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    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    Factorio running their automated test process

    Factorio running their automated test process

    Factorio running their automated test process

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    Modular Engine Folder Structure

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Not too long ago, I finally finished my pet rendering engine (a personal milestone - most home projects never make it past day three). Stepping back from it, I realize that it does what I want it do to, but only what I want it to do - no flexibility, no experimentation, just the same 4 spheres and one plane. Having recently found the our machinery blog (a group of talented individuals working on a project similar to mine), I found a lot of inspiration on how I would like to carry the project forward.

    I especially took interest in these two posts, which detailed Our Machinery's way of constructing an engine out of modular, independent parts which can be re-assembled any which way to create entirely new projects and experiences. As a game developer, this level of loose coupling sounds sexy, and I excitedly jumped right in and tried implementing a system of my own.

    O game developers of Reddit, how I come to you in my time of despair. Having spent three whole days of my precious spring break attempting to implement a decoupled, modular system such as this, I realize now that I may not be worthy of creating so beautiful a work of software. As is with any micro-service architecture (or similar), the big killer for these designs is dependencies. No matter how hard you try, they always sneak in there and find a way to make themselves known.

    Akin to Our Machinery's concept of an api registry, I modeled my project as one EXE who's only job was to load different DLL's (modules). These modules would then register themselves with the system, query the system for other modules that they need, and then use the API's that their dependencies provide to achieve some meaningful amount of work.

    The result was a folder structure that looked like this:

    • bin/
      • core.exe
      • libvulkan.dll
      • libglfw.dll
      • modules/
        • renderer.dll
        • logger.dll
        • filesystem.dll
        • game.dll
    • modules/
      • renderer/
      • logger/
      • filesystem/
      • game/
    • include/
      • renderer_api.h
      • logger_api.h
      • filesystem_api.h
    • source/
      • core.cpp
      • other_core_sources.cpp

    And each module might look something like this:

    • renderer/
      • lib/
        • libvulkan.dll
      • private/
        • renderer.cpp
        • sources.cpp
        • here.cpp
      • public/
        • renderer_api.h

    You see that? Up there? That is BAD. Each module contains it's API header in the public/ directory, which then gets installed into the global /include/ directory as part of a build step in order for other modules to see the API that it exposes. The alternative is for each module to bundle all it's dependencies' API headers along with it, but this requires that any time there is a change with module "A" (which is frequent, this early in the project), every module which depends on "A" must update their header, or continue to use the older version. (The same thing happens with lib/: every binary dependency is installed to /bin/ as part of my build process).

    This current approach also has the downside that each module cannot be compiled outside of the above folder structure, because all of the header files they need are in /include/. (Again, this could be solved by shipping dependency headers alongside the module, but this makes updating a module increasingly difficult as more and more modules depend on it).


    How thine HELL does one structure a git-friendly, dependency-friendly folder structure based on the design proposed in this and this article?

    submitted by /u/cellman123
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    Having no prior experience with online databases, I'm very excited the online leaderboads for WarpThrough are working really well!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    How to balance coding and art as an indie gamedev?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    It's an issue, when I'm doing art I really can't think logically about coding. When I'm doing coding, the designing part is lost. Designing(art/digital drawing)

    submitted by /u/madcodez
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    How to plan a game before writing a line of code

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    How would you recommend planning a game an it's features before starting programming, This includes any story or gameplay features that may have already been planned from start to what you expect the basics of the final product to look like (your goal). What software do you use, if at all? If you use paper or a software? Does he software support open-ended formatting? If so can you please explain what format you use and why? Do you just put the features in Trello or Hack'n plan? Or do you use thing like Workflowy or Dynalist.io to plan? What about Evernote, Onenote, or Notion? Maybe you just sit down with a Word or Google doc? Or do you just use good old fashion paper? I'd love to hear what you use and how you use/format it!

