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    Sunday, April 21, 2019

    Creating a Platformer In The Windows Console With C++!

    Creating a Platformer In The Windows Console With C++!

    Creating a Platformer In The Windows Console With C++!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    What are some good tools for 2D level layout design and overview

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    Can anyone suggest a good tool for 2D level layout design, especially when there is a lot of levels and you need some kind of overview of it all? I did see that some people are using photoshop to make low rez images to get tile like effect but in the end, I would end whit a lot of images that I have to open one by one to see it all. There's got to be a better way then what I am doing since I am currently using pen and paper :) https://imgur.com/a/ubP9rXV

    submitted by /u/zatomat
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    Beginner advice from someone who had a bad introduction

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    Please, please, please pace yourself. Learn a few coding tricks, and then make the simplest game possible using what you learnt. After that, learn some more and make a game that's just a little bit more complex. Your games are going to be shit, just accept that. The idea is to quickly make something, learn from it, and repeat. At this stage, the final product doesn't matter nearly as much as what you learn from making it. Because of that, don't be afraid to bail on a project that isn't getting you anywhere. It can be easy to overthink your games, but try not to. Despite how frustrating it'll often be, stick with it, and try to have fun with this phase of your skill development.

    I know you've got some great, ambitious game ideas. That's great, use those as motivation, but you aren't ready to tackle them. Baby Steps. Also, know that those ideas aren't as valuable as you think they are. We all have game concepts in our heads; ideas are cheap. You have no idea what works until you make it. Most games worth their salt are changed drastically from the original concept for the better anyways.

    Here are some good resources that might help:

    This is a video I found to be really helpful and inspiring. It's in relation to storytelling but the advice applies to all forms of creativity: Ira Glass on Storytelling

    I'm basically stealing this advice from these guys. This is a very good series of advice for starting with game development and sticking to it: Extra Credits on Making Your First Game

    Also check out this fantastic Reddit post, written by people a lot smarter than I: A no nonsense "How to get Started" Guide

    That's my advice. It's what I wish I did when I started out. I heard similar guidance back then, but didn't follow it. I had ideas I was too excited to work on, and I was too ambitious. For that reason the first 2.5 years of me doing gamedev were rocky; I was slow to learn because I was focused on getting projects done instead of learning.

    On January 28, 2017, I set out to make a small game as a personal project- an energetic, arcade-style survival platformer. It wouldn't be my first significant project, but it would be the first that I wasn't following a tutorial for. I would be on my own for this one, no hand-holding. I had been thinking up this cool game idea and, despite knowing in my gut that I wasn't ready, decided to start making it. I was just too excited not to. How difficult could it be?

    The following project would take close to two and a half years of my life. I completely restarted development five times. Finally, on February 25, 2019, I had a finished product that was significantly cut back from my original vision and, in many ways, was unfinished. It was a terribly over complicated and inefficient process that resulted in a project that should've taken a few months at most, and a game I wasn't really proud of.

    What the hell happened?

    I consistently made a number of key mistakes. Below I will retrospectively explore each of them Despite being an overall bad game dev experience, I learnt a lot from my errors and pitfalls. My process sucked hard, and I hope that I can steer you away from making the same mistakes.

    Putting too much stock in ideas

    The project was flawed from its conception. Before starting work on it, I would often think about the concept in my mind. I grew attached to my vision of the game, it's visuals and music. This is in contrast to Nintendo's process: focusing on making strong gameplay and coming up with the theme, visuals, audio and everything else later. Never get attached to an idea, because once it exists you'll likely see just how bad it actually is. You need to be brutally honest with yourself to fix or even trash an idea that you once had confidence in, but it's well worth it. In the future I hope to focus on prototyping gameplay first, and not get attached to ideas I only think will work.

    Unrealistic expectations & overconfidence

    Another thing that plagued my project from day 1 were my unrealistic expectations. Because I would always built up this vision of this concept in my head, I imagined a great game and wanted to make that. I had grand ideas for the visuals and music and gameplay which were way outside what I could reasonably do or even find help to pull off. I just couldn't make a very good game. I should have kept in mind what I was actually capable of, and come to terms with the fact that this game won't be a GOTY.

    Prototyping VS overthinking

    My expectations for the game's quality lead to me overthinking the game a lot. I have pages and pages of notes, me thinking of every possibility on how to make this the best game it could be. I think I spent more time brainstorming the game than I did creating it! I don't think any amount of overthinking will tell you if something actually works. Rather, it's best to prototype and iterate as much as possible.

