• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 13, 2019

    I have released my 1952 instrumental pieces free under creative commons 3.0 by (Free to use in your games, monetizable youtube or what ever. Just credit me Antti Luode) (If you can not, that is fine too.)

    I have released my 1952 instrumental pieces free under creative commons 3.0 by (Free to use in your games, monetizable youtube or what ever. Just credit me Antti Luode) (If you can not, that is fine too.)

    I have released my 1952 instrumental pieces free under creative commons 3.0 by (Free to use in your games, monetizable youtube or what ever. Just credit me Antti Luode) (If you can not, that is fine too.)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    As used in games and apps.

    As used by Youtubers such as Kyle Le with 42+ million views and 163k+ subs:


    My Instrumental site (Soundclick):


    My "Antti's Instrumentals" Youtube channel: (NEW)


    Four songs were hit by false copyright claims on Youtube:


    Link to 1790 CATEGORIZED instrumental pieces in a single zip file:


    My blog where I release the songs and FLstudio project files for them:


    "Best Of" Instrumental selection on Google Drive:


    All instrumental pieces on Google drive:


    Torrent with 1369 instrumentals:


    Pass it around!

    You need a bittorrent client to download the instrumentals in the torrent:


    submitted by /u/Mrloop
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    GDC Impressions from an Eastern European Gamedev

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Publishing my first game and dealing with failure

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    I honestly don't know what I expected, I made a small spin off game using mechanics I've made for my main project, it was fun to make and felt good to have a full game finished despite it being small.

    The more laboring and demoralizing aspect has been the release itself, made a trailer, made a facebook page, got an app store license, made some reddit posts.

    It all felt like the publishing was more work but I was optimistic, however a few shares, a few likes, a few views, a few upvotes and a few plays later has made me honestly question continuing my bigger project.

    I never intended on getting heaps of attention or anything and I do enjoy the creation side of it but it feels so lackluster.

    Maybe it will get more plays over time, maybe if I share it in different ways, or maybe no one is interested? I just can't tell, I'm a developer not a advetiser and I'm sure other developers have faced this same issue and I guess I'm asking for advice on how to approach or deal with it.

    submitted by /u/ShaunRemo
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    Discouraged from using frameworks

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    I've been playing around with gamemaker studio recently, and I've actually gotten somewhere with it (in the past I've just been switching between engines, never even getting the most basic stuff made). I'm half for making a fun game, and half for understanding how games are made from a more lower level approach. I've been looking at monogame, since I've been getting back into C#, and I was kind of looking forward to getting started with it, once I get back up with C#, but I just took a look at a basic platforming example, and there's so much code, for something so basic, and not really good feeling. It's kind of discouraging. It's insane how much gamemaker, or even something like unity, does for you. You're really just left to make games, instead of worrying about collision detection and so many other things. In gm you can just use 1 function for collision checking, but monogame seems a lot more complicated. I don't think monogame is even that low level compared to other libraries. It's just hard to feel like it's actually worth learning/using. Anyone have any opinions on this? Did you feel like this at one point, and now understand the lower level stuff? Was it worth it?

    submitted by /u/Its_Blazertron
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    Lesson learned: Submit a game for review on AppStore a few days before planned release. because reviewers might be weird

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:26 AM PDT

    I wanted to release a game on Thursday, so I submitted it for a review on Wednesday, given that maximum review time is 24 hours. The next day I get a notification that there are some problems with my game and it took me several days to get it reviewed.

    Here's paraphrased interaction I had with the App Store:

    Me: Submitted for review.

    Approximately next day:

    AppStore: The metadata for your app was rejected, it probably means that your app violates one of the following guidelines: *list of the guidelines, some of which have nothing to do with games, like guidelines about services etc*.

    Me: Umm... okay, I checked and I can't understand which guideline I violated, could you please be a little more specific?

    Next day:

    AppStore: We can't proceed with the review unless you confirm that your app no longer violates the guidelines.

    Me, after changing absolutely nothing about the app: I can confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, my app does not violate the guidelines you mentioned.

    Next day:

    AppStore: Ok your app is good to go!

