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    Saturday, March 2, 2019

    Debating leaving Software Engineering and looking for advice of what's next. Ask Programming

    Debating leaving Software Engineering and looking for advice of what's next. Ask Programming

    Debating leaving Software Engineering and looking for advice of what's next.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 01:28 PM PST

    I am a 30 year old software developer currently living in the midwest and wanted to see how other have dealt with stress overload and evaluating opportunities. Basically I have been developing professionally for 9+ years and am starting to feel hopeless. I have bounced around from doing fat client C#/Java development to Full Stack C#/Angular and now webforms development. Every company I work for it seems like I get 1-2 years of good fun development and then a merger or acquisition occurs and I hate everything. Currently I was working full stack doing fun stuff and working as a dev lead, then my company merged and I got moved to an old spaghetti code system with large portions of VB6 code. After the merger I feel into a deep depression and even was hospitalized for my own mental health. I worked through it and returned back to work earlier this year but since then things just keep getting worse to the point where I am going to be written up by my manager for "not working". He swung by my cube last week and I was just responding to a personal e-mail, called me into his office and said that he is being told by multiple people that I am not working during the day. I think I'm working just the same as I used to with only minor breaks during the day when I find myself spinning and in need of a break. I almost feel like I have no hope of finding a company that I actually enjoy working at and am not put down day to day.

    My question is has anyone else felt like this, that there is no hope of finding a job in development where you're expected to just focus on coding for 9+ hours a day and not allowed to ever not be working? What are some possible options for other careers that would be less stressful? I'm not the best at explaining my current situation so I will gladly answer any questions.

    submitted by /u/TheOwningBum
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    I have problems with concentration that i get anxious while coding so much that i have to close my laptop in order to breathe(not physically).

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:24 PM PST

    I started free code camp and after years finally completed my first certificate but after that I cannot make myself to go and study their, i then started unity 3 D course, made my 2 levels of game(Literally what the guy udemy making, no creativity whatsoever). Now same happening here, i feel like i Don't have any creativity, idk what to do!? I want to study but their is no motivation nothing. If someone can tell me how to cope up with that I'll be really thankful.

    submitted by /u/Potato_Tg
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    What is a better metric for success of GitHub projects: stars or length of how long issues are active for (basically how long it takes to close an issue)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 12:22 PM PST


    A buddy and I are doing a project where we need to think about how GitHub projects are deemed "successful." So which of these metrics is the best indicator of success? Can you think of other good indicators?


    submitted by /u/FireBoop
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    Is there software that can convert a gaming controller's analog joystick movement to digital keyboard presses (WASD)?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Some background: I play a game called Destiny on PC. It's a first person shooter and so it involves player movement using the WASD keys on the keyboard.

    I'd like to use an analog stick for movement rather than a keyboard, while still maintaining use of my mouse for aiming. There's a problem with this, however. Destiny does not accept input from both a mouse and a gaming controller at the same time. So I'd like to find a program that converts input from an analog stick into keyboard button presses (the WASD keys). Does anyone know of a program that can do this?

    Alternatively, could anyone give me pointers on how I would write such a program? I have a good idea of what the program would need to do, functionally speaking: it would accept as inputs the x and y position values from the analog stick. It would convert the x value to keyboard A (if x negative) or D (if x positive), and would convert the y value to S (if y negative) or W (if y positive). It would also PWM the digital WASD values based on the magnitude of the x and y inputs, then finally output those PWMed WASD values to Destiny. So for example, if the analog stick's position was at x=+40%,y=-10% then the program would output D at 40% duty cycle and S at 10% duty cycle. The thing is, I don't have much experience writing a program like this and don't know how I would receive the controller inputs, or output the digital WASD values to Destiny. I know pretty much nothing about communications protocols on Windows. Is anyone savvy at this and interested in helping out?

    submitted by /u/Nastyerror
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    (Java) I have written a data structure that has a private inner class iterator. Is it possible to make a new class that uses the iterator and another class in the package to do this one method?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 03:29 PM PST

