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    Thursday, April 11, 2019

    Developing a Javascript-free frontend web developers

    Developing a Javascript-free frontend web developers

    Developing a Javascript-free frontend

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    The Ping is the Thing: Popular HTML5 Feature Used to Trick Chinese Mobile Users into Joining Latest DDoS Attack

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Nginx Log Analytics with AWS Athena and Cube.js

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Not Indexed with Google

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Not Indexed with Google

    Hi Guys, I'm a beginner and I've been working on my SEO. I've been putting out more content and adding some key words (without over doing it). we've had a few links from credible sources but I think they are all nofollow. But today I started to dive into the google search console and found that we're not indexed.


    I'm on Wordpress and added the Yoast SEO pluggin and followed their recommendations then re-requested indexing but still nothing.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

    URL: www.TrainAway.Biz

    EDIT: Just want to say thanks, you guys are great, not fixed yet but your responsiveness has blown me away I really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/TrainAway_ADT
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    How can I know what CMS is used on website?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 04:11 AM PDT

    My discoveries of my agency's growth, here are some more knowledge bombs!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Since you guys loved my last post and asked that I continue my discoveries of my agency's growth, here are some more knowledge bombs!

    Posting this with the intention to help, do not ask for my company's link.

    You don't have to follow these points, they might not even work for you, but if you do, hope it helped :)

    Quick recap, I've closed two 15k deals last month, this month about to close $14k and potentially a $20k just waiting on both contracts to be signed and sent back to me with a deposit :D

    This is by far the fastest growth my company ever experienced and I believe the last points + these points are the reason for it. 😎

    1. 50-30-20 Payments

    This rule is probably the most important one when on-boarding new clients.

    50% deposit before ANY work is started, 30% milestone when design stage is fully approved, and the remaining amount when everything is completed (before files are sent over).

    This payment agreement is bulletproof, no client will ever run without paying unless they want to end up with nothing in their hands aside from a potential court invitation.

    2. Custom Proposal

    One thing I did wrong at first was send out a price breakdown with the contract (2 pager) and thought it was good enough.

    Then I did full on 20 page proposals but they were so generic that it didn't feel like it was focused on the company.

    Once I realized that, I made sure to make each proposal custom for the company I'm trying to close. I still reused a lot of content but showed more examples related to them, made sure to focus on what they need and highlight the key elements they kept saying in the meeting.

    That way it shows that I listened and understood their needs, and now showing them the solution to their problem on that proposal.

    3. Don't rush to send things

    This point never made sense to me until I started to work with higher level clients. I always wanted to "surprise" the clients by how quickly we could deliver, but that also delivered the wrong message that we worked too quick just to get paid.

    By slowing down and not rushing, let alone it's easier to work that way, the results are better and the clients expectations are in check.

    The important thing is to never be late on the deadlines you agree on, so always give yourself extra few days if needed in advance, but never rush to submit as early as possible either.

    4. Improve your presentation

    I always look for ways to improve the presentation, so lately I've been asking clients for feedback.

    Literally after they approve the design stage, I ask "I'd like your opinion on the process so far, we always want to learn and improve it so it's even simpler and more valuable for the next client, is there anything that was confusing or you wish was done a bit differently?"

    One client told me it would have been great to have a legend for one area of the presentation and that was great feedback as I completely missed that as a necessary thing.

    submitted by /u/mrdanbrag
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    Reasons devs get fired/laid off?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    I'm curious, what are the main reasons devs get fired or laid off? I hear tons of stories, but is it just normal reasons they get fired, like failing to perform/accept feedback, not showing up for work, bad attitude, not willing to learn more, gets behind on work and doesn't tell anyone etc.. Because people make it sound like they get fired or laid off, because they are slightly under performing, or just because they felt the manager didnt like them etc..

    So are the horror stories true? Or is more like a normal situation that people get fired over?

    Talking junior devs/mid level devs mainly

    Thanks for the info im advance!

    submitted by /u/Jayboii478
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    A curated list of awesome programming books ��

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    How do I easily create a simple 1 page static website with Bootstrap these days... other than coding it all manually?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    How to deploy .NET Web Applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    What's a fair price for complete ownership rights to my code?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I usually write my contracts so that they are licensed out to the client and I retain ownership but they are allowed to modify it sell it and otherwise have unlimited usage rights to it within the scope of the contracted project.

    This time however the client wants complete ownership rights to the code. This isn't a deal breaker but I feel like I'm giving up some future profitability on my code. There is value there that I'm giving up and value the client is getting from ownership rights.

