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    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    I Used The Web For A Day On Internet Explorer 8 web developers

    I Used The Web For A Day On Internet Explorer 8 web developers

    I Used The Web For A Day On Internet Explorer 8

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Can anyone recommend where to start learning design as someone who has been a developer for years?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    I've always received designs from someone and then implemented all the features requested following a style guide or similar. However, I've never really had a personal site because every time I try to design one it turns out disgusting. I'd like to learn the skills I need to finally design something myself. Where should I start? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SkyrimNewb
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    Struggling with CSS: Which Udemy course is a good option to help improve my understanding of CSS beyond what is presented in the Colt Steele bootcamp course?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 12:32 AM PDT

    So I'm working through Colt Steele's web development bootcamp course but feel super shaky in regards to CSS ( I've already completed the CSS/HTML section). I assumed this sort of thing would happen with a course that teaches a broad amount of content like Colt's course does. I do enjoy learning via video with projects along the way, at least for HTML/CSS so far, so I'm thinking about picking up a second course focused on CSS to ensure I improve my understanding of CSS.

    Does anybody have recommendations on CSS focused courses on Udemy to look at that are accessible to beginners? I've found the following two that look good and are by instructors I've seen mentioned on Reddit, but I wanted to get recommendations before I pull the trigger on a course.

    Brad Travesty - Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass)

    Maximilian Schwarzmüller - CSS - The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass)

    Any recommendations for the above courses? Also, do you recommend any other courses I should look at instead?


    submitted by /u/tx2005
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    App ideas you can build to level up your coding skills

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    High Performance Data Analytics with Cube.js Pre-Aggregations

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Static site generator that is filesystem friendly (no localhost required)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    I am a teacher and have several courses that I would like to modernize the handouts and code samples for. One requirement is it needs to be super easy for students to view the information. Are there any site generators such as VuePress which are filesystem friendly and do not require a local webserver running? I want to be able to provide students with a zip which contains everything needed for the class.

    I have tried using VuePress but it appears it might not be designed to run without a local webserver. I am basically stuck at this exact point.

    submitted by /u/nepobot
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    What's your "Fun/Hipster stack"

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Hi everyone

    Wanted to try something new ! Don't want to work that with the same technology that at work.

    If you have to start something new for fun, which innovating stack will you use ?

    Let me know !

    submitted by /u/nicolasbno
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    What are your experiences with finding part time developer work?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    I would prefer to find remote part-time developer work, but I'm interested to hear about your experiences finding part time work in general.

    Also, as an experienced developer with ~6 years of experience, how much should I be charging per hour? I'm personally trying to reach $2200 a month to pay for my expenses while working part time.

    submitted by /u/sunwoo-yang
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    How long does it take you to get up and running at a new gig?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    My contract is ending soon and I've been getting offers from recruiters for new positions. While I'd rather work with the MERN stack, there are sooo many jobs that use a PHP back end. I've finally given in and started replying to these offers.

    The problem is that my experience with PHP started back in 2004, and then it was mostly running procedural code that queried a database (MySQL) and displayed a page full of data. There were some hand-written API code that interfaced with a Flash front end. Then from there I moved on to Jquery front-end with a decoupled PHP back end.

    Everything was written in pure PHP without a framework. Even some really complex stuff that would have been a lot easier to use a framework for. At the time I was stubborn and felt that if I couldn't do it from scratch- then I didn't actually know what I was doing.

    I'm familiar with the file structure and the MVC method that most frameworks seem to use, as I've been working in node and react using similar file structures, but every offer that I'm given seems to use different frameworks that I've never used.

    If given two weeks before I start and I dedicate that time to learning a new framework (Cake, Laravel, etc), would that be enough to start the job proficiently?

    submitted by /u/cupbell2000
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    FeaturePeek – Shorten feedback loops between web designers / web developers

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Chrome (73) now supports imagesrcset and imagesizes attributes on link rel=preload elements.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Kweb now integrates with Semantic UI

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 12:50 AM PDT

    What can a developer offer on his/her site in terms of software they can sell thats not a wordpress theme?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    Whats the best software to 'sell' from your programming/portfolio site? I've been back and forth on building out a catalog of Angular/ReactJs themes for wordpress to upload to sites like theme forest and offer on my portfolio as a way to show off work and make money, the only thing thats stopping me is the fact that ReactJs/Angular ent great for SEO which is a big thing for the type of company that uses wordpress site. I really dont want to learn php I dont see the point and Ive heard nothing but bad things about it from people who have used it. I was wondering is there similar ways to sell software online in the way themes are sold in the web dev community?

    Should I just build themes anyway with reactjs or angular? or is there something else more worth while out there I can offer?

    submitted by /u/AllHailTheCATS
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    I have a domain. How can I "link" this to another domain?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:33 PM PDT

    I have a domain that I would like to essentially make it identical to another domain. EXAMPLE:

    when visiting somethinghereidk.com it is essentially identical to idkwhatthisiseither.com/subdomain

    I tried CNAME but idkwhatthisiseither.com/subdomain must not need any custom CNAME, etc. Any way to use this?