    Unnecessarily complex systems

    I had a tendency to overthink the game's code, too. I remember making a hazard calling system that took me a lot of work because I felt the need to make it as flexible, variable and featured as possible. It was much more complicated than I needed; no playtesting ever suggested I needed to add so many features. Not only was making the system difficult, but customizing this highly customizable program was slow and tedious. The final version of the game used a hazard calling system made up of only a few lines of code.

    Getting in over my head

    I had a project with a bunch of buggy, unfinished systems, tons of ideas I hadn't even prototyped yet and all for a game that I couldn't make into an engaging experience. At this point, the weight of the project makes itself apparent. I realized what an undertaking it was, how unprepared I was to make this game. But I couldn't just give up on this game I've already poured so much time into. That damned sunk-cost fallacy had me.


    Because of unrealistic expectations, I had a terrible habit of restarting the project. This was the the biggest detriment to the game's development. The first two iterations of the game, V0 & V1, were just experiments that didn't take long. V2, V3 and V4, on the other hand, were all multi-month long developments. I was a fool to restart production even once. I wasted a crazy amount of time working on in a Unity file only to start a new one. I even started to like where the game was going in V2. V2.16 was a breakthrough, finally, this build felt like that energetic, involved platformer I envisioned. If I had kept going from that point, I bet I would have had a finished product much earlier. So why did I keep wiping the slate clean? Largely because I like simplicity. As a Unity project file progressed, it became cluttered with a bunch of systems. Systems that were messy, complicated, interlocking, and sometimes not-quite-working. I guess I'm better with starting from scratch than fixing what I've already got. I liked the simplicity of restarting with a new, clean Unity workspace. The other major factor was how quickly I was getting better. My coding skill constantly improved throughout the project. At certain times I would look at my current project and say 'I can restart this, but make it better.' It's true, each version of the game had smoother controls and better code. Obviously restarting a project I had already spent so many hours working on was a terrible idea, but it was one I kept making. If I want to be successful at this, I can't do that anymore. I need to get better at fixing my existing work.

    Eventually, it came to head. I didn't care so much about how good the game was, I just wanted to get it done as quick as possible. I decided to dig through my files and to find V3, since it was the most complete version of the game. Instead of restarting yet again, I took what I had, fixed and improved it. I rewrote the code that was outdated and improved everything. At this point, I didn't care so much about the quality of the game as I cared about just getting it done and released. And I did. 2.5 years after I had started, the game was complete.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of this.

    submitted by /u/MayorDump
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    Smart_pointers in Game Engine interface? Do you mind?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 04:21 AM PDT


    I'm designing my game engine, and I'm wondering what you guys think about smart pointers in the Game Engine interface. E.g. GetActiveScene will return a smart pointer.(Shared or weak) Do you think that's a reasonable thing to do? Would you be bothered by it?

    Second, would you prefer GetActiveScene to return a Shared pointer or a weak pointer? I'm thinking weak, so you can check if it still exists and so your code won't prevent it from being deleted if the Engine wants it gone.


    submitted by /u/timl132
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    Historical Source Archive on Github(source code for a bunch of old games)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    A* Pathfinding, with multiple units

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    I've made an A* pathfinding algorithm and I wondering what is the best thing to do when I have multiple units going off in different directions. What I have is one grid of squares/nodes that I want each unit to refer to, instead of having one per unit. However I want my heuristic values for each unit to be separate to the grid. Is there a way of doing this without making an array of heuristic values? Am I best off combining the heuristic value with the grid which I currently have, and making a queue system to save on cpu time. Cheers

    submitted by /u/Elbeecho
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    What type of client/server model do games like Lords Mobile, Game of War: FIre Age, and Vikings: War of Clans use?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    Authoritative, or deterministic?

    These games are city builders/idle clickers.

    All players exist on the same "Map" but there is no input for movement. What I mean is, you can tell your troops, "March Here". But you can't tell them which route to use, and you can't have them "move left" or "Move right". The user input is restricted to "March Here" or "Recall March". What type of model is best for a game like this?

    submitted by /u/Th3AmateurCoder
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    Free Pixel Art Top-Down Assets

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Anime hair for 3d character: which way to choose?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have a request regarding the modeling of anime-style hair, I made different types of it using the bezier curves but I was wondering if it was the most suitable way since afterwards they should be animated in an engine like unity or unreal. Usually for other artistic directions simple plans are used to avoid overloading the model (?) And for that I have this doubt. Moreover I don't find many references online about the creation of stylized hair in game, I opened some models of nnk2 and they seem to me excellent in game but of the models all in all simple, I was looking for something more "detailed".

    here is an example of what I did, I ask you if it is a good method and applicable for a game character.

    i can't upload image,here the link: https://ibb.co/JdC839x

    submitted by /u/magnime
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    Are there any good tools that can be used by game designers to store data?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    In a Unity project I'm working on, the game designer put all data related to characters, like stats of every level, moving speed etc into a Microsoft excel file, then another guy uses a tool to extract these tables and makes every table a c# struct. This approach is very inflexible as he also uses enums correspond to some columns in these tables, which are usually written as integers so there is force type casting everywhere. This alone makes the code difficult to understand. So is there any tool that the game designer can easily work with and also can be easily read by C#?

    submitted by /u/OldMansKid
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    What have game jams done for you?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 09:40 PM PDT

    In the past I've had people ask me questions on how I got my first job in the gaming industry. There have also been many instances where people asked me about my best work and the projects I'm most proud of. The answer to all this is the same.

