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    Saturday, December 29, 2018

    Google Summer Of Code learn programming

    Google Summer Of Code learn programming

    Google Summer Of Code

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:27 AM PST

    Anyone here participated or successfully completed the GSOC program. I want to participate and contribute to Opensource. Where should I start? I'm learning python right now and will learn the basics of language in less than a month from now. How should I make my schedule so that I get accepted in the program? What else should I learn apart from a language? Where should i practice?

    Looking forward to hearing from all you wonderful people in this subreddit!

    submitted by /u/MuneebAhmad
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    How to overcome the third stage: "The Desert of Despair" ?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 06:21 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post here so first I'd like to give a bit of background about myself.

    I've been learning a web development for a while now, started slowly on my own with learning HTML5 and CSS3 about a year ago after visiting one of the learning centres in London, it looked so easy and I though to myself why not to try it? I've also completed JS bootcamp as well as UX/UI and web design bootcamps about a year ago. I've completed few online courses on Udemy and I've build couple of simple websites with HTML5 and CSS3 (no JS).

    Because I got interested in front-end development when I was doing my undergraduate course in Business Management, I've decided to do my masters in IT instead of business. At university we code mainly in Python, we went through the usual stuff, variables, lists, loops, recursion, debugging, logic etc. But it's getting more and more complicated now. In the future I would love to become a front-end web developer but I am starting to get worried about the coding part. I find myself struggling a lot with coding. I've looked up some tutorials online and websites where you can practice coding interview questions and I am having difficulty even with the "easy" ones.

    Right now I feel like I'm at stage 3 "The Desert of Despair" according to this article: https://www.thinkful.com/blog/why-learning-to-code-is-so-damn-hard/ and I feel like I've been stuck in this position for a while now. I took a lot of online tutorials, I've tried solving critical thinking and problem solving quizzes and puzzles to keep my brain active and keep exercising my brain. The results depending on the website I've used varied between 50% to even 100%. I feel like I can think critically and I'm good at problem solving, currently I work as 1st and 2nd line IT support and I'm really good at finding solutions, but I can't wrap my head around more complex coding problems.

    I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly but I can often find solutions to problems faster than anyone else in my current team but I can't for example multiply quickly in my head... maths was always a big struggle for me and when things get complicated I feel like this guy... I just feel like my brain works in a different way than everyone else's if that makes sense.

    So I think my questions are:

    • How much coding skills do I need to be a successful front-end developer?
    • And if I fail at the job interviews after university and won't be able to get a job as front-end developer what other jobs I could do with masters in IT that don't require complex coding skills but pay a decent salary?

    Edit: formatting.

    submitted by /u/rootpl
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    What to Start Studying Before Full Time Bootcamp in February

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:38 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I am doing the University of Denver's Full Time Coding Bootcamp starting Feb. 19th. The curriculum is here: https://bootcamp.du.edu/coding/curriculum/

    I am currently unemployed, and plan on spending 5-6 hours every day studying on my own until the bootcamp starts. A very experienced software engineering friend of mine recommended I learn Python, since Python is not being taught in my course. I have spent the last 2 weeks learning Python on Treehouse, and have probably logged around 65 hours or so (I can do lists, loops, functions, dictionaries, etc-still very rudimentary I know).

    But now I am conflicted, and have 2 lines of thought:

    1) Continue Python studies. Python is useful, and since it is harder than HTML, JS, and CSS, I should be at a head start when the bootcamp starts. My worry is since the curriculum doesn't cover Python, I might forget most of the Python I learned, because I will not be practicing it for the 3 months I am in the Bootcamp. My end goal is to find a job. Would employers for an entry level job care about a minimal level knowledge of Python, or would they rather care about the things in my curriculum?

    2) My main goal, and the goal of the bootcamp, is to gain employment. Part of me thinks I should spend all of January studying what is being offered in the bootcamp, so during the bootcamp it all comes more easily and I can really hit the bootcamp out of the park. But then part of me wonders, if I am going to be studying it on my own why do the bootcamp?

