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    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    I'm building a tool to help web developers with freelancing and client management,it would be amazing if you could answer this quick poll (2 minutes long) :) web developers

    I'm building a tool to help web developers with freelancing and client management,it would be amazing if you could answer this quick poll (2 minutes long) :) web developers

    I'm building a tool to help web developers with freelancing and client management,it would be amazing if you could answer this quick poll (2 minutes long) :)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    How do I move from building crappy WordPress sites with a page builder and light JS and CSS customizations to building full bespoke sites?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    Every time I try to build something from scratch I feel overwhelmed from the amount of UI options I'd have to build (grids, menus, accordions, galleries, sliders, etc), and when I start using Bootstrap et al., I run into the problem of tying all the editable data to the backend CMS, and I feel like if I'm going to be doing that then I might as well just use a page builder anyway, but then I quickly run into the limitations those sorts of things bring. I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong and have no idea how to do things the "right" way, particularly in the world of WordPress and building sites to hand off to clients, but this question could apply to anything in the web dev sphere.

    submitted by /u/devilmaydance
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    Question RE: HTML5 video & Chrome fullscreen.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I hope you don't mind me asking here, I'm at a loss for why this doesn't work.

    To cut a long story short, I'm using videojs with a HLS stream. In firefox, Edge, Safari everything works perfectly fine!

    In chrome however, the fullscreen button is 'greyed out' and does nothing.

    I've gone so far as to completely copy this entire page (https://videojs.com/advanced/#disneys-oceans) and host it, fix the links inside etc and it still doesn't work when I self host it.

    I'm at a loss for words, does anyone have any advice?

    Here's an example to show what I mean;

    When I try Note the fullscreen button greyed out, unclickable (nothing in console)

    The version that works on their site - fullscreen white and clickable, works just fine.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can show me what I'm doing wrong!

    submitted by /u/MY_ALT_WORK_ACCOUNT
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    How should one use the nav element?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    The WHATWG's HTML standard describes the nav element as follows:

    The nav element represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.

    Note: Not all groups of links on a page need to be in a nav element — the element is primarily intended for sections that consist of major navigation blocks. In particular, it is common for footers to have a short list of links to various pages of a site, such as the terms of service, the home page, and a copyright page. The footer element alone is sufficient for such cases; while a nav element can be used in such cases, it is usually unnecessary.

    Note: User agents (such as screen readers) that are targeted at users who can benefit from navigation information being omitted in the initial rendering, or who can benefit from navigation information being immediately available, can use this element as a way to determine what content on the page to initially skip or provide on request (or both).

    The first description itself is self-explanatory. I understand the first note and have determined that it doesn't apply my use case.

    However, I'm confused by the ambiguity of the second note. I don't use screen readers, so I don't know how they handle nav elements. For my use case, the only nav element that I would have is the primary content of the page. I don't want the screen reader to omit it from the initial rendering; I want it to be immediately available. How would one know how the screen reader handles it?

    TLDR: How do screen readers handle nav elements?

    submitted by /u/bacondev
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    We are building CSS framework, we would appreciate any review, request, criticism.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Vise is a CSS framework we built mainly for the following reasons :

    We wanted a framework that can be used alongside other frameworks without any interference between each of them.

    We though a new simple class naming system would speed up learning and coding process.

    We though about a smart grid system with every row being able to switch to a column when needed.

    Vise now is under heavy development. Please participate with us to make it better.

    Framework: https://github.com/Appforge-lab/CSS-Vise

    submitted by /u/Amine-belgacem
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    I'm in a tough situation with a client, and I could use some advice.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    So I'm in a bit of a pickle, and I could use some outside perspective at the moment.


    My current client contacted me via Linkedin about 2 months ago.

    I had, at that time, become roommates with someone that also worked in SEO/web design.

    I decided to share the project with him and split the fee 50/50.

    Since we've started, things have been pretty shitty. I've outworked him, I out-communicate with the clients, I do all of the speaking at our meetings, I do all of the background research/homework, and I'm the one who spends the time to do something RIGHT, instead of trying to deliver a half ass site.

    The other night was the final straw with him - a situation arose that anyone with half a brain could have handled, but it didn't work out that way.

    So I basically told him we aren't working on any future projects together.

    Here's the problem - the client I'm working with is a pretty big player in the crypto world, and he needs another 2+ sites from us after this.

    We were going to take these projects on together, but that's not going to happen now.

