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    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    First dev job at Digital Agency 1 year in, ruined my passion for web dev web developers

    First dev job at Digital Agency 1 year in, ruined my passion for web dev web developers

    First dev job at Digital Agency 1 year in, ruined my passion for web dev

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:57 AM PST

    This might be a long post, I will try to keep it concise as possible, but this post has been a while coming.

    But at this job almost a year now, digital marketing agency. My day to day job consists of doing html emails, and sometimes when we get the work, landing pages and some very minimal back end. Capturing user data using php/whsky framework.

    I am a completely self taught developer, studied using freecodecamp and landing this job after finishing the curriculum. I honest feel, that a year later I know LESS JS now then I did then. Granted I have gained some skills working here. Such as git, php, webpack, gulp, linux, deployments, photoshop etc. But the problem is, I get paid shit and it is seriously putting me off a career in web development. I do not get time to train in work anymore, learn some more things (React/node is what I really want to train in) and after getting home after a 11 hour day (including commuting though) I just don't want to sit in front of the computer and learn anything. Think I am burning out. And it has completely ruined my passion for coding. While learning and towards getting the job I fell in love with web development. Past few months I managed to muster the strength to get my portfolio up and running jedesign.xyz but it's just painful where I am. I am so wasted here. HTML emails suck, After almost a year I am done with them. But the ONLY other projects we get are always super last minute rush jobs.

    I don't know where to go from here. The ultimate goal for me was to work from home - freelance, contracting, making some nice sites. But it's all come a grinding halt. I need this job, although the pay is shit. I honestly feel that in terms of programming, I know less NOW than I did before I started. The last bit of JS I did was input validation on the front-end.

    We have a small team, One senior dev. Only uses PHP and Whsky, and 2 front-ends, me (1 year) and a new to industry, we are both constantly stacked with emails. The other guy has not even ever done a landing page. Problem is I am not learning enough to go somewhere else, or thats what I think anyway. And in order to leave for a better job I need to do more, work on better projects etc. But 9 hours constant HTML emails are just killing my soul. This is not what I wanted, this is not what I expected.

    I did tons of stuff on php, got promoted from Junior front to Junior Full stack, ZERO payrise for this. So why bother.... When I first started here I took up courses and I don't have the juice anymore. Did Colt-Steels bootcamp, and his advanced one, did linux course on Linkedin and some php ones, literally got me nowhere. I will get home now, sit and stare at my screen for about 30 minutes, and end up chilling playing counter strike or something.

    I need help/advice here and where to go moving forward. I am not happy where I am, my skills (although not massive, but good enough) are not being utilised, even after working hard to be promoted full stack (NO payrise). Long days doing HTML emails kills my passion.

    **edit - Wow thanks, for all the responses I really do appreciate it. I love this sub.

    submitted by /u/Jamiemufu
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    Weekly Coding Challenges for Developers

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:21 PM PST

    I've started a Weekly Coding Challenge program for beginner Developers (but not only) which aims to help them learn, practice and/or improve their development skills by building all sort of projects and small-sized applications.

    The "twist" is that I'm also joining the Challenge and I'll write every week a blog post about how I created my own submission to the Challenge and the participants can read it and learn something new.

    The first theme is: "Sign in/up form" - if you are interested you can read more about it here

    Any ideas about this project? Feedback is welcomed! ☺️

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FlorinPop17
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    Great Scott! Timing Attack Demo for the Everyday Webdev

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:03 AM PST

    W3C approves WebAuthn as the web standard for password-free logins

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:29 PM PST

    Is there a complete guide on SEO for developers?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:53 AM PST

    The magic letters "SEO", every client wants to know about it and wants it to be perfect, I'm wondering, is there a set of rules, guidelines? A huge list of tasks to do so it's all perfect? And how can I validate if the SEO is working for a project?

    Looking forward to opening the discussion here!

    submitted by /u/vospit
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    Seeking your feedback for a new idea I'm working on.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Hello, WebDev community!

    We all know that feeling of being "in the zone". Those moments when you feel unstoppable and nothing else matters. I've been a developer for 10 years now, and I found that in the last couple of years, getting in the zone is becoming harder while snapping out of it is more than easy.

    I tried to pinpoint on what might be the reason and discovered that often time, my focus is shifted away from the code because I need to do many different little things like:

    1. Looking for simple code snippets:

    Open chrome -> Google "JS Random number" (I never seem to remember the syntax) -> click the first stack overflow result -> copy the first answer -> look around me and make sure no one saw what I did because I feel embarrassed.