    TLDR: Goal is to make myself as attractive as possible for 1st programming job. Bootcamp starts Feb 19th with this material https://bootcamp.du.edu/coding/curriculum/. Currently have been studying Python. What should I do in between now and when bootcamp starts to maximize my employability when bootcamp ends?

    Thank you!!!

    submitted by /u/DenverBuff1987
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    Which is a good choice of programming language for my goals as an beginner?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:21 AM PST

    I started with markup languages like css and html on treehouse and codecademy plus a js course. In the school we are learning java, but at the most time we're playing around with javakarol...so i know that i want to program apps for IOS (so i need to know swift) on the other hand i want to program something like a raspberry pi or something else. Which language should i learn and is there any book recommendation or courses (for swift too)?

    submitted by /u/ForrestDark
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    Has anyone been to Flatiron or Makers Academy Recently?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:59 PM PST

    Thank you in advance for visiting this page!
    As I know some people say don't trust to the job placement reports from the bootcamps themselves. Anybody graduated or know something about one of these coding bootcamps?:-) Its job placement support and overall curriculum quality..

    submitted by /u/__iamusman
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    What are some good projects/goals to shoot for?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:44 AM PST

    Programming is still kind of mystical to me. I can't really understand what things you can do with languages. What is a cool project I should work towards for learning? Is the goal of "creating a website" a good one? Is that too complex (I'm just learning about classes in Java now)

    submitted by /u/BulkTill230
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    Remember No One Knows Everything About Coding!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:34 PM PST

    Not even Dan Ambramov! Software development is a process of continuous learning :)


    submitted by /u/relaychatapp
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    So I really want to get into data science but there's so many choices on where to start. So I found a few courses online and was wondering if any of you here think they're a good starting point or if I should move to something else

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:54 AM PST

    Full disclosure: I do not come from an engineering or CS background like so many people on r/datascience. And the only programming experience I do have was through a web development course I had to take as part of a university requirement

    So in terms of the courses I have lined up, there's ones by Jose Portilla on Udemy that introduce R, Python and SQL. They all seemed interesting and it seemed like if I finished them, I could walk away with enough knowledge to practice those languages on my own and move on to more advanced stuff

    Then there's an introductory statistics course taught by 365 Careers. It just gives an overview of introductory stats and applies them to the real world. This is also on Udemy

    And then there's Data Science A-Z taught by Kirill Eremenko. This course seems more in-depth and also focuses on SQL and SQL Server as well as learn things like data mining, analysis, regression, etc.

    submitted by /u/incubateshovels
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    I am useless and have no ideas.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 10:24 AM PST

    Is there an online site that provides ideas which I could code so I become really used to it. I am basically a beginner. Learned java basics (syntax, how to create txt files, how to create a window using swing). But I can't put my knowledge to the test and see how much I actually need to improve.

    submitted by /u/JeppNeb
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    Java Books with emphasis on Projects

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:27 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a book that teaches Java that creates either mini projects or works towards a large project. I have an okay grasp over syntax but I'd like to see some worked examples of OOP. I'm currently working through Core Java by Horstmann and they have really no significant examples. If you guys know of anything like this please let me know! Thank you for any guidance.

    submitted by /u/hipsterfarmerman
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    What is the Best Web Dev online course, regardless of cost?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 03:26 PM PST

    I'm looking at fully immersing myself in a web development course, and with the amount of online courses out there, it's hard to choose the best. Cost is not an issue, I'm just looking or the best one currently available.

    What are your favorites, and why are they your favorite?

    submitted by /u/CalmYoTitz
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    Books > Video Tutorials

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 06:54 PM PST

    Hallo all,

    I am very new to programming and I already figured the following out for myself: I watched days of YouTube and Udemy tutorials and I just typed what I saw on the screen. I just used the examples they gave me, obviously.

    Now, after days of video tutorials, my PHP book arrived. After just about 4 hours of reading I have way more background knowledge than I could ever earn with the watched videos.

    Of course everyone is learning different and if you hate reading, don't buy a book. But if you're new to programming and you're not sure whether to buy a book or a Udemy tutorial - don't be dumb, go for the book!