    To be specific, I made a data structure that holds a grid of nodes, and within this class is an iterator that helps navigate paths. I want to use this structure for a function that finds all of the possible words in a Boggle game, so I was thinking of creating a new class related to Boggle that requires use of my Dictionary class. However, if I make a stand-alone class, it doesn't have access to that inner class iterator. What can I do to make this all work?

    submitted by /u/UncleZiggy
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    Can you create a HTTP post without downloading any new software?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 07:00 PM PST

    I am planning on writing a script for a http post request, yet I am unsure where to start. Is it possible to create one withouth downloading languages like php or whatever?

    submitted by /u/aquarterdime
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    What language should I learn next?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 06:06 PM PST

    Hello! I want to branch off into a good, general purpose language that has a big community and does not require a huge amount of dependencies or compilers to run, I already know JavaScript (html / css aswell but not really programming) along with Node js / npm / express. I want a language that will let me do stuff from all along the spectrum. Create simple games, allow network programming and maybe back end web programming, just a good all purpose language that is similar to JS. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Tannman726
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    Trouble with dice game. (C++)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:02 AM PST

    #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int money; int totalmoney; char choice; cout << "How much money do you want to put into the pot?"; cin >> money; do{ for(int x = 1; x<3; x++) cout << 1+(rand()%6) << endl; if (rand() != 7) { totalmoney = money - 1; cout << "You lost $1 from your pot." << endl << endl;; cout << "Your total is now $" << totalmoney << endl; cout << "Do you want to play again? (Y/N)" << endl; cin >> choice; } else cout << "You won $4! Your total is now $" << totalmoney + 4 << endl; if (totalmoney <= 0) { cout << "You have no more money! Do you still wish to play?"; cin >> choice; } }while(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y'); return 0; } 

    submitted by /u/Nexis_Nex
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    PHP OOP storing object function's returned value in variable outside object class

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 05:32 PM PST

    Hey guys. I am working on a PHP assignment for school involving very basic OOP. I have worked with OOP in Java and C# so the concepts are not necessarily new to me, I am just struggling to implement them as well as in Java/C#. With that said, let me try to expand on this post's title a bit.

    There are 3 files at play here: a .html file which is simply an input element, a .php file containing an Employee class and its functions, and another .php file handling everything else.

    The Employee class contains a findEmployee() function which loops through a text file trying to match the input data with an ID. Upon finding a match and setting the employee object's variables based on the ID, there is a $notFound boolean which is set to false. My assignment is to add an if else statement after the loop which returns a 0 if $notFound is false and a 1 if $notFound is true. Then I need to add a $result variable to the other .php file that receives the value returned by findEmployee() and prints the appropriate data based on its value.

    As on overview, here is the general flow of the program:

    Input ID number -> $id = $_POST["id"]; -> $emp1 = new Employee(); -> $emp1-> findEmployee($id);

    The $emp1 variable contains an Employee object and after calling the findEmployee() function should have returned either a 0 or a 1 which I need to store in the $result variable to print the appropriate message.

    How do I do this? In an ideal world, I would just add get/set methods for the $notFound variable and use that to display the correct message. Or about a dozen other ways but they wouldn't be what my assignment is asking for.

    Am I missing something? Appreciate any help I can get. Here's the findEmployees() function - the rest I think I explained well enough.

    public function findEmployee($id) { $empFile = fopen("employees.txt", "r"); $empRecord = fgets($empFile); $notFound = true; while (!feof($empFile) and $notFound) { list ($empID, $fName, $lName, $title, $wage) = explode(",", $empRecord); if ($id == $empID) { $this->empID = $empID; $this->firstName = $fName; $this->lastName = $lName; $this->jobTitle = $title; $this->hourlyWage = (int)$wage; $notFound = false; } $empRecord = fgets($empFile); } fclose($empFile); if($notFound) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } 
    submitted by /u/takoiddit
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    Looking for a program/library/wharever to make a custom car dashboard.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Hi, its mi first time un this sub and i dont know if im asking too much.