    EDIT: If the question feels unclear, please don't hesitate to speak up.

    submitted by /u/Gamegenorator
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    Newbie unsure where to start

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I've completed freecodecamp.org online programming course (involving javascript). I'm unsure whether I should start making simple games, throw myself into web based games, start working on my dream game, study fundamentals etc.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/_zyzyx
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    Pre-rendered procedural asteroids with zero artistic skill.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    When I fist set up to make a game I hit a big problem. While I could program just fine, I don't really have artistic skill necessary to make game assets - and for first game, I don't have a budget to order one either. I decided to make my very fist game - ΔV: Rings of Saturn - an glorified asteroids clone - mostly because I figured starships and asteroids are easy to draw. And hey, I was right! I'm going to show you here how I made those asteroids with little effort and zero artistic skill.

    All these asteroids rendered in game was made with the technique I'm describing here.

    The toolset.

    I'm bad at drawing, so I picked up a program to do the drawing for me: Blender (2.79). I soon figured out that I'm bad at 3d modelling too, so I told it to do the modeling for me. I lost some control over the output, but then - I got quite a nice results.

    Just a plain cube subdivides and with applied displacement modifier.

    I figured that a I could persuade Blender to make a rocky shape for me if I gave it enough of faces to work with. T I'm using the displacement modifier to get basic shape of the asteroid. Same thing could be achieved with materials, but displacement shows up on wireframe/solid views, making it easier to adjust the values.

    Fiddling with texture parameters took a while. The aim here is to get a generic "rocky" shape - you don't really need to have details on that point, that's what the materials are for.

    It's easier to edit the materials by pushing node outputs to colors.

    Time to get some impact craters. First thing - I needed a texture that looked like spots on the surface. I found that multiplying two noises and adjusting them with curves works just fine. RGB curves are very versatile. Do note that that the curve actually represents the cut-away of a crater.

    Time to displace!

    Once you put your procedural texture to displacement channel, you'll see the asteroid taking it's final shape.

    The best thing ever - you can adjust the base cube and Blender will work out asteroid shape for you! You can see the basic cube shape that this asteroid comes from - it's just these 6 faces that define the confines of it.

    I used this technique to get a pre-rendered sprites. You could probably use something similar to achieve in-engine real-time procedural generation, but this is out of scope.

    I hope you liked this little tutorial. If you would like to see how it looks in-game, check out the free demo on Steam - it shows all of it off.

    The main takeaway here is - if you sacrifice some of the control, you can make the software do a very nice graphics for you - even if you have no artistic skill.

    Thanks for reading this and I hope you'll find it useful for your game.

    submitted by /u/koderski
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    Repalcing STL/STD library in C++, which one?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:44 AM PDT


    Been developing a Game engine, realized I need to rewrite too much STL functionality in order to be binary compatible. So I'm looking for an STL library I can use on every platform that will make sure the API is binary compatible.

    Therefore, I need an STL library that is platform independent and doesn't change with debug or release mode. Platforms I'll be using are Android, Linux(gcc/g++), Windows(Mingw, VSC++) and potentially MacOS and PS4(Once they approve my SDK request)

    What would be best is a way to select if I want to use the internal compiler STL or my own STL I provided, but my guess is that that's not possible. Also the STL library needs to conform to C++11 or higher specs.

    I already found EASTL, but I'm not sure if it meets my requirements.



    SOme additional info on the binary compatibility. I need to make sure that the stl versions are the same accross compilations. And I can't do that when I don't provide the stl. Because then the compiler would provide the stl, and it would choose which one. So if I compile my Engine and then compile my Game a few days later, the .so's.(linux version of .dll) will have different stl versions, causing errors. That's why I need to provide an stl myself. ANd I need it to be platform-indipendent so I don't have to manage multiple stl libraries.


    A binary incompatibility happens when you compile your .so(.dll) with GCC7 and your executable(.exe) with GCC6. The binaries will have different stl versions. Therefore I need to provide stl myself so I can control which executable has which version.

    submitted by /u/timl132
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    Introducing WAT (Alpha): An automated testing framework for Godot

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Developing for mobile versus browser

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about this.

    I grew up in the flash game era (addicting games). I like the mouse so I'm biased.

