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    Tuesday, April 23, 2019

    Developers of Reddit. How rewarding is your job? How much of your work is bug fixing vs developing new things? Ask Programming

    Developers of Reddit. How rewarding is your job? How much of your work is bug fixing vs developing new things? Ask Programming

    Developers of Reddit. How rewarding is your job? How much of your work is bug fixing vs developing new things?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Two main questions in the title. I have been a web developer for about 1.5 years. 95% of this is bug fixes. These honestly burn me out after a while, i think it's made worse because we're understaffed and our frontend developer is being forced to work on backend stuff (good for him if he wants to learn but I know for a fact he hates it.) hence lots of bugs all with an less than ideal company culture. 5% are projects I'll get put on to add some new feature which is always fun and I always do well in. I just wanna know what all your experiences are like really. Am I just bitching and this is the norm?

    submitted by /u/Fuzzietomato
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    Does public code on GitHub have a default open source license?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    I was reading about this story of a company that stole code, some of the comments implied that GitHub TOS defaults to allowing this? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19719380

    submitted by /u/GoingToMakeItBrahs
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    Python Programming Question

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Im trying to teach myself python and I am trying to create a program that compares a randomly generated letter to a letter that a user chooses. For some reason though, the program will think that the user's letter(h for example) is equivalent to some random letter like j. I don't know if I'm comparing the functions incorrectly or what, but any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    import random

    def randomsentence():
    abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '
    randomstring = str(random.choice(abc))
    return randomstring

    def userstring():
    user = 's'
    return user

    def comparison():
    while userstring() != randomsentence():
    print("There is currently no match")
    if randomsentence() == userstring():
    print(f"There is a match, user generated is {userstring()}, the random generated is {randomsentence()}")

    submitted by /u/idkwhattodoanymo
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    Program idea. No idea where to start

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Hello! I have a dream of creating a program involving two pdfs with the same content but different language. This program would divide the pdfs according to sentences and match the sentences in each pdf with the corresponding pdf sentence using google translate. The end result would be a spreadsheet where each sentence is across from the matching sentence in the other language. I am able to do this manually now but it would be amazing to input two large text pdfs and have it be done manually. Here is a video explaining how I do it manually. (link) This is mainly meant for language learning.

    submitted by /u/RIKOCHIKONIKO
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    Online inversion calculator?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 06:09 PM PDT

    I am writing a program for class that counts inversions by using merge sort. I swear my algorithm looks the exact same as the one I should be using but I am still failing test cases. Anyway, given the array [10, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 6, 9, 11, 8, 1] my program is spitting out a 27, which is not passing. I just want to know if anyone knows of a calculator I could use to find the answer so I can better know what my program is doing wrong. Or honestly a few arrays with their corresponding inversion counts would be fine too. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/EightOffHitLure
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    Python attribute error when using subplots

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm fairly new to learning python and am running into an error. My code looks like this: df.iplot(kind='histogram', subplots=True, filename='subplots-histogram') When I run the code, I get an attribute error that says "module chart_studio.tools has no attribute make_subplots". Can anyone help me out with this? I couldn't find anything online that worked so far.. I imported cufflinks, plotly.plotly, plotly.tools, and plotly.graph_objs if that helps.

    submitted by /u/engineeringgirl123
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    Best work laptop for an Angular developer in 2019?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    I'm an Angular developer, working on a large web app. I currently work on a 2018 mac mini at work. I'm looking to get a dedicated work laptop so that I can work remotely for short periods, for business trips, travelling, or work from home if I'm sick.

    Anyone who has worked with Typescript is aware that you have a bit of a compiling time every time you save your changes. So a strong processor is important to reduce downtime from compiling. Also I'd prefer a larger display, at least 15``. Cost isn't too much of an issue for me, I just want the best machine for the job.

    I would just get the nicest MacBook Pro, but Apple's new design over the past 3 years has been pretty bad for a developer. The new butterfly keyboard is awful to type on, and the touch bar, while cool looking, isn't optimized for programming use and I'd rather just have the F-keys.

    I'm considering getting a refurbished 2015 macbook pro, (the last good macbook that apple ever made), or trying out a windows or linux. If I knew the upcoming 2019 macbooks were going to fix the aforementioned problems, I'd just wait and get one of those. I'm comfortable with Windows, as well, but there are so many to choose from I wouldn't know where to start.

