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    Friday, March 8, 2019




    Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:06 PM PST






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 08, 2019

    Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The most important thing to understand in job searching

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:43 AM PST

    In this post I'd like to talk about what I think is the most important thing to understand in job searching: value.

    I'm currently working as a Senior Front-end Engineer and I'd like to share some of the things I learned about job searching and interviewing in the past 10 years.

    I hope this could be helpful to some of you who are currently struggling to land your dream job, or finding a job at all.

    I learned the hard way the importance of having a deeper understanding of value and how it can benefit us.

    In order to understand value on a deeper level, you need to first understand that everyone can create value.

    Everyone is valuable

    This may seem a cliché to a lot of you, but everyone is valuable.

    Obviously, everyone could create something, and that's why people even have jobs to begin with, duh.

    But a lot of times, when people are in the job application process, or during an interview, they completely forget that they could add a lot of value to the company they're trying to get into.

    A lot of people would lack the confidence to believe that simply because they are beginners.

    I'm here to tell (and hopefully show) you everyone is valuable to someone.

    You have to remember that you're here to bring value to a company; you're NOT begging for a job or anyone's sympathy. You are here to create value, solve a problem, generate new ideas and help grow the business.

    My point is, employees are paid for a reason:

    if the employee adds value to the company, the company gives the employee values in return (e.g. money/salary).

    There's no need to feel insecure or insignificant about yourself when dealing with larger entities of people, be it the BigN, or your dream company.

    Now, this is not to say that having value to add guarantees you a job at your dream company because another thing you need to understand is fit.

    I don't want to go on a huge tangent and talk about fit, but the basic understanding should be that sometimes the values you bring to the table may not be what the company is looking for at the time.

    It's just luck sometimes: this particular department in this company is looking for a particular skillset for this particular project at this particular time.

    So don't be too hard on yourself when you get rejected.

    And definitely don't shy away from following up a couple of months after rejection.

    Most of the time though, you can still get your dream job if you understood how to align values.

    Value alignment.

    For the majority of my career, I had been a freelancer.

    In the beginning, I was just being, you know, a typical freelancer.

    I was doing web development and design and a little bit of Internet Marketing, but it was mostly spec work.

    People would come to me and give me detailed requirements, both technical and design.

    And they would ask me to code it out, be it a website or a web app, or a mobile app.

    I was doing what a good developers/designers would: follow industry standards and best practices.

    I cared about things like code maintainability, separate of concerns, responsive design, etc. And on the design front, I was keen on simple and minimalistic designs that create great contrast and hierarchy.

    I was also advocating all of those things to my clients to educate them about the technical side of things.

    Believe it or not, I was actually very proud of myself for being a freelancer who doesn't just do the work, take money and be gone, but instead be the one to help clients understand what goes into the work.

    It all worked out fine until one day, one of my clients said to me

    Dude, I appreciate you telling me all about the technical stuff. It sounds cool, though it sometimes sounds foreign to me. But honestly, I don't give a shit. I care about getting more customers and having steady cashflow much more than responsive design or whatever. And now, I just want a goddamned website.

    And he was right.

    In that moment, I felt both embarrassed and relieved because I finally figured out what I was missing:

    I was too caught up in what I valued and completely neglected my clients' values.

    It's true that I could just bring up some UX research on how the boring "technical stuff" can help drive revenue, I chose to be humble and embrace the mindset change.

    Information about responsive design or functional programming or whatever may be interesting to the clients, but most of the time, they would much rather talk in terms of customer acquisition and revenue.

    So from then on, I've learned the importance of value alignment.

    I learned to think in my clients' shoes and figure out how to use my skill set, based on what I value, to help my clients achieve their goals.

    Of course, I didn't stop trying to create beautiful designs and maintainable code.

    But once I was able to align our values, I ended up creating more value for my clients and increase my own self-worth in the process.

    A healthy side effect of this is I also started getting better clients and charged more.