    TL,DR: App Store did not review my game because according to them I violated guidelines. A little over 3 days and a little back-and-forth later they approved my app, even though I changed nothing about the game. And they haven't explained what I violated either. So if you have a very important release set on a particular date, don't be stupid like me and submit it earlier.

    submitted by /u/VladislavLi
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    C++, possible NVidia driver(OpenGL) bug in Linux?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    (Huge post, I apologize, tl;dr below)


    In my game engine(for Linux), when I do a certain thing, the engine crashes. I have a GameObject called BotRenderer, and it renders bot's.(It is meant to be temporarely) But basically, it creates 2 textures and draws a bunch of triangles using OpenGL.

    One 2DRenderer is created at startup, and there is a button to create new ones.(Don't ask why)

    That all works fine. The problem comes when I try deleting the textures:

    Situations which don't work:

    1. Creating new 2DRenderer works fine, deleting that newly created renderer also works fine. But deleting the original(startup created one) 2DRenderer always results in a crash.
    2. Simply deleting the original 2DRenderer works fine, but creating a new one causes a crash.
    3. Creating as much 2DRenderers as I want at runtime, and deleting all of them works fine, but deleting the original causes a crash.

    This causes me to believe it's not my engine. So I did some research, and tried it on 2 different PC's:

    1. Linux PC with an AMD gpu. Works fine.
    2. Raspberry Pi Linux with software rendering, works fine.(But slower obviously)
    3. Software rendering on my nvidia pc(where it crashes) works fine with mesa software renderer.

    So it apparently is my driver/gpu. So I monitored what the texture ID's were.

    At first, all the texture id's returned are ok. First one is 1, then 2, then 3. When I delete the original 2DRenderer, it deletes texture 2 and 3.

    And then when I create a new 2DRenderer, it tries to create 2 textures, and both ID's are 1. First, ID 1 is already claimed by another texture, second, it tries to create 2 textures with id 1. After that, it crashes inside glBindBuffer when trying to bind a vbo. And it then prints to the console "corrupted double-linked list". The debugger points to this happening inside the nvidia driver.("__Gl_raise" according to qt creator)

    BUT, when I do the exact same thing again(delete original 2DRenderer, create a new one) it isn't even able to create 2 textures this time, it immideatly crashes at glGenTextures(1, &texID); and nothing is printed to the console.


    Nvidia driver at some fixed point in my program returns invalid texID when creating a texture and crashes later or simply crashes while generating the texture. This only happens when I do one certain thing in my engine.(Namely creating 3 textures, removing 2 of them, and then creating 2 new ones.)

    I'm feeling this is a driver bug as it doesn't happen on other drivers. I might try to upgrade/downgrade my driver and see what happens, as I recently upgraded my driver.

    But I hope someone knows what's happening?



    I create textures using:

    unsigned int texID = 0; std::cout << texID << std::endl;//For debugging, yeah I know this one is obviously stupid. glGenTextures(1, &texID); std::cout << "new: " << texID << std::endl;//for debugging glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID);// Bind texture //other texture related code like glTexImage2D... 

    and for deleting textures:

    std::cout << "Deleting: " << static_cast<RD_OpenGL3_Texture2D*>(texture)->texID << std::endl;// glDeleteTextures(1, &static_cast<RD_OpenGL3_Texture2D*>(texture)->texID);//I can confirm that the static_cast isn't the issue. by the cout above. 

    What I find most weird about this is, it only happens with the 2DRenderer created at the beginning of the program. If I create 2DRenderers(which creates textures) when the program is already running, it's all fine. And so is deleting those newly created 2DRenderers.

    Could it be that the driver stores textures created at the beginning(before the first glSwapBuffers and before the first glClearScreen) of a program somewhere else or something?

    submitted by /u/timl132
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    How do games like Binding of Issac handle room transitions?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    To me it looks like each room isn't in the same "world" since space between rooms becomes bigger when you resize the window (using rebirth idk about other games). So how do they transition from one room to another? Do they make a copy of the room to render during the transition that's on local coordinates? Or would they make a screenshot of the room to make the transition? Or are the rooms really all on the same coordinate system and they make it work with different window sizes?

    submitted by /u/Sintinium
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    Is it possible to develop a game engine that runs on an android device that makes android games?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    The Best Game Design Ideas from GDC | A Summary and Analysis of Talks you Shouldn't Miss

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    How to build a game engine?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm looking to build my own game engine (either 2D or 3D). Really, this is for my own personal portfolio rather than a serious attempt to use it. I'm currently will be going to school soon for comp sci. Joining the game Industry is my number one goal.