    What would ya'll recommend?

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Smooticus
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    How to make a searchable database for many projects?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    I have little experience coding. I work for an old company that tracks all of their projects in paper binders.

    I would like to build a database for all of these projects that is searchable. I want to build a data entry sheet that holds pertinent info about each project ie. name, area, size, numbering, processing steps, notes for problems encountered, and then have them all load up into a database that my coworkers can search.

    So if someone remembers we scaled values in some project, but doesn't remember which project or script was used to achieve this, they could search the name of the project and find relevant details.

    Is it possible to do this using free and simple software like google sheets?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/MightyGreen
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    Defined user function in C

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Can you guys help me with this problem please!!!

    Use user-functions to calculate mean, variance, standard derivation, standard error

    submitted by /u/nvhd1105
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    Help with choosing language - java/ruby/python

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Hi guys, lately I've been thinking which programming language should I take on. Took a long break from programming but I'm back after solving all of the personal problems. I was programming in Java, but after coming back I am considering a change.

    What do you guys think. I'm actually trying to find something that will let me find a job, at least pretty fast and will be up to date in the next years.

    I really want to code in Ruby, it seems the most interesting and unique. But people are saying that it won't be that important in a few years. Some other people are telling me, that I should code in it if I want, because no time is wasted when I at least do something - and that I can always swap from RoR to Django in Python, because they are pretty similar.

    What do you guys think? It's actually really hard to tell and take a decision by myself. I am trying to find a best solution, and I think that's the worst mistake because I should already be trying to do something.

    submitted by /u/DaneBrint
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    Old school MUD script question

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    I don't know how to code, but I found this snippet and frankensteined it for my purposes. The problem is I don't know how to interact with the mud client. So if I have < 100 health, I don't know how to send("cast heal"). I don't know how to loop it either. When I run the script now, it just goes until I kill the first orc.

    this.deadOrcs = this.deadOrcs || 0;


    print("deadOrcs: " + this.deadOrcs);

    if (this.deadOrcs < 100) {

    send("w") + send("kill orc") +

    send("w") + send("kill orc") +

    send("w") + send("kill orc") +

    send("w") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("s") + send("kill orc") +

    send("e") + send("kill orc") +

    send("e") + send("kill orc") +

    send("e") + send("kill orc") +

    send("e") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc") +

    send("n") + send("kill orc");

    } else {

    send("say Already killed 100 orcs.");


    submitted by /u/Funkboot
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    Where to start?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 01:49 PM PDT


    in the world there are a lot of programming language, i think that today is very important know one, because a people need to improve they skill.

    Actually i don't know anything about programming language, but i think that with study and using the brain... i can learn it.

    But the question is:

    - what is the best language where start?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/Antigenone
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    Do routers have only an APU, or do they have a full CPU?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    My friend insists that routers only have an APU. I don't think that's true. What is the truth?

    submitted by /u/Crone224
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    Naming conventions and standards?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    Good day people of AskProgramming.

    I come with some doubts regarding naming conventions and the general standard that is used out there in the working world, I have worked for two different companies and they used very different standards and names for their classes, properties and so on, so I was wondering whats a good convention that I could look up to learn from and stick to it? something that a lot of people consider the proper ones to use?

    On my first job, lots of variables and controllers (because some of the programs were in windows forms) would use stuff like property_Variable or txt_variable.
    On another project I saw that most of the classes used something like propertyVariable or txtVariable

    Then on my second job, lots of classes properties were declared as _classProperty

    Sorry if Im not being specific enough, Im still learning the ropes of programming, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Star_Dust__
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    How do I use this Triangle Box Intersection header to convert my 3D mesh into voxels?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    Removing the copyright statement from an HTML/CSS/JS template that has been modified.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    I recently downloaded a login/signup page template in HTML/CSS/JS, that I intend to modify for use on my JSP website. As it was a template for public use, each page contains a copyright statement. Because I intend to heavily modify the page (both color scheme and fields/values etc.), I want to know at what point it is acceptable for me to remove the original copyright statement? Or is it a requirement that I leave it on each page as is, even though the code has been changed. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/DevAdmint
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    Learning in Java

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    What can i do besides problem solving (Data Structures) and what are the different frameworks for Java App Development? P.S. New to Development!!

    submitted by /u/gaurav219
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    Offered $500 for github account - scam?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    I received an unsolicited email offering me $500 for my github account.

