• Breaking News

    Friday, April 5, 2019

    Growing older and finding myself not able to retain attention/interest when playing games - but I love building them. I do feel worried that because I'm no longer interested in playing current games, I might be missing out on trending design/gameplays. Any game devs feel this way?

    Growing older and finding myself not able to retain attention/interest when playing games - but I love building them. I do feel worried that because I'm no longer interested in playing current games, I might be missing out on trending design/gameplays. Any game devs feel this way?

    Growing older and finding myself not able to retain attention/interest when playing games - but I love building them. I do feel worried that because I'm no longer interested in playing current games, I might be missing out on trending design/gameplays. Any game devs feel this way?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    I grew up in the SNES/PS1 era and had tons of free time playing video games.

    Now I'm older, in my 30s. I've been trying to get myself interested in playing new games (Dark Souls, Division 2, Diablo III, Tomb Raider) and I just...can't.

    I don't know why, but none of the these games retain my attention for long. Even if I play my favourite games growing up (Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean 2), I find my attention drifting and I'm off to do something else.

    I have recently started getting into game dev and really enjoying it - going through the basics of recreating basic mechanics to some of my favourite or stuff I wished I had seen. But I am worried that because I am no longer playing current gen games, I could be missing out on things like new game designs, UI, UX, music, etc.

    I actually resort to Twitch now and watch other players play games, because it allows me to work on my stuff on another monitor.

    Just curious to know if some game devs feel this way.

    submitted by /u/pounded_raisu
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    New game dev just made first dollar last month on my first official Android game

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 02:29 AM PDT

    I had made a few games for school courses and passion projects but this time I finally FINISHED. My main partner and I buckled down and learned the boring stuff..Google play integration, how to actually publish, and most importantly how to know when to stop adding shit in. My dumb ass though the project would take one month and it ended up taking four... without discipline it could have taken a year or more. But anyways I'm just happy that I have proof that I'm technically a dev! Remember all: The hardest part is finishing but no amount of half finished projects can compare to something you've seen to completion. Cheers to game dev.

    submitted by /u/PPNoKnowWtShape2B
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    Godot is getting FBX Support!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    Every game should learn from source engine's caption system

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    The recently booming Apex Legends made me appreciate again source engine's captions. Stacking captions instead of showing it for a second and then replacing it again quickly is so annoying (looking at Skyrim). Also having background behind the caption can be nice as long as it's not distracting.

    submitted by /u/Crestfall69
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    Linux Game Jam 2019

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Phaser is now 5 years old: happy birthday

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Game Industry Conference is looking for speakers!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    Hello developers!

    Game Industry Conference is looking for speakers!

    Game Industry Conference is 3600+ attendees from 38+ countries, 120+ talks, and workshops, Teet To Match, B2B exhibitions, parties, CareerZone and more. It is also collocated with PGA, a B2C Expo with 170 exhibitors and 76000+ visitors. Together, GIC and PGA, are the biggest B2B & B2C game industry events in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The GIC's three key features are size, scope and inclusiveness. As the biggest event in CEE, it aims to provide quality advanced and technical talks, while keeping it accessible, especially by not cutting off devs with a paywall. The conference and expo are the best places for networking and doing business in the region.

    The GIC is the best place for experience sharing in gamedev. With special impact being put on the quality of talks and their advanced and non-generic content the GIC gathers over 3600 attendees. Speaking at the GIC is your opportunity to present yourself as a professional.

    More info here: https://gic.gd/speakers-submission/

    You can also always ask me on PM or below if you have any questions :)

    submitted by /u/najeli
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    Could a schizophrenic learn programming

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:09 PM PDT

    Hi there, i have a question for you people... could a schizophrenic such as myself learn programming and make a survival game i've had schizophrenia my whole life and i need an answer to this... we'll just call it a shortcoming... I've been trying to teach myself programming for a long time now and have been having some... minor issues wrapping my head around a lot of things when it comes to the world of programming so i consider myself more of an artist these days not a 3d artist mind you... I'm more of a noobish pixel artist... so if anyone could educate me i'd highly appreciate it... i'm using godot just in case anyone wants to know... thank you...

    submitted by /u/raymanfanguy
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    Interview with BlackThornProd

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    An SDL2 sprite sheet generator

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    In the past, I had a sprite sheet generator that was written in Java. I decided to have a crack at converting it to C (avec SDL2). The code can be found here:


    It's a bit rough and ready, but it gets the job done. It only creates one sheet and will begin rejecting images if it can't fit anymore into the atlas. It outputs 1 PNG file and 1 JSON file with the data. It's rather easy to compile and run:


    gcc src/atlas.c -o atlas `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_image `libpng-config --ldflags` -g -lefence


    ./atlas -size <size> -dir <dir> -padding <padding>


    ./atlas -size 2048 -dir "/home/user/Project/project/gfx" -padding 1

    Here's an example output image:


    And the corresponding JSON data:


    I might write a full tutorial as to how it all works in the future, but for now I thought peeps might like to see the code. Hopefully it'll be of use to those who like to work with C and SDL2. And those who are just curious :)

    submitted by /u/stephenjsweeney_
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    My request for a Switch devkit has been denied twice now. Advice?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    I've gone through the normal process of requesting a devkit from Nintendo; they ask for a breakdown of my planned projects and I give a summary, stating in no uncertain terms that I will be bringing at least one game to their platform. After I month I get a canned rejection letter.

