• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    Developers: how would get your first software engineering job the fastest if you were to do it over again? learn programming

    Developers: how would get your first software engineering job the fastest if you were to do it over again? learn programming

    Developers: how would get your first software engineering job the fastest if you were to do it over again?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    I've been a full stack developer in Silicon Valley for about a year now. It was a struggle to get into the industry, but I got lucky and after a ton of hard work, got a job 6 months after I started learning how to code.

    If I was to go back, I would:

    - Be hyperfocused (learn basic coding concepts, JavaScript fundamentals, React, API calls, git)

    - Start coding daily from day 1 (instead of every other day, every third day, etc)

    - Do 1-3 practice problems a day, and projects the rest of the time using tech listed above

    - Apply for 300+ jobs from the get go. Embrace failure because it's part of the process

    (I created a video on how I'd do this differently for anyone who's interested https://youtu.be/OEDIJ3Swv9g )

    What strategies would you used to get your first dev job? I'm hoping the comments can help anyone who's trying to break in to the industry!

    submitted by /u/mattupham
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    Today I wrote my first object oriented program!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    Decided I want to learn proper design methods and good practices early on so I'm rewriting a simple game I made in multiple ways and comparing them. It's this one. Special thanks to u/thegreatunclean for giving me a general idea of how to approach it.

    Here's the source code: https://gist.github.com/Lastrevio112/75264c1b6cf26d90c55a7ca2bff9d6f3

    Any general advice regarding what I wrote?

    submitted by /u/Lastrevio
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    Should I learn python even after knowing Java and C++?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    Well the question is in the title. I have been programming with java for quite a bit, C# is pretty much the same but i have done quite a few projects with that, and in college I have been working with C++ for 2 years. With the python community rising more and more each year I am wondering if I should learn it. In general I don't know why but i have some aversion towards it, I think that python is a jack of all trades, but everything python can do either C++,Java or C# can do better. I really don't know if I should learn it, however seeing how good it is with data processing, and machine learning and etc, it has got me thinking. Any input is appreciated.

    I am sorry if the post is badly phrased, it is my first time posting here, and in general between my first posts on reddit.

    submitted by /u/PuzzleOP
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    What best sources to learn java?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a slow learner and I have very shallow basic of cpp and c and python. I want to learn java. What links, playlist, blog should I follow? Timeframe is not a problem. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/yaadyeud
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    What are the *average* prospects for self-taught programmers?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    I've noticed there are quite a lot of posts here about people who managed to get a full-time job after some relatively short (<12 months, sometimes significantly less) period of self-study.

    But I do wonder how much of that is survivorship bias. Let's say that 1 million people a year begin a relatively serious effort at self-teaching programming. Of those, let's say 1000 managed to land a full-time programming job within a year. That's only 0.1% of them, yet it's entirely plausible they could be vastly overrepresented in Reddit threads on the issue - firstly because they may be much more likely to post about it, and secondly because their posts might be upvoted substantially more, giving them the appearance of being more common when viewing with "hot", "top" or "best" sorting.

    Even if we looked at longer time frames, I wouldn't be surprised if a large majority of self-taught programmers never got a programming job.

    If this is basically true, how much does it matter? Well, there's the basic idea that you probably shouldn't expect to be able to go from zero to software engineer in six months. If it's taking you significantly longer, then don't fret that you're "behind the curve" - you're probably not from the standpoint of all self-taught programmers.

    But I do wonder if there are lots of subtle ways in which these selection effects could be skewing the advice you receive on this subreddit. That is, perhaps successful self-taught programmers are often unusual in ways that are not necessarily learnable - perhaps having sizable amounts of inbuilt talent and/or luck. So for example, for a question like "Should I self-study or get a CS degree?", you might be getting answers indicating the former primarily from very good self-studiers, or people who got rather lucky in their job search. It may well be (note: I have no particular idea) that getting the CS degree would be a better bet for you, but you could get a misleading impression from the unrepresentative sample.

    submitted by /u/honeypuppy
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    Been learning the basics of programming, and now I have this nice little Chrome tab overriding extension and I'll continue working on this and eventually release something!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Here's what I've got so far https://streamable.com/h45w3

    I've had some previous knowledge of HTML and CSS so those are pretty easy to use/learn, but when it comes to actually making "things do stuff", javascript is definitely going to be a journey to learn.

    submitted by /u/CaesarThatSalad
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    Can someone help me.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    So I'm making a basic code as I am new to Python. Every time I run it, no matter what input, it always chooses the Quit Option. Why? What part of my code is incorrect?

    print("Welcome to the MATH CHALLENGE!")

