• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 23, 2019

    HTTP headers for the responsible developer web developers

    HTTP headers for the responsible developer web developers

    HTTP headers for the responsible developer

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    NPM layoffs followed attempt to unionize, according to complaints

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 12:56 AM PDT

    Here’s How TurboTax Just Tricked You Into Paying to File Your Taxes

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    A lot of websites now detect if you are using an ad blocker. I want to do that in reverse.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    I would like to add something like this to my websites only I want to do the opposite.
    I want to recommend people to use ad blockers if they are not already doing so.
    (My sites do not have any ads whatsoever)

    submitted by /u/NoeticIntelligence
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    Conversion DevTool - Design once, convert instantly to React, Vue, Bulma .. etc

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 12:27 PM PDT


    I was coding many years in BS3,4, jQuery combined with Laravel, CodeIgniter, Flask. Each project, same problem with the layout, cut & paste the components, remove the hardcoded text, build the component for the proper render, Blade, Jinja2.

    Anyway, I have a tool written in python that extracts components from pages and converts to Jinja2, Blade or core Php. The whole process was 95% automatized, but I'm not using any more server-side development.

    Now I'm in React, Vue.js era, but I'm facing the same s_h_i_t. Allot of manual work to migrate a nice BS4 theme to React & Vue.

    I'm taking into account to make the conversion tool open-source and develop further with a community.

    The idea is to input a BS theme and to drop React, Vue, Bulma themes.

    Thoughts? Please warn / advice about the possible risks.


    submitted by /u/codeSm0ke
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    I’m about to manage a group of developers in a near future, I’m a developer myself so I’m not all lost but I need your best advice and tips for what makes a good manager. What do you need in your day that I as a manager can help you with or provide? What defines a good or bad manager?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    New Podcast: Maintainable

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Is it bad practice to create a new Google Analytics account when updating website?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    I'm building a website for a client. While building the website, I set up a Google Analytics account complete with all the goals tailored to the site (I was under the impression the web design agency the client worked with before hadn't connected Google Analytics).

    Today I learned the agency did in fact have a Google Analytics account created; however, they have no goals set up or anything. It's basically a stock account connected to the domain.

    Would it be bad practice for me to continue working off the Google Analytics account I created for the client and ditch the one the old agency used? Tried looking into transferring the property, but I don't think that'd bring all the goals over.

    Any help is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/aaronmarsden
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    Is this advice(from 2014) on not using <picture> still relevant today?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    Looking for remote web developers in Canada that are willing to chat?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 04:20 PM PDT


    I'm currently in search for anyone in Canada that works in web development that lives in Canada, or even better, in Alberta, so that I could ask some career oriented questions. I've been contemplating making the switch into tech, but I come from an civil engineering background, so unfortunately my social circles are no where related to web development or tech. I'm not trying to solicit for a mentor, just looking to have some honest conversations with people that work in the field so I can just get a better idea of what to expect regarding work life, learning, salary, remote work, etc. I'm in my mid 30's, have a really young family and a painful mortgage, so I'm trying to strategize this switch as much as I can.

    If this doesn't belong here, can someone help direct me to a more suitable subreddit?


    submitted by /u/kaashin
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    Are there devs that make more than 500k/ year in the US?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    I was under the impression that average US salary for a senior dev topped out around 150k? Are there a lot of seniors making more than that?

    submitted by /u/Node_edm
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    Light-weight backend for construction company website

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Background for my question: My dad has a website for his small construction-related company, which was created by a web agency based on WordPress. Now, the website is currently running WordPress 3.9 and the custom theme the agency created has no support for any mobile device. I'm a junior Rails developer with some experience in JavaScript and PHP, but I didn't want to touch this WordPress instance, so I asked the web agency for an offer to upgrade to WordPress 5 and add a mobile view. They offered 2800 USD (20 hours of work), which is a reasonable price to me (I live in Switzerland, everything's very expensive here compared to other countries), but too much for my dad, who gets most of his clients through people recommending him to other people and not through the website. So, he basically «delegated» the job to me.

    I really don't want to do anything in WordPress, as I'm not the biggest fan of it and I think, WordPress is just too much for his small website. I thought about recreating the website with some static HTML sites or maybe a JavaScript framework like Vue or even React.

    The only thing I don't know how to solve is the reference page. Currently, each reference project has its own page in WordPress, but they all look the same and have the same information (address of the building, building year and some photos). A light weight backend should do the trick, where he could register all those reference projects, so his website will always show the newest projects. But Ruby on Rails, my "main framework" is too bloated for such a tiny thing and I don't know any light weight solutions in JavaScript.

    So here I am: Did anyone of you guys realize a similar request and what language / framework would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/coffeejumper
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    Is every pagination buggy?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    I got a bug recently that got me thinking: is every pagination buggy and we just don't care?

    Here is my point: all of the pagination implementations i saw are based on DB offset and limit. Like, ignore the first 10 entries and get the next 10 (so you get the second page). But what about new entries created in the meantime?

    To make it clear, imagine a blog with 2 posts total, and a pagination that shows 1 entry per page. So you have 2 pages with 1 entry on each page, right? But what if there is another post created in the moment you see the first page? When you click on the second page after that you will see the same entry as before because the entry which was first on your first page is now the second in total and there for on the second page. So each time an entry is created or deleted the pagination for everyone currently on the page gets buggy results with entries "randomly" switch between pages.

    So, am i getting something wrong here or does it just work that way and we, as developers, just don't care because there is no better solution or no one complains about it?

    submitted by /u/Schnupple
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    Looking for example site of Off-Canvas 3 panel mobile view where the left panel is full size and you get to it by a swipe

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I am not a Web Developer. I'm starting to learn a little bit (took a class and working on a project). I need to show someone the capabilities of CSS/viewports to explain something to them and what is possible.

