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    Beginner Questions - April 12, 2019 web developers

    Beginner Questions - April 12, 2019 web developers

    Beginner Questions - April 12, 2019

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    If you're new to web development and would like to ask experienced and professional web developers a question, please post below.


    • Remember, that questions that have context and are clear and specific generally are answered while broad, sweeping questions are generally ignored.

    • Be polite and consider upvoting helpful responses.

    • If you can answer questions, take a few minutes to help others out as you ask others to help you.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What's the most recent thing you've learned about web developement?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Inspired by a post on /r/csharp. What is the last thing you've learned about any facet of web development? Simple or complex!

    Edit: rip my inbox.

    submitted by /u/Math-Code-Love
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    Front-end Developer Handbook 2019

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    WordPress alternatives for simple cms pages in 2019

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    I do a lot of freelance work next to my fulltime gig. Sometimes they want a fancy new app or a portal, but most often they want a simple site where they can change some stuff themselves.

    I use Vue for most of my projects nowadays but for those small simple sites I often return to WordPress. Mostly because I can whip one out in a weekend and the customer often knows it a bit already. But ofcourse it feels like absolute overkill and keeping the site fast can be a struggle.

    My question is, are there good alternatives yet? I did some research and what seems to be the biggest problem with things like Hugo + netlify cms and netlify hosting is that you lose a good bit of customisation options for the client. Adding blog posts and content is easy, but adding pages including to the navbar is more of a challenge. Also I don't want to build everything up from scratch every time. Making menu transitions gets old. Since the page should be developed in a weekend.


    If you gotta build a simple site, as fast as possible, for a small business but want to keep the option of adding pages by the customer through a simple cms, is there anything that beats WordPress? (Vue preferred).

    submitted by /u/beaterx
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    Job offer worth learning php?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    A company that looks to be pretty cool (young people, portfolio of some cool international customers, nice relaxed people I met during interview) is offering me a job. It is for a front-end position but they want to turn me into a full stack developer with php as the backend language. Their entire backend is based on php and they will educate me in it.

    I am self learned (no IT related degree) and my stack includes mostly front-end languages and python. I am currently employed as a full time front-end dev in a pretty cool company with the only downside that I am way underpaid.

    Now the reason I am asking this is because I am quite aware of the declining opinions of php. In my current company it is thought of as an ancient language that should be avoided at all costs.


    Am I screwing over my career and development progression by switching to a job where I will be mostly working with php?


    Thanks all, the positive notes about php is really comforting to hear!

    submitted by /u/beaterx
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    Dashboard for DIY lawn care

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    I'm in the infant stage of building a dashboard for DIY lawn care individuals. As a fellow DIY lawn care guy I felt that there was nothing out there that really left me keep track of when I applied something to my lawn and how much.

    Has anyone made a dashboard style website that could then be turned into a PWA?

    Any info regarding this would be awesome. Also if you think of anything that would be cool to accommodate this that's cool too.

    Thanks - happy coding

    submitted by /u/TECKSPEED
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    I think my university professor stole my app

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, my name is Hassan Saleh and I'm a freelance full stack web developer.

    I'm still at university, and it's my last year. Spring semester started at 27, February this year, and throughout this semester I have to work on my senior project.

    During the first class, we met our professor, and he said that each one of us should submit a proposal letter explaining the senior project he/she will be working on.

    After five days of research and planning on paper, I sent my professor an email including my proposal for the project. The project includes a mobile application, web application, web admin console, and the web server. The email was sent at 5, March.

    My proposal clearly stated the name of the app, the problem it solves, all it's use cases, and the technologies I'm going to use to build it (All of these he required to be included in the proposal).

    Till now I have been working really hard to create the app because I see it's potential to become a startup and make money. It really solves a big problem in my country.

    Earlier today, I was surfing Instagram and came across an Ad for an app with a name that is very close to my app's name (It's like changing "Your Business" to "My Business").

    I clicked the Ad and it took me to its Facebook page which was created in 11, March right after I submitted my proposal. It has the same purpose as my app, and they even used a statistic that I included in the problem statement of my proposal as a Facebook post.

    I even found the app in the app store and play store for preorders and they state that they have a beta version you can join now.