    # Enter your response here.

    response = input("Enter 'Y' to start, enter 'Q' to quit. ")

    while True:

    if response == "Q" or "q":

    print("Goodbye loser!")


    elif response == "Y" or "y":

    print("The program has begun!")



    print("Invalid input")

    Edit: Indentations won't show.

    submitted by /u/iFailedPreK
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    How does Hackerrank work

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:31 PM PDT

    I just signed up for hackerrank, and started a couple of questions. I'm noticing that is is different from other problem-solving websites like spoj, etc. In the editor for the question, it tells you to write a function, and ignore main, but in all the solutions, the only code is in main. do they delete all the default code? What is the correct way?

    submitted by /u/Cereal_Bird
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    C# or JavaScript for Unity

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get started with game development on Unity, but not really sure which language to learn. Are there any differences? Is one more effective or easier to use? Which one would you guys recommend overall?

    I have a little bit of experience with Python.

    submitted by /u/steamedjiaozi
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    In OSSU Computer Science, can I skip the Introductory course and start with Core CS?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    I'm talking about the Introduction to Computer Science and Programming with Python course, which starts on June 5 (can't wait that long). Seeing as it isn't a prerequisite to the other courses, does that mean I can start with Core CS?

    submitted by /u/somewhatnick
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    Why is it hard for you to learn online?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, i wanted to dig in and understand a bit better on why it's hard for you to learn online. There's a lot of online courses and content for a variety of topics online but personally for me, i find myself starting and stopping. Often I end up abandoning the course once I lose interest. I feel that having a small group that keeps each other accountable will really help. Do you think learning online is hard and why?

    submitted by /u/cookiephased
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    Where should i start to learn?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    (18M) I dont know anything about code writing. I dont have a job or school so my days r too empty. I hope i could learn code writing in 2 years. Where should i start to learn? Is it possible to learn code writing in 2 years?

    submitted by /u/currysoslutavuk
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    Android Studio Generate APK (urgent)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    Update: No longer urgent as installing Android Studio causes my errors with generating an APK file in WebStorm (original IDE I was working in) to go away. However if you have answers please share so that this thread can hopefully help someone else :)

    I'm attempting to generate an APK file using a project of mine

    I'm using Android Studio to generate the APK as I recently learned this was an easier method

    I tried to use Build > Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK

    This option has been greyed out for me and I have no idea why, any help much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayAccToAsk
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    YouCompleteMe only autocomplete's PIP3 installed packages when VIM is launched inside python3's site-packages folder

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    This seems like a simple fix that I am overlooking; how can I make YCM work in ANY location? Because if I launch vim inside of the python3.7/site-packages folder, all of the auto-completions work perfectly.

    What did I forget to do? Thx

    I am running MacVim's version of vim btw.

    submitted by /u/CallMeOutWhenImPOS
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    I need help with this Psudeo Code, Creating an array with a while loop!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    So I am having trouble with writing an array in Psudeo Code, I am very new to arrays in Psudeo Code but, believe it or not, I actually can code basic arrays in Java but I don't understand it at all in Psudeo code. It is still new for me. Any help would be great! Here is the assignment here:

    This program assesses your ability to use functions, arrays, for loops, and if statements where needed. You are writing a program to track the scores for a fishing tournament. You begin by asking the user how many players for whom they want to enter scores. Validate the response with a while loop to ensure that the value entered is between 0 and 70. Once you have a valid response, a for loop is entered for processing 4 parallel arrays. The size of each of the parallel arrays is equal to the number of players entered by the user. The first array will store the Player Name and you must use a getter function to get the Player Name and store it in the Player Name array. The second array will store the score for the first day of the tournament, and you must use a getter function to get the first day score, and store it in the first day score array. Use a while loop to validate the value of the score to make sure that it falls in the range of 0 to 100 inclusive. The third array will store the score for the second day of the tournament, and you must use a getter function to get the second day score, and store it in the second day score array. Use a while loop to validate the value of the score to make sure that it falls in the range of 0 to 100 inclusive. The fourth array will store the combined score, and you must calculate the combined score which is the first day score (stored in the first day score array) and add it to the second day score (stored in the second day score array) and store the result in the combined score array. If you have at least 1 player, print the contents of the parallel arrays meaning the player name, first day score, and second day score, and combined score for each player. You also need to calculate the average score for all days (which is not the average of the combined score) before ending the program with a goodbye message. If you do not have any players (meaning if the user entered 0 players when prompted at the beginning of the program), end the program with a goodbye message. The following functions are required although it is possible to include more functions: • A function to get the player name and store it in an array. • A function to get the player's score for the first day and store it in a first day score array. • A function to get the player's score for the second day and store it in a second day score array. • A function to validate a range of numbers (this function can be used multiple times by using correct arguments/parameters) '

    Any Help would be great!! Thank You!

    submitted by /u/koolgamer12
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    Trying to activate my virtualenv in PS but can't get activate.bat to run (Windows)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    Path: C:\.venvs\myFolder>

    I already have my virtualenv installed in a virtenv in my .venvs directory. Aka I did pip install virtualenv and then mkdir .venvs

    But now I can't seem to actually activate it. I've tried running the full file path of the activate.bat file and I'm not getting the (myFolder) PS C:\... indication for my virtualenv running. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Rails_Is_A_Ghetto
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    Was using break in my loop good coding practice

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    I remember someone telling me that it's bad form to use break to leave a loop. But I couldn't figure out another way.