    Any Info on what I should need to build an engine?

    submitted by /u/PunjabiGenius
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    Visualizing view-direction in 2D

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm new to gamedev and have this probably-not-going-to-happen project that I haven't yet managed to stop myself from working on.

    Very roughly, it's supposed to become a roguelike on a hexgrid and where view-direction matters. So, if you sneak up behind an enemy's back, you can stab them for critical damage. Or if you get flanked, you have to turn around before you can attack back.

    However, that means that I need to visualize view-direction for each creature.

    The obvious solution is a 90° top-down view and then just rotating the texture. But it's hard to make good-looking, recognizable textures from this angle.

    HyperRogue has textures like this, and while it's not going to win an award for its textures to begin with, it illustrates quite well how strange this angle looks.

    So, any ideas how to do this better or alternative ways to visualize the view-direction?

    submitted by /u/hexe_rs
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    Skybox painting/creation help

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    I'm a fairly skilled 2d artist, which is why I was very excited about the idea of painting my own skyboxes. Getting the seams to fit nicely after painting 6 panels didn't seem like an unmanageable challenge. However after painting and trying to fit them nicely, I realise the major issue with my workflow. The panels are painted as flat panels, and so when stitched together, even with perfectly fitting seams, the handpainted textures orientation is too 'straight', thus giving away the cubical nature of the sky. This does not look nice. The solution would be to slightly bend the textures, in a spherical manner. This can be done, but doing it in photoshop while ensuring matching seams would be a nightmare, not even worth attempting.

    This made me think... is there some workflow or tool out there that does this? Am I missing something? How do experienced artists create high quality skyboxes? I'm very experienced with 2d, but the whole 3d side of gamedev is still very new to me and there's countless things to learn (I only recently realised that you don't actually hand-paint normal maps for instance lol) so I figured I'd reach out and ask.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/artifact91
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    Screenshot Saturday #428 - Glamorous Work

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Have you ever bought a console or upgraded your computer primarily to play a specific game?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Cross platform Pay/Purchase

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    I have been thinking about this lately since it would be an amazing service to provide.

    Is it possible to let a player buy your game once and then get it on multiple platforms?

    The challenge is that if you just hand out keys it could be exploited.

    On consoles, it might cost money to get a key so that would be another obstacle.

    Let's brainstorm on this a bit and share your opinion, I would love to know more.

    submitted by /u/DevDennis
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    Looking for multiplayer game; free exposure offered

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an indie game which uses matchmaking, and who would like to get free exposure. I'm in the infrastructure biz (startup) and i could use such game for demo. I'm willing to pay, not looking for anything free.

    (Sorry if its against the rule, merely looking for help and to help in return!)


    submitted by /u/LostAstronaut2k
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    Absolute Beginner - Recreating Movement (Video in Description)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've recently become interested in game development and have been playing around in Unity 3D on and off for about a month now. I was playing a mobile game on my phone earlier this morning, and it inspired me to attempt to recreate it in Unity as it looks fairly simple.

    I thought I wouldn't have an issue, and I've gotten most of the game down in terms of reaching the level end goal, score system, UI, moving on to the next level, etc. but I'm really struggling with the player movement controller.

    Can someone help explain to me how to recreate the movement in the following game please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_yB4dKOUNE

    When the user presses a direction, the player object will be forced in that direction until it hits an object.

    The closest I've come to a solution is using Rigidbody.AddForce() which will thrust the player to the next obstacle (whilst restricting movement in any other direction with an isMoving boolean variable), however that's definitely not perfect, and I was wondering if anyone with some experience would be able to give me a better solution?

    Thanks for your help anyway, I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/_fka_
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    Setting up Kinect v2 on my laptop for Mocap. Should I use a powered USB hub?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    So basically, I know it's el cheapo, but I wanted to use my Kinect v2 as a mocap device with Brekel's software (which i have yet to buy). I have the USB adapter plugged into my USB 3.0 port and The laptop is running Windows 10. However, i keep getting that color stream/depth error. I heard there is an issue with power saving settings in computers but my laptops BIOS has no power settings!