    I don't know what to do. What would you do if you were me?

    From what you have read, do I have enough evidence that my professor has stolen my app?

    Should I talk to him, or to the university?

    Edit: As I mentioned in the comments, he has no access to my code. But he already has everything he needs from the proposal (the idea, tech stack, and all possible use cases of the app).

    submitted by /u/hassansaleh31
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    [Showoff Saturday] Would love some feedback for my dev portfolio

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    Hi people, this is the third iteration of my portfolio rebuilding process. I would be very appreciated if you spend 2 minutes to help me testing my website.

    Choose 1 of 3 usability testing links below that suitable with your preferences:

    Desktop: https://t.maze.design/3185702

    iOs: https://t.maze.design/3182170

    Android: https://t.maze.design/3185724

    Thank you in advance. Have an awesome weekend!

    submitted by /u/AltruisticRecover5
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    Flask or Django for restful services?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    Does anyone have personal experience, and can shed some light on using flask or django for building out rest APIs with python? From my research, it seems like Django would be better for a monolithic approach, and flask is better for a microservice layout. But, I am not sure. My background is in Java and building restful services with spring, but I am looking to try out some other languages for fun. Thanks

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    ACTA 2.0, aka Article 13 for website owners in EU

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a webdeveloper doing some work for someone. I'm also working on a app of my own. Both of these sites are going to have some user inputed content, right now I'm kinda worried that (not so) recent passing of the new Copyright Laws are going to make that difficult.

    First website, the one for the client, is going to have a reviews page, where users should be able to write reviews. Should this be monitored, content manually accepted (by me, for example)? Should I block all the links users post?

    My own app is going to be more complex, although there won't be any permanent database with the stuff users wrote, there will be rooms with chat. Should these chats be also monitored?

    I literally got no idea how this stuff will work, everything about it is so unprecised it's annoying.
    Is there anything I should be concered about or can I just put both these websites online and I'll be fine?


    submitted by /u/Suchy2307
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    React or Angular?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Which is a better to learn? I have not dove into either and I am wondering which has more big time companies looking for developers and using the technology. Please let me know which you think is better, and why?

    submitted by /u/oompahlumpa
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    With how fast the industry is supposedly moving, is it a bad idea to learn a framework through a textbook?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    I always seem to learn best through textbook rather than videos and was thinking of picking up a textbook that teaches React. I feel like most people learn front end through classes/online videos. Anyone here learned a framework through textbooks? Is it a good idea given that textbooks get dated quickly?

    submitted by /u/REorganize009
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    [Showoff Saturday] A collaborative story webapp

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Is WebDev a good career field for those who hate design?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Im delving into the Odin Project as a possible career change into web development as I found the challenge of building interactive websites appropriate for my career goals.

    I'm currently trying to learn as much of HTML/CSS as I can and I feel as though there is a lot of focus on pixels, centering, fonts, and borders and how they look. If this is not something I'm really interested in, is web development a good career field to get into? Is this the bulk of what developers do? I was more looking forward to handling large data, interactive forms, and solving problems in an online medium.

    My end goal would be to be a freelance developer or temp/part time for a corporation.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/RVAff
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    "Navigating to an external site" Help

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    I am trying to put ads on my website. When I click the ads it opens a new tab and shows my website with a notification that says "Navigating to an external site" with a countdown. How can I make it open the site instantly in a new tab?


    submitted by /u/opencircles
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    How to make a POST request a blob url back to server ?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    I have .wav audio blob with a url like blob:localhost:3000/*. How do I make a post request to "/upload" express route ?

    Backend is on node.js

    submitted by /u/wrongtake
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    How do you, or your agency, manage customer intake and kick-off meetings?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Does the person who sold them call the new client directly? Do you have intake/kick-off forms or email templates that you send to them, and how do you accept payments? I'm trying to introspect and improve upon our current business process flow.

    I would like to offer a form for a client to fill out for kick-off, intake & payment before letting them pick a date and time to schedule their call. We can then use this information to create an ideal website for them with their information already inserted into the new website.

    Second: How do you manage your database of customers so you can send them outage alerts, domain expiration notices, etc.?

    submitted by /u/DrazzleFrip
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    Lawyer for legal advice

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:14 AM PDT

    Not sure if this goes here, but I'm wondering, how much does it typically cost for a lawyer to look over a website's TOS and privacy policy?