    Applying this to job searching or interviewing, I was able to align what I had to offer with what the company needed based on my research.

    I was more valuable when I focused on how I could add value to the company and help them achieve goals than when I was only thinking about my own values.

    At this point, you might be wondering:

    What happens if I don't any unique set of skills to differentiate myself from others?

    As I mentioned before, everyone can create value, even beginners (especially beginners sometimes).

    Being able to align values will make you more valuable and stand out amongst crowd given that:

    1. You understand the big picture: values and alignment;
    2. You can adapt/align your skill set to the company's need specifically: good fit.

    By understanding value and communicating how your values align, you can more or less make it a no-brainer decision to hire you!

    Making it a no-brainer

    Building on top of that, you can dramatically improve your portfolio or resume if you could clearly convey the values you provide and how they align with the company's value to stand out even before interviews.

    After all, the interviewer's job is to fish out what value you bring to the table and whether or not it can help the company achieve goals.

    This could take in the forms of a case study or a hand-picked mini-portfolio made specifically for the company you are applying for.

    What this does is it takes out a lot of the doubts that the interviewer may have about you and drastically speed up the hiring process because all the answers are presented to them without them needing to think.

    Annnd that's it for now. I do hope this information is valuable to you all and help make your job searching journey easier!

    submitted by /u/programmingerror
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    Slacking off might be the best career move

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:49 PM PST

    There is this dude at my old job that was really nice to everyone, but did basically zero work. He would chat with everyone and make an appearance for a few hours and then be gone for the day. He was such a smooth talker that he didn't get fired for like a year. I found out recently that he received a 4 month severance as well. He added me on LinkedIn and he had a new job in less than a month. Also, I see literally a decade of 3 month - 1 year stints on his LinkedIn that he just marks as short term contracts. He has probably made 100k just in severance payments and hasn't actually had to work in years.

    It makes me think I'm going about this the wrong way with all this Leetcode business. Thoughts? Someone convince me not to leave after standup at 10:15am every day.

    submitted by /u/thr0wfarfarawaay
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    Just took a developer job at a well known consulting firm and it’s driving me crazy

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 04:21 PM PST

    I just took his job because they needed someone with my skillset and my previous employer had uncertainty + funding issues. I have zero interest in becoming an actual management consultant. I've worked in the IT or tech departments of many non-technical companies and thought this would be the same. Oh boy I was wrong. This is the worst project I've ever been on. I swear, half of the effort on the project seems to be going towards shiny powerpoint, user stories, recurring useless meetings, and never ending documentation. All of these are important but in doses and they put way more effort than necessary into this. Extroverted coworkers who talk all day. Cliques and gossip. Open office and non stop distractions. Overcommitted in a short time frame. They are relying on far too few technical people who do the actual work. Coworkers have no lives and are working weekends when it could have been avoided. At the end of the day, the client just wants shit to work and not endless powerpoints, Are all of the well known consulting firms like this, or just my project? Goddamn it i just wanted a chill, stable job.

    submitted by /u/Climhazzard73
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    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 10:20 AM PST

    Just so that there isn't any other thread about Pathrise here...it's a waste of both your time and money. Derrick (one of the cofounders) is cool to talk to, but other than that its just plain waste. The mentors are alright (not that helpful), and have a boatload of people to work with so the "one-on-one" sessions are not that helpful. They charge 9% of first year income for new grad, which is just too high for the services they provide. The behavioral interview training is conducted by one person (for all people in the program), so she has a LOT on her plate. As much as the idea to help college students is appreciated, the execution is just plain trash. Would not recommend to anyone - unless you are interested in wasting money.

    EDIT: u/mavenform is one of the founders, so I expect him to definitely be here and support his idea.

    submitted by /u/pathrisethrowaway1
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    A HR rep asked me if I had any experience with something called "Fy-tin"...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2019 08:48 AM PST

    I replied no and that I had never heard of it to be honest. She said that was unfortunate because most of their technology uses it.

