"Build something!" - How to find ideas for first projects learn programming |
- "Build something!" - How to find ideas for first projects
- Plotting my programming journey
- Carreers With Coding
- Anyone else is stuck at searching a project to contribute to?
- Practicing CSS by making a CSS grid but... my code is doing nothing i want it to do?
- Recommendation on how to start learning about hardware/computer architecture.
- What would be the C++ equivalent be of Java(script)'s "variable.function()" functions?
- Need Help Finishing Up My Math Game for Kids!
- Advice on creating first GUI application
- Pair programming or mentor ships
- AngularJs Crud application for beginner
- C++ Inheritance "No Viable Conversi"
- How would I go about linking nodes that are in an array? Each array element contains a node and I want to link them.
- I need some help with a simple python script.
- I want to learn cyber security but have absolutely no coding or programming knowledge. Where can I start?
- [Matlab] Help with changing for loop with break into a while loop.
- Fragments in navigation drawer not showing with UI
- Advice with security with code on GitHub (Node.js)
- How do I implement knowledge gained through edx course "How to code: Simple Data" in real world?
- Help with C programming problem. My code doesn’t go through a for loop and I am not sure why.
- What are some simple language(s) to learn for a simple database program?
- Git question
- Wikipedia Map
- Educate Me: Microservices
"Build something!" - How to find ideas for first projects Posted: 16 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST A lack of creativity seems to be a recurring theme here. After the first few tutorials, the advice to all new programmers is to "build something". The question of what to build always gets answers as helpfully vague as "something you care about". Since I struggled with the same problem of being a super un-creative person, I wanted to pass on two big realizations that eventually helped me get past this particular hurdle. (1): Your project doesn't need to be unique. It's perfectly fine to re-create something you saw elsewhere. Your first code is likely gonna be crappy anyway, so don't waste time trying to come up with unique ideas for "your" first project. Just get started with "some" first project: Don't be afraid to steal an idea, just don't go passing it off as your own. (2): Your project doesn't need to be small. If you have a big idea that is absolutely beyong your skills, that's fine too. You can break it down and work on a tiny aspect of it, then come back to build on it over the years as your skills develop. Google what a "minimum viable product" (MVP) is, and think of all your projects in these terms. What is the most essential functionality? Build that first. Add the rest later. Huge ideas don't equal a huge project - Huge ideas equal thousands of tiny projects. In concrete examples: My first project was a simple calculator website. The MVP is obviously something that performs the calculation. So I did that, and only that: I wrote the input directly as variables into the code. Made it print the output to the console. Next, I added made it get the input from the command line. Next, I made a simple user-interface in HTML/CSS: Two fields for input, a simple DOM-manipulation for the output. I have some ideas for making it into a proper website, but for now this is still where this project stands. While working on this I got familiar with my editor. I installed some extensions, one of which was called "HTML skeleton" - It adds the basics of an HTML structure into an empty document, so you don't have to waste time writing doctype, html, head, and body-tags. I would have loved the same for CSS, as there is quite a bit of code that is common to pretty much all my CSS files. So born was the idea for a second project: I'll copy that editor-extension. Of course, a full-featured extension goes well beyond my skills. So what is my MVP? The minimum of functionality I want is to have template code that I can just inject with a click. The Editor I use is open source, and on their gitHub wiki there's a "how to write extensions" page, complete with an example that prints "hello world" into an empty document. I copied that, exchanged the "hello world" string for my CSS template code, added another string for some personalized HTML template code, made it add another menu item. All this pretty much without knowledge wathsoever, only by copying and moifying what was already there. I learned a ton just by doing this. Currently, I have to manually open a new empty document to insert my template code into. I would like the button to accomplish both: Open a new doc pre-filled with template code. I'm still searching the Editor's docs and source code on how to do this. Going forward, I can imagine adding an option to make the template-code user-modifiable. Add some sort of UI to change the string of code-template. Currently the menu items are at the bottom of the "file" menu - Maybe I can change that to a button in the extensions-bar or to a different menue. I also want it to activate HTML or CSS sytnax-highlighting accordingly. The point is, once you have something like this it grows kinda naturally. "Writing an extension" is a pretty large project for a beginner like me, but as seperate ideas, all these features are doable. And every single one is teaching me quite a bit of not only JS, but also about how that editor works under the hood. Maybe I'll be able to finish it eventually. Maybe not. If this gets too frustrating and I fond some other idea more fitting for my current skill level. But in the meantime, I already have a half-dinished extension that allows me to create HTML projects wihtout having to re-type the same hundred lines or so over and over again. [link] [comments] |
Plotting my programming journey Posted: 16 Feb 2019 04:25 AM PST I'm here to get advice on self teaching myself another program language. A little background info, I've taken college programming for java, twice and also a html class in high school. So I'm not completely new but those were taught by a teacher. I've wanted to get into website and app development on my own so I got a few courses from udemy. I want to start with web design so I'm going back over html and learning css and JavaScript. The courses teach you the languages or atleast a rudimentary version and even goes into backend languages you may need to implement. Throughout the courses are some practice assignments such as launching a website from scratch, making a game, and making clones of popular social media sights. Is this a good route to go or am I adding unnecessary steps? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Feb 2019 07:15 PM PST I am very new to coding and so obviously that means I don't have a job with programming. I've learned the extreme basics of java and html and have very little knowledge of both but I have always wanted to learn more. But I don't want to learn any languages without knowing the use of them or what I can do after Iv'e spent a good amount of time dedicated to them. Basically what im asking is what am I supposed to do with code once I know how to use it and is there any home jobs I can take like website development or something else? [link] [comments] |