    Game jams.

    The basic idea is this. You and a bunch of other creative people that you may or may not know have 48 hours to make a game. You're also given a theme that you can base the game off of.

    Some people see it as a competition, some see it as a way to meet people.

    I see it as a way to make cool things.

    My best work has come from the limiting environment provided by game jams. I met my first employer at Global Game Jam. My work had impressed him and we enjoyed working together. A few months go by and he contacts me with a position at a company he started up.

    The greatest thing about this is that there were no expectations. I didn't go to a game jam thinking "who am I going to meet?" or "what am I going to make?".

    Instead I went with the idea that I want to have a good time above all else. My love for creating things is more than enough to justify spending 48 hours of my time. It helps a lot to be around cool people as well! It doesn't even have to be a video game as there are plenty of projects I've seen made out of paper and cardboard. You could also bring friends or work by yourself.

    But if you've never attended a game jam it would be a disservice to yourself missing out on working with other people. Some of my closest friends are the same people I worked with on that very team where I met my first industry boss.

    And I can hear your concerns. "What if I'm not good enough?" or "I've never made a game before, I don't know how to contribute!". Maybe even "I don't live in a city and no one around me has a computer!".

    I've been there. There are a lot of opportunities I've missed out on as a result of these very thoughts. Whether I was too busy, too nervous or too far away, there are many game jams I ended up skipping out on. I had told myself it was for the best.

    What if I didn't go to the game jam where I got my job? It would likely have been another year or two before I got into the industry. I wasn't even looking for jobs. The thought hadn't crossed my mind as I had told myself I wasn't ready or wasn't good enough.

    But my employer thought I was good enough.

    You see, there's this mentality I had starting out that crippled me when working with other people. It hurt me when trying to make new projects as well. There was this huge focus on my skill level. I had to be better or wasn't good enough. When I had the skill I was too focused on what I could do with my knowledge.

    The reality of the situation? While I may have done some cool things, they didn't hire me for my skill. We had a good time together, had some laughs and made something cool. We were able to work well as a team and that's what mattered.

    What was your first jam like? Have you ever attended a game jam? I would love to hear about it!

    submitted by /u/D00TD00TDigital
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    myr.js: A WebGL 2 powered rendering library for web applications

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    myr.js is a WebGL 2 based rendering library for JavaScript (ES6) applications. I have written it (with help of some colleagues) because we needed a simple yet powerful library for software we implement for our clients, and we have since used it in several web applications and games. We also find it useful for rapid prototyping. myr.js features:

    • Batched sprite rendering
    • Primitive rendering
    • Drawable render targets
    • Custom shaders
    • Powerful transformation capabilities
    • A single source file without dependencies

    The library has extensive documentation on the GitHub page, and some basic examples can be found in the examples folder. We host and maintain it on GitHub, but it is also available as an NPM package.

    I have released myr.js under the MIT license, and I hope it will be useful to others as well!

    submitted by /u/schnautzi
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    GameDev Architecture - Scriptable Object Events With Custom Data - Unity

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm lookin' for some help with a project. (Programmers needed)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Ok so I've always really wanted to work on a game, so i figured why not just try a little project to start. Instantly, i hit a roadblock with the fact that I have no clue how to code...which is a big problem. So basically, I'm lookin' for some people or even just one person that wants to help me out with the project. If anyone's interested either drop a comment or you can add me on Discord @Basic Fool#6700. Here's a few screenshots / assets from the game for those interested.

    Processing gif vealb5o8rnt21...

    Processing gif n6fu1j39rnt21...

    Processing gif yjxoxtvesnt21...


    I'm not just looking for programmers though, I would also like to just have some people to work on the more creative side with me. Anything helps :^)

    submitted by /u/BasicFoob
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    Optimum long-term indie game dev skill acquisition plan

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    I am planning on dedicating the next fifteen years of my life to intensive, full-time independent study of game dev skills through the use of online resources. If my time is spent efficiently, I should have about 50,000 hours of work behind me by the end of it.

