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    Saturday, November 17, 2018

    Resume Advice Thread - November 17, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - November 17, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - November 17, 2018

    Posted: 16 Nov 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - November 17, 2018

    Posted: 16 Nov 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why do so many new grads begin their career at startups?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:39 AM PST

    This is something I've been curious about for some time. With all the uncertainty that can come with working at a startup regardless of your experience (long hours, unclear roles, lack of mentorship, potential to lose your job instantly), I still see so many people starting their career in such places.

    This isn't typical of every startup, but still why choose a startup over a big company? With most large firms, there are defined positions, time and guidance given to ramp up properly, and more mentorship opportunities. Even if compensation was significantly less, the risks of beginning your career at a startup are real.

    EDIT: Thanks for those who read this post and shared their personal experiences. I've interned at two big companies, and I'm planning to spend my last internship at a small startup due in part to this curiosity. I value monetary compensation very highly, personally. I have people I wish to take care of, and passions that eventually extend past the tech industry. However, I can see how optimizing for learning opportunities early on could help with this down the road, so a startup might be best for me after all.

    submitted by /u/TTG300
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    What projects do you have on your github? What personal projects are you currently working on?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 12:41 PM PST

    Let's see what people are up to. I know it is hard to work on personal stuff while having a full time job but some still do, specially when work gets stale.

    I'd say I'm on the boring end of the spectrum, all I have is one of my computer graphics projects from college.

    submitted by /u/propjoe16
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    Should you go to things like hackathons and programming meetups if you are inexperienced?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 04:56 PM PST

    I met w/ my faculty adviser 2 weeks ago and she encouraged me to start doing networking events like hackathons and programming meetups/clubs. I have several concerns with going to these types of things. I don't think my skills are up to par to be able to contribute anything useful or maybe even do anything there. Even worse, when they find out I am a computer science major and also that I am graduating this quarter, I should be "better" than I really am and they will expect even more out of me. I also do not know how to speak all of the tech lingo and at this point still talk about tech things in layman's terms mostly. I have some concern that I am pretty much going to be either a drag on everyone else there, always asking for help to do the simplest thing, or else I'll just be sitting off to the side, not being able to do anything while everyone else is very experienced and making all sorts of progress on their little projects. My adviser tried to reassure me by saying that she has observed me through all the classes I have taken with her and that I am a problem solver (a very good one). I agree with her. However, I think the biggest problem at this point is being able to utilize technology to put my solutions to work. I am not the best coder. Sometimes I spend a few hours trying to figure out what is wrong with my code and then I show it to my very experienced classmate or teacher and they are able to figure it out in 30 seconds.

    submitted by /u/godogs2018
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    [NYC] Anyone interested in a study group in NYC (preferably Manhattan)?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST

    I'm an experienced SWE working in finance. Looking to make a career change, specifically aiming to join one of the FANG firms or similar.

    I actually attended on site interviews with Facebook and Google last year but did not progress. The feedback I received was positive however and I was encouraged to try again in a year.

    This time around, I'd like to study in a group, to share knowledge, to critique, as well as to motivate and to hold each other accountable with study.

    I'd envision meeting (at least) one weeknight for a couple of hours and one weekend morning to go over leetcode or Cracking the Code Interview questions. Location could be anywhere mutually convenient.

    I'm located in Lower Manhattan.

    (Apologies if this not an appropriate thread for this kind of post.)

    submitted by /u/YouAreNotASlave
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    Anyone here switch jobs with less than or around 1 year of experience, care to share your show as to how you did it?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:01 AM PST

    I'm less than a year out of school and I've been working as a developer for a medium size company doing Java development. It's in NYC and its underpaid ~60k so I'm hoping to find a better job soon. For those who changed jobs in less than or around 1 year of experience, what was it like?

    Were you searching as an experienced hire or as a new hire? Was it more difficult than finding the first job? Did recruiters voice concern about you switching too quickly? Anything else to add?

    submitted by /u/LevelPalpitation95
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    Applying for a full time job now - good idea?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:28 PM PST

    With the holidays practically upon us, it feels like it's hard to get recruiters to take a vested interest in processing new applicants now. Would it be better to wait until next year (say, mid-January) to start applying again?

    What are others' experiences like applying for jobs in the past around this time of the year?

    submitted by /u/ultininja123
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    Afraid of applying to big F/G because of cyber crime misdemeanors

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:11 AM PST

    Back in college I screwed up and got involved in a cyber crime incident. I voluntarily confessed to it, but I still got a criminal record. So far, it's caused some problems with job offers. It caused offers from big A (internship), Palantir (FT) and one mid-sized tech company (FT) to be rescinded. I fortunately had backup offers for all of these which worked out. I'm currently working (FT) at a unicorn.

