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    Tuesday, April 9, 2019

    If you starting a new job and the company provides hardware (laptop) that is old but gives you the option to use your own personal machine; which would you choose? Ask Programming

    If you starting a new job and the company provides hardware (laptop) that is old but gives you the option to use your own personal machine; which would you choose? Ask Programming

    If you starting a new job and the company provides hardware (laptop) that is old but gives you the option to use your own personal machine; which would you choose?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Old laptop- let's say it's 2 years behind the market Vs personal machine that is newer and can make you a little more efficient.

    Which would you choose?

    submitted by /u/asyncdc
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    Is there a proper name CompSci for these two different 'categories' of programming?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    The two categories I am thinking of are:

    1. Programming where solutions have a discrete, tidy solution and a definitive answer. The vast majority of programming happens in this category. Easier. Examples: all the basics - sorting, selecting, searching, regular expressions, parsing, queries, possibly SAT, classical "AI" especially based on minimax, just about any decidable question.
    2. Programming where exact solutions may be impossible or only approximate. An answer is acceptable if it close enough. The result may come with a confidence level. It's much more likely floating point numbers were involved, but not always. The underlying problem may be ill-posed. Multiple solutions may exist and may be a matter of taste. An improvement is a change that reduces errors in a statistical sense. Usually takes a far more experienced and mathematically inclined programmer. Example: digital signal processing, OCR, numerical optimization, numerical integration, neural networks, machine learning, natural language processing.
    submitted by /u/Zomunieo
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    Why the hate for Python?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:53 PM PDT

    Why does python get dogged on so much? I've heard of a lot of programmers being adverse towards it and act like it's an inferior language. Is there inherit issues with parts of the language or any defects that come about from using it?

    submitted by /u/birgeman
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    Where can I analyze home page of website?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    Simple Q&A chatbot for Messenger

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:10 PM PDT


    As a side project/learning excercie, i want to set up a fb messenger bot for friends.

    They will enter on of about 500 known words or phrases, and an optional value. For example: Marlin -long In a google sheet, i will have three columns. Key, default answer, long answer For example Column 1 Blackfish Tuna Column 2 A big fish Column 3 A big fish that weighs a lot and looks spectacular and is part of the tuna family.

    I don't need to track who asked, record any queries, etc - this is purely an info service against a known set of key phrases and answers, which i will put in a googlesheet.

    What is the simplest, code free/minimal way to do this, and does someone have a sample they could share? I was thinking chatfuel looked good for this, but found their googledocs examples a bit confusing tbh. (mainly because the examples do more then just my simple scenario)

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/i_j_e
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    Are C structs just syntactic sugar? Does defining a C struct show up anywhere in the binary?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Made a JavaScript project, have any thoughts?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    JsonRPCCpp, extension of AbstractStub tells me new class is abstract

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    MessageServer: https://paste.ofcode.org/qBTpQTxepsWKpY52QdGvhP

    AbstractServerStub: https://paste.ofcode.org/NuAitEvwwb5Y5nzM9cVeAb

    Library Example: https://github.com/cinemast/libjson-rpc-cpp/blob/master/src/examples/stubserver.cpp

    Error: Line 40 of MessageServer, MessageServer is an abstract class

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/bazgrim_dev
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    How do YOU mail merge?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:48 PM PDT

    Does anyone know a name for this style of text replacement?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 03:04 PM PDT


    {id}. {title} posted by {username}

    submitted by /u/Chris221221
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    C++ HW Help

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 01:51 PM PDT


    In int main, when I call the function it says "too few arguments in function call." I'm not sure what I need to put in the parathesis.


    submitted by /u/Yolobone
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    Anyone know how to use the 'My Text in Your Handwriting' to preserve handwriting?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 01:07 AM PDT

    Crosspost from r/handwriting as it was suggested you may be able to help!

    Hi all,

    My mum is very ill with perhaps 3 months left. I really want to turn her handwriting into a font so that she can dictate letters to her grandchildren. Her handwriting has declined too much for the websites where you submit a form with each letter written.

    I have read a lot about the 'My Text in Your Handwriting' program and think it would be ideal. I see they have published the code for it but it's way beyond my technical ability to figure out how that works. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that maybe knows how it works and can walk me through how to get it going? Or write me some instructions for dummies or something (I'm not completely tech illiterate, it's just outside my wheelhouse).

    Alternatively, if anyone has other ideas on how I can recreate her handwriting in a font (that doesn't involve her needing to write) I would be grateful for suggestions.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/AlphaCentauri1215
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    C/C++ or other languages for software development in 2019

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    Let me explain what I want to ask. It is that if someone or a bunch of people decide to built a heavy software ( like some game engine, web browser , graphics and animation tool,some chat and video calling app or even a whole new OS ) in 2019 what language they would choose? Most of the software we use is in C/C++ (i.e don't consider today's web apps) but I understand that it was originally written decades ago so my question can also be interpreted as "do C/C++ would still be a better option ( considering its low level functionality ) if one decides to built a software like Windows,Web browsers ,skype etc. or other popular languages like python,js or java in terms of ease and efficiency if one has to write code from scratch today?