    I later realized she was mispronouncing Python, my main and most used language. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/PineapplePanda_
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    How did you get your first programming job?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:10 AM PST

    I've been learning python for a few months. I'm building out a few projects now. I've applied to a few companies.How did you get your first job?

    submitted by /u/Pyforfeit
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    Is systems/low level programming a good career field?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:30 AM PST

    By this I mean everything made with C and lower (assembly etc) for products like compilers, shells, device drivers, etc. Not things like databases or high level languages. I might be using the wrong terminology here since I am not an expert.

    I've had some internships in data science, high performance computing, and other visualization tasks with some programming for both universities and large companies, I've also done lots of higher level programming for school classes (Android, Java, etc). I've used a lot of languages for varying projects. I've also done full stack web dev which I found paralyzing because there were 100 ways to do any task and I needed to learn 50 frameworks.

    I can do these things but they aren't too interesting. I am wondering if systems programming would be more interesting since I'm taking a systems programming class and it's going well.

    I have always wondered how operating systems, etc work. I did some IT work (nothing profound, just for my high school, and learning how to build computers).

    However that wasn't quite it I think. So I am thinking systems / etc programming might be more interesting. So I am considering pursuing this in my CS classes and in internships.

    However I am worried about the career field for this kind of work. All I hear about is Reakt/node/swift/python/machine learning/web development/etc. Do only large companies that make OSes/device drivers/etc need to hire systems/low level programmers? Would I be hurting my career compared to higher level work?

    submitted by /u/AdmirableListen
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    Exploited Startup Student

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:18 PM PST

    Background: I've been working at this startup for a little over a year. I am about to graduate college with an IT (not CS) degree. I do all of the work of turning the startup "idea" into a product (software development, system deployments, database, etc). I make $20/hr (1099) which is pretty good so I try not to be too whiny about the work.

    I feel like way too much pressure is being placed on me. Interest in our technology has picked up and I am being asked to do software presentations (usually present for 30 minutes on the software and then do a quick demo). I don't mind doing them too much. However, I usually do not get much notice on the presentations (leaving me to scramble to get things to a demo state...we don't have a test/production system...more on that later). Roughly two weeks ago I got a request to do a presentation. I replied back that the system was not in a state for trying to present and that I was busy that week with school. No response and they went ahead and did the meeting (which is fine...I basically just read stuff off a script I typed up. They also have a video version of my presentation) this week. I mentioned that I would need time to catch up to a point where I could present the software. However, about an hour ago I get an email asking for my availability for presenting to the client this next week. WTF?!

    I email my immediate superior all of my concerns (I have recently called him about some other concerns but I wanted a paper trail to cover my ass) such as the fact we are presenting something we don't fully know will work, we have a lot we really need to get done ASAP, rushing to get the presentation working is hindering the development, and that the presentations were somewhat redundant (also lots of smoke and mirrors in what we are telling clients and investors). I provided detailed timelines as well for when I could complete things and asked to re-schedule for a few weeks from now. My superior responded and said he wasn't worried that things weren't complete and that I was the only one who could provide the presentation and the company would fail without me (seems manipulative). He said it needed to be done next week and that without me here/doing this the company was likely going to fall through.

    I am conflicted...I don't want to screw over the company since usually they are very good to me but on the other hand I feel like it is extremely poor decision making to put the responsibilities of developing the software in the hands of a 23 (gap year) year old. I'm at the point where I want to just say to my boss "you're paid a lot more with a larger technical background...you can do this then" but I know that is a terrible response. I just feel it isn't my problem that they are in a bind. What do I even tell them? I've accepted another job that starts in a few months so I'll be leaving soon but I also have immense guilt over leaving them in this state.

    submitted by /u/goodsurferatoutlook
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    Graduating soon without a job lined up

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 03:31 PM PST

    So I'm going to graduate with a CS degree in a few weeks. I haven't had any internships and my incomplete personal projects are laughable. I know I messed up. I should have been more active and motivated. I figure I have about 6 months before I'm not considered a new grad anymore. Fortunately I do have financial support from my family. If it matters, I have a 3.5 GPA and live in San Francisco.

