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    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    Here’s a URL shortener I built a year back. When I first got into web development. I’ve came a long way since then but I’m still rather happy with it. web developers

    Here’s a URL shortener I built a year back. When I first got into web development. I’ve came a long way since then but I’m still rather happy with it. web developers

    Here’s a URL shortener I built a year back. When I first got into web development. I’ve came a long way since then but I’m still rather happy with it.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Rick in CSS

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I would like to share with you my work. Please let me know what do you think of it. I spent about 4 hours on it.


    submitted by /u/angelika1994
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    From 62,783 lines of Sass to CSS-in-JS

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    The basics of circular layouts

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    Need advice on how to get a remote job with no prior job experience.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    It's been one year now since I started learning web development.

    I've learned Javascript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Go and SQL.

    I've learned front-end frameworks like Vue and React, as well as back-end frameworks like Express and Rails.

    I've learned design languages to build good looking and meaningful UI's, including Material Design and Ant Design.

    So, that's what I've got so far. Now, what should I do to get a job, specifically a remote one?

    Most job postings that I see want a senior developer, others want to see a portfolio. How could I have a portfolio with no prior opportunities?

    Right now I'm thinking of creating fake websites, like my own concepts, and showing off that to employers. But I doubt that would be effective.

    Should I just keep offering free work until someone is willing to pay me?

    submitted by /u/Mayuvy
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    Started a new series on improving REST API, more details below - looking for feedback!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    Hey all, back in a day I made a rather long playlist on YouTube where the end result is that we've built a Node.js REST API and a quite simple React/Redux frontend (to make use of it) [GitHub]. The idea of that project was to just handle the authentication/authorization (w/ Google, Facebook & Local auth via JWT method) aspect.

    Quite a few months have passed since then and I've decided that it's time for an update - I figured I should add all the functionalities that were missing from the previous version (listed below) and then I can use this project as a boilerplate when trying to clone some sites/do some interesting full-stack ideas.

    Agenda for this series:

    1) Update everything to latest versions [Video 1]
    2) Linking accounts (Google, Facebook & Local) [Video 2]
    3) Save JWTs in cookies (httpOnly) instead of localStorage
    4) Implement Refresh Tokens
    5) Blacklisting Tokens Feature (to disable some user and render its token useless)
    6) Sending emails (verifying sign up, reset password)
    7) Reset password / Forgot Password
    8) Rate limiting
    9) RAM database caching with Redis (potentially!)
    10) Refactor some things (?)

    Sorry for a long post - I'm writing this mainly because this is a type of a project where I'm looking a lot for others opinion because I could very well miss something, or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Note - I'm not trying to create yet another framework for Node.js - there are more than enough of those already - I just want to combine popular dependencies that I (and majority of people) would use nonetheless so that whenever I'm (or someone else is) starting something later we could simply use this and not spend ~0-10hrs on making sure authentication/authorization is working before we can start writing business logic.

    I understand if someone is using things like Adonis/Nest/etc that the auth comes built in, however this is more for people who prefer Express/Koa approach and like to connect pieces manually themselves.


    submitted by /u/eXtremeRR
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    How to make yourself stand out when it comes to applying for junior dev jobs?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 12:17 AM PDT

    I feel as if, and maybe this is just me, there isn't really much junior developer jobs out there. I would assume this is due to the fact that code camps have became pretty popular. This causes the supply to go up, therefore, decreasing the demand.

    Now, I do believe I have a better advantage over camp graduates as I'm about to graduate with an associates degree in web development. But, to go back to my question. How could I stand out more and better my chances to land my first real developer job?

    I've started using GitHub religiously. I've tailored my resume to fit job requirements, while being honest as to what I know at the same time. I also have a lot of projects, like websites and even a custom CMS I've built. Along with a few others like a simple chat app using socket.io and other projects.

    The only thing I can think of that isn't helping me all that much is that I haven't completed my portfolio website. It's close, but not complete. And I know how stupid that sounds, because I know just how important it is. I've already figured that out and actually stopped applying to places until that's finished.