    Has anyone dealt this this before? Is there a "magic" explanation of my plans for the Switch that will grant me access? My fear is that as a solo dev, I'm just not big enough for their recognition. I'm still excited to port my projects to the platform, at this rate I might just make it homebrew instead.

    submitted by /u/winsomeVulpine
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    Experienced games artists of Reddit, what are some useful industry tips you wish you knew when you began your career?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Looking for unity automated testing pro tips

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    Interested in the possibilities people have tried. Automated regression testing and unit tests are depressingly absent from my games and I want to assess the development costs associated with the testing overhead.

    submitted by /u/lootfoxofficial
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    Indie devs who have succeeded in expanding your team : in what order did you fill in your team? (Unity engine)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    Currently the company is financially managed by a stake holder who is otherwise minimally involved with the outcome of the end product. The main coders are myself and my right hand man, Anon ,who is our tech lead. Anon specializes in networking code but is a skilled generalist. He also functions as our main technical artist. Anon is feeling strain since his non artistic tasks list is stacked high. I am also a programmer, CEO, design lead(art direction and gameplay)

    We have managed to acquire a free social media manager (old buddy I helped a time or two) managing fb,Twitter,YouTube,playtesting participant search. All of our art assets are purchased from contractors or are from public domain.

    Now I'm well aware that being a jack of all trades and working for free while you nurture your baby is ideal, but out of managerial curiousity I'm wondering what roles could added and the order youd recommend. Technical artists? Testing lead??

    Note : We are currently going as lean as we can working for free however we do have the capital to expand whenever we see fit and can stomach some of the early woes that would threaten to kill us. My actual plan is to add workers only if we gain significant traction.

    Anyhow I hope I can get some insight to the difficult roles and how they can make a team work better/offload work from broad generalists.

    Thanks for any knowledge you share ! We really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/lootfoxofficial
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    How do I exercise my gamedev muscles?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Right now I am focusing on games I wouldn't usually play, award winning games. Also I try to think of "cool universe" to play in. Also, when I play a game I think "what would I add" to it.

    But other than that what can I do?

    submitted by /u/_zyzyx
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    Made a decent game after a Month! Yay!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    After about 1 to 2 months I have finished a decent shooter with a map, 3 guns, a shop, zombies and grenades. Here is the link if any of you want to try it. Game

    If people want to give me some advice and criticism I would love to hear it! Yay!

    submitted by /u/Viaticboss19
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    Beginning Game Sound Designer

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    I am interested in starting to do sound design for video games. I want to mainly do SFX and voice acting, and maybe music eventually but I want to start with the other two. I am currently a sound designer for theatrical performances so I have expience working with live sound but NONE working with studio work and sound composing (making SFX) what resources are there to begin learning how to compose SFX. I have ideas for making some using live recording but for SFX that require all production work, I'm lost.

    submitted by /u/The_Makwa
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    Need ideas for loot boxes, research paper.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm writing a research paper (1500 words) on loot boxes and I need some ideas that can get me to 1500 words. I already thought of history of loot boxes, what triggers us to buy loot boxes, why is it controversial, and how much money do companies make from loot boxes. Yet, I feel like i need more ideas.

    Any ideas you guys have would really help a lot.

    submitted by /u/Spicycoconut1
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    Need advice on best performance for models / materials in my game.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    So I'm making a city building game in Unity. Currently the modeler is sending me building assets with ~3-10k tris each.

    Each building then has a number of material slots (between 3-6 materials per model)

    When I create the prefab, I bring in the building .fbx, then assign our shared materials to each slot (stone, wood, metal, grass etc). In the game, many of such buildings will be added by the player.

    So what I want to know is it better for performance to do it this way with numerous separate shared materials assigned to all buildings in the game, or should each building type have a single material. So one material for a 'House' and one for a 'Blacksmith' building?

    I am happy to go into more detail if the response requires it !

    Many thanks for your help :)

    submitted by /u/noisydata
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    Suggestions/thoughts of my 'Project Blackhole' level of my game? This will happen close to the end of the game after you've already managed to complete lots of 'mythology god trials'

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Taking the first step.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    Giving a year of my time (full time) to develop my game and found a studio. I'm planning on coding this in GML 1 as I own all the export options. I want the game to blend RPG and management. I'm aiming for a Gamestew/Kirosoft hybrid. Luck and chance will play a role but the most important thing is that this game will be simple to understand. I just need some advice on how to get started and what order I should do the following in; Need a website Start a YT channel Design my game document Mock-up of what to expect visually Start a fortnightly vlog Start keeping a developer blog Make gameplay videos for YT Make a playable demo Hand drawn concept art Press kit. Social media presence Facebook Instagram Day one marketing Start a go fund me for marketing.

    I have an actual budget for my game and I am an artist so I can do all the art myself to an outstandingly high standard. I am getting started on Monday and coding will be my biggest obstacle.

    submitted by /u/thecutestborg
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    question about weekly threads, especially Screen Shot Saturday

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Hello, and apologies in advance if this is a 'noob' question. Have a good laugh if you must, but also please help me understand :)

    I checked out the weekly Screen Shot Saturday thread, and as I understand it, this is a place where it's ok to promote some work you've done on a game in-progress or recently released. Sounds great.

    Except, when I look at the thread, I see hundreds and hundreds of _links_ to images, but no actual images.

    Am I missing something?

    Isn't the whole point to have a thread you can casually browse through to see what catches your eye? I don't want to click hundreds of times "in case" I might find an interesting image..... :P



    submitted by /u/_gmayer
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    Should I create an actual business for releasing games with my friends?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so this summer my friends and I plan to create some small, simple games and release them on steam. We have made plenty of games before, but we want to try sticking to a schedule and sticking to a small scope to actually release something. We do not plan to make much money, if any at all, we mostly just want to do this for experience and possible resume-building. So my question is, should I create an actual LLC or another type of business to release the game under? I have created an LLC before (for a totally different project) and ended up using ActiveFilings (which I did not enjoy very much). Any tips would be great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Pascone
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