    Now my current dilemma: I've had recruiters from big F/G reach out to me and ask me to interview again. I scheduled them tentatively for early next year to give me adequate time to study leetcode again.

    Should I even bother going through with the interviews? Is it likely that they also would rescind any offers I get?

    I can get my record expunged in 2 years, so it would be safe to interview then, but I want to get in to big F/G ASAP.

    submitted by /u/cscqthrow8274
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    Deciding between Citi, Citrix, and JP Morgan Summer Internships

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:08 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Over the past couple of weeks, I was presented with 3 internship offers and need help on deciding which one to accept. I'm a Junior majoring in Computer Science from a top 50 college in the US and am hoping to work as a software engineer for a tech company post-graduation. Ideally, I would work on the west coast, since my family is planning to move out there after I graduate. I'm also minoring in Finance and am interested in the subject (more for personal finance/learning how investments and markets work), but I don't think I will pursue it as a professional career. I'm looking for an internship where I'd be able to learn a lot, gain experience partaking in the software development lifecycle, and add solid industry experience to my resume.

    Citi ICG Technology Summer Analyst Program - 10 Week Program

    • Location: NYC (I'm from NYC so I would not need to worry about housing)
    • Pay: Based on a $90,000 yearly salary (comes out to around $43.27/hr)
    • Housing Stipend: $2000 that I would use on commuting

    Citrix Software Engineering Internship Program - 12 Week Program

    • Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL (They also have headquarters in Santa Clara, CA)
    • Pay: $33.56/hr (But no state income tax in Florida!)
    • Housing Stipend: $1000, which probably wouldn't be enough so I would have to pay from my paycheck

    JP Morgan Chase Software Engineering internship Program - 10 Week Program

    • Location: Columbus, OH (I don't have a car, which might be a problem)
    • Pay: $31.49/hr
    • Housing Stipend: $1500

    Currently, I'm leaning towards Citrix, because it's a tech company and not a bank, but I'm not that interested in the stuff that they do (IT products, Desktop-as-a-service, Networks, etc). On the other hand, I've also heard some things about how company culture isn't the greatest at banks, with previous interns taking forever to gain access to certain things, having nothing to do some weeks, and managers not really knowing what is going on.

    I also don't think I would return to any of these companies if I were to intern and receive a return offer (I don't know though, since my views might change after working), so I don't know if I should prioritize getting a good name on my resume or choosing the place that I would like working for full time the most.

    If anyone has worked for any of these companies in a software engineering role or has any insight to offer, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jashinxd
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    Internet of Things

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 02:58 PM PST

    What does work in IoT Software Development look like? I am currently an undergraduate student looking at the possibilities in research and industry and one of my professors said IoT is booming but it just seems so broad so I am not entirely sure what software development would be in a field like that.

    submitted by /u/depressedskeptic
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    Each day makes me more and more miserable without a job, and it feels like I'm hopeless

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:49 AM PST

    ​I don't know how else to say this but I've been struggling to get interviews, in person and from applying online, presumably because my resume is shit. Every time I ask for help in the resume advice thread, people are telling me that it's decent, but if I'm getting almost no interviews from it, its clearly shit, and I applied to 300 places by now. Ghosted/rejected by everyone that doesn't send coding tests to everyone. Even hiring managers on this subreddit who I've PMed my resume to said my resume is good enough for interviews at their company, but I'm still not getting any, even if I apply to said company. It also breaks me whenever I hear failure-to-success stories, because I'm trying my absolute hardest to apply but nothing is happening. I'm even trying to reach out to a couple of recruiters on LinkedIn and emailing them, but they are all ignoring me.

    Another thing is that if I don't get a job, my parents won't support me because I'm not going to grad school (I'm a senior graduating in the spring). They stopped calling me on a regular basis and even if they do, it's basically only to attack me by reminding me I'm making "bad choices" by not going to grad school. I won't be able to go home after college without constantly being bullied by them, and so I seriously need something. And because of that, they won't be supporting me financially when college is over. Each day only brings me closer to closer to the end and so far, there is no hope to me.

    Can someone help me out here? What's the deal? Why are people telling me I'm not shit when the results I'm having indicate that it blatantly obviously is?