    So, what are some useful tips and suggestions that could land me that first real job?

    tldr: What are some ways to stand out as a junior dev when applying for a job?

    submitted by /u/Cazador23
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    Domain registrars: posh-looking Squarespace vs Namecheap (or Cloudflare or Hover)?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Naturally, Namecheap is cheaper (roughly 15 USD/yr for a .com website with a WhoIs Guard and Positive SSL, but they also offer higher and costlier SSL tiers, IDK which one to purchase). This is without their Premium DNS they offer, IDK what that is.

    But I might want to build an art website via Squarespace in the future and apart from building websites, Squarespace also offers the option to register a domain for 20 USD/yr (this includes full DNS control, WhoIs protection and 2048 bit SSL). Would I benefit from registering my domain with Squarespace over Namecheap? 5 USD/yr is not a turning point for me.

    Thanks in advance! <3


    PS: Heard great things about Cloudflare, yet I could not find any way how to register a domain with them. AFAIK, they only offer the option to transfer a domain to them after it has been bought via a different domain registrar. It's a shame because it Cloudflare appears secure and reliable.

    PSPS: I heard positive reviews of Hover, but have not looked much into it.

    submitted by /u/fipah
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    Take a look at my project portfolio website.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    URL: ronansmith.dev

    So recently I have beeb developing my personal online portfolio, it's built in pure HTML/CSS with some light JavaScript (jQuery) added on. In my day job I have to use WordPress, so this site gave me a chance to hand craft a site from scratch.

    It's more of a "show off my work" portfolio than a "land me a job/client" website, I just wanted a place to aggregate all of my projects in one place. I also plan to add a blog/article section at some point. There's no projects on the website yet but I think the design is all there. Unlike a normal portfolio, my project pages will be more long form than the average, like a case study more than an overview.

    All help is appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/RonanSmithDev
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    Where do you find a side-gig for additional income?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    I have a good job as a primarily frontend developer, 6 years experience with modern technologies. But I have some free time and wouldn't mind pulling in additional income. I'm curious about those of you who have side-projects or second jobs that actually pull in money. How did it happen? Do you choose your own hours? I'd love to do some freelancing I just don't know how to start, or market myself in that way.

    submitted by /u/holdmydenim
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    Books/Thesis on high concurrency scalable system architecture design?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a book or thesis/articles on desigining high concurrency and scalable web systems, e.g. the components, common pitfalls/considerations - from a practical perspective.

    Anyone has good recommendations?

    submitted by /u/fiddlewin
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    Looking into this laptop for coding/web development...are these specs good?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    Screen Size: 15.6 inches Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Processor: 1.6 GHz Intel Core i5 RAM: 12 GB DDR4_SDRAM Hard Drive: 1 TB HDD 5400 rpm Graphics Coprocessor: Intel HD Graphics 620 Chipset Brand: Intel Operating System: Windows 10 Item Weight: 4.81 pounds Flash Memory Size: 256 GB Hard drive

    Is Flash memory the same as SSD?

    Thanks so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/imsimplyellie
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    How to prevent jittery scrolling when updating HTML at the same time?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi all, I have a question that has stumped me for a while. On my webpage, I update and increment what post a user is looking at while scrolling. View what I have here: https://streamable.com/ae3lh

    What I discovered when I added that "counting" feature was that every time the count was updated, I saw a slight jitter/stutter while scrolling. Clearly the re-painting of this div is causing some issues for the scroll animation and I am not knowledgeable enough to figure out a fix...I am using Angular/Ionic, so I display the post count using string interpolation in my header:

    <div class="thread-title">{{ currentCommentNumber }} of {{ commentCount ? commentCount : 0 }} Posts</div> 

    commentCount is set on page load, while currentCommentNumber is calculated using an intersectionObserver:

    onIntersection({ target, visible }: { target: Element; visible: boolean }): void { if(visible) { this.visibleElements.push(target.id.split("-")[1]) } else { this.visibleElements = this.visibleElements.filter(el => el != target.id.split("-")[1]) } this.currentCommentNumber = Math.min(...this.visibleElements) + 1; } 

    In short, each comment has a unique id, I check to see which ones are visible on screen and store them in to an array, when it leaves the screen, it is pushed out of the array. I then take the smallest value in the array as the current post they are viewing.