    NOTE: I don't want to use an iframe on somethinghereidk.

    submitted by /u/UpdateWindows
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    What Are Some Good OKRs You Set For Yourself?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    I have to set Object Key Results for the first time as a junior dev and wanted to see some examples and ask for advice

    submitted by /u/bbrinx
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    SPA Cache Strategies

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    Recently we've had some cache issues with our SPA when an upgrade is pushed to production. Mainly Chrome has these issues because of its aggressive caching strategy. I'm looking for advice on how to mitigate this issue.

    Here are the strategies we currently have in place.

    • async chunked JS file names are hashed

    • main JS, css, vendor files are query string hashed (due to Laravel mix). I'd prefer them file name hashed.

    • server used to have long life max-age headers on JS, css but we've recently shortened them to 1 day

    • server used to have default cache response headers on index, but we've recently changed this to no-store

    Looking for feedback on this and advice on how to properly test if the caching strategy is working as expected as right now it feels like a set it and wait to see if it works scenario which is tedious.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/el_diego
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    Leveling Up Your Development Workflow: Keyboard Shortcuts

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Can I remove .editorconfig if I already have .prettierrc?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    I'm new to Prettier and it's pretty nice so far. I recently created an Angular 7 app using the angular cli. By default it has a .editorconfig file. Can I remove this now that I have a .prettierrc file?

    submitted by /u/straightouttaireland
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    Customizing printout of a website to fit the paper size correctly... Help please.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    One of the under construction applications I run, papercash.com, has an issue I need help with. If anyone knows how to make the final printout fit right please let me know. I can make it work on localhost but once I upload it to the web server it looks wonky on printout. Agh!

    submitted by /u/cashprice
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    What is the best "Local Business" website that you have seen?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Doesn't have to be super fancy, just something that was created for a small business that looks good and lets you find all the info you are looking for quickly and easily.

    submitted by /u/KonyKombatKorvet
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    When first getting into web development, how long did it take you before you could confidently say "Okay, I think I know what I want/need to do here"?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Question about bootstrap

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm taking a web development course on Udemy, and I have a question about bootstrap. I might sound weird saying this but I feel guilty when I use bootstrap. I feel guilty because 1. It's not my work and 2. I don't really understand how it works. I'm all for using shortcuts but I just feel better if I can recreate it without using the shortcut. Is it normal for new web developers to utilize bootstrap without really knowing how it works? Or should I look into another way of learning web development?

    Edit: I guess another question I have is how often do you guys copy code from other web developers? In the hacking community, for example, it's frowned upon to copy other people's code without understanding it. Does the same way of thinking apply to web developers?

    submitted by /u/Cewbel
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    HELP: How to add website chat "tag" to visitor who clicks "Book Now" button widget (Zendesk & PeekPro)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    My escape room website (clueavenue.com) has a chat feature for website visitors to communicate with me. This chat feature (by Zendesk.com) has "triggers" that are used to send automated messages to website visitors (e.g: 60 seconds after visiting my website, it pops open saying "Any questions I can help you with?").

    Anyways, I've also installed my booking platform widget (by PeekPro.com) on my site, and my ultimate goal today is to create chat "triggers" based on WHEN a customer clicks open the booking widget (e.g: 60 seconds after clicking the "book now" widget send the visitor a message saying "Hi! I noticed you haven't completed your booking yet, any questions I can help you with?").

    Now, I already know how to setup the "triggers" within Zendesk, but what I need help with is the ability to "tag" the customer's action of clicking open the booking widget. Zendesk's instructions on how to add a "tag" are here:https://api.zopim.com/files/meshim/widget/controllers/LiveChatAPI-js.html#addTags

    ... But when I submitted this info to my rep at PeekPro they said: "We do not have the ability to help you with this because currently our API is what makes our buttons work and pull information, and at this time that API is private and does not allow for it do be edited or changed in anyway, which is what needs to happen in order for us to add this tag"

    ....Now... from my limited experience with this stuff, I think the rep is wrong. I don't believe they need to "edit/change their private API" in order to add a Zendesk tag to that action... I believe there just has to be a slight change made to the code of the widget button itself (or maybe to my website?), but I'm a newbie to all this so I could be wrong, which is why I'm asking you guys for help.


    //More Relevant Info Below://


    The PeekPro "API code" for the website widget buttons:

    <script type="text/javascript">

    (function(config) {

    window._peekConfig = config || {};

    var idPrefix = 'peek-book-button';

    var id = idPrefix+'-js'; if (document.getElementById(id)) return;

    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

    var el = document.createElement('script'); el.id = id;

    var date = new Date; var stamp = date.getMonth()+"-"+date.getDate();

    var basePath = "https://js.peek.com";

    el.src = basePath + "/widget_button.js?ts="+stamp;

    head.appendChild(el); id = idPrefix+'-css'; el = document.createElement('link'); el.id = id;

    el.href = basePath + "/widget_button.css?ts="+stamp;

    el.rel="stylesheet"; el.type="text/css"; head.appendChild(el);

    })({key: 'f7177f4d-ea4f-4492-b4fc-790e15e9b5fc'});



    The PeekPro code for the "button widget" itself:

    <a href="[https://www.peek.com/s/f7177f4d-ea4f-4492-b4fc-790e15e9b5fc/Dbp](https://www.peek.com/s/f7177f4d-ea4f-4492-b4fc-790e15e9b5fc/Dbp)" class="replace-with-your-class(es)" data-button-text="Book Now">Villain's Lair</a>

    submitted by /u/timetofreak
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