    What should I be doing?

    A: grind LeetCode, read CTCI, work on personal projects, and continue to apply to jobs despite not having anything on my resume

    B: grind LeetCode, read CTCI, work on personal projects, and apply once I've gotten a few projects completed

    C: Something else

    submitted by /u/PalPengy
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    [OFFICIAL] Salary Sharing thread for EXPERIENCED DEVS :: March, 2019

    Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:06 PM PST

    The young'ins had their chance, now it's time for us geezers to shine! This thread is for sharing recent offers/current salaries for professionals with 2 or more years of experience.

    Please only post an offer if you're including hard numbers, but feel free to use a throwaway account if you're concerned about anonymity. You can also genericize some of your answers (e.g. "Biotech company" or "Hideously Overvalued Unicorn"), or add fields if you feel something is particularly relevant.

    • Education:
    • Prior Experience:
      • $Internship
      • $RealJob
    • Company/Industry:
    • Title:
    • Tenure length:
    • Location:
    • Salary:
    • Relocation/Signing Bonus:
    • Stock and/or recurring bonuses:
    • Total comp:

    Note that you only really need to include the relocation/signing bonus into the total comp if it was a recent thing. Also, while the primary purpose of these threads is obviously to share compensation info, discussion is also encouraged.

    The format here is slightly unusual, so please make sure to post under the appropriate top-level thread, which are: US [High/Medium/Low] CoL, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, ANZC, Asia, or Other.

    If you don't work in the US, you can ignore the rest of this post. To determine cost of living buckets, I used this site: http://www.bestplaces.net/

    If the principal city of your metro is not in the reference list below, go to bestplaces, type in the name of the principal city (or city where you work in if there's no such thing), and then click "Cost of Living" in the left sidebar. The buckets are based on the Overall number: [Low: < 100], [Medium: >= 100, < 150], [High: >= 150].

    High CoL: NYC, LA, DC, SF Bay Area, Seattle, Boston, San Diego

    Medium CoL: Chicago, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Riverside, Minneapolis, Denver, Portland, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Austin, Raleigh

    Low CoL: Dallas, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Detroit, Tampa, St. Louis, Baltimore, Charlotte, Orlando, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Kansas City

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Full-Stack? A real thing or not?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:38 AM PST

    I'm not sure whether or not this is the place to ask this question, but seemed like the more relevant subreddit so far.

    I'll start right away by saying, I'm a recruiter(sorry), and super new to this IT, tech, industry. I have a comp sci minor....from 10 years ago that I never used, (history all the way) then spent 10 years in the golf industry. A mixed background to be sure. But I'm having a hard time filling this one role, mostly because the company hasn't really defined what they actually want from this person, which seems pretty par for the course honestly. But they say they want a fullstack engineer/ software engineer (problem here already I think) to help bring previous out-sourced projects, in-house. Seems simple enough, but it's also a total mess in there, they've used multiple agencies to do the work, and I have no idea if there's libraries to use or whatever, so the potential environment a person is walking into could be just fine, or a total jungle. So I'm not actually sure who to look for, they want someone who can build from scratch, as well as fix....everything? Does this person exist? In your opinions, which is the more important skill? or...experience to a job like this? And finally, if you can answer none of the other ones, how do you tell a bullshitter from a straight shooter. I'm honestly open to any help.

    tl:dr - What the heck is a full-stack engineer, and what do they actually do? do they know things, what do they know, lets find out! What are some red-flags that someone is full of it?

    submitted by /u/Blend19
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    Not sure if lack of skills or imposter syndrome stopping me from going into development, advice?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:39 PM PST

