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    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    Landed a junior position, have questions Ask Programming

    Landed a junior position, have questions Ask Programming

    Landed a junior position, have questions

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I just landed my first official junior software developer position and I'm over the moon. Problem is my new boss is being somewhat vague about what exactly my duties are going to be. When I asked what I should study up on for my first day on the job, he told me to, and I quote 'don't worry about it, go party for a week before your first day, we'll teach you everything you need to know!'

    He's super friendly and despite me pressing specific details he would not tell me. He did let me know I would start off doing some QA with the multitude of Web Systems they develop.

    I know they're systems were done with Javascript/C#.NET which I have a good base knowledge of. I really just want to spend the next week I have studying up on what I should know to be a good employee on the first day. I have afterall read horror stories of junior developers coming in on their first day and nuking databases (not saying this would happen but I would like to be prepared!).

    Any insights on what I should spend my time on studying? I have the next week and a half before my first day and I want to use this time effectively!

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/MusicSimply
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    Why do large professional C projects seem to make use of #define so much?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    I feel like maybe I'm missing the point, I don't usually ever use #define or other preprocessor directives besides #include that much, but I'm obviously not a professional

    submitted by /u/BruinsPatriots1288
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    Looking at just the page table, how does one tell the difference between an unallocated page (the program break hasn't been set that far yet), and a page that is currently on disk?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Also, in the former case, the program will receive a SEGV signal, whereas in the other, the program will continue to run. However, will a page fault be raised by the processor in both cases?

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    Guys who are willing to found startups. What do you think of partnering with "idea guys" that can code?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    I have years of programming experience, but my heart just isn't in coding right now. It was always a means to launch my own ideas, I'm not the type of guy reading about new features in code or frameworks unless I need too.

    I've met a lot of passionate people at a tech social that say they just love programming and I love that. I got kind of embarrassed because I admitted I love ideas, not coding. I even told them that I was embarrassed because I was an "ideas guy". To my surprise, they thought that was great. I always harboured a little bit of hostility towards people that would come to me wanting me to build "that new app that will make us billions of dollars." To think of myself as even a little bit of that bothers me.

    I'm a generalist. I'm a full stack php and js dev that much rather be learning about business operations, marketing, or hell just more UI stuff. The thought of being a developer forever at a company I create brings me a certain amount of dread. I don't have a degree in anything, so I'm worried that all I'll ever be treated as is a dev anyways; which was common when I was enrolled in a techhub. I always wanted to go to school for business, but just got caught up in other things.

    I'm wondering what you guys think of guys like me? Would you partner with them? Do you hold that little bit of hostility towards idea guys? Honestly I'm just looking for some general advice or direction here.

    submitted by /u/corbinthecoder
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    Ideas for how to sort flashcard list by word difficulty?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I have a list of sentences that I'm trying to learn in a foreign language. The sentences are arranged in alphabetical order and I'm trying to re-order them so that I get the most commonly used words (or sentences that have the highest number of frequent words and lowest number of rare words) first.

    I'm a beginner programmer so would appreciate thoughts on this.

    What I've done so far is count the frequency that each unique word occurs. I'm thinking to next score each sentence by summing the frequency of all words in each sentence, and then ordering the sentences from high scores to low. This has some immediate flaws - for one, longer sentences score higher than shorter ones, although I've noticed that shorter ones generally are more simple. I'm sure there are other flaws/improvements that I'm not picking up on, as well.

    I'd love to hear thoughts on better ways of organizing this. Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/tismyfirsttimehere
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    Help finding full pathname in C++

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    I think I know what to do, I'm just having difficulty doing it.

    1. I have an input. If it begins with '/', './', or '../' then it's an absolute path name and I can execute it with execvp().

    2. If it does not begin with those, I need to search each directory in the list specified by environ() to find the relative pathname.

    3. To search, I attempt to open the specified file in each directory. If it fails to open, the file does not exist in this directory and I move to the next. If it does open, I close it and execute it with execvp().

