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    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    How to store API secret keys, Oauth id and secret keys etc securely? Ask Programming


    How to store API secret keys, Oauth id and secret keys etc securely? Ask Programming

    How to store API secret keys, Oauth id and secret keys etc securely?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Just as the title says.

    I created a Python script and used some APIs which give you some token or secret key.

    I am currently using them directly i.e storing in variables but I now want to deploy my script on a server.

    Read somewhere that you should encrypt the file store your keys in it but it was not clear enough.

    Anyways, how should I use them securely?

    submitted by /u/its_shubzzz
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    Recommendations for self teaching data science

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    I am completing a math major/CS certificate at UT austin, and am interested in pursuing a career in data science after I graduate in two years. I would appreciate any and all recommendations for online coding courses that would be helpful, as well as any math classes that may be useful. Thanks to everyone taking the time to read and respond.

    submitted by /u/a1_jakesauce_
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    How to avoid a polymorphic structure in the database entity model?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    I'm creating an deck database for a card game, and I have the following rules

    • A deck has many cards
    • A card is one of many types
    • A monster_card has power
    • An item_card has price

    I'm thinking to make the database structure something like this
    ┌──────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ │ deck │─────│ deck_card │─────│ card │──┐ │ monster_card │ └──────┘ └───────────┘ ├─────────────────┤ ├─can be─> ├──────────────┤ │ type_table_name │ │ │ power │ │ type_table_id │ │ └──────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ │ │ ┌──────────────┐ │ │ item_card │ └─can be─> ├──────────────┤ │ price │ └──────────────┘

    But whenever I look this can be , it seems so wrong...
    Does someone can suggest me a more intelligent way to create this database model?

    submitted by /u/Diademajin
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    Making PDF files on server side from xml and sometimes from json?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    I need to make PDF files on linux server from XML and sometimes from json files.

    XML is the main need.

    What is the smartest way to do that?

    There can be license fees if commercial products are better than open source.

    Best would be if there is some easy to use templates involved, because the output design varies depending the source.

    submitted by /u/HelmutGolli
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    Third-party tokenizers.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    I'm not 100% sure this is the right place to ask this, but I don't know of any subreddit more relevant than this one.

    My team is integrating with a payment gateway called OpenEdge (this is not the programming language from Progress). The problem we're having right now is that we cannot securely tokenize a CCN from the client side, so we'd have to send the CCN plaintext to our server to tokenize, and this increases our PCI scope. (Another payment gateway we're using allows us to tokenize using JS securely.)

    I've searched the internet for a third-party tokenizer, and I did manage to find TokenEx which seems to be the right idea, but it's not integrated with OpenEdge. I dug through a lot of stuff, but didn't find anything.

    Would anybody happen to know of a third-party tokenizer that's compatible with OpenEdge?


    Update: If I could change the name of the post, I'd change it to "Third-party tokenizer for payment gateway", because I forgot that tokenization is not limited to payment gateways. :\

    submitted by /u/anorman728
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    How to check the site for errors?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    How do you find suitable github projects to contribute?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    R Studio: working with military time sample intervals, how to change X axis?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I'm an R beginner so please excuse any unintentionally weird terminology on my part.

    I'm working in R Studio, plotting a scatter plot using ggplot2. My data points are occurrences that I recorded using 24 hour / military time (for example 1100, 1135, 1140, 1200, etc). I'm trying to figure out how to get my x axis to reflect that I'm working with time and not with continuous numbers. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dandybumble
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    Stack Template Class has Issues. Pop() is not working. C++

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    Here is the template class.Everything seems to work except the pop() function. I figured this out because when I try to use it, it doesn't seem to advance past the first item in the stack.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    #ifndef STACK_H_ #define STACK_H_ #include <conio.h> #define SIZ 20 template<class ItemType> class Stack { private: ItemType *array; int top, cap; public: Stack(int size = SIZ); void push(ItemType x); ItemType pop(); ItemType peek(); int size(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); ItemType in; }; template<class ItemType> Stack<ItemType>::Stack(int size) { array = new ItemType[size]; cap = size; top = -1; } template <class ItemType> void Stack<ItemType>::push(ItemType x) { if (!isFull()) { array[++top] = x; } } template <class ItemType> ItemType Stack<ItemType>::pop() { if (!isEmpty()) { return array[top--]; } } template <class ItemType> ItemType Stack<ItemType>::peek() { if (!isEmpty()) { return array[top]; } } template <class ItemType> bool Stack<ItemType>::isEmpty() { return top == -1; } template <class ItemType> bool Stack<ItemType>::isFull() { return top == cap - 1; } template <class ItemType> int Stack<ItemType>::size() { return cap; } 

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