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    Sunday, March 3, 2019

    Being in the field and hating WordPress web developers

    Being in the field and hating WordPress web developers

    Being in the field and hating WordPress

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:15 AM PST

    So many web developers stick to WordPress, probably because it is easy. It's an easy idea to get it into your head that you will turn pro or start a business, and then all of the themes and plugins make these people think they can mash things together and - BOOM - they are an entrepreneur.

    But, WordPress is easy. It is. Riiiiight up until real customization is needed, and then it's a nightmare -- I hate WordPress. It is so much easier to just hand-write some html/css. If you need more, it's easy to (stick with PHP) and make a Laravel app or (leave PHP) and build with .NET.

    But, it's such an unpopular opinion to hate WordPress. Personally, when I see another web dev business online, and I look at the mark-up and see 'wordpress' in there, I cringe. It just seems like a form of fraud to me...they are selling a product for thousands of dollars only to minutely tweak 200 dollars worth of themes and plugins. Their SEO knowledge is limited to a Yoast configuration. And, the field is turning into a bunch of jokes that don't know enough to realize that they don't know enough. Most of these companies are doing what the end-client, themselves, could have done. Buy a theme, get some plug-ins, change some colors ... it's a joke.

    And the idea that pros can't hand-type a product (that is actually scalable) faster than these WordPress companies can throw a theme together is just ... it shows the ignorance.

    I admit I've been on some very complex gigs where WordPress had to be used (because they were already in too deep to turn back), and that heavily affected my opinion. But even for simple stuff, I just literally can't stand WordPress. And, that's a hard opinion to have in the field. Around software engineers, you're good. But "developers" ... gah, I wish there weren't so many white-belt-having developers.

    submitted by /u/naynay447
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    Professional programmers, how much computer science knowledge do you have?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:26 PM PST

    I'm currently enrolled in a bootcamp, and I'm looking ahead to when I start applying for jobs. Today I picked up Cracking the Coding Interview, and while I was happy to find that a small amount of the technical questions section made sense to me, I am not prepared to answer questions about Big 0, binary trees, etc.

    submitted by /u/jaypeejay
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    How Are Function Components Different from Classes?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:03 PM PST

    What are your thoughts on paid courses?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:22 AM PST

    Are they worth buying and if not, where do you recommend learning topics such as JS, ReactJS, Vue for free. I'm a student and most courses that interest me are $150ish and I can't really drop that much money without knowing that I can't just get it for free.

    submitted by /u/icyphx
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    Easy Modals with React Hooks and Portals

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Does hosting website and database on separate servers slow web speed?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 06:33 AM PST

    I'm thinking about hosting my Django site on Namecheap shared hosting to save a few bucks, but my PostgreSQL database has to be hosted elsewhere, possibly AWS. Will this slow my web speed? My site is a search engine backed by my own database so it constantly draws from the database. Is it a bad idea to host site and database on separate servers?

    submitted by /u/jesseparks13
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    Accessibility-focused linter?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:58 AM PST

    In a personal project I was going to set a checkbox's outline to 0 but then came across this page describing why people shouldn't do it, or at least not without a different outline property in place. So I was wondering, is there a linting tool available which analyses your CSS / CSS pre-processor files and points out if something you've written should be fixed in order to make your site's design as accessible to all as possible?

    submitted by /u/beefyjon
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    Practical FP: Map, Filter, Reduce

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Do you have second thoughts before buying electron based app?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 05:08 AM PST

    I am in the process of developing saas for desktop with electron. It's just fits my skill set because i am full stack engineer. But after doing some research on electron i found there significant part of community that dont like electron based app. Mostly because of its high RAM use. So do you guyz give any second thoughts before buying electron based app considering it's supposed to run in background all the time?

    Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

    (Edit): app's target audience is programmers.

    submitted by /u/i_am_pro
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    Elearning Video Website Web Hosting, Languages, and Cost Questions

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:58 AM PST

    I am thinking about developing a video based Elearning website but I am not sure how I can make it the most effective price wise, code wise, and scale wise.

    Would you recommend going with AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Digital Ocean, buying your own servers to setup at home, using Equinix or Servercentral data centers, private cloud, or something else? Which of these would be the cheapest option to be able to store lots of videos and scale up as more videos get uploaded? Which would be the easiest to administrate remotely?

    Which programming languages would you recommend for this? Does the programming language you choose effect bandwidth cost for when users watch videos? Would a faster language decrease costs while a slower language would increase costs?

    How would you prevent people from stealing videos that are uploaded to the site? What language would provide the most security?

    On average, how much would all of this cost per month if you had to guess a total?

    submitted by /u/someoneataplace
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    Is Laravel Cool?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:41 PM PST

    I'm about to release my first little web app. What are something I should do?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:40 AM PST

    I already added some meta tag in my HTML head (description, author) what should I do more for release?

    submitted by /u/FlyingChinesePanda
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    GitHub - pikapkg/web: Install npm dependencies that run directly in the browser. No Browserify, Webpack or import maps required.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Does anyone have experience with Spryker?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Hi Webdev, I'm wondering does anyone here have any experience with Spryker for e-commerce? If so, I'd like to ask you some questions about it. If this isn't worthy of it's own post can you guide me to where can I post it? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/mesneokruglice
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    Backend dilemma

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm starting new personal project which I plan to be quite big, so I am in a bit of dilemma: I already know PHP and Laravel proficiently and can easily develop my back end with it, but was wondering if I should not write it in Go ( with buffalo), as I've always wanted to learn Go, but don't want the project to suffer from that and I'm not sure if there will be any actual benefit from switching to the new language/ framework...