    I've got step 1 down, but I'm struggling with steps 2 and 3. How do I search each directory in environ()?

    submitted by /u/locke_5
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    I have a function which sould give out a key but only returns NULL.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    i have a HTML page which uses console to execute an "encrypt" command( it is not done, yet), which is self crafted, but i run it and use an example, but it does not give off a number or string, it always gives off NULL and i don't find the error.


    <html> <head> <title>weak encryption</title> <script language=javascript> function encode(message, c) { var chars = []; var a; for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c.charAt(i).includes("!") || c.charAt(i).includes("?") || c.charAt(i).includes("§") || c.charAt(i).includes("$") || c.charAt(i).includes("%") || c.charAt(i).includes("&") || c.charAt(i).includes("+") || c.charAt(i).includes("~") || c.charAt(i).includes("*") || c.charAt(i).includes("#") || c.charAt(i).includes(".") || c.charAt(i).includes(":") || c.charAt(i).includes(",") || c.charAt(i).includes(";") || c.charAt(i).includes("(") || c.charAt(i).includes(")") || c.charAt(i).includes("{") || c.charAt(i).includes("[") || c.charAt(i).includes("]") || c.charAt(i).includes("´") || c.charAt(i).includes("^") || c.charAt(i).includes("°") || c.charAt(i).includes("/") || c.charAt(i).includes(" ")) { console.log('Key is illegal, returning "null"'); return null; } } chars = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "_", "@"]; a = chars[(halfstring(c, 1, chars * 8) + halfstring(c, 0, chars))]; console.log(c); return c; } function halfstring(x, y, z) { var temp = 0; for (var j = 0; j < Math.floor(x.length / 2); j++) { temp = temp + z.indexOf(x.charAt((j * 2) + y)); } return temp; } encode("message", "0123abcd"); </script> </head> <body> <p><strike>Weak</strike> <b>encryption</b></p> <p>This is an <i>unfinished</i> Test</p> </body> </html> 
    submitted by /u/_SAMUEL_GAMING_
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    Backtracking without using recursion

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    I know you can implement recursion using a stack. Just, I don't know how to do it. I can do DFS(stack)/BFS(queue) iterative but other problems such as backtracking I am simply lost.

    Does anyone have an example of doing backtracking iteratively (using a while loop and stack) ?

    submitted by /u/uragnorson
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    Side projects for a junior programmer/software tester

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    I'm almost 1.5 years into my first job as a programmer. Started work on a web app with C# in backend and jQuery/KnockoutJS in frontend. I still do occasional bugfixing but the company is focused on other bigger projects and I was assigned to some of those projects as a software tester. My current specialties are Selenium UI tests and JMeter load tests so I kinda want to make something of my own in my spare time (2-3 hours in the evening) to sharp up my programming skills even further.

    So far I've made a desktop WPF app that allows you to run JMeter tests in non-GUI mode but without the hassle of entering a butt load of command lines into the console.

    The app is more or less done so I'm wondering which simple project could I start that would occupy me for a while when I'm bored at home? Angular and React are hot topic around my area but what I really liked in high school and later in college was PHP and even though my code was a hot mess, it worked and was very fun.

    I though about getting into Laravel and create some simple webshop or a forum-like website but I on the other side I would also like to work on something that would be of use beyond myself but I'm out of ideas.

    I'm open to any suggestions: simple junior dev projects, maybe even a different framework?

    submitted by /u/anvilgod
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    Setup Outlook 365 to automatically print email attachments.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I followed the method here using a VB script to the letter. https://appuals.com/how-to-prints-emails-and-attachments-automatically/

    I used this too: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/0962e42a-4735-4030-9194-f8a3f267cf30/automated-attachment-printing-outlook-2010?forum=outlook which had roughly the same VBA code. Tried both, went to Tools in the VB window, checked off 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'. When to File --> Info --> Manage Rules & Alerts --> Selected 'From people or public group' and entered an email I use --> then on the next page the option to Run A script is not even an option? Does anyone know how to do this correctly?

    submitted by /u/12AngryMen13
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    win32, Window is blank until clicked

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    as the title say, when i compile and run my application it always shows blank window and when i click that windows, i can see my child windows.