Anyone else is stuck at searching a project to contribute to? Posted: 16 Feb 2019 07:15 AM PST I know the question is covered in the FAQ, but hear me out. I prefer doing things not just for practice sake, but them being actually useful. Every few months I will have a great idea and release an app, but between that I'm usually looking for Open-Source projects - however that also only makes sense if they are something I personally use. No idea what features would be useful in an app I don't use, right? So I'm usually really exited when I find an open-source app, and wish there were more! Anyone else who is in the same situation? [link] [comments] |
Practicing CSS by making a CSS grid but... my code is doing nothing i want it to do? Posted: 16 Feb 2019 09:58 PM PST i will post my code here, its only html so far but its not doing anything remotely close to the tutorial i am watching? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV8B24rSN5o) specifically, its not making columns/rows nor is it graying out the areas i specified in the code? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>CSS Grids</title> <style> .wrapper{ display:grid; grid-template-columns: 70% 30%; /*grid-column-gap:1em; grid-row-gap:1em; */ grid-gap:1em; } .wrapper >div{ background:#eee; padding:1em; } .wrapper > div:nth-child(odd){ background:#ddd; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"></div> <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Recusandae saepe reprehenderit, eius qui sit blanditiis, beatae enim excepturi error quas minima. Quae facilis modi, soluta non? Blanditiis voluptate, ad nostrum deserunt quas, eligendi perspiciatis ipsa. Doloribus autem non, quo ut veritatis rerum praesentium nemo corporis omnis repellat repellendus laudantium eaque deserunt aut et hic cum quia numquam animi quisquam quis. Quasi consequuntur mollitia, quos accusamus, totam laboriosam dolor esse odit iusto dolore aspernatur quod illum nisi repellendus deleniti perspiciatis dicta. </div> <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vero, ipsam. Placeat, aspernatur, amet? Veritatis consectetur odit esse beatae quo magni deserunt autem natus, sequi recusandae quasi! Atque autem delectus doloremque? </div> </body> </html> [link] [comments] |
Recommendation on how to start learning about hardware/computer architecture. Posted: 16 Feb 2019 02:16 PM PST I study computer science but we had barely one hardware course where I did not learn much except basic assembly. I would like to deep diver and learn more but I don't know where to start or what resources to use. [link] [comments] |
What would be the C++ equivalent be of Java(script)'s "variable.function()" functions? Posted: 16 Feb 2019 09:16 PM PST I'm fairly new to programming and the language I know best is C and C++. I did program in languages like Javascript or Java a little, but it was more superficial as I more or less just followed the Coding Train's Coding Challenges. They have simplified these languages into P5.js and Processing respectively. One thing I noticed between the code of those two languages and the code of my C/C++ programs, is that in those two languages one could simply use ".function()" functions without it explicitly being defined anywhere in the written code, whereas, at least at my current level, I didn't encounter such a thing in my C++ code, without the function being defined in a Class already. So what's up with that? Is it only a coding convention which C++ just expresses differently or is it something else entirely? Or are these just "hidden" additions in p5.js and Processing, as I don't really have much exposure to the "real" languages. [link] [comments] |
Need Help Finishing Up My Math Game for Kids! Posted: 16 Feb 2019 08:37 PM PST Here's my problem, I need to make it so there are no negative numbers or any non-whole numbers at the answers in my game. My game is working as intended so far but I can't figure out how to stop the game from making the answer negative or a fraction (i.e: 1-9=-8 or 4/8=.5). I'm using https://scratch.mit.edu/ to make this game. Sorry, but I can't share the file for my game because it's not an image. I'll send it to anyone who wants to help. Thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
Advice on creating first GUI application Posted: 16 Feb 2019 08:25 PM PST Hi all! Right now, I am planning out my project to create a youtube base music player just like nuclear. However, for the sake of learning, I am trying to create a cross platform variation. Just for reference, I have been developing for about 6 or 7 so I have experience in Java, Python, C++, C, Web Dev, etc. so I am just trying to figure out the best course of action that looks good. I am leaning more towards the C++ side of language so I was looking at Qt, however, I haven't found an actual good looking application with Qt with a few mins of searching. I also don't want to be forced into using QtCreator and it just seems horribly bloated with its binaries. I really don't want to use electron because it is just purely a memory hog and I am trying to create a fairly efficient and low impact application. I also checked out wxWidgets and it seems like it could work out however there isn't much support but honestly seems like the best bet. Just looking for your thoughts. Thank you in advance! [link] [comments] |
Pair programming or mentor ships Posted: 17 Feb 2019 12:01 AM PST So I stated in a previous post I'm a little new to this but I was wondering if anyone has done or knows of sites offering free mentoring or pair programming with other learners? I know about microverse and was quite interested but for two reasons. To join microverse you kinda need to not have a job already and two it's only based on European or American time zones (I'm currently living in china). So would like to know if anyone is interested in doing this or knows of websites that accommodate these functions. [link] [comments] |
AngularJs Crud application for beginner Posted: 16 Feb 2019 11:58 PM PST I have developed AngularJs Crud application Git Source : https://github.com/developerdiary/AngularCrudWithPHP Website : http://www.developerdiary.in/anuglarjs/crud-application-angularjsphp-mysql/amp/ [link] [comments] |
C++ Inheritance "No Viable Conversi" Posted: 16 Feb 2019 11:57 PM PST Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong? I'm trying to set up my mutators for my derived class. I keep getting the same error "No viable conversion"
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