• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    Museums have apparently started to take games serious as art form. The Samek Art Museum just send us this photo of our game Back to Bed included in their current exhibition Mystic Detectives; an exhibition that surveys the influences and echoes of Surrealism in contemporary art.

    Museums have apparently started to take games serious as art form. The Samek Art Museum just send us this photo of our game Back to Bed included in their current exhibition Mystic Detectives; an exhibition that surveys the influences and echoes of Surrealism in contemporary art.

    Museums have apparently started to take games serious as art form. The Samek Art Museum just send us this photo of our game Back to Bed included in their current exhibition Mystic Detectives; an exhibition that surveys the influences and echoes of Surrealism in contemporary art.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:58 AM PST

    Some pretty gems of game development!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:47 AM PST

    Hi, GameDev, Brais Here!

    As an Indie developer and creator of my own C++ engine, I mean that I could not have done it without free collective knowledge, and I would like to contribute at least with some interesting references.

    https://thebookofshaders.com, Fundamental for all of you who are starting out in the shader programming, it really provides you with solid pillars!

    http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2016/09/09/doom-2016-graphics-study/, a blog where AAA games methodologies are analyzed and dissected, I have directly referenced one of the most interesting study cases but it really has several where you can unravel great technological gems step by step

    https://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2018/07/03/breaking-down-barriers-part-4-gpu-preemption/ , again a blog but extremely fundamental to understand how modern graphics work.

    I hope you can get great things out of it!

    submitted by /u/CodeArts
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    The assets sold in the Humble RPG Game Dev Bundle will soon become legal for multiple projects.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:25 AM PST

    I just bought the RPG Game Dev bundle from the Humble Bundle store and looked at one of the READMEs. I thought this was interesting:

    "Each asset that comes in the bundle is mainly covered by GameDev Markets standard license terms, with one vital difference. At the moment our license states that each asset can only be used in one project, however we are in the process of removing this clause, so for the purpose of any Humble Bundle purchases, all assets can be used in multiple projects."

    If you were holding off on this bundle because of that clause, this update may be of interest to you.

    submitted by /u/Arswaw
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    Building Better Skill Trees | Game Maker's Toolkit

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:13 AM PST

    How does patching work on Steam?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:17 AM PST

    How do you patch your game? Do you need to make some system for it, or do you just send an updated build to Steam? Does a user need to redownload the entire build or does Steam only update new / changed files? I've no idea how this works.

    submitted by /u/UnfoldGames
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    Gamasutra - Video: How being a Dungeon Master inspired The Bard's Tale

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:13 AM PST

    Good places to look for artists?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:06 AM PST


    what are some good places to look for a freelance artist or