    I use WM_CREATE to create child windows

    I want when i run my app and my parent window is displayed, the child windows to be shown instantly without highlighting that window, any idea what could be the reason

    submitted by /u/fido9dido
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    React native or Flutter? Help me in Final Degree Project

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Hello! I should develop a mobile system (Android and iOS) to my final degree project for my university that consist basically in a mini Booking, mini calendar, and gestion of documents for exchange students (with MySQL as database). So I was considering React Native because I have all in one (and later can use the base for a web), but I'm afraid about some comments... Can be Flutter but the problem I think it's really young yet talking about projects and documentation. What do you think about it? really thank you for your help and sorry for my bad english.

    PD: I don't develop in RN or Flutter so I should learn them.

    submitted by /u/Abakim
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    Is Programming on non-Windows just a meme?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    I know this is not going to get me an accurate representation, but hopefully there's enough insight here to get me an idea.

    It seems like everytime I turn around, I see "Developers should use Linux (or macOS). However, SO latest survey reiterate that Windows is still the most popular by those using taking the survey. Windows is used by the vast majority of people (somewhere between 88-91% of users).

    I use both Linux and Windows. I've used Linux for 20+ years, but I still really like Windows (I know, it seems like an unpopular opinion, but I do...I genuinely like Windows...it's only the updates today I hate). I'm just curious, how accurate is the gatekeeping? I find it hard to believe macOS and LInux are popular for development outside of a few groups (Linux as a platform for deployment, absolutely agree, but I'm speaking of the desktops/laptops in use by devs).

    I figure even though this is a smallish sub, many programmers know what the peers around them are using. Also, I am not debating the merits of one or the other (personally, having used all three, I think the "It's easier on x" is highly subjective), just wondering what people are actually using. I use Linux, but I tend to do any programming (still a student in it, but I still end up using it even though I could do it in either one) on Windows. Don't know why, beyond I like Windows and that's why I think it's subjective but, hey, I'm new so what do I know?

    submitted by /u/BTW_IuseKubuntu
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    Which programming languages move/press the mouse button?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    Text (optional)

    submitted by /u/_SAMUEL_GAMING_
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    Issues with learning C#/MySQL/Etc.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    So I've been a part of the Full Sail University Online, Web Design & Development Program for the better part of a year (10 months or so, 6 of which were classes unrelated to the degree as a whole, so 4 months spent actually learning coding/programming) and the degree is two years long. I've learned the basics of C# up to Classes (touching on Classes) and MySQL basics for backend database management obviously (up to connecting through C# to the DB and manipulating the DB for results back in the console in Visual Studio). The degree also includes CMS systems, MongoDB, User Interface design, and a lot more.

    However I am very much struggling to learn apparently very simple things without a LOT of help from the teacher of my current MySQL class as well as mentors that are in the class when the teacher is unavailable. I am generally struggling with applying the lessons to the questions and I have been since the first C# class a few months ago. I am actually very much liking working with DBs over C# and was considering furthering my career path in that, but my latest assignment has shown me that I still only understand the very basics of DB management/C# and I am unable to apply the lessons to the assignments mentally.

    I've had one person helping my throughout my schooling, an online friend, but he's currently indisposed for an unknown amount of time, and how much I have come to rely on him is really showing now. (Never gave me the answers straight, but he was always there to clarify things in layman's terms, etc). I typically pay him after each class for his help as well.

    I always attempt to google my questions but a lot of this is "unique" to the assignment, so I'm always at a loss... and don't get me started on reading documentation with syntax and stuff that I don't understand in general. I can read some of it, but a lot of it is lost on me.