    But it seems mobile is the way to go if you're in it for popularity and monetization?

    But to be honest it's been awhile since I've played a mobile game I've really enjoyed.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/_zyzyx
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    Tetris 3D Unreal Engine - Struggling hard with Rotation

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:24 PM PDT


    The main reason I think Im struggling is because of the pivot point (Scene Root).

    This is how I am rotating the Tetris Cube

    FQuat QuatRotation = FQuat(FRotator(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f)); GetOwner()->AddActorLocalRotation(QuatRotation, false, 0, ETeleportType::None); 

    The thing is. Tetris rotations are precise, the block rotates IN PLACE. Meaning the pivot is in the center. The only way that I can currently see how to achieve that, is to manually place the blocks center where the pivot is, which there are lots of margin for errors.

    Picture 1 I have an L block. Made out of 4 static mesh cubes. The "DefaultSceneRoot" location is at 0 on all axis. So do I really have to manually find the pivot point on my block, and place that where the DefaultSceneRoot is?

    I hope you understand my issue, if you don't. Please let me know what information is missing. If you want to go one step further and help me over screenshare via discord/skype, I would be very grateful as well.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/SGZealotry
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    Steam Business Update / GDC 2019

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    How Game Designers Tell Stories with Mechanics | Conveying Emotions,Themes and Ideas using Interactivity

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Mobile game: do you think creating a website with a small version of your game is worth it for future marketing?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm about to go live with a new mobile game (puzzle-like). It's very simple, so a website could be created (like 2048 did).


    • potential extra-earnings from website ads.

    • the ability to play it on the job (like a FB game), knowing that many people do this with puzzle-like games.

    • extra channel: people who get to see the website will know there's a mobile app.


    • the website may turn people away, getting them far from the mobile app.

    • extra dev time.

    Do you think it's worth it, or better stick with the original platform? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/petersx89
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    vn with rpg battles

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Oh great game developers of reddit:

    i am but a humble noob and have come to this sub reddit to beseech nay beg for your wisdom

    (done groveling now)

    as as stated above im very new to all of this. i have tyranobuilder, rpg maker mv, and renpy. i'm wondering which would be the best to be able to make a persona style visual novel. something with a map thats basically a picture with options that will take you to another "map" with more button options and people to talk to. enemies to battle and things like that. basically and rpg and visual novel mix.

    would it be better to make a visual novel in renpy or tyrano builder with rpg elements or an rpg in rpg maker mv with visual novel elements.


    how can i make a game like persona?

    submitted by /u/DreamChildLadyK
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    Should we continue making free games?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Where could I learn to make pixel art and music for my game?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    NeoAxis Engine 2019.1 Released. NeoAxis Engine is a new versatile 3D project development environment.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    Easing Cheat Sheet got redesign

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Teleportation Freezing?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    So I am making a script that teleports the player to a certain part of the map. But whenever the player is teleported he just freezes. Any idea why?

    public class allbagsontruck : MonoBehaviour { private float counter; public bool bagsdone; public GameObject Player; public GameObject target; void Update() { if (counter >= 12) { bagsdone = true; if(bagsdone == true) { Player.gameObject.transform.position = target.transform.position; bagsdone = false; } } } 

    This is the square 5 which the player teleports too.

    These are the settings for the GameObjects.

    Problem Fixed thanks!

    submitted by /u/YoundCereal
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    Screenshot Saturday #426 - Perfect Lighting

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:08 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Where do you normally go to get more information about a game you are interested in?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Any Tips On Switching Between Languages/Engines that You've Previously Learned?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    I'm currently a university student, so our curriculum requires us to know multiple programming languages as well as engines. Right now I've currently invested all my programming time, both school and personal projects, into C++. I have many years of C# and Unity programming, and might want to do another personal project in Unity soon. However, after many weeks of C++ I'm a little worried about switching back.

    Do you have any tips on switching between programming languages, or between engines, that you've once known? How do you get back into it after consistently using something different?

    submitted by /u/Ziggy2764
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