    So, i have experience with python, arduino, java, html and lua.

    So far i have an obd2 adapter sending data in real time to a raspberry, but now i want to transform those numbers in to custom gauges, some bars with changing colours, linear progress bars etc.

    But i dont know any tool to do so in real time, all i have found are some python libraries that allow me to make some graphs that arent suitable as car gauges and lack customitzation.

    So, how can i archive something like what they show in this video at minute 4:53?


    Thankyou in advance!

    submitted by /u/ElPeloPolla
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    C - Scanning .txt input doc

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a beginner. The project I'm doing provides an input file with data from past hurricanes in the following format ([Date] [Hurricane Name] [States, Affected]):

    1960 Donna FL, NC

    1969 Camille MS

    1999 Floyd NC

    2011 Irene NC, NJ, MA, VT


    I need to read this input file into arrays so that can be sorted by year or by name. Its required I set a constant macro of 30 for the maximum data entries on the .txt file. The following is my code:

    #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_HURCS 30 //max number of entries on input file int main(){ FILE *hurricaneData; int year[MAX_HURCS]; char name[MAX_HURCS][50]; char states[MAX_HURCS][50]; int i = 0; hurricaneData = fopen("hurricanes.txt", "r"); while(fscanf(hurricaneData, "%d %s", &year[i], &name[i]) != NULL && fgets(states[i], 50, hurricaneData) != NULL) { ++i; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_HURCS; ++i) { printf("%d %s%s", year[i], name[i], states[i]); } return 0; } 

    When I run the program, the data from the file is read in the format I want, but there's garbage data at the end:

    "2008 Ike TX

    2009 Ida MS

    2011 Irene NC, NJ, MA, VT

    2012 Isaac LA0 zl-1304952575 ∙0 13 6z0 13 0 0 áVz0"

    I believe this is because of the constant macro in the for loop printf statement. When I set this number to the amount of entries on the .txt doc, the garbage data isn't printed. I can't figure out how to limit whats read and written based on EOF rather than a constant that I set.

    submitted by /u/WeyeBack
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    What are people's opinions on various kinds of comments?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 04:48 PM PST

    I'm working on my own programming language and I've come to a realization for something... I have the syntax for pretty much everything, except comments. Right now I'm debating between a few different comment styles, mostly # (pound) comments and // + /**/ (C/C++) comments.

    What are your thoughts on which is better? Are there better alternatives?

    submitted by /u/__trvv
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    Trouble importing pygame... (beginner, please help)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 06:38 AM PST

    After running import pygame in IDLE Python 3.7.2 and also in Anaconda Spyder

    import pygame: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> import pygame ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygame' 

    In terminal when I run pip3 install pygame:

    pip3 install pygame Requirement already satisfied: pygame in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (1.9.4) 

    After running sys.path in IDLE Python 3.7.2

    ['', '/Users/myname/Documents', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python37.zip', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/Users/myname/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages']

    So I'm guessing there are several versions of python installed on the system and the pygame is in 3.7/site-packages.

    How can I get pygame to work in Idle python 3.7.2?? Thanks any one who can answer

    submitted by /u/alban_y
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    What is the easiest way to migrate a Drupal site to a new server / hosting?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 12:58 PM PST

    I have a client that wants me to migrate their Drupal website to a new webhost but I have never used it and am not familiar with it at all. Are there plugins like All In One Migration for WordPress that make it easy? What is the easiest / fastest/ most painless way of doing this?

    submitted by /u/tehpokernoob
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    [C++17] How do you infer template parameters from a constructor?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:46 AM PST

    I have a templated class where the constructor takes a function as its parameter. Currently I explicitly include the return value and arguments in angled brackets as a template specialisation but clearly these can be inferred in the constructor. How is this done, much like how std::tuple seems to be allowed to?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    Trouble starting to learning.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 12:13 PM PST