    The goal given to me by the guide was to print a rectangle out of stars using whatever parameters I chose. The starsquare method has to contain the stars method.


    package rectanglestars; public class RectangleStars { public static void main(String[] args) { starsquare(17,3); } public static void starsquare(int width, int height){ int tempvar = width; while(height>0){ while(tempvar>0){ stars(width); System.out.println(); tempvar--; break; } height--; } } public static void stars(int amount){ while(amount>0){ System.out.print("*"); amount--; } } } 
    submitted by /u/spikelived321
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    How to keep up to date with constant updates and changes?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    For example, from what I understand, it wasn't too long ago that the keypress DOM event was still relevant.

    But as it's shown here on the MDN site, it's been deprecated.

    A website you've created can suddenly break overnight because of a new change.

    Now, I completely understand as developers we need to constantly learn new things, but I'm wondering, how do you stay up to date with those tiny little changes?

    Is there some news broadcast somewhere that gives off the breaking news? Or do we just have to feel around in the dark?

    (Okay, I'm being dramatic. But I'd like to know, how do you guys stay up to date?)

    submitted by /u/CloverPixels
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    [C++] move (semantics)?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    std::move() is something like: move(T&& t), right? So it accepts an rvalue reference. If I do something like:

    class Banana { public: int x =5; Banana() = default; Banana(const Banana &p){x = p.x; cout << "copy constructor called" << endl;} Banana(Banana&& p) noexcept : x(move(p.x)){ cout << "move constructor" << endl;} }; 

    Is the last line what is needed for the move() to work?

    I read that it says that move() converts an lvalue to rvalue by doing a static cast to the rvalue type, returning an rvalue that "refers to the object passed as the parameter". So in main() I did something like this:

    Banana f; Banana g = move(f); 

    and I saw that it printed out "move constructor". So does it mean that to use move(), I need to implement a constructor for the class and have it accept an rvalue reference?

    On a side note..when I tried to do Banana g = f, it was ok (printed "copy constructor called"), but when I tried to do Banana g; g = f;, It said "Object of type Banana cannot be assigned because its copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted", what does that mean?

    submitted by /u/math_homework
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    Is there a script to run within excel (or google sheets) which allows for the (numerical) contents of 4 adjacent boxes to be matched with the closest combination of the (numerical) content of 4 adjacent boxes within a table?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    Here's the situation. Lets say boxes A1,B1,C1,D1 contain the values 12.4,13.8,14.2,15.2 (respectively). There is a table W1:Z90 which contains numbers in various linear combinations. For example, W1,X1,Y1,Z1 could equal 12.8,13.9,11.4,15.8 and W3,X3,Y3,Z3 could equal 12,13,14,15.

    I'm looking for a script or formula which would search the table for the closest approximation to the combination of values in A1,B1,C1,D1 in the same order as they are given. In the above example, the closest approximation to the combination would be the values in W3,X3,Y3,Z3.

    Is there a VBA script or combination of script and formula for this?

    submitted by /u/thebusiness7
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    [python]keras.layers.dense() input_shape

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    hi all,

    python 3.6

    the data type that is going to pass the keras.layers.dense() is (800,24,24)

    how to set the type inside the keras.layers.dense()



    thanks a ton

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    Any good resources on the .Net Framework?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a deeper understanding of what goes on under the hood when I write C# code and I was wondering if there was anything out there that explained the .Net stuff independent of a language like C#?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Looking for unit testing "success stories"

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    I'm curious if anyone has any good stories about a specific function or tool or piece of code that broke in a fun or interesting way that was found by an automated unit test?

    I've had that happen a couple of times to me but I figured others might have some good stories that could serve as even better examples (trying to show someone the value of unit testing and regression testing and they don't buy the "it helps you write better code and not break old code" stuff so trying to find more concrete examples as I don't have a lot of experience myself as a programmer yet).

    submitted by /u/coffeeandlearning
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    [Homework -- C] Write a statement that calls a function involving structs

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:27 PM PDT


    Write a statement that calls a function named IncreaseItemQty, passing the variable addStock. Assign mugInfo with the value returned by IncreaseItemQty.


    #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct ProductInfo_struct { char itemName[30]; int itemQty; } ProductInfo; ProductInfo IncreaseItemQty (ProductInfo productToStock, int increaseValue) { productToStock.itemQty = productToStock.itemQty + increaseValue; return productToStock; } int main(void) { ProductInfo mugInfo; int addStock; addStock = 10; scanf("%s", mugInfo.itemName); scanf("%d", &mugInfo.itemQty); **** /* Your solution goes here */ **** printf("Name: %s, stock: %d\n", mugInfo.itemName, mugInfo.itemQty); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/Kingofawesome13
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