    I've been extremely patient and understanding with him up until a few days ago. I overlooked the small stuff, the laziness, the half-ass jobs on his tasks (I assigned split tasks via Asana for managing the process), etc. I always tried to help him grow and learn, but he never really put in the effort or gave a shit.

    I also went through and had to redo the sections he was assigned, because they looked absolutely atrocious. Stupid shit like non-matching colors, font-sizes, images that were pixelated (or too large, causing longer load times), section padding/margins not aligned, etc. Basically all of the details that separate the good from the shit.

    I even had to handle all of his assigned tasks for mobile as we are 2 days away from hand-off to the client, and he hadn't even started his shit. After I told him I'd finished his jobs because he was cutting it too close, I basically just got a "thanks".


    I know I should have vetted him before hiring him, but I'm the one that takes chances on people, because I've been in that exact same position before - hoping people would just give me a chance.

    I've talked to him about these concerns/issues and he never changed up his approach or the effort he'd put in.

    It's also the biggest client him or I have ever had, but he doesn't appreciate it at all.


    My predicament is this: do I just negotiate with the client and strike up a contract on my own? Do I just let it go and pass the work on to the guy I'm working with (he does shit work)? If I go solo, how do I approach and break the news about the split to my client? Do I mention specifics, or do I just say it didn't work out? They would also still have communication/a way to contact him directly as they have our numbers and emails.

    I'm a bit lost here as I've never been in this situation. Any insight would be amazing!

    Definitely learned a lesson here.

    submitted by /u/letspushpixels
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    Creating a site-specific search

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    I am trying to learn Bootstrap by "dissecting" an encyclopedia-style website built with it and cloning that site, with my adjustments, as a new encyclopedia-style site that I'd like to make to exist.

    Where I'm at skill-wise: At this point, I have a pretty functional knowledge of HTML5 and CSS Grid. I can basically understand javascript code when I read it, but I haven't learned to use it [yet]. I have built a couple of sites from scratch using HTML5 and CSS Grid. They're nothing to write home about, but they've been good projects for learning-as-I-go.

    What I can't figure out now in this project: The existing site has a search box on all the pages, obviously important on an encyclopaedia and also more generally. I can find a ton of documentation online about how to "design" a search box with varying visual characterists, but all of these refer only to the design and not to the operation of the search itself. I am trying to "make something that works": I want to enter, say, the word "yellow" into the search, and I want it to generate a list of the pages in my site where the word "yellow" appears. If I go into the code of my example site, I can see that it's calling a Python function searcher.py. If I go into that code, I see a very long, very complicated code that I can't even make sense of (much less replicate or modify). (I have zero experience with Python, but I think think this would be complicated even for someone more familiar.) I thought it might be more practical to introduce a Google Custom Search box instead, so I created such a search at https://cse.google.com/cse. I introduced the generated code into my site:


    (function() {

    var cx = '005054937247183030204:flmnqilugq0';

    var gcse = document.createElement('script');

    gcse.type = 'text/javascript';

    gcse.async = true;

    gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx;

    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];

    s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);




    But this brings me to two more problems: (1) I can't easily style the search box; (2) the search results appear in the upper right corner of my original page instead of on a dedicated new search page. In short, I don't have much control over this in its present form.

    My basic question here is: If you wanted to integrated a site-specific search into your webpage, how would you go about it? Could you point me to any good references, or suggest the terms I should use as I "go figure that out"?

    Again, I'm no pro, and I'm sure most of you are far, far ahead of me in abilities. Please be gentle :)

    Thank you very much for your help!

    submitted by /u/lashend
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    Is learning Web Development after becoming a proficient iOS developer any more difficult than the other way around?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    Is it possible to get multiple Google Places using a single GET request?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I currently have a PHP function which makes a GET request to Google Places API in order to get the details for a place based on the id of that place.

    public function getSight(Request $request, $placeid) { $get = file_get_contents("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=" . $placeid . "&key="); $result = json_decode($get); return response()->json([ 'message' => 'Fetched sight!', 'result' => $result ], 201); } 

    This is all good and dandy, however, now I want to expand the functionality of my application by allowing users to save the IDs of places they like in the database and then display all liked places on a certain page. Does this mean I'd have to literally run 10 GET requests if the user has liked 10 places? Wouldn't that be extremely slow, especially if the user has like 20, 30 or 100 places?

    I'm reading the Google Places API documentation and I can't find any information about getting more than 1 place details using a single GET request.

    submitted by /u/Bozhidar95
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    Making money /w themes & plugins.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey folks.