    I graduated with a minor in CS last May. I ended up taking a tech consultant job to stay in the tech field. I was afraid I couldn't handle being a developer so didn't apply to many SWE/developer jobs. In school I got good grades in all my CS courses but literally every project I needed a lot of support and help from the professors/tas. This is what made me hesitant to apply to jobs that were more development focussed. When I hit errors/problems I'd get stuck and when I couldn't get it would go for help, but I went for way more help than my peers. I have a decent portfolio and started picking up Python again, but have the same questions/doubts. Did anyone else face this problem with always needing help/not really finishing a project on their own before entering the field? Would it be better to try to be a business analyst and take a middle ground approach? Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/SilentStill705
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    Student ID card for online assessment verification?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:02 AM PST

    I'm in Georgia Tech's online MSCS program so I don't have a student ID card. I still have my old student ID card from my last Uni I graduated last year from. Does anyone know if I should use that? I don't have an email to contact anyone about this.

    This is for a BigN internship assessment btw.

    submitted by /u/ichivictus
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    How do managers and team members usually evaluate the performance of an Intern for offering a full time offer?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:35 PM PST

    What are the things that says yes to an intern, and no to an intern, when it comes to evaluation..?

    submitted by /u/maadurgadevi
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    I kind of want to do an AMA. Should I?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:33 PM PST

    I just accepted an offer for an SDE II position @ MSFT and wondering if I should do an AMA or not. I feel like I've been through hell and back to land this after going through "the grind". Are these AMA's cliché or do people find them helpful?

    submitted by /u/GarbageTimePro
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    Finished my masters in CS, left for a different career, trying to work my way back in.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:47 AM PST


    I majored in bioengineering/bioinformatics a few years ago. Then got my masters from Georgia tech. I had around 3 internships in software on my resume (robotics, front end/full stack, databases) but my actual job search was nil/zip in the end. I had around 400 applications, maybe 6 final round interviews and kept getting negative responses.

    I eventually burned out of algorithms/data structure practice, took up a sales job (sales development rep) in a software company. Things are cool but base pay is low. (50-60k) and commissions are okay but man, you really have to work your ass for those commissions. I.e if you want to go from 10K commissions/year to 20 K you have to put in 70 hours a week. Its also brainless work. You're not even dealing with product value as much as trying to set a meeting for someone else, essentially you're a secretary. You can advance past this role but there's a ton of politics.

    Current Status:

    I'm from the bay area originally, moved to Portland. Would like to move to either Seattle, or anywhere in California again. Honestly pretty open to accepting anything more than 80 K in California, maybe a little higher (90K) if its in the heart of SF.

    I enjoyed programming but just never saw an opportunity to make a break in even with tons of referrals. I took it just as bad luck. I see new grads being able to negotiate salaries from 100 k to 150 K. (And I'm 100% aware that computer science is tons of intelligence and hard work), but I think investing my time back into comp sci vs sales will let me stop fighting for penny raises/butt kissing for 500 bucks extra on my next month pay check. I hope I'm making sense here.

    Plan of action:

    What I would like to do is self-bootcamp myself for the next 2-3 months as a front end developer. And try triplebyte etc, other avenues. For work experience, probably just going to do several projects on upwork. Is this a bad idea?

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway199524
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    Would getting a security+ certification help me towards my goal of becoming CISA certified?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Hey All,

    I'm just going to put my question here as the rant is not really relevant. I have the time to get a CompTIA security+ certification, already got my network+ (not as part of a cert path or plan, I wanted to go, may go , to WGU and they needed a cert so I got it early 2019 and need to get a new one every 3 years to keep them all current) and my grand plan is to get the requisite security or auditing experience to eventually get CISA certfied.

    With that in mind how would you weigh the opportunity costs versus potential benefits of getting my security plus certification?