    And what kind of lawyers would I look for to do that?

    submitted by /u/eggtart_prince
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    Sorting listings based on both average rating and amount of reviews

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:50 AM PDT


    I'm playing around with some algorithms and would love your take on this as well. I'm using mongodb, but that doesn't really matter.

    I want to sort listings. All listings have reviews; so I have an average rating and a reviews amount for each listing. Obviously I don't want to just sort on average rating; if I do that a listing with only 1 review (averaging 10/10) will outrank a listing with 500 reviews (averaging 9,5/10).

    How would you guys approach this?

    submitted by /u/youlikepete
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    Web Dev Portfolio

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I have a question about portfolios and the best way to make them. Im going into my 4th year of college for web dev and my professors never had us make one so it never came to my mind to make one since I believed it should have been filled with my best most extensive work. Now I want to make one so I can start to apply for positions early. Should I include even little websites i made just in class? All my stuff i've created has been in class so I do not have the biggest collection of work but i have 3 full websites and tons of tiny bits on certain topics. Also where would I put my work for the employer to see? Github?

    submitted by /u/Hockeylockerpock
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    website installed "resource tools" on safari

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    so... I'm a network engineer but I don't mess with web stuff for the most part. I'm at a customer site and they have a guy from one of the vendors that they work with here as well. while meeting with the staff he went to their website on his mac and clicked on the links they were discussing, and then apparently a message came up saying "resource tools installed, click ok to configure". he freaked and closed the browser and refuses to go back and show me. I suspect this has something to do with the dynamic image shown on the page he was going to... but I don't know... I also don't have a mac to be able to try it and observe myself, and of course nothing happens out of the ordinary when I go there with chrome or edge, or even safari on my iPhone.

    can anyone tell me if this is an actual concern or is it something benign like I suspect?

    submitted by /u/cymrich
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    Deploying app (Digital Ocean vs Heroku)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Okey! So I'm finally done with my Django app and now it's time for deployment. But little did I know that the hosting services of such project can be very different (IaaS, PaaS), with each service having it's own pros and cons. And here I am asking you nice people to help me decide which way should I take. To better understand where I'm coming from, you need to know few things about my project:

    • let's just get this first out of the way, the budget is very limited since it's a startup project (doesn't mean it's less important).
    • It's going to be used by the people of my country only (limited traffic).
    • it' DB is going to be accessed by my bots and APIs (these softwares and scripts will be located outside the server).
    • it needs to be SECURE, and that's the biggest problem that I'm having.

    Yes, security is the biggest issue of any web dev, because when it comes to IaaS (Digital Ocean, Linode...ect) the cost is going to be light but the security is on YOU. On the other hand PaaS (Heroku...ect) are going to take that weight off your shoulders but for a cost that might escalate very quickly.

    P.S: If it's possible, I can start with Digital Ocean then move to Heroku whenever the budget become bigger.

    So that makes me ask the question, should I choose IaaS (such as: Digital Ocean) or should I choose PaaS (such as: Heroku) to host my Django application?

    submitted by /u/Bali_Merouane
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    Web Content Editor a good foot in the door?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Hi guys, so for a long time now I've been self learning html, css, JS etc in the hoping that one day I can leave my current boring unrelated job an become a web developer. I've had lots of interviews for junior positions but that's about it, I always just seemed to lack the experience they wanted, even with my portfolio there was always someone a bit better. I got an interview for a web content editor for a ecommerce business that seem to have a good reputation and they are just down the road from me! And the money isn't too bad either. I seemed to have everything they are asking for, I was just wondering is this a good move and a good foot in the door, will it help me move into web design do you think? Or provide a good career choice on it's own? Thanks again guys.

    submitted by /u/anakist101
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    Help on Google Analytics and tracking a redirect

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Hi, need a little guidance please. I have a wordpress site with Google Analytics hooked up and functional. I'm going to make some social media posts and send some emails campaigns. I would like to be able to track how many visitors come to my site from social media and email separately. Both links will end up on the main page. What is the best way to handle this?

    Thank you for any help

    submitted by /u/Locke_n_Explode
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