    My end goal is to emerge with all of the necessary fundamental skills under my belt to flourish in the modern indie game industry, capable of independently producing several popular indie game titles. My specific plans for the future may change, of course; I may decide to work in a game company instead of going solo. That said, I would like to have all the skills necessary to create entire games (that sell). This would include things like music production, art, and game mechanics.

    It is said that a human can master any skill with 10,000 hours of active practice. This is, of course, quite arbitrary and dependent on many different factors, but can provide a general idea of how much I could get done in 15 years; If I have about 50,000 hours, I could theoretically "master" five skills.

    What skills would be the best for an indie developer to have? Assume that I have no specific talents (such as drawing skills), so everything would need to be learned from scratch.

    For example, would it even be worth my time to learn how to draw well? Would 3d modeling be the better choice for the future game industry? Should I learn the ins and outs of a specific game engine, such as Unity, or should I focus on more fundamental aspects of game mechanics, such as general programming/software design?

    The purpose of this question is to find an optimum, well-balanced skill set for solo indie video game development with a constraint of about five individual skills.

    submitted by /u/jfh7j
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    Trouble with Rule Tiles (2D Game)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    I'm trying to make a 2D action game in Unity with a visual style inspired by Bangai-O HD. Since the terrain tiles are omni-directional and have outlines, the basic terrain requires a tileset of 51 sprites. In other words, even with Unity's Tilemap feature, building levels is a nightmare. I was happy to discover Rule Tiles, but they don't work. All the tiles are the default sprite and I can't figure out why.

    What other engine/framework has a feature like Rule Tiles?

    submitted by /u/Zerarch77
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    Help needed

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Hi, i use blender and substance to create assets. I'm planning to use unreal to develop a gta themed open world game. I have a couple of questions on my mind.

    1. I recently came across procedural generation and wanted to know the scope of using it. Can i use procedural generation to build houses, trees and human assets? How complex would it be? What is the right approach?

    2. How do i get money for developing my game? How do i get ppl to crowdfund for my game? Do i create part of the game on unreal and put it up in marketplace? How would i get funds to hire some artists and developers for my game?

    submitted by /u/Sandeep184392
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    Dance Party 3D

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Friends greet you!

    We could not spend a few minutes on me, I know that your time is very valuable, but your opinion can change everything.

    The first version of Danes Party 3D was released not long ago. The main goal is to create a unique, high-quality product that everyone can enjoy.

    I want you to see the trailer of the game and write down all the thoughts that came to your mind - this can change everything!

    Watch Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLXh7-Y2A3s

    submitted by /u/DancePa
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    My Indie Game Project is on Youtube!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone! My name is Eric and I have decided to start a youtube channel a few weeks ago. I am showing the progress of my project in a few videos a week and I'd love to share it with more people! If you're interested, please check is out and if you like it, subscribe! If you don't it's totally fine.

    Please, leave me suggestions :D


    submitted by /u/stiile
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    Can I use "Winners Don't Use Drugs" in a commercial product?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    I'm currently working on a SHMUP and I'd like to have the Winners Don't Use Drugs screen in it, but I'm planning on selling the game. So I was wondering what the legalities of that are, and if I should just make a parody screen instead to be safe.

    submitted by /u/RetrocadeMedia
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    A nice series of images showing how games grow

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 02:56 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I've recently just released Into Outer Bass (a rhythm-based, space-arcade game) to the play store. During the development cycle I tried my best to take historical screenshots to show how games grow. Check it out :)

    Initial prototype

    Opengameart spaceship for prototype

    Added soundbars

    Original shield was just some stars

    Still figuring out gameplay

    My fancy-pants soundcloud searcher

    Trying to make a retro menu

    Attempt at a home screen (deprecated)

    Semi-final gameplay

    Menu rebuild

    Final menu design

    submitted by /u/Herman_Martinus
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    Thinking of starting a YouTube Channel for Game Dev

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Thinking of starting a YouTube Channel for Game Dev altho there are already some amazing and creative developers and designers around feel like the community needs to grow more and more people are curious about learning new stuff so I said why not share my experience in game development throughout the years
    What is your opinions about this?

    submitted by /u/wassimhaddar
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    Are gamedev related studies worth it?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    I'm 17 years old and have wanted to make games all my life (released my first game last December) and I'm coming to a point where I need to find a place to study. ​

    There are lots of options in my country, but I've seen some pretty discouraging comments here on Reddit about how the industry itself is horrible and how a bachelor's degree in game design is not worth it. For context, I'm an artist with very little knowledge of programming. Should I study programming or stick to the things I'm more passionate about, or should I avoid every degree with the word "game" in it?

    ​ What did you study and how did it work out for you?

    submitted by /u/AXLplosion
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