    The opportunity cost is what causes hesitation, there are many other ways to spend that time productively and I'm a little short on cash, so I am wondering if you all feel that this certification will at least help me with getting the requisite security or auditing experience needed to take the CISA exam or otherwise move ahead in this industry.

    In a way, I'm looking for reassurance that spending my time this way will be, practically speaking, valuable. However I have heard so much certification bashing (not bashing, I think just correcting peoples overestimation of their value) that I am skeptical of whether it will help me look more appealing to an employer.

    I'm a sophmore computer science major/stats minor with interests is Data Science and Cyber-Security. I have no "security" or IT experience aside from a 2 month internship.

    From day one everyone I have asked have said that CompTIA certifications for a computer scientist are a complete waste of time and I take their word for the practicality of it but getting my network+ certification was very valuable in terms of how it enhanced my general understanding of how networks operate. That got me my first internship and is helping me with my penetration testing course. I find that these lower level certs are shallow but very broad and have provided me a useful framework for the relevant subject but my question at the moment is about practicality, literal cost/benefit as I need to get experience and start making $$ again before the bank man comes knocking.

    On that note I was wondering if anyone would be willing to PM me so I might ask a few general questions about this industry because on a daily basis I learn something which makes me realize I have no idea how top achieve my goals. I promise I will only ask a few and pay it forward by mentoring flight students.

    submitted by /u/Caruna8
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    Which is a better role to choose from for a fresher in software development - Full stack engineer or backend engineer?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:21 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I am a fresher and have been applying for entry level software engineering roles at different software companies. In one of those companies. as a final step in a recruitment process, I am told that I am the only candidate to be selected for Full stack role due to my apt performance in the interview rounds. Now, the dilemma for me is that should I ask my recruiter to change my role to backend engineer or should i stick with the role offered i.e. Full stack engineer ?

    I am comfortable working both as a full stack engineer as well as a backend engineer.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/himanshukumar660
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    Becoming an Ecommerce Programmer

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 07:20 PM PST

    I want to create a specific UI for a section of my passion project ecommerce store. Can't afford to pay thousands for a programmer right now and figure If I teach myself I'll save some money and if the store doesn't work out I could leverage those skills into a career.

    I know a lot of smaller stores just do drag and drop shopify stores but I imagine larger stores have specific needs and require programmers.

    What skills and languages should I learn and why isn't this discussed more in the sub?

    Specifically for what I want to create, my store is geared towards travelers and each product comes from a specific city around the world. I want to create an explore feature somewhat similar to this https://www.hardrock.com/Locations but more features, more dynamic, more aesthetic.

    submitted by /u/ExtraFirmpillow
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    Am I overreacting, or was my recruiter just ignoring me?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:59 PM PST

    I got a call around 10 AM from a recruiter (different one from usual) telling me to apply for a certain team who might consider me and I'd do another technical phone interview. She said I'd get a link to apply in my email soon after the call, and then she'd call me again on Monday to check up again. I didn't receive anything for a while, but whatever, I had a phone screening with another company in an hour and then a coding challenge to do. I was just hoping to receive the link today just to save time since she said she'd call again Monday.

    After 1 PM I decide to call again, no answer so I left a voicemail. I do my coding challenge. At 3:30 PM I send her a quick email saying the same thing. Soon after that email my phone starts ringing for literally 1 second and then ends, like she started calling me then just hung up immediately. I didn't even have time to answer. I was like "wtf?" and then I call her back after 5 minutes because I thought she just saw my email and was gonna send me one. Got nothing, called again and no one answered. I still haven't gotten anything.

    Like what? Perhaps I'm being impatient? Maybe something just went wrong, but at least I'd like to know. I guess I could just tell her on Monday when (if?) she calls me again. It just seems like she was purposely ignoring me for some reason.

    submitted by /u/045f01bf
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    When does experience overtake education?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:54 PM PST

    I'm wondering when experience in the industry starts to be more valuable than education? I'm closing in on five years of experience but I don't have a CS degree. I have a technical diploma which works out to be about one year less than a degree (three years + co-op). I've been working full time since I graduated between a couple of companies.