    Could a powered USB hub with nothing else plugged in be a work around for this problem? It works on my dev computer no problem, but I really don't want to spend more money on hardware like a USB repeater, as the setup is located in an entirely different room and would be a hassle.

    Any ideas?

    Edit: Also, does anyone know of some free but good mocap software for Kinect v2? All I can find is paid software but I figured there must be some sort of free or open source solution.

    submitted by /u/rizzoislandgame
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    Has anyone used Terms Feed for their Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions generator?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    Has anyone used Terms Feed to generate Privacy Policies and Terms and Conditions?

    Looks like I can generate these documents for about $50 (US) each, which is relatively cheap compared to other places I've seen.

    Wondering if anyone has used this method and came out with good results.


    submitted by /u/SamwiseTheBlind
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    Bringing innovative trends in Education / Learning via Augmented Reality

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Nowadays small children know how to use mobiles. So keeping that in mind and the traditional education structure , we can use AR for primary school kids thus taking the way of teaching to a whole new level.

    So i came out with AR apps that inculcates topics like physics, Geography,etc.
    Through this app (this one is just a small prototype) Children can learn about solar system, basic structure of human body, know about famous people, etc

    Using Augmented Reality (AR) for education

    Note: 1) Sorry for the poor video quality.

    2) Since this is just a prototype, therefore in the famous personality, i used my own photo. (I am nowhere near

    3) Just want to make learning process a little creative and engaging.

    submitted by /u/Mayank008
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    Is bunchkeys legit?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    My game is dying and I recently was contacted by BunchKeys for a bundle deal. I know bundle deals aren't great for direct steam purchases but the game isn't getting any attention any more so I thought why not. Just thought I might check with the community if it's safe to deal with these guys first though. I've personally never heard of the company before they contacted me so I don't really know what to expect.

    Has anyone ever worked with them before? If so, what was your experience?

    submitted by /u/winglett
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    Adding accessibility options to Overpass, a Twitter thread

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    Need some help with my code in unity2D

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    So, I am making this very basic mood telling game in unity and I am a beginner at both unity and programming itself.

    Now, what happens in the code is that on my onmousedown function, I have made if statemnts where it says if this option is clicked on then increment this integer but the integer only increments once and then stays 1 throughout. I check its value by printing it in console. Here is the sample of the code.

    private void OnMouseDown()


    if(gameObject.name == START.name)


    transform.localScale -= new Vector3(0.1F, 0.1f, 0);


    if (gameObject.name == Q1a1.name)



    print("good" + good);

    Ques2 = true;


    if (gameObject.name == Q1a2.name)



    print("bad" + bad);

    Ques2 = true;


    if (gameObject.name == Q1a3.name)



    print("okay" + okay);

    Ques2 = true;


    if (gameObject.name == Q2a1.name)



    print("okay" + okay);

    Ques3 = true;


    if (gameObject.name == Q2a2.name)



    print("good" + good);

    Ques3 = true;


    if (gameObject.name == Q2a3.name)



    print("bad"+ bad);

    Ques3 = true;


    I need help. :(

    Edit- I have been helped. Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/deadsho7
    [link] [comments]

    New Principle of Animation Video - Exaggeration

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    Hey weekend GameDev,

    Got a new Principle of Animation lesson, in case you missed it yesterday.

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/TEu78gj1mNnJ/ - Exaggeration

    We look at why exaggeration not only helps create a sense of realism, but also of entertainment for our audiences, looking at great examples in art, in movies and video games.

    Other vids in this series include -

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/yl7Uza8tmEKO/ - Timing

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/6VktEKlSxVfi/ - Second Action

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/XA1JKcpaOxZE/ - Arcs

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/4J81PVyLdUnE/ - Easing In and Easing Out

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/wPqd75u8OGhg/ - Overlapping Action

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjZq6vXFNvzK/ - Animation Types

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/BxayP4kkyr4s/ - Framing

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/IGEUJzYUhh4D/ - Anticipation

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/VZv3tO6t1jVU/ - Squashing and Stretching

    submitted by /u/TrollyMcCoxlong
    [link] [comments]

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