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    Monday, March 4, 2019

    Networks-on-Chip : separable allocator VS wavefront allocator Computer Science

    Networks-on-Chip : separable allocator VS wavefront allocator Computer Science

    Networks-on-Chip : separable allocator VS wavefront allocator

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:13 PM PST

    How is separable allocator different from wavefront allocator ?

    See page 86 and 87 of On-Chip Networks, Second Edition Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture



    submitted by /u/promach
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    Lambda Calc: Free vs Bound Variable

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:50 AM PST

    So I understand in this expression:


    that x and y are bound and that u is a free variable.

    However, what if you have an expression like this


    I can tell that u and v are bound in the first expression, but in the second expression u is a free variable.

    So if the question is to determine the free variables and bound variables would the answer be:

    Bound: u,v,x Free: u 

    EDIT: or would I be expected to alpha rename u in the first expression to something else so I could distinguish between them?

    submitted by /u/rawmeniscus
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    What happened to functional programming?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:18 AM PST

    Hi, I'm a first year CS undergrad at a not-so-great state university. Before anything, I have to say that I'm not fully aware of how other universities teach programming, so this topic may not pertain to other schools. My school focuses primarily on object oriented programming with Java, and it's completely reasonable because it's used a lot in many companies. Personally, I feel that FP (Haskell in particular) is much more intuitive and easier to understand, and it could be a good fit for learning data structures and algorithms. I thought I was the only one who felt this way, until I came across this letter on the haskell subreddit. Apparently, the university of Texas sided with Java at the end. Now that FP concepts are in almost every other language, why are they not taught in school?

    submitted by /u/arian271
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    How can I get ahead of my class?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:42 AM PST

    I study CS in college. My grades are good and I handle programming problems well, but I do want to have an edge when it comes to that. I want to get my knowledge to the point where I can go and apply myself for a job as quickly as possible.. I am mostly interested in algorithm development.. What is best, safest(and free) way to boost my knowledge and experience?

    submitted by /u/justHumaneHuman
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    Question: "Hueristical", "Hueridical" Or Something

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:34 AM PST

    I want to describe human language in terms of Hueristics. I don't want to really debate the idea. I want to know what word to use if I were to utter the phrase, "Words are <BLANK> devices". Where the blank would be a derivative of the word Hueristic. Would it be "Hueristical?" "Hueridical?"

    submitted by /u/KrimsonDawn
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    Python Collaborative Filtering on Android

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:06 PM PST

    My final year project involves implementing a Recommender System in an Android Application. Currently, I have the App set up and a series of RecSys implemented in Python.

    My project uses the MovieLens database however I need a server where I can store the trained model and interact with the Android Application via HTTP requests to obtain predictions.

    Does anyone have any tutorials/software recommendations for me to do this task, since I am not sure how I would be able to go about this

    submitted by /u/arjybarji
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    Request Review for Work Paper Result P = NP

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:09 PM PST

    P versus NP is considered as one of the most important open problems in computer science. This consists in knowing the answer of the following question: Is P equal to NP? A precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced independently by Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin. Since that date, all efforts to find a proof for this problem have failed. Another major complexity class is coNP. Whether NP = coNP is another fundamental question that it is as important as it is unresolved. In 1979, Fortune showed that if any sparse language is coNP-complete, then P = NP. We prove there is a possible sparse language in coNP-complete. In this way, we demonstrate the complexity class P is equal to NP.


    submitted by /u/frankvegadelgado
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    What is the simplest way to find my inputs ?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:16 AM PST

    I have a set of variables x, y, z and expressions built on those variables:

    ( x < 1 ) && (y == "hello") || (x != z) && functionA(x) == true

    How do I go about finding a values of x y and z ?

    I have gone down the rabbit hole of CSP and Symbolic execution...very interesting stuff -up till the wee hours.

    However, I need this done yesterday. There seem to be several general solutions approaches to my problem that require different software bits. Can this be done trivially say in a language like C, or Java ?

    My requirement is not going to get anymore complicated that for the moment.

    What possible approaches can I take ? and toolkits libraries available ?

    if you can point me to some that can be implemented in a straightforward way that would help.

    Asking for help from all you compsci gurus out there. If you can direct me to some mind map or concept maps for these concepts and related ones, I can go off and research more for later. Also book suggestions.

    submitted by /u/anewdogpanicneedhelp
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    A Friendly Guide to Big O

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:30 AM PST

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