    I'm just having trouble judging how much this value is. Do you all have experience with this? What do you typically charge for ownership rights to your code?

    submitted by /u/TheTaoOfBill
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    Beginner - I want to learn web development just to build an idea that I have. How to gain web development knowledge just enough for building my idea or at least to a level where I have the knowledge to source out the project in modules and integrate them myself?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    client proposing me as ecom transaction middleman

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    i have a potential client that is not permitted to receive money directly from customers due to agreements with their product suppliers. They are proposing i act as a middleman with their existing ecomm and in return would receive a percentage from each transaction. I would set up a cart strictly for checkout, accept payment, forward customer invoice to the designated dealer fulfilling the order, and pay the main corp less my cut.

    Something feels funny about this arrangement. The last thing i want is to get wrapped up in some sort of money laundering scheme. Has anyone here done something like this before? Maybe this is a completely normal request. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/tryingtobeswedish
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    What do DevOps engineers do?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Is there anyone who works on a DevOps position to explain what his typical day at work looks like.

    submitted by /u/itjustaspot
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    cheap Node.js web hosting?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    Anyone know of any cheap (or free) web hosting services that support Node?

    submitted by /u/seb69420
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    We fired our top talent. Best decision we ever made.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    The process of web application development

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    Amet - Fully Containerized Dev Environment

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble setting up my Directus CMS API.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    I'm very new to Headless CMS's. I came across https://directus.io/ and thought it would be perfect for managing content for a project I'm working on, so I went through setup and got the Directus App on a subdomain of my site.

    I got that all working, but for some reason I cannot figure out how to successfully connect to the API and get the JSON data into my javascript. The documentation says you don't have to follow the Javascript SDK .login protocol that generates an authentication token if the content you're trying to get is public. I made the "collection" available for the public role to read, but I still keep getting errors when I try to access it with the Directus Javascript SDK. I've followed the documentation the best I can, but I think I just need to see a few examples of how people have connected to their Directus APIs.

    If anyone has a Github project they'd be willing to share, that would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/finnrusson
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    Motus v2 - Animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    I need to rant about a client, any advice on a good next step would be appreciated.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    So a little over a year ago now I took on a few freelance clients as work was pretty light at my 9-5. I took on 2 simple redesign + development of small mom and pop businesses and a site for an acquaintance of my mom for a resource site on medical marijuana.

    The mom and pop sites went smoothly and were done within a month and a half each.

    The medical marijuana one has become a hellish nightmare project and I'm kinda lost in what my next step should be.

    Heres the story of this project.

    My family lives in a very small rural part of california with lots of "hippie" type people living there, my mom included. I usually turn down any project that she throws my way as they like to try to pay by trade with goods or services I really don't want. But this one had a realistic budget for the site and was not hesitant to sign my overly defensive contract for this type of site. My contract protects me from basically any shenanigans that a client pulls during or after a project, but I don't like to use it because burning bridges in an area that small tends to get back to you in one way or another. So legally I can stop this crazy ride whenever I want and just deliver the files I have to her on a flash drive and be done with it, but I'd rather not do that.

    The project originally was spec'd out to be 1 home page and 4 internal page templates that can be reused as needed. They paid 1/3 deposit up front and all was well. I got all of those designed, built and ready to go within the first month and let the client know I was ready for content fill.

    They disappeared... for 2 months no word from them at all...

    She emails me out of the blue and has decided that the weed healing thing is not important anymore and she has started up a non profit organization to help victims of sexual trafficking... ok cool, its a better cause than the weed thing, and the website templates are generic enough that with a little tweaking I made it fit the "government" look that they needed to be going for and let them know that the site was ready for content and that they needed to send me content for each page they wanted to see (they originally had a sitemap for the project but with this new use for the site I would need a new sitemap).

    They disappeared again for another month...

    She emailed me out of the blue again and says she needs a logo. I tell her that I can crank out a quick logo for her and we will just tack the additional cost on to the end of the project, but that I really need content to put in the site.

    They disappear again for 4 months...

    She says things have been crazy trying to get the nonprofit status and all that but they have it now and she has a team of people to help with the project... great... maybe now the site can get finished. I meet with all of them and let them know that all I need is the content for the website and we can push it live.

    The new staff members all send me bios, step in the right direction, and the founder sends me a mission statement, great. She also sends a bunch of photos that I can use for the site which was great and the site was starting to take form. But we had nothing on the homepage, nothing in the about page, no contact info, and no resources page. Just a mission statement and a bunch of bios. I let them know the remaining content I need and that as soon as I get it we could launch in 2-3 weeks after that because work picked up again at the 9-5 job and I dont have the same amount of time to work on the project as I used to. They understood and said they would get me the content by the end of the week.