    2. Waiting for things to happen (like npm install):

    Open chrome -> Go to Reddit/Hacker news -> Go back to the code after 20 minutes and forgetting what I was doing.

    3. Spell check (I'm the typo king):

    Open chrome -> type the word in the search bar -> Copy the suggested result.

    4. Working with Regex:

    Open chrome -> go to https://rubular.com -> spend my time there -> copy the result to the code.

    5. Made something cool that I want to share with the world:

    Open chrome -> Go to twitter -> Scroll twitter for a half hour -> going back to the code without tweeting anything because I got distracted.

    6. Finding a color hex:

    Open the Mac's "Digital Color Meter" -> Get the approximate color in RGB -> open chrome -> google "Rgb to hex" -> use a random site while seeing many ads.

    7. Looking for music on Youtube:

    open chrome ...I actually solved that one already when I built Headset 🙂

    8. Calculating timezones:

    Don't even get me started...

    There's more but I'll stop here.

    I'm thinking of building this little tool that lives in your menu bar and helps you automate all that stuff with a few keystrokes and without the need to open the browser. For example: for Stackoverflow - you type your query, the tool find the most upvoted answer and copy the code to the clipboard. If it fails to find it, then it will open up Stackoverflow search results as a fallback.

    I think something like that will be super useful for me, but...

    • A. Am I crazy or does anyone else have similar productivity issues like these?
    • B. If (A), do you think a tool like this (with the right UX) can help?
    • C. If (A && B) what else you think can be done with this to make your coding time more productive?

    Thanks so much for your feedback! Have a wonderful day.

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/raabHim
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    What happens as language dies?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:38 AM PST

    Like if you're a JavaScript developer and do it for the next 5 years, then all of a sudden a new language gets released that is the new most popular, putting JavaScript down the list of popularity. Is it commom for developers to learn that new language and be able to keep their level in the job field? Like a senior web dev, can keep a senior web dev job if they keep up to date with the new language ? Is there a place to see what languages are most popular/best to keep up with and learn?

    Odd question i know, but I always wondered what happens with these situations?

    submitted by /u/Jayboii478
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    Want to move from AWS to another VPS Cloud

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Hello guys


    I have currently the ec2 T2.Medium and I want to move away because I need more ressources and it's not cheap on AWS.

    My app is built with LEMP + Elasticsearch. With 10 000 daily uniques visitors, I need 100% uptime (99%)

    It looks like these providers are the cheapest:

    - scaleway.com

    - hetzner.com/cloud

    But I don't know who they are, are they safe? What is your opinion?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/master-i
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    The Console Log: A Weekly Podcast about the Latest in Web Dev News

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Mitigating Gatekeeping and Impostor Syndrome with Emotional Intelligence

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Is it a good idea to read these books early in the life of the developer?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I've just been spending my time looking over books to read in the future. But some of them caught my attention: "Hello Startup" and "Web Scalability for Startup Engineers".

    And I wanted to read them after I finished my background on the front end (I'm still missing a bit more of JS, I'm in the middle of Brad Traversy's JS course at Udemy, and after him I'll practice a little Vanilla JS and then learning React using some Udemy course or some book) and before trying to delve into the back end, I can currently do the most common things on the back end just by searching (python and django) because I have a lot of familiarity and the Django documentation + Stackoverflow is the best thing in the world.

    I also plan to read the book "Grokking Algorithms" after the books mentioned, and only after that will I delve into the backend.

    Do you think this is a good idea to get your first job? I think it will take me 5 months to finish these content (and also Fluent Python).

    For the reviews of the books seem to be highly recommended for anyone in the area (I am referring to the books in focus of the post, which are the first two mentioned at the beginning of the post) and seems to open a little the mind, mainly because I have no experience in environment corporate, and if there is anything that could yield some money, I'll just go ahead alone at the beginning.

    Note: I do not know how much SQL is used in corporate environments, I know how SQL works, but I have forgotten a lot of its commands, and since I do all things through Django's ORM, I practically only use SQL / Postgres in time of installation, creation of database and roles etc.

    I also intend to practice at least 1 week on Vanilla JS and at least 2 weeks on React.

    My goal is to know front sufficient for most common jobs, so my focus is backend, and also because I'm indecisive (or seed wanting to know multiple areas?) About the backend, because I feel like learning about Web Scraping, Chatbots, some algorithms ... Anyway, thanks to those who read the long text.

    submitted by /u/marcosr00t
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    Does it make sense to program a wordpress plugin as an web dev?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Questions above, I wonder if it makes sense since learning js and all the coding related stuff may make it somewhat easy to dev a Wordpress plugin.