    I am looking for a website to show as an example that:

    • uses the Off-Canvas style viewport design for mobile
    • has 3 panels (left/right/middle) - two would be ok also
    • the left and right are fixed, not scrolling
    • the middle is scrollable
    • the left and or right side panels (navbar) is either full size of mobile phone (iPhone X) or nearly full size (instead of just a skinny navbar)
    • you get to the left or right navbar/panel by swiping instead of pressing a hamburger icon
    • after you swipe to return to the middle, it is back where you previously were scrolled down

    I found several sites that some of these features, but quite. I read that the browser action "webview" protocol will allow a swipe to take the place of an action like the menu activation button hamburger icon.

    At some point I'm going to try to build a site like this. But I'm currently in the learning process. I want to first show that such a thing is possible and then try to see and learn what the CSS for this looks like.

    For what I'm planning to build in the near future, the left and/or right panels won't actually be navbars, so that's why I would like them to be the full display of the mobile phone (Safari on iPhone X)

    submitted by /u/dnietz
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    Idea for a web-based, medical records system - Basically, my first project

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    I have an idea for a webbased, electronic medical record interface with human readable backups behind the curtains, integrated with appointments schedule (alerts for canceled appointments), and different user profiles (clinic/office administrative clerk is able to view and edit personal information such as contact info but is unable to read patients' notes, for example).

    I've been watching such electronic systems through the several offices and clinics I've been going over here (third world country) because of my own health issues and the general outlook is ridiculous: deprecated software, multiple different software to schedule management, prescription and report printing, UIs that lack intuitive design, thus requiring extensive staff training and time wasting, the need of manually editing Word documents where the data edited is basically name and date, etc.

    I've never developed software much less designed UIs, but I've manipulated code (PHP) of a discussion board a couple of years ago, programming is not strange to me although I'm not sure if I can write from scratch.

    I have in mind a clear workflow of what I'm looking for as a result, plus any possible modifications tailored to individual practices (doctors, physiotherapists, veterinarians, etc.).

    My background is healthcare, in some sense. 8 years working side-by-side with doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc. and helped (as technical support) during the transition from paper to electronic records. I still do it, since doctors still struggle with some aspects of our electronic health system, so I have a somewhat clear understanding of what they struggle, makes them waste time, makes them deal with things like alert fatigue, etc.

    Also, I have enough knowledge of the local regulations (not even close to HIPPA regulations).

    My question being: would be a good idea to work primarily on the design and dev of an interactive interface (i.e.: a simulation) that is readily accessible through any browser so I can immediately show it to potential clients as a mean to get an idea of what is the demand for such product, criticisms and whatnot?

    I was even planning on carrying a tablet with me so I can readily demonstrate the user interface and flow (plus, how cross-platform it is supposed to be).

    In short: I have a clear idea of what is the problem and my potential solution.

    What do you guys think? Should I partner up with someone more experienced before venturing into such time-consuming project?

    submitted by /u/a_guy_with_a_plan
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    Where do you store credit card information of users

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Im working on a project where I have to store(not process payment) credit card information of users and I am wondering whats the most secure API I can use for such purpose. Basically, users(customers) provide credit card info as a guarantee of attending an appointment and if that doesn't happen store owners get to access the credit card info and process penalty on their own POS system. I was thinking stripe offers such a service but they don't.

    submitted by /u/almosamofas
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    How to develop marketplace

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Hello guys I know this is quite a broad question, but please bear with me:

    I'm interested in building a seller to customer marketplace and I've been looking for a free API/tool that can set up most of the backend stuff without me having to build it from first principles (because I'm a single front end Dev) Basically I want to build a typical marketplace where users can buy and sell source code. Does any one know of such a tool? Thank you, Reddit!

    submitted by /u/famous_bread
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    Cross-browser compactibility in 2019

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    How is there no library or package that makes websites cross-compactible across multiple browsers? I mean how difficult could it be? Such a library would need to, for example, define the entire user stylesheet so that there is no ambiguity for any browser.

    submitted by /u/erasmuswill
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    [Discussion] Please no judgement. Tonight I start a bootcamp that I'm excited about, what can I expect?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    World Book Day Recomendations

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    A bit offtopic, but it would be awesome if we could make a list of books that helped some of you to improve your daily habits as a developer, or helped to get and stay motivated, or to fight the impostor syndrome.

    submitted by /u/sergitubert
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    As a freelance developer, how much context-switching or multitasking do you have to do?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've been a full-time "corporate" software engineer for about 3-4 years now. I enjoy coding, learning, and figuring things out - like many developers, I love being in the zone, and my personal work preference is to really focus on one thing at a time. I have a mathematics background, and being engrossed in one problem and trying to solve it is something I enjoy.

    I feel like the context-switching, being pinged constantly, etc is making work rather difficult to tolerate. I've been considering freelancing for a while now and been trying to do as much research as I can on the side (before hopping in, though I know there's no substitute for actually doing it). I'm curious, as a freelance developer, do you have to context-switch a lot during the day? How difficult is it to really "focus" or zone in on one task?


    submitted by /u/x_over
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    Any active discord communities around webdev?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    Heya, I work full-time webdev and web based apps, SaaS and the likes. Though I feel like I have no friends or people to talk to outside of my team. Can anyone recommend some discord channels or somewhere active (aside from reddit of course). I'm big into all kinds of programming but mostly the web related stuff. js frameworks, php, usual bits and pieces around those flavors and server side stuff.


    submitted by /u/ls009
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    Mocking API using Postman - No Delays on the front- or back-end

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:35 AM PDT

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