    Edit: I exhausted all referrals from people I know. I only got one total and the company ended up losing my application too.

    submitted by /u/cscqthrowaway90094
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    Infosys Training - Indianapolis

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 08:12 PM PST

    Hi! I just got my Onboarding location as Indianapolis. My start date is Dec 10? Anyone coming?

    submitted by /u/aeleonu
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    How long after G Engineering Residency final round did you hear back about your offer/rejection?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 08:08 PM PST

    I had my final round of interviews (2 back-to-back Hangouts interviews) for the G Engineering Residency program. I was wondering how long it takes for them to get back with the final decision?

    submitted by /u/paprika111
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    Internship Question

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 08:06 PM PST

    Has anyone ever intern shipped with a company in the Spring then internship with the same or different company in the summer? Also, how are Spring internships perceived here?

    submitted by /u/Steelmax6
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    Can't find internship postings anymore.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 12:17 PM PST

    Hey there, I am a Junior in College looking for an internship in New York, New York but I am willing to work in another state for the summer. I've applied to 300 jobs so far and I've gotten roughly 15 hackerrank's in response. But have never made it past that stage and I have yet to have an in person interview. I find that I am really struggling to find positions to apply for. It seem's like I do not have the job experience nor the amazing side projects needed to compete for the more popular companies, which I have no problem with. However, I don't know where I can look for the lesser known companies. I have scoured Google, Indeed, Linkedin, AngelCo, etc. I can't seem to find many companies that are lesser known. It feels as though I have exhausted most of the jobs I can apply to in NYC, NY and don't have many options left to apply to. Does anyone have any good resources I can find some internships in New York, New York.

    Also on a side note it seems like many people here disagree with unpaid internships. However, I think at this rate I should be open to the possibility of not getting a paid Summer Internship and should consider an unpaid internship so I can have some experience. What do you think about unpaid internships are they worth the time or should I use my time on something else?

    submitted by /u/throwaway123412368
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    MSC conversion students from the UK, where are you now?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:27 PM PST

    I'm a final year pharmacology student and been learning python and JavaScript for the past 6 months (self taught) and have decided I would rather pursue a comp sci career rather than a pharmacology one. I don't want to spend 3 more years doing a CS degree so I've been looking into alternative options. One of the main ones has been the MSC Comp sci 'conversion' courses at UK unis.

    So people that have completed these were they worth it? And what are you doing now?

    submitted by /u/alki284
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    Already too late for Spring 2019 FT applications.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 07:09 PM PST

    I just read some stuff that said folks graduating in spring 2019 should have been applying to positions as early as August.

    I'll be graduating with an IT degree and 3 years experience in May... did I already miss the boat?

    submitted by /u/schimmdog43
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    Non-tech boss at startup thinks he knows the code better than I do.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 03:57 AM PST

    He: Hey dude, that report I asked you to automate, it's missing a critical column! I need you to add it ASAP!

    Me (in my head): I didn't include that because you did not ask me to. You asked that data to be included in that other report you asked me to make, which is probably why you're confused Me (out loud in reality): Sure thing boss.

    He: Yeah, I think that part was commented out. Should I ask <name of his favorite dev> to fix the report?

    Me: (In my head) NO. You know why? Because I wrote the code to generate it. AND I wrote all the APIs that the report uses. And you know why that part isn't commented out? Coz it was never there. You know why? Because you didn't want it there. The requirement you gave me did not have it. And your favorite dev didn't touch any of it. Yet you claim to know the details of the code, as if you've seen it (which you never have; even if you did, you wouldn't understand it). You can't make a hello world program to save your life. Stop acting like you know the first thing about the code that runs your startup and let me do my job in peace. And get your damn requirements straight before barking orders next time. Me (out loud) : No need, boss, I've got it covered.

    How do you deal with this shit?

    submitted by /u/MrPancholi
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    Help with Internship Offer for Spring Session

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:48 PM PST

    I have gotten an offer from NASA for the Spring Session and was wondering whether or not I should take it. The reason being is because I'm not too sure what I will be doing and if the project deals with CS. Does anybody have any insight on what it is like to intern at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and any insight on the project I will be working on?

    Project Description: "The project for this internship will be to further develop existing Virtual Reality concepts and develop new environments that will be used to assess potential Deep Space designs"

    submitted by /u/Steelmax6
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    Tesla in SF vs Okta or Square in Canada for internship, need help deciding (urgent)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 02:43 PM PST

    I've received January internship offers from Tesla in SF, Okta in Toronto Canada, and Square in Waterloo Canada. Okta needs a decision by Tuesday, making this somewhat of an urgent decision.