    I don't know much how that works but I've been a googling a bit and read something about php, I almost had to puke

    submitted by /u/ImStifler
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    how to do responsive design nowadays?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Was just curious if responsive design is still done with media queries or if there's a "better" way to do it. I didn't really enjoy the media queries way and wanted to know if there were other alternatives since i haven't had to do responsive design in a while. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/imilkmyunicorns
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    Artist considering e-commerce platforms and print-on-demand plug-ins

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this!

    I am an artist who's been using Weebly for 10 years for a basic website. I am thinking about switching over to Wordpress eventually for customization, professionalism & longevity. In the mean time, I want to set up a e-commerce platform that will work for both Weebly and Wordpress, so when I make the switch I don't have to redo my store. I'm considering Shopify for my inventory items, and to centralize my print-on-demand integration from Printful or Printify, Red Bubble (household items) and potentially Creative Hub (for more fine art quality prints). I know that is a lot, but I'm looking for highest quality of items, and having a handful of free print-on-demand accounts gives me flexibility and more ways to show up on the internet. Plus they are free and give me more time to paint instead of worrying about inventory.

    I guess I am just looking for information or suggestions. Does this sound like a good idea? I've been researching a lot and this is the conclusion I've come to. I'm open to ideas and suggestions. I could stay with Weebly, but I'm not afraid to eventually make the switch to Wordpress for more customization. And Weebly's e-commerce seems basic while I want the best of the best moving forward as a fine artist.


    submitted by /u/jrwillis08
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    Do I have to use Linux as Webdev?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PST

    i never liked way of installing drivers on linux.

    i know node supports windows, but i noticed a lot of packages on github were written in linux way (for example / instead of \ etc), and dont build on windows.

    I need to use them and learn from them, so i installed linux fedora workstation in my vmware, and now will have to use 2 OS.

    submitted by /u/justnicepersonhater
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    Website prevents right click and use of console, despite blocked JS - How do they do that?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:07 AM PST

    I was looking for a game and one of the results was this shady site. It has an annoying "Enable Javascript" overlay that covers the site's content. I didn't enable JS in uMatrix and tried to block/remove the overlay with uBlock instead.

    To my surprise, right click on the page did nothing. Even more surprising: I can't open the browser console on this page by pressing F12. Ctrl+Shift+k works though.

    (I managed to remove the overlay with the element picker from the uBlock menu.)

    How can they disable right click and the console key when they can't run any scripts?

    Browser: Firefox 65.0.1 on Debian.

    submitted by /u/Hans_Meiser_Koeln
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    Should I do away with showing flash to prospective clients?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PST

    A web design professional told me I should no longer show my old flash work on job interviews or to prospective clients. Do you agree? If so, what should I be replacing my old flash work with? I know this latter part of this question is open ended. I figure I would ask anyway.

    submitted by /u/onemorepersonasking
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    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:10 PM PST

    I'm in the process of creating a new website, because of this a lot of our links are changing. But i can't seem to figure this out

    using the .htaccess I want to redirect




    I can't quite get this to work. Here's a few things i've tried. I'm not very good with RegEx. Any feedback is welcomed

    RewiteEngine On

    RewriteCond ^category/

    RewriteRule ^(?<=\/)([^\/]*)(?=(-\d++)?\.\w*$) https://anotherwebsite.com/search?search_term=$1[L,R]

    RewiteEngine On

    RewriteRule ^category/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/(?<=\/)([^\/]*)(?=(-\d++)?\.\w*$)?$ https://anotherwebsite.com/search?search_term=$4[L,R]

    submitted by /u/ktuch3479
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    I'm having trouble with CSS styling in regards to DOM manipulation

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:51 PM PST

    One project I've been working on is to recreate this bit from the old "Windows RG" flash game.

    So I have the following JS code:

    setTimeout(createAlert, 1000); const TRACKING_COUNTER = 10; function createAlert() { for(let i = 0; i < TRACKING_COUNTER; ++i) { // Create the requisite warning box. const ALERT_BOX = document.createElement('div'); ALERT_BOX.textContent = "Windows has encountered an error and must close."; // Inserting the warning box. const parent = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const firstChild = parent.childNodes[0]; parent.insertBefore(ALERT_BOX, firstChild); }; }; 

    And the following CSS:

    div { width: 240px; height: 120px; margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 2px; outline-style: solid; outline-color: #000; outline-width: 1px; background: white; text-align: center; } 

    (I'm not including the HTML since it's just the standard boilerplate with the script and style tags pointing to the requisite files.) The result I got is this: https://i.imgur.com/6iS3sa2.png

    So it seems that all the style attributes are being applied properly, but I don't know how to offset them like the windows in the flash game. Is there some way to ensure each subsequent div is offset a certain amount from the div before it?

