    The only really interesting thing I can say here is that if you have to choose what OS your game should run on, go with Windows.


    • Itch.io can give you some views, but not many
    • Follow the Marketing Monday's post advice
    • See if you can find subreddits and communities that are interested in the type of game you are making

    I released this game for free and wasn't concerned about it getting massive numbers of downloads. It's only my first game. It has the complexity of one Super Mario Bros level. It's not meant to change the world; it's meant for me to learn how to make games. On that front, I think it worked.

    Have a great day, everybody.

    submitted by /u/senshisun
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    Take advantage of Git submodules, depend on the system package manager or use a package manager for C++?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    I'm currently using several Git submodules on a "deps" folder and compiling them together with my project using CMake and `add_subdirectory` macro. How bad is that? These submodules are libraries like zlib, GLFW, libpng, libjpeg, GLEW etc. It is not possible to add some libraries like OpenCV or libjpeg-turbo to my project using this approach so I'll probably have to take another approach anyway.

    It seems to me that it is going to be easier when I decide to port my game to ES. What do you guys think?

    I'm just starting so I've no idea if I'm being dumb. Sorry if this is a stupid question!

    submitted by /u/victorqueirozg
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    Why do I procastinate so hard!? UE4

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    I started a year ago with gamedev in unity. Only did a few small games for myself to get into it. I want to make the transition to UE4, but it actually annoys myself, that there are blueprints available. Is it still worthy to be a programmer and do you matter as programmer in gamedev? Why should I even learn c++, if I'm not going to work for AAA company? It doesn't feel to me right, if I call myself a programmer, but only wiring blueprints together. Any thoughts on that. I have look at it from another perspective, but can not it by myself.

    submitted by /u/codingUnicorn
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    Screenshot Saturday #429 - Dazzling Sights

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: What is a game you would like to see remade/remastered?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    I will be entering highschool this year, what can I do to progress a gamedev career?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hello! As the title says, I'll be entering highschool this year and I want to know how I can make preparation for a game develoment career.

    I did some research, so I do know that this career isn't an easy one, it is very toxic, and that the work to pay ratio is terrible, but I still want to make this my career. I'll most likely get a CS degree with the closest thing to a game design major and take any and all computer and design classes in HS.

    I found out 3 colleges that caught my eye: Drexel University Carnegie Mellon University Rochester Institute of Technology

    I like being more creative, as in the characters, story, music, etc. But I can do programming and the technical side if I need to.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/MrZippy0
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    Social media guide FOR INDIE GAMES (Reddit & Twitter)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    How do you handle an interactive tutorial for your game mechanics?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I have a game where controls are a bit complicated and it needs to be explained to the player. I also have a story sequence I what to integrate into it. But is it possible to make it interactive without writing a bunch of hacky code to find out whether the player is doing the write thing? I guess I could fire events when say, the player dashes and have some code wait for that event. Or am I over thinking this? Tutorials are only needed once and it probably doesn't matter if the code is messy.

    Button prompts are also an option. But that way there's no story component. My game is also touch based so I can't really use button prompts anyway.

    submitted by /u/Krons-sama
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    experiment using AI for character animation in the browser

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Are references to a game a Copyright Infringement?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    How far can I go in a reference on my game without infringing any copyright? Is the mere allusion to another game a copyright infringement? Where is the line drawn on this list? 1 - Naming an item/NPC in clear reference to another game [Like naming some sword as Master Sword or an NPC as Mario] 2 - Original art that only resembles some art from another game but a clear reference [like a bootleg FF7 Cloud's sword called "big sword"] 3 - Items with original art and same name [Cloud's sword drawn in the style of my game] 4 - A game mechanic [A Cloud's sword with that "limit" mechanic] 5 - A complete reference to the item [Same name, design, mechanic... But just a reference item. Like a thousand copies of Cloud's sword] 6 - Literally another game item. ["That's Cloud's Sword from FF7" In-Game description]

    submitted by /u/_Guip_
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    Are there any apps for making statistics for weapons/NPCs

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    I'm using draw.io and Trello for all my craft branches and weapon statistics. But it's all just numbers, sometimes it's difficult to find certain characteristics in this numbers mess. I'd like to know are there any apps/sites where I can create bars, statistics, characteristics for my game NPCs and weapons?

    submitted by /u/PeridotDugl
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    Automated testing for games

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    I'm familiar with the general practice of creating automated unit tests when developing software. This is useful for saving time on testing small features, and it helps to cover all cases. In addition, when you make changes to your software, you can run the unit tests to see if your changes inadvertently affected other, unrelated features.

    Is there such a practice for making games? If so, is it framework/engine dependent, or is there a general practice for automated testing that you can apply no matter what engine/framework you're using?

    submitted by /u/gamecoder95
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