    Background: Two internships at small startups (one YCombinator) in Toronto. Currently part-time engineer for YC startup. Experience in JS fullstack and Android dev

    Goals, in order of importance:

    1. Maximize prestige for resume so I can land best-paying new-grad job
    2. Best learning experience (want to be exposed to new tech)
    3. Pay

    I calculated expected savings after rent & grocery expenses. I think I'll spend more fun money than expected in SF because of exploration/travelling etc.:

    My offers:

    Tesla - Palo Alto, CA

    • Pay: $32/h, $3000 housing (USD), not including OT which I will probably work
    • Effective savings: $18600 CAD
    • Work description: Creating a fullstack support knowledgebase for other engineers. Some VR/3D vehicle scanning work as well
    • Perks: $130/mo Uber credits, get to experience the Bay Area (I'm a big hiker so the parks nearby are enticing)

    Square - Waterloo, Canada

    • Pay: $36/h, $3000 housing
    • Effective savings: $17500 CAD
    • Work description: Working on Square Cash app and backend
    • Perks: No relocation involved, prospect of working part-time after internship (I'm doing this now for the last company I worked at and its nice to talk about in interviews)

    Okta - Toronto, Canada

    • Pay: $43/h
    • Effective savings: $20500 CAD
    • Work description: Backend work securing client credentials. Heavy emphasis on security, scalability, and good code. Sounds pretty interesting to me in terms of learning experience
    • Perks: Close to home, free lunch M/W/F

    What would be the choice for me here? Okta saves me the most money and has some interesting work, Tesla is in the Bay Area and might be the "coolest" experience, Square is perhaps the biggest "software" name.

    Also some caveats:

    • Square may consider me for their SF office, I hear back about this on Monday. If they decide to put me there, does that change anything?
    • I'm waiting to hear back from Uber. If I get an offer, how does that offer rank instead?
    submitted by /u/StillAddress
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    Is it worth switching from CompSci/ Economics to CompSci/ Maths if it will take an extra semester and $6000?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:21 PM PST

    Basically already half way through my economics degree but seeing how applicable maths is to cs I was considering the switch. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/nigga_rocket
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    I never went to college. What can I do to boost my chances of landing my first Developer job?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 06:15 PM PST

    I'm level 29 and just last year (first github commit was November 2017) decided I wanted to make the change. It's kind of a big leap from the desk jobs I've done before. At best, right now I could be a year into a Computer Programming associate's degree. It's not all bad news though.

    I took to learning front-end web development. Few online courses. CS50. Inhaled a Udacity Nanodegree. Learned React. Whatever I could do to feel comfortable in the field. Made some projects, etc. Now I feel anxious. I feel like I SHOULD just jump into the field. I went to a hackathon a couple of weeks ago. Another event last weekend, a few meetups, etc.

    I have to move soon. I could stay near Miami, FL or move to Orlando, FL. So I'm applying to places in both areas. I've grown to realize that barely anyone is openly hiring juniors. This put me off at first, but now I'm applying up a storm.

    I need a way in. I know I just started earnestly applying so I shouldn't expect great results as a beginner in a matter of a few weeks, but I feel I should be getting more hits back. Applied to maybe 50-70 places. Am I missing something important? Is there something I can do to make myself more appealing?

    submitted by /u/Haku_Sama
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    Just got my first IT job but I'm the ONLY tech on site. - Advice???

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I just started my career as an IT Technician for a small company (around 50 users, about half work from home). I was happy that I got the job, but then realized I'm the only tech on site (the people tasked with training me are 8 hours ahead of me overseas so my onboarding is remote). I have an A+ and N+ cert, but I wasn't able to apply the things I've learned from those certs to my previous job, so I'm very rusty (plus those certs expire in March).

    I've been there for a week and thus far haven't run into any serious issues. I'm just nervous that I'll be faced with a problem that I can't fix, and will immediately be replaced because I KNOW there are a lot more qualified for this job than me (I'm surprised I got it actually).

    I have a series of questions I'd like advice on:

    1. What should I do/study to keep my skills sharp? Should I try and get another CompTIA cert to renew my previous ones? I have no Windows or Linux experience, should I get certs in those OS'?
    2. What do IT Techs do for fun? I have no passion for tech, but I feel like I should do tech-related activities to keep me intellectually curious. Any suggestions?
    3. Are there any tech-related books or authors I should read/look out for?
    4. How do you approach troubleshooting a product, device or software you've never encountered before while face-to-face with an end-user?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/InnerCityIndigo
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    Entry Level Non-Development Jobs

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 01:48 PM PST

    I am a recent graduate with a degree in Computer Engineering that is looking for an entry level job. I've been lurking and see an emphasis on software development and I realize I have next to no interest in it. Do you know of any career paths that don't involve development that I can use my degree on?

    submitted by /u/jjgury
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    Will my offer get rescinded?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2018 05:31 PM PST

    I have a misdemeanor on my criminal record because I was arrested by the police for trying to use a fake ID to get into a night club. Will this affect my internship offer getting rescinded because it will definitely show up on a background check?

    submitted by /u/PowerfulTelephone4
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