    Happy New Year

    submitted by /u/Mievo
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    Help Me Create Basic Global Variables

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:24 AM PST

    I want to do an app that monitors my total ammount of money (current state of app with some mockups on it)

    I need to set a global variable that gets saved when i exit the app and i need to add to that variable when a button is pressed. I am using oncreate method with three fragments (as you can see in the picture). No google searches led me to a right answer or an answer that i can understand.

    submitted by /u/Efeler_Gibi
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    Any good resources for learning ARM Assembly?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:20 AM PST

    I'm struggling with the textbook for my ARM class, I was wondering if anyone had a better resource.

    Link to textbook for anyone interested: Link

    submitted by /u/wo1fbite
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    Learn language terms? Strong and weak typing? Dynamic?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:08 PM PST

    Hey Guys,

    So, I hear these words frequently thrown around about a language being "Dynamic" or "Strongly typed" or "multi-paradigm".

    How do I learn about all these words and how they apply and influence languages?

    Is there any book that goes over all these terms and the different types of programming languages?

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/EducationalHound
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    I thought this might be a interesting read

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 10:11 PM PST

    Accepted a PM internship at a large tech company

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:53 PM PST

    I accepted a program manager internship at a large tech company(i.e Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc)for the summer and was wondering what things should I look to to be better prepared for it. So far I've been just getting some coding practice up from online resources(freecodecamp) And familiarizing myself with GitHub. I won't know what team I'm on or what my exact responsibilities are until 2 months prior to start and even still, probably won't have too much info until I get there. One bit of advice I've received was do some writing on technical topics. Any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Rabbit_trix
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    How does one calculate the runtime of an algorithm through actual coding?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:39 PM PST

    New to C++ and am learning sorting algorithms. I want to actually calculate the time in whatever units of let's say how long bubble sort takes. I can set up the algorithm for bubble sort but do not know what to do to actually output the seconds it takes and to be able to do multiple tests to get a reasonable answer?

    submitted by /u/JumpyKnowledge
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    Done my first Encryption Code by C++

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:02 AM PST

    It takes string, transfer it to char array, transfer it to ASCII numbers array, applies the following equation to the numbers array:

    Odd elements: (value) + (first digit from a 2-digit password you pick)

    Even elements: (value) + (Second digit from a 2-digit password you pick)

    TaDaaaa, You've got a different numbers array, transfer it to char array using ASCII code again.

    New encrypted text :D

    Use same code to decrypt but change the code to (minus sign)

    submitted by /u/OmarYassin1
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    Need Help Finding A Simpler Way To Extract Genetic Sequence Data From A Text File Using Python

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 09:25 PM PST

    Hi, this is my first question on this subreddit. I apologize in advance if I'm doing anything wrong or my question sucks. I am trying to parse through a .txt file of a list of genetic sequences with Python. I have created a solution that works, but I'm not happy with the complexity of it.

    The text file is formatted as so:

    >Tag1 SequenceSequenceSequence SequenceSequenceSequence SequenceSequenceSequence >Tag2 SequenceSequenceSequence SequenceSequenceSequence SequenceSequenceSequence 

    And so on.

    I want to organize the data into either arrays or objects so that I can easily access the data and manipulate it with code.

    For instance, my implementation results into something like this:

    allTags = [Tag1, Tag2, Tag3,…TagN] allSeqs = [Seq1, Seq2, Seq3,…SeqN] 

    Which I then put in an object:

    allData = { "tags": allTags, "sequences": allSeqs } 

    Here was the thought process behind my solution:

    • I know I can use the readlines method combined with a loop to go through each line one by one.
    • I know that each time I see a line that begins with a '>' character that means that line is a tag.
      • I'll put this into my allTags array.
    • I know that following each tag will be the sequence split into different lines.
      • I'll put this in my currentSequence variable.
    • I know that when a new tag appears, I can join all the previous lines that did not start with a '>', into one long sequence.
      • I'll join my list of currentSequence lines, and then append the combined sequence into my allSequences tag.
    • At the end of the file is a blankspace, so this indicates to me where I can end my loop.