    Will be glad to hear your opinions and thoughts.

    submitted by /u/bananiumsapiens
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    Freelancers- Do you send mock, wireframes or visuals before you're hired?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:02 PM PST

    As a freelancer, do you send any visual mocks to the clients with your proposal and contract?

    I have a potential client and want to offer a contract and a plan I have for them. I was thinking of creating a mockup for them, but it would essentially be free, and mockups take time.

    Are there other ways to convince a potential client that you are on the same page and have good ideas for their project without creating full wireframes or mocks?

    New to this, so not sure what the protocol is

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    When Napoleon Ventured East, a visualisation of the disastrous campaign that led to Napoleon's final exile

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:03 AM PST

    php7 code

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:57 PM PST

    I've had some php code rewritten for php7, when accessing the php page I get a 500 internal error. I've put the code on the pastebin below. Can anyone see what's wrong with the code?


    submitted by /u/GaryLittlemore
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    Is Pixel Perfect really needed?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Hi guys, this is mostly writing of frustration but also a thought about this subject.

    I was given a design mockup and I had to develop it "pixel perfect", now: multiple things that should have been aligned were not, the header was like unnecessary positioned 2px from the very top of the page (it was a white background header). I lost my mind trying to replicate those un-aligned things and was so frustrated, how do guys proceed when you see something like that?!

    submitted by /u/steooo
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    When you fetch data from an API, how can you input it into a certain <div> in HTML?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:50 PM PST

    I've fetched data from a newsApi and have gotten back some results. How can I put these results in multiple bootstrap cards depending on how much data I have. For example, if I receive 10 articles, how can I make 10 different cards to hold them.

    Here is the card I want to put the info in:

    <div class="card text-white bg-primary mb-3 mt-4 ml-4 mr-3" style="max-width: 20rem;">

    <a href="#">

    <div class="card-header">Header</div>

    <div class="card-body">

    <h4 class="card-title">Primary card title</h4>

    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>





    submitted by /u/Dumrich
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    Adding SSL to a .dev domain using LetsEncrypt?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 05:22 PM PST

    I am hosting a site on Azure, and I'm trying to add a certificate using LetsEncrypt. Everything seemed to work flawlessly, until the part where I actually tried to install the cert.

    Since google is forcing everyone to use https, it seems like LetsEncrypt can't get to the necessary resources to install the certificate because it needs to make the request over http.

    Is there any way around this?

    EDIT: To add a bit more information, I get the following error when I "Request and Install Certificate" from LetsEncrypt.

    The Lets Encrypt ACME server was probably unable to reach http://MYDOMAIN.dev/.well-known/acme-challenge

    I am assuming the reason it's unable to reach the URL is because http is not supported on that domain? I followed this guide when setting it up on Azure, for the record.

    submitted by /u/Lyelt
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    Free training on Web Dev, but I want Front-End. [Advice needed]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:31 PM PST

    Hello. There's a small course on web development, respectively LAMP stack (with PHP for sure) organized by some partners from my college and I got myself "in" for a technical exam before they actually accept candidates. If I'm doing well throughout the whole course I might get a job/internship there or something, but I also registered for a 4-weeks course on Front-End React. I don't think back-end would fit me well as I seem to lack the "logic" part (had plenty of failures and struggles regarding this. Algorithms, mathematics aren't really my cup of tea).

    Also, I'm currently a QA Engineer at some other company, and my time is very much short, but I started learning Web Development (excluding the courses I mentioned) in my spare time (weekends mostly) through an online course, but it covers JS, React, and some back-end with Node.js, Express.js, not PHP, or anything from LAMP Stack.

    Essentially, I think the Front-End would fit me better, even though i barely touched the surface. Had myself a little into Java with JSF, C# (not .NET), and now I'm here.

    What would you advise me? Should I go for the LAMP stack course (to gain experience) and the other courses, or ditch the whole LAMP Stack thing?

    submitted by /u/vlad9727
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    Travel itinerary project idea. Need help with technologies to us

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Okay, so I've been looking for a tool to help my friends and I plan a holiday. We are hoping to save an itinerary with a road trip, flights, accommodation, notes. But also as a board to add links and social media posts to give us say restaurant options when we are on the trip.

    I know there are tools out there like Tripit, TripCase, Travefy, etc. But each of them seems to fall short in different areas and my brain instantly started churning up my ideal tool. And as a front end Dev with really good experience with HTML & CSS, I figured it would be a cool project to build my own tool.

    But I don't know where to start! I have a little JS experience but only for simple front end interaction and flourishes on websites, rather than thorough knowledge to build objects and all that jazz. But I know it won't be simple, as I want the tool to have the ability to:

    Have a timeline/itinerary view Add activities to the timeline Add a road trip on a map and have the map show the actual driving route Add flight details with our booking details Either have all four of us log in to one interface to use it, or alternatively have each of us have our own logins, so we can all be on at the same time. So I'm looking for recommendations on easy to learn technologies to get started.

    Is there a framework I need to learn? I'm willing to learn but I'm not looking to learn React or Angular to build this. I am open to others joining me to help build this as a joint project though! Are there tools out there that would give me a user authenticated area where I can build the static version? Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/digital_frankenstein
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