    I'm super interested in developing themes, templates and plugins to sell. Currently I'm thinking of releasing a form & navbar template.

    I've done some research and it obviously seems like it's a really competitive market, because there's so many people already doing web development, and already releasing great themes and plugins.

    Has anyone made a decent amount of money doing this? How competitive was it? How did you make your product stand out from the rest?

    submitted by /u/benaffleks
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    Regarding SSL and http vs https for a client of mine.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am working for a military contractor at the moment in order to make their site available on the military base's network. They have a .com and a .org, currently the .com only redirects to the .org, which is the main site.

    1. I have implemented Privacy DNS on both domains and a validated SSL on the .org. The redirection on the .com does not work due to the base's network security stopping at the .com for lack of an SSL, is there anyway to implement an SSL on a site that is not hosted or live since its purely used as a redirection? If so, how?
    2. The .org site works on the military base now, but only when you go to https with www, so I go into phpmyadmin to change all links to https with www rather than just http, but it breaks all my css and deletes posts. Why? Its a wordpress site and currently using 5.4 php, but when updating to 7.1, it breaks the WordPress. I think something may be wrong with the wordpress theme and the best solution may be reinstalling wordpress on 7.2 php and seeing how it goes, but thats a lot of work and I did not quote them that many hours.

    If you want more specific information, feel free to message me and I can tell you the links. And if you need more information I will be watching the comments.

    All help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jaxon12345
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    Does anybody know if Shadow DOM contributes to Document Outline?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    i haven't found any information in searching about this

    perhaps only the light-dom content is accessible to the document outline, in terms of SEO?

    if so, then i'm worried we shouldn't place anything with SEO value into the hands of any modern web component, and that we should only use components for UI buttons and such

    in my current case, i want to make an `<event-kiosk>` component, but am worried that the internal `<h1>` tags and such will not be interpreted as a part of the document outline, because they are in a shadow tree

    anybody have a hunch?

    submitted by /u/ChaseMoskal
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    How We Measure Standards (and why it’s sort of a problem)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    Is there a dedicated tool for tracking network activity from the client side?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm looking for a tool, extension, etc. that would replace Chrome's "network" tab for tracking the requests I make. I really dislike the network tab as it's very cluttered and doesn't feel efficient to use or navigate. It's also an overkill compared to what I'm looking for.

    I don't need anything advanced, just to be able to track the requests being made on the pages I visit, with their details, content and response. Data should be structured more nicely and if the tool has more features (t.ex. storing the requests details for later) it's a bonus, but not necessary.

    Do you guys use or know of any dedicated tools for this? I've found a couple of extensions that seem to do what I'm looking for but would first love to know if there's any standard tool everyone's using.

    submitted by /u/Gigusx
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    Is python (Django / flask) not ideal for a Microservice architecture ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    So I am only in my 1st year of professional web dev, so I apologize if this questions sounds dumb. But I come from a Java / spring background and that's what we use at my current job. It seems every company in my area uses that stack. Recently I have been exploring python and flask to build out some test services on the side, and man it is a breeze compared to spring.

    From research, I see people saying python with web frameworks like flask or Django, is not the best for building out a Microservice architecture.. and may cause some serious issues. But then others say it is great and works well for their company? Haha so it's kind of hard to know which way to lean.

    Whenever I ask people who I work with why we don't have any other services built out with node or python, they say it's cause it's not good for enterprise. Which I know Java is extremely good for that, but I also don't know if they just say that cause we are such a hardcore Java / spring shop. It just amazed me when diving into node / express and python / flask a little, how much easier things were.. and it seems like it would great to work in. But I'm sure there are reasons.

    Could anyone enlighten me on some personal experience / opinions? Thanks

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    [Showoff Saturday] My first attempt at making a personal site! Feedback greatly appreciated

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    When making a web based project, should you always finish writing markup before writing js?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    I'm new to web dev(and programming in general), and im wondering if theres a a good process to follow when making things. If I'm making a game for example, should i finish my html and css before doing my js logic?

    submitted by /u/FREEROCKETLEAGUE
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    [question] Jquery onclick Event on dynamically created elements: what's the correct way to do it?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    First: On mobile, so please forgive me!

    Once in a while I have to bind onclick or similar functions to a div or other element that's created dynamically.

    I always found a hacky way to do it, but right now I'm sick of the hacky ways and I want to understand the reason behind it, and how to solve the problem once and for all.