    I feel like my implementation is unnecessarily complex, and that there must be a simpler way to do this, can anyone help me find a better way?

    Here is my solution

    submitted by /u/hooodeyhoo
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    What's a good quantifiable goal for a programming beginner to want to achieve before the end of 2019?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 05:14 PM PST

    I like to set new years resolutions that I can actually achieve, and for the most part I usually do (I was able to complete a novel this year and I was able to move to work abroad in 2017), and next year I really want to improve my programming skills. In 2018 I had taken a course on udemy for coding to make games, but I didn't find it that useful overall, and I looked up videos online and never really got anywhere. I am currently taking the CS50 course on EdX, and even though it's incredibly difficult for me, I feel like it's the best course I've found so far. Because of work commitments I'm only able to dedicate at maximum an hour a day to programming during the weekdays, but I'm completely free during the weekends.

    My primary objective next year is to be as adept in programming, with the intention of making software/games, as I possibly can. I'm considering changing careers if I can get good at this. What's an achievable, but somewhat challenging goal for newcomers to programming to try to achieve before the end of 2019? Thank you for any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/ScottSaw
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    Texture Mapping a soft3D engine?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:53 PM PST

    I have tried searching the interwebs before this post but couldn't find any resources beyond vertex matricies transformations.

    I understand that we would employ a projection matrix to map coordinates to the screen, but I cant seem to find resources on how we would map a texture.

    Anyone know if any good resources? I am specifically looking for resources that do not make use of directx or opengl functions. This is an educational practice for me (and may expand into me making a 3d engine for gameboy advance homebrew :p)

    submitted by /u/darkenvy
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    Project Planning

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:15 PM PST

    Perhaps this isn't the right place to ask, but I needed some advice on starting a project of mine.

    My goal is to create a website that allows users to track and compare different cryptocurrency values. I am already familiar with HTML and CSS and currently learning the basics of JavaScript. How do I get started on this? I'm willing to learn more languages for this. I've heard of databases, but I have no idea what they are or what they do.

    submitted by /u/ripigotbanned
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    Aiming for good quality code. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:11 PM PST

    Hello Redditors!

    I am currently a senior in high school that just started learning Python over the summer. So far, I have been doing small beginner projects and HackerRank. It does get very frustrating at times and sometimes I really did want to quit and not continue any longer. However....I always tried again and eventually, I solved the problem! This all seems good and I am expecting this continuous cycle of frustration and satisfaction of solving every problem I encounter..

    Ok, enough of that introduction. It's currently winter break, and I have been coding at least 5 hours or more everyday. Recently, I have learned that there are such things called "good code" and "bad code"

    I even have an example of code that I made a couple days from scratch.

    import time import random print ("Welcome to the Magic Eight Ball!") number = 3 enter_answer = input("Put your question here: ") while enter_answer == "I don't know": print("Ok....I will wait") time.sleep(10) print("Now do you know what you want to ask?") enter_answer = input("Put your question here: ") if enter_answer != "I don't know": break while number > 0: print ("Thinking.....Thinking....") number -= 1 time.sleep(2) Person_answer_list = [ "You will not succeed", "Yes", "No", "Maybe", "I think you should go with the latter", "good", "bad", "Stick with your first choice", "Stick with your latter choice", "I think that is a cool thing", "I don't think that is a cool thing", "Maybe sometime in the moonlight", "The future is unknown", "That is a bad choice", "I don't think that will happen", "you will be fine"] Person_answer = random.choice(Person_answer_list) print(Person_answer) 

    What this code is trying to achieve is similar to that of a Magic 8 ball. A person enters a question, and then a random answer pops up. I also added a feature in which if they are not sure of which question to ask, I will give them 10 seconds to think of it.

    Now, my question is...is this good code? I feel like some parts of it can be shortened and possibly even "worded" better than this current code right now. It works....but it can definitely be shortened. Please put down your suggestions and give me TIPS on how I can make my code better than this one. Please feel free to add any other suggestions that arose from your experience in which you feel that it will benefit novices. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/asian_hifi
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