    My question here is: Should I cut my losses and drop out and just focus on trying to make as much money as I can to pay off my student loans that I've taken out for school, or continue to just bother people for help? Am I just not wired correctly for this sort of thing, as much as I wish I was?

    I am REALLY enjoying learning these new things, but it's like I need someone there all the time because I'm apparently not "learning" per se, is how it feels, because I can't apply the lessons to the homework no matter how much I rewatch the lesson videos over and over again.

    Thanks for any advice, and apologies if this is the wrong subreddit for this.

    submitted by /u/Setari
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    Image processing software/vendors

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I am looking for software that I can use in a mobile application that takes pictures the way you do when you're using your mobile bank application to take a picture of a check for mobile deposit. Where the camera software automatically identifies the rectangle that contains the check.

    What is that type of image processing software called? Who are some vendors that produce that type of software and offer it as a library I can incorporate into my own projects? Are there any free libraries that do this?

    submitted by /u/turdfurg
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    Is there a technical difference between goto and while?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Especially asking for C#. Whats the difference between these two seen as c-code that is generated in the background? Is the trashcollector doing some different work here?

    submitted by /u/actopozipc
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    Is there any tool that as input takes two images and outputs a "half-way" image that is more similar to both than each to the other?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    I have two grayscale pictures of very similar looking old bearded men and I want to create a few (ideally 3-5) images that have different degrees of similarity to either of the initial ones so that when you arrange them next to each other in a specific way you get a "gradient" between the two original images, and if you put them in a gif one "morphs" into the other. I've tried searching on google to no avail, it might exist but I just have no idea what search terms to use.

    Is there anything that does this and makes the gradients look believable enough that someone could glance at it for 2 seconds without realizing that it's not a picture of a real person? If not, how hard would it be to create such a thing with python and some machine learning libraries?

    submitted by /u/huawei_shithead
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    Using CSS3 grid, I'm trying to figure out how to have the "primary data" and "secondary data" start at 50/50% but allow the resize to bring either down to their respective minimum size.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    Resize grid embedded in a grid

    I can't seem to find the combination that allows the "primary data" and "secondary data" start at 50/50% but also allows the resize to bring either down to their respective minimum sizes.

    submitted by /u/dacracot
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    New to C, help with dynamic memory

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    To make things short :

    I'm pretty new to C and having a hard time with the "harder" parts of the language (pointers, callbacks, structs,...). I would like to modify this code in order to overwrite the memory allocated every time I make a request. The way its working right now, the data is being appended and the allocated memory keeps getting larger.

    My code is fine, I was using files as outputs before and it worked like a charm. But I don't this the example was designed with more than 1 request in mind, the way I'm doing it right now is pretty much exactly like the example except I make the curl_easy_perform run 3 times with 1,5 seconds in between.

    Here is the C libcurl example :


    Here is the libcurl WRITE_FUNCTION / WRITE_DATA pages, if they help :



    I understand the code globally, but I have no idea where to begin or what to do.

    submitted by /u/petergriffin560
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    Help with installing a script for SelfControl on MacOS

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    some of you might know the app "SelfControl" which lets you block access to certain websites for a certain amount of time. i want to install this script to schedule the start and stop times:


    This is a bit embarrassing because it probably can't get much simpler, but I'm a total hopeless noob when it comes to Terminal or code and programming and general... Could someone provide a more detailed description of the steps under "Install", like an "install this script for dummies" version? I'd rather know exactly what I'm doing before i mess with Terminal...

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/klingtkomischisabaso
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    Looking for suggestions on how to build a live calculator, example in post

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 11:34 PM PDT

    Looking for suggestions on how to build something like this: https://theroicalculator.org/.

    A bunch of variables each adjustable for the user and live updated in a result, ROI in the example.

    I have experience in HTML and CSS but not that much in any scripting languages or databases so some sort of framework would be preferred.


    submitted by /u/inspectorjawa
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