    I want to find a new job but I have this doubt in my mind that I'm lucky to have the position that I already have and that I'm not as qualified as candidates that are applying directly out of University. I definitely think that I need to move into a new position because I think I'm being underpaid and that's probably because I've been at my current company for far too long.

    I guess another question would be, is this just lack of confidence or is my line of thinking at all reasonable? Can I safely apply to positions that specify some type of degree as a requirement? Would it be worth taking CS classes part-time to eventually end up with a degree?

    submitted by /u/jkw_90
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    What type(s) of subject lines get you to actually open a LinkedIn inmail?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 08:50 AM PST

    I am a corporate recruiter for a cloud-focused software dev company in NY. Although we post our open job(s) to career sites like Indeed, Dice, etc - a lot of my role includes sourcing on various sites liked LinkedIn to recruit the high end talent we are looking for. The problem I face is getting any kind of response to inmails sent out. Without a doubt, I know that software developers are constantly contacted by third party recruiters promising "great opportunities" only to realize the opportunity is not even in the tech stack listed on your profile and then, even if you do respond, the recruiter doesn't follow up, ghosts you,etc. I also know that this exact scenario makes it difficult for the rest of us who are really taking the time to locate candidates who would be a great technical fit, culture fit, and help us achieve our long term goals as a company. I don't send out 100 inmails in a day, I read through every profile to make sure they would be a fit for a role, send out personalized messages, and am only recruiting (usually) for FT permanent roles. I think that if I could get the candidate to open the message, I would probably get some type of response, even if it was a "not interested", but I fear they are looked over and sit in inboxes, unread, because developers are so fed up with recruiters antics.

    What kinds of subject lines incline you to open, rather than skip over? How do I get across that I am not some staffing agency who sent out a bulk message to 200 people with the words "software developer" in their profile....? I feel like I've tried a million different ways and am not making much progress, so I decided to go straight to the source. What intrigues you, what annoys you, what would make you open up a "Recruitment" message?

    submitted by /u/aksterk
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    Going back to college (26F)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 06:25 PM PST

    I plan to go back to college this fall for CS, math has never been my strong suit but after my first college go around i realized i wasnt BAD at math i just have to practice and practice a lot. I've looked over the requirements and it appears to be Calc 1 - 3, engineering statistics, algorithms and data structures, discrete structures and several choices in math electives. I have around 6 months before school starts and I'd like to know what you'd recommend for me to study to prepare myself. My dept head at work has a masters in math and is more than willing to help me in tough spots.

    submitted by /u/vyleplume
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    Electrical Engineering switch to CS

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:37 AM PST


    So I'm a graduate with a BSEE as of May '18. I specialized in power systems (renewables, though my degree is just EE) and have been working at a power consulting firm since then. Long story short, it isn't what I thought and I'm looking to make a pivot.

    Have had a couple other internships, one at Intel, one at an Aerospace company.

    How hard would it be for me to become a SWE? I know the basics of programming and some data structures in Python, Matlab, and C, but have no projects to show this outside of the low-level stuff I did in school for my compE classes involving things like I2C and SPI.

    What is the best way to go a about sharpening up these skills for SWE or embedded software? Self learning on something like coursera? Bootcamp? Masters degree?

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Fire
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    What would happen if certain candidates actually broke up big tech? Would we be screwed?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Not sure if all you guys have seen the news, but a frontrunner for 2020 is aggressively pushing plans to break up a lot of big tech companies. As someone who worked very hard to get into these companies when I graduate this year, this is concerning.

    What would it look like if people actually pushed these plans through? Would I be completely screwed, with all that Leetcode practice having been for nothing? Would my salary drastically decrease? Am I completely wrong and this would actually help the rank and file software engineers?

    submitted by /u/Beskington
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