    I want to start learning how to code but I want to know what's the most useful language to start with and how do I start learning.

    submitted by /u/seifemara
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    Text Highlighter and Annotator React

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 12:11 PM PST

    So I'm trying to build out this manual text annotator for some ML team. I'm having some issues finding where to start. There doesn't appear to be any libraries. Most google results come up as search highlighters (like ctrl-f). The one library I did find only annotates at the word level and not character level and there's like zero docs on it on github. I think I'm going to have to build from scratch.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've done some frontend before but nothing as complicated as having to highlight a word, then post the position/s, tag, and token of that highlight. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/frazerkrane
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    Help converting crypto library?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Write program containing only methods or not

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 06:08 AM PST

    I'm relatively inexperienced with programming and I'm examining and modifying a program to calculate the adequate price of an insurance policy which is dependent on a model of the stock market. There's one program that simulates the stock market and another one that, based on the output of the former, calculates the adequate price.

    First I tried programming the entire thing from scratch myself. I used R and put nothing but method definitons in my program, thinking that would make my program easy to understand and modify later.

    Then I looked at an already finished version of the same thing, written in Matlab by a researcher. There's also two programs; one for the market simulation and one for calculating the insurance cost. It doesn't contain any methods. Rather he starts out both programs defining a lot global variables (model parameters like the interest rate). Then he just does the calculations without methods, defining lots of global variables, and periodically clearing them. Also he defines some things, like the length of the time discretization steps, in both programs. Thus (I think) creating the need for these values to match. It seems like his program is a lot more concise though.

    1. Are both of these approaches valid? Could you speculate on which one I might be better of using?
    2. Assume that I start out program 1 defining a bunch of global variables. Then I load program 1 into program 2 (with load(....) in R). This is equivalent to copy-pasting all the code from program 1 to where I loaded it, right? Then I notice that I'd like the aforementioned variables in program 1 to vary depending on things that happen in program 2. Is there a good way to implement this functionality?

    I'd appreciate you help a lot!

    submitted by /u/NecessarySalamander6
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    The large programming subreddits are mostly new programmers asking for help and links to the latest JavaScript libraries. Is there a subreddit for professional software developers who want to talk about real-world projects?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:47 AM PST

    Python output randomly breaks lines

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:38 AM PST

    I have the following python line nested in a for loop:

    print("%s,%s(%s%%)\n" % (name1, name2, str(number)) 

    However, it outputs the following:

    John,James (50%) Jones,John(55%) 

    As you can see, the percentage randomly breaks line with seemingly no logic behind it. I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Raper-Of-Mars
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    Quick c++ parameter question

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:19 AM PST

    So c++ parameter has "&", "*" and " ".


    Int test(int *x, int &y, int z) { Return xyz ; }

    What is the difference between those parameters? I understand * is pointer and & is reference. Use reference unless you need to use pointer. But what does "z" do? It isn't declared a pointer nor a reference. Plz explain thanks

    submitted by /u/MuskIsAlien
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    What the heck is programming, how do you know what youre doing?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:54 AM PST

    Is there some way of seeing visually what youre doing when you program? If i were to program a video game for example, are there programs that can help with visualizing the process of programing? Or is every type of programing just writing lines of different colored cryptic text? Im trying to get it but i dont.

    submitted by /u/Basic_Wizard
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    How to use a polyfill in Javascript?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Hey, so I have a project going on and I want to use this polyfill here: https://github.com/ai/audio-recorder-polyfill

    I don't have much experience with JS or polyfills so please excuse me for any dumb questions xD. Basically what I did was do npm init, and then installed Parcel for the project. It then says to add "polyfill: './src/polyfill.js" to something. This is the part I'm confused about. Where do I get polyfill.js and what file do I add this to? Also, where do I put the command after that ( window.MediaRecorder = require('audio-recorder-polyfill') )? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thrax12
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