    So, imagine a todo list, you make an entry and you want to get a pop-up when you click it.

    If you have the static list entry, you just write a simple on click, maybe with $(this) or an elaborate selector.

    Once you add a dynamic clone of this, the static one still works, but the dynamic one does not.

    First question: when the Dom is created and the function is bound to the Dom elements with the corresponding selector $('. myTodoEntry').on('click', function() {console.log('clicked'})

    It should fire whenever the .myTodoEntry is clicked. How does the dynamically created object differ from the static one? Does Javascript just pretend it does not exist?

    Because once I copy the code and paste it in the dev tools, it gets 'reinitialised' and I can click both.

    Which leads me to the next hacky thing: creating the function everytime the object is created.

    Let's say you have a button with a nice 'add list entry' function. You define the HTML in a variable, manipulate text, date and whatever and after the 'append' you define the on-click function.

    This is obviously a bad idea, because when you click the key 5 times to create 5 entries, the function will fire once for the first entry, 3 times for the third entry and 5 times for the last entry. Not so good.

    Now, don't hate me for my approach, but I define the object, give it a random ID (used elsewhere too, so that's okay) and bind the function to this ID, so let's say div 1 has ID 1 and the function fires if clicked on div 1 only, the same function later fires for div 2 only when div two is clicked. Probably this adds up and you have 600 listeners which might be bad.

    Now, what's the correct approach?

    I have X divs created dynamically, every div has a '.editable' class inside (on another element inside the div), and once this is clicked, I want to fire a console log message.

    All the code is Inside a 'document ready' segment.

    Can someone help me understand this better?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/perskes
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    How/what to use to plan and prepare a side project as a solo dev ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:03 AM PDT

    Basically, as the title say it, I would like to know if there is a best way to plan a website I will do on my own.

    I have already done two small sites but they were more like sandboxes for training. Now I plan to do some site with a real purpose.

    An acquaintance who is a dev (I am still a student) told me that there is two approaches: the agile one where I build the tool by iterations (a new functionality at a time), and the waterfall method which is more linear.

    I think the agile one is more adapted for small teams, hence for a solo dev, but I would still like tol know what I am getting myself into.

    So basically what I guessed is I could use some tool (if they exist) to plan both the backend and the frontend.

    To plan the backend a way to be able to visualize every component of the database, by layers, their links etc...

    And to plan the frontend some tool to vastly design everything (maybe I should simply use photoshop ?).

    Maybe I am too obsessed with getting things tided but it help my mind being clear and I think it will help me to potentially scale the project as I document every processes.

    Let me know what are your approaches, what do you think about mine and if there is something I am missing on.

    Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/rebooker99
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    Should I follow through with my A levels or take the full time job?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    I'm a UK student studying my first year A-Levels, i'm not sure what the US equivalent of these are but I'm 16 about to turn 17.

    After a successful two weeks at a work experience placement within a large web design agency I was offered a job due to my advanced and 'impressive' skills in the web development trade. The job was originally supposed to occupy holidays due to my studies but i'm sure they would take me on full time as a junior web developer if my time wasn't occupied by college.

    My question is wether it's worth finishing my A levels or to drop out and pursue this dream career of a web developer. Would i be able to land further jobs if gaining many years of experience at this one business without my A level qualifications in IT?

    I'd appreciate any feedback and advice- thanks :)

    submitted by /u/m1nted
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    The Web Developer's Guide to DNS

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:18 AM PDT

    A multilingual CRM with conditional logic and good customizability?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Hi! Please share your suggestions Thanks!

    submitted by /u/emin2pacc
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    How do i add a white border (outline) to my progressbar? This is what i currently have. border-width doesnt seem to work.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    How do i add a white border (outline) to my progressbar? This is what i currently have. border-width doesnt seem to work.

    Using the progress element.


    progress { margin: 10px 0; width: 1100px; height: 20px; border-radius: 20px; } /*Mozilla*/ progress {background-color: #F7F7F7;} progress::-moz-progress-bar {background-color: #00122D !important; border-radius: 20px;} /*Chrome - Safari*/ progress::-webkit-progress-bar {background-color: #F7F7F7; width: 100%; border-radius: 20px;} progress::-webkit-progress-value {background-color: #00122D !important; border-radius: 20px;} /*Internet Explorer - Edge*/ progress {background-color: #F7F7F7;} progress {color: #00122D;} 
    submitted by /u/dnapor
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