    Anyways, I confirmed a couple things:

    1. Intersection observer isn't causing the stuttering because I removed the html that displays the post count, and my animations went back to being smooth (with the observer running in the background)
    2. It isn't because the comment count is placed in a position: fixed header because I placed the comment display html in my scrolling div and I still dealt with stuttering.

    So with that said, do you all have any ideas how to fix this screen jittering issue? Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/jlewallen18
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    Cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this bulk API request

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    I'm working with the Erply API and need to make multiple requests at once. Right now I have done this using a callback, but would like to make the program more efficient using the Bulk API calls. I'm specifically confused on how all the parameters should be sent. Right now I'm using the Node.js https.request method using a string URL. I tried using the request library, but I don't know how to write the request. Do parameters still get placed in the URL and how do I send the requests parameter itself?

    submitted by /u/WhyTheGoodNamesTaken
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    Building a Laravel CRUD blog

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:48 AM PDT

    We were commissioned to build a site with lots of geek culture references. My favourite was building the Delorean.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    Why is this Parallax effect not respecting z-index in chrome?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Some feedback on my site

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I started on a little site for myself this morning and would love some feedback on the looks of it alone. I haven't added any animations or javascript yet and also haven't figured out what I wanna do with the contact part. Plus, I still need another section for my projects.. but how does it look so far? I struggle at designing.. I never know if its too simple or too much. If anyone has any recommendations on things to change so far, that would be great. Thanks

    P.S it will look weird on IE since I am using Css grid

    URL: https://intense-bastion-83071.herokuapp.com/

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    I Want to contribute to web dev projects.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    I'm a CSE student with some experience in html, css, js, jQuery, bootstrap, node.js and django.

    If any of you are working on some projects I'm ready to assist you so that I can learn new things and get some experience on some real projects because currently I don't have anything to work on.

    This is my stack overflow profile https://stackoverflow.com/users/10597842/adarsh-d

    This is one of my projects https://cllp.ml

    By projects I mean anything ( even your portfolio site)

    submitted by /u/ThisIsNotMeSure
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    Free, Ethical Analytics

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm working on an analytics system called Paperclip. Right now, it's completely free, although we're planning to add some extra paid features. We just finished redesigning the dashboard, so take a look. When people sign up now, they get 720 credits to try out some beta features which we'll make paid eventually. You can see users' approximate location on a map and what device they're using, but most importantly, you can see graphs showing your view count, how much is on mobile, how many unique users are visiting your site and you can also add ?src=......... to the end of your url, as long as it's 10 or less characters and alphanumeric in order to see which traffic sources are most effective.

    submitted by /u/63-bit
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    Recommendations for spending Education Allowance

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    Hey, so my work has offered me $100 per month for educational resources. Any ideas on some useful courses/books/certifications to get?

    Some topics i'm interested in:

    • Designing databases/ data modeling
    • Practical sql
    • Ruby on Rails
    • React.js
    • General web development

    I'm open to other topics as well. What are some really good paid resources that you've benefited from?

    submitted by /u/d4ctyler
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    Web Application Structure Use Cases

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm creating a web application for my startup and I've spent the past two months bouncing around languages, frameworks and libraries. I'm confused as to the different use cases of certain stacks.

    What would be some example use cases for the following stacks and what are example uses of web applications that you wouldn't build with the following stacks.

    I'm building an application that connects two parties (B2B), allows them to message, generate a contract from a framework and facilitate payments.

    -Backend: Spring/Django Frontend: React/Vue

    -Backend: Node Frontend: React/Vue

    -Server-less architecture using React/Vue

    I'm mainly confused as to limitations, EX. Do I need something in my application that I cannot do with Node.

    Additionally, I've read some articles with people talking about using multiple instances of node within an application, could someone explain this.

    submitted by /u/PhillyD177
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    Fugees & Funyuns Fun Run— built with barba.js and plenty of unnecessary SVG movement.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Question about hosting a website that has a separated front and back end.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Firstly, I currently am able to host the websites I am making on my own using MAMP, however, this is the case only with websites where the front end and back end are not separated. Can I even host the back end API and the front end application on the same server?

    Secondly, if I were to decide that I want to actually deploy the applications do I need to buy 2 hosting services in order to use one for the front end and one for the back end?

    submitted by /u/Bozhidar95
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