    Edit: /u/CreativeTechGuyGames post is pointing me in the right direction: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/axq1tj/im_having_trouble_with_css_styling_in_regards_to/ehv9age/

    But it seems I still have some ways to go in order to do something like this "properly". So a full solution from me won't be available for a while.

    submitted by /u/Iminglelamonglu
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    Is it possible to transition over from a graphic design background?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Best application to solve my problem

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:32 PM PST

    Hi /r/Webdev,

    I'm looking for a way to filter and sort RV inventory. I want to filter my RVs by weight, length, etc as well as attributes on each individual RV (outdoor kitchen, back up camera, etc) at the same time. I am looking for the most user-friendly way to accomplish this. I've tried Microsoft Access which has a huge learning curve, WooCommerce which works ok but I feel there is a better way to accomplish what I need.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I will be very grateful :)

    Edit: I also need this to have a user friendly interface as much older salespeople than myself will be using it.

    submitted by /u/himynamesaustin
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    How is this beutiful spa works without xhr requests for data?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:45 AM PST

    Static Optimum IP appears to be getting blocked by Softlayer where we have our dedicated web server.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:29 AM PST

    I am the IT guy who does contract work for a small business. They have a dedicated web server for their website that is hosted by Softlayer. They have this issue where when they attempt to make changes to the site suddenly it appears their static internet IP appears to becomes completely blocked from accessing their domain entirely, both front end and back end.

    From what they tell me it comes back but on average it take 1.5 hours. But as soon as they attempt to upload changes again they again get blocked. They access their website to make the site changes as far as product listing updates are concerned within something called Magneto rather than thru regular CPanel. Of course once they blocked they loose access to Magneto along with everything else related to that domain name.

    I have gone into the WHM and whitelisted the company IP in the CpHulk Brute Force Protection, which was the only place in the WHM I was able to find a whitelist. Also set their IP to Allow in the access list in the Host Access Protection section.

    I am not sure what else could be causing it. Hoping someone here can shed some light on the problem.

    Thanks in advance,


    submitted by /u/amn70
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    I'm lost as to the best way to store static data for my app (database?)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:31 AM PST

    I've been self learning code for a bit now and so far I've been able to sift through stack exchange threads and youtube tutorials and figure everything out that I want to know eventually. Databases though.....I just can't "get" it I feel like. I'm making a react web application that will make suggestions for users based on some selections for a product. I just want to find the best way to store this product information. After sort of sketching out all of the fields I want, I realized that a relational database seems to fit the bill best, since I want to include some compatibility relationships between different products. (So a few tables, one main one and then one or two to handle the compatibility information I think).

    That's where I'm stuck. I've looked into a ton of videos about sql, sqlite, postgresql, etc.... and I just haven't gotten that light bulb yet. Pretty much every tutorial has the database installed locally, which is great for testing but the statements for interacting with the database aren't my issue. I just don't know where to "put" it. Maybe that's a stupid question, but I really need help as I feel like I'm missing some fundamental part of databases in general. Does the database live where the app is hosted? If I'm hosting a react app on netlify, where does the database go? Do I need something like firebase to have a database that users can interact with through my app from anywhere? My database only requires "read-privileges" from the app's standpoint. The data about the products is something I'll collect manually and enter myself so that simplifies things I think?

    Again, I'm sorry if this is a newbie question. Up until this point, I've been pretty confident in learning new things related to coding and development, I just feel like I'm running in circles on this one.

    submitted by /u/sheymyster
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    Which jobs would be the best with these skills

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Very comfortable with: - html/css/js - pug/jade - sass/scss - jquery - photoshop - adobe xd - ui/ux and design (dribbble-like quality) - designing and developing responsive front-ends

    Intermediate/in process of learning: - either angular/vue/react

    I also have 1-2 yrs design & frontend remote work experience.

    Is it possible to get hired for jobs in nyc at 18yrs old? As a frontend developer? ui/ux? I love working remote but I dream about waking up, going to the office, coding, going to meetings, working with others, etc. It sounds like an awesome job getting paid to do what I love.

    submitted by /u/Zautra
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