    My URL is a potentially desirable one I suppose, three letters, and I have received requests for it before but none offering money.

    The name of the guy is a very generic/ungoogleable one and the email has 0 google results.

    My biggest project on it hasn't been updated in 9 years and is only used by ~100 people, so I kind of doubt he wants to spread malware or anything.

    Is buying people's accounts for $500 a thing?

    submitted by /u/cedear
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    Hi all. Is there a way to see, on macOS, what all 3rd Party CLI programs/extensions I've added over the years? I want to see what I have so that I can remove/update them. Thanks!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of things like NodeJS, PHP, Homebrew, etc. Over time I've added things for different projects and at this point I have no idea where or what I have on this thing.

    submitted by /u/bnimbla
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    Please.. help?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    I've downloaded a weird thing that lead to me having this annoying ransomware ".moresa" on most of my files.. I've read about it and they say I need to pay about 980$ and there is no way in hell I'm paying that amount of money to get some of my uni presentations and screenshots back.. and some video recordings from games.

    I'd appreciate any help on how to remove this thing or where to search.. how to deal with it.

    Thanks so much in advance. :)

    submitted by /u/helpmepls1119
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    Hi, I’m starting programming!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I'm relatively new to this sub reddit (joined today!) and I'm thinking about starting to learn coding.

    Also, It would be helpful if someone could point me in the right direction or give me any tips and tricks.

    I'm asking this because I am starting Computer Science for GCSE next year and would like a head start on the subject.

    By the way I will be using python as the course I'm doing it includes that. I thought I would mention that to stop confusion.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/GenderlessFrog
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    Help With Python Word Cloud Script

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm running a word cloud tool similar to this one here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/generating-word-cloud-python/

    Is it possible to also have it export the ranked list of words that were used to generate the cloud image?

    submitted by /u/TheNerdYorker
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    [XML] Placing MaxInclusive in an existing XML statement(Form) such that date cannot be selected >120 days out.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    I'm trying to update an xml script to limit the date range that can be entered to extend someones contract in a system of record. The form is basic enough, but I'm having a hard time getting the restriction. What I'm essentially trying to get to work is the following:

    <restriction base='date'> <maxInclusive value=''/> </restriction> 

    I'm just striking our on how to limit the date 120 days from today. For reference, the entire script is below, I'm trying to limit termination date.

    <WF_DynamicForm> <DataClass>Employee</DataClass> <FormHeader> <Style>header</Style> <Title>Estimated End Date</Title> </FormHeader> <UsedClass> <Name>List_EmployeeEmploymentStatus</Name> <Mode>Current</Mode> <AddNewInstanceIfEmpty>true</AddNewInstanceIfEmpty> <DefaultStatus>Insert</DefaultStatus> </UsedClass> <EmployeeHeaderPanel> <Style /> </EmployeeHeaderPanel> <FormBody> <Style>IVFormBody</Style> <Block> <Style /> <NumberOfColumns>3</NumberOfColumns> </Block> <Panel> <Style>IVPanel</Style> <Caption>Estimated End Date</Caption> <Row>0</Row> </Panel> <Label> <Style>InLineHelpLabel</Style> <Block>1</Block> <Row>1</Row> <RowSpan>1</RowSpan> <Column>0</Column> <ColumnSpan>3</ColumnSpan> <Caption>To change the estimated end date for Agency/Contractors, complete and submit the form.</Caption> <MarkAsRequired>false</MarkAsRequired> </Label> <!-- Termination Date --> <Label> <Style>IVLabel</Style> <Block>1</Block> <Row>2</Row> <Column>0</Column> <Caption>Estimated End Date</Caption> <MarkAsRequired>true</MarkAsRequired> </Label> <EmployeeProperty> <Style>IVComboBox</Style> <Block>1</Block> <Row>3</Row> <Column>0</Column> <PropertyXRefCode>EmployeePropertyXrefCode33</PropertyXRefCode> </EmployeeProperty> <Comment> <Row>7</Row> <CommentField>List_EmployeeFile.Comment</CommentField> <FlagField>List_EmployeeFile.SaveComment</FlagField> <IsReadOnly>False</IsReadOnly> <IsRequired>False</IsRequired> </Comment> </FormBody> </WF_DynamicForm> 

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Wphillips1
    [link] [comments]

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