    They didnt...

    2 months later I get an email asking about that status of the project, and I tell her we need the content that I asked for via email last time. She has a new team apparently as the last one didn't work out and said she is going to have to get me all new bios, thats fine, but I need the more important info as well so I tell her to work on the important stuff first and send the bios last as the website can launch without the bios.

    Later that week she sends me 5 new bios... great... I ask for the other content as well and point her in the direction of some local copy writers I have worked with before. She says thanks and that she will contact one for that content.

    another month of silence and she asks if the website will be done by the end of the week because she is going to be talking to some people at the state capitol that weekend and wants to give them a site to go to... No man... its not done... i need this content...

    another 3 weeks of silence... has another new team and sends me more fucking bios...

    and then yesterday she texts me at 5am asking if the site will be up by 4/20... no man I still need that content
    She then asks if I have bought the domain name yet... no... because the site isnt up yet and the domain they want is not one that anyone would claim, its super specific.

    This morning I get the text "I bought the domain", I ask them if they bought a SSL certificate with that, or hosting, and who they bought it through... godaddy, no ssl certificate, $20/month hosting and no site up yet. then asks when i can put the site there. THERE IS NO CONTENT ON THE HOMEPAGE!!! I NEED CONTENT!!! JESUS CHRIST!!!

    I dont know what to do from here. Do i just terminate the project and hand over what I have and say good luck, then just face the music of the bridges I just burnt, or do I sit and wait forever for the content I have asked for for well over a year now?

    submitted by /u/KonyKombatKorvet
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    Is there a way to implement periodic aggregations without own Spark cluster?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:14 PM PDT


    I have been developing a Machine Learning solution that includes edge devices (Raspberry Pi) that communicate with the node backend and usesAngular frontend for user interaction (configuration and data overview). The edge devices send the data about the detected objects to the backend which is currently connected to MongoDB Atlas. As I would also need to provide some statistics for longer time periods (day, week, month...), I am looking for an optimal way to enable periodic aggregations, considering the fact that for the time being I am taking care of the whole project and it is difficult to write the code and manage the infrastructure. So far, for other projects, I have used only Apache Spark for periodic aggregations and have no overview of other options. Is there any cloud-based service that enables periodic aggregations and other data processing pipeline implementations without the need of infrastructure maintenance?

    Also, regarding the database, I am not sure MongoDB Atlas is the best choice for what I would like to do while working on my own: outsource as much maintenance as possible and focus on business logic development.

    I would appreciate any suggestions.



    submitted by /u/nikogamulin
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    Need help on branching out

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:14 PM PDT


    First, a bit about what I know:

    I have been doing professional development for 6-7 years now. I have done extensive work with PHP and Python. PHP primarily for my company's APIs and some light backend tasks, Python as an interface to our data warehouse.

    I have my Master's in Software Engineering, and am familiar with everything that entails (architecture and architectural patterns, design patterns, whatever, development methodologies, whatever).

    I want to start getting into my personal projects more. I feel that my professional work is not adequately testing the limits of what I learned, and I want a way to reinforce what I've learned through the years, and possibly branch out into something that is going to test me. The first part: fixing my portfolio website I made years ago. It is a bit of a standard PHP app that does what it needs to do, but I want the construction of the portfolio to be something worth mentioning in the portfolio.

    What I'm asking for is something that will kind of push me and test my limits. I could easily create a REST API, put a frontend on it using like jQuery, and call it a day, but I want something more than that.

    I did some research before making this post and some people recommend Go for the backend/API, and something like React for the frontend. Is that something that is going to test me? To be honest my only experience with webdev is MVC based sites.

    Is there a specific technology stack anyone can recommend that would: reinforce good habits, reinforce what I learned, is complex enough to kind of push me, but is also useful if I ever move on from this job? If not directly, at least in terms of developing decent skills in certain areas.


    submitted by /u/thefirelink
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    Help with nav bar please.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    So since yesterday I try to make a nav bar using html and css. The problem is in the alignment of the blocks. The menu itself works right but when I add dropdowns the whole positioning gets weird. I would really appreciate your help since this is the only thing holding me back atm from learning more. It drives me crazy.



    Apreciate your help. I didn't want to ask but this drives me crazy.

    submitted by /u/JeppNeb
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