    Maybe it's a very stupid question but I had been wondering about it for a while but got nobody to answer. Also I do understand low level functionality of C and its importance in cs world but it's just above mentioned thing I can't get straight. One of the main reasons are if you look at those big tech companies they always want you to have good knowledge about C/C++ with today's languages like python,js etc.

    submitted by /u/LioPal-
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    Need help to create my web app?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    //English is not my first language so please bear with me.

    So, first, I'm a total newbie to web app and I don't particularly have knowledge of what are the current trends to develop such applications.

    I'm trying to create a web app which will scrape some data from the internet and do some CMS. I also further want to process the data that I've scrapped. I want to create a full fledged web app that can be used by some customers(remote people on internet)

    I have basic knowledge of programming languages like Java, Python, C. Also some HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javascript.

    I have created a standalone CMS app using java as a mini project but now i'm facing multiple problems(I executed queries directly onto the table which were hard coded).

    I wanted to do some scraping so I chose Python for backend but now I realize majority of people do not use Flask or Django. Then I looked into JSP but it seems like an ancient technology.

    I don't want to use PHP(personal reasons)

    I looked at the newer trends like the MERN or MEAN stack but it seems complicated for a beginner like me.

    I don't know what i'm typing at this point.

    What i'm trying to say is can anybody provide me with a structure of how these things work?


    When and where to write code for GET or POST methods?(I know what they do but not sure where to use)

    Which framework to use where?

    How to create and where to use APIs?

    Tell me some terms which i can google

    I am getting overwhelmed by the technologies and now regret fro wasting my time in college doing nothing.

    Please point me in right direction

    submitted by /u/its_shubzzz
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    There are live pure p2p nets for bittorrent, bitcoin, tor, ethereum, and ipfs, but I dont see any live p2p nets for games other than hybrids of centrally controlled systems optimized by p2p. Are there any pure p2p games live?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I dont see any in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer#Other_P2P_applications

    I dont know if any exist or not. I know its hard technically cuz of the lag often found in p2p computing such as in ethereum's minimum lag of 15 second cycles. But I know it can be done cuz sidechains such as the Raiden network plug into ethereum to lower the lag and sync to the core blockchain less often than sync between those active together. I'm not saying it has to be blockchain, but merkle forest is a useful data structure and by itself adds no significant lag. Thats why I think it might exist. Does it, and where can I study this pattern in the world as it occurs live?

    submitted by /u/BenRayfield
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    How to hide and Easter egg in code.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    So I have a public project with the code and jar file on GitHub. How could I hide an Easter egg from a noesy person looking at my code? The Easter egg is just changing some text inside a jframe when something is entered.

    submitted by /u/cperryoh
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    [Full Stack] Deploy a React+Express+SQL on Apache with port 80 and no root?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Hello All!

    I've spent the last 6 ish months developing a series of web forms for a College job , which came from a PHP class I took.

    Thing is, the bugs they wanted me to fix required a full rewrite, so I jumped PHP ship and taught myself React (create-react-app method) / Express in order to make the application more modern and to simplify the application .

    It's complete and ready to be deployed. in react (port 3000) I make fetch requests to my express instance (port 3001) using the package.json "proxy" option to dynamically pull/submit data to a locally stored mariaDB install. The project is hosted on a server provided by the Uni , where I have ssh/SFTP access, and write access to /var/www/html/ , which is served by an Apache server (port 80)

    Up to this point I've just been running an ssh tunnel and working on the project on my machine "on the server" . Now I'm ready to deploy, so I ran "npm run build", copied the build folder to the /var/www/html/ and when I go to the page without a proxy I can see the app from the internet, but all Express communication fails, which I would assume is because the React proxy option only works in development.

    My question is, is it possible to statically host my React instance through Apache, and have it contact the Express instance without opening a port for Express? What modification to the React fetch calls do I need to make? (I could contact the server admins and see about opening a port for it, but that requires a lot of bureaucracy and I'd need specific justifications for it)

    I recognize I could do an Apache Proxy to route all /API/ requests, but again, I don't have root access so I don't believe I can config apache, but I could be wrong.


    submitted by /u/spilloid
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    Help with automating (chess-related) sequence of tasks for my computer! (details in post)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    To be clear I have no programming experience outside of being a 2nd Year CompSci undergrad, but I'm willing to obtain and learn whatever I need to accomplish this as soon as possible. I'll try be as concise as possible. I want to create chess repertoires but it's incredibly tedious to do so manually. I want my computer to perform the following tasks in order:

    1. [USER STEPS] Open the site beta.chesstempo.com/opening-training and select desired repertoire. Open the site lichess.org/analysis and set Average rating to 1600 + 1800. Open the program Scid vs PC and activate Stockfish 10 Analysis Engine ("Lines" set to 1). Setup repertoire opening on all three windows. Let the next move be named X-a if white to move, and X-b if black to move, X being the move number as per standard chess notation.
    2. [BEGIN AUTOMATIC STEPS] Identify if black or white repertoire on ChessTempo. If colour to move matches repertoire, play move suggested by Lichess (pale blue arrow) on all three windows. Else, play most popular move from Lichess Opening Explorer. Repeat until Lichess page no longer contains the word "CLOUD".
    3. Now if colour to move matches repertoire, wait until analysis on Scid reaches Depth 30 (number on left) and play corresponding move on all three windows. Continue to play most popular move if colours do not match. Repeat until most popular move occurred in less than 6 games, and colours do not match.
    4. Reverse a move on all three windows until Opening Explorer's next most popular move that you haven't checked has occurrence greater than 5, and colours do not match. Perform steps 2 and 3. Thus you will follow every variation in the tree that has occurred in 6 or more games. If reversed back to X-a/X-b, end code.

    I spent so many hours planning and writing this blueprint; I would appreciate it so much if someone with the ability to would help me out, or direct me somewhere I would find the most help (I've posted this in 5 different subreddits, fingers crossed)! I have a rough idea of pseudocode for the steps 2 and 3, but I spent nearly 2 hours straining my brain for a solution to step 4 until I gave up. I'm hoping to automate something like this such that I can set it up and run it overnight and have a completed repertoire when I wake. What external software do I need to do this, and how would you explain the method to someone who's almost totally clueless?

    submitted by /u/JokeOfEverything
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    Starting a dream - by a teen

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Im a new programmer, studying programming since 2 years ago, but i studied nothing related to my dream.

    Since i was a kid that I´ve been in love in games and since then i wanted to be a game programmer. Now that I have a little more knowledge about programming i know that is quite possible to start the game industry.

    I wanted to ask you guys, what is the best 2D game language/library to start. Not a complex 2D game, some simple thing, like a minecraft version of snake.

    submitted by /u/Txizola
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    My boss is asking me for anything for him to order it, like software, licenses, trackpad etc. Any recommendations of mainly cool software?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    I asked for a trackpad and an extra monitor. Since the main thing im programming here is on javascript i was thinking of a webstorm license... ideas? Thanks

    submitted by /u/rikilamadrid
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    [C++] Can you toggle a polymorphic object between representations with member functions?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    I have an object that has a 'compact' and a 'verbose' representation. One is more useful for passing around and copying. The other is more useful for performing various operations, a bit like a trebuchet.

    Clearly I could have a function the turns one into the other and another function that turns it back, but is there a way to achieve this with void returning non-const virtual member functions?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    Allow users to edit vector tiles

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    I am working on an app idea that I had. One part of that is using Vector map tiles from https://openmaptiles.org/ and then having a site that the users can add points of interest as well as 4x4 trails. Is there a framework or open source solution to allow me to not have to build the ability to edit these on the web from the ground up?

    submitted by /u/camrun91
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    Best tool to run hourly integration tests?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    As an example, let's say I have an application that scrapes a website and emails that scraped data to me.

    Because it relies on the website having a certain html structure, if that structure changes the scraper may break.

    I'm looking for a platform/service to run integration tests on a regular basis (hourly or so) and alert me if those tests fail. That way, if the website's html were to change in the example above, I would be notified the next time my tests ran.

    I'm using Travis CI to run unit tests, and I know Travis has cron jobs, but the shortest interval you can run them is daily, and I would prefer to run these tests more often than that.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/boblauer
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    Messenger shows that I am online even if I am not, but i think I have an idea to fix this.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    I don't know if it happens with all mobile devices, but on my GS7 when people call my messenger even if I am sleeping it shows that I am online right after they are done trying to call me. I did a test with 2 fb accounts and this test proofed me that you should never trust on messenger online status. Many friends/couples will argue and be suspicious about people they wanna reach on messenger just because of how Messenger is bugged.

    Another thing is that even if I am trying to appear offline on messenger, people can still try to call me and you can't block calls on messenger so it's a good way for stubborn people even if they know you switched to "being offline".

    I hate this so much, but mostly because all my friends using this stupid app, and in most cases it's the only way i can reach them, but I still don't like idea of being stalked and sharing data about when I was online last time.

    So it seems that you can't hide from your friends on messenger, no matter how hard you try but what about doing something that will show that I am online 24/7? When it happens people can't blame that you didn't answered them when you tell them that "something is wrong with my fb, and it show that I am online all the time, i tried to reach their support but I don't think i'll get answer from them unless right after I died"

    I hope that there is some clever people in this subreddit that can help me out, and I also think that I am not only person in this world interested in that kind of solution. I can't think of anything that can do it, besides of having PC turned on with logged facebook 24/7, but facebook for sure can detect when you not moving your mouse or do any actions on fb and show to people that I am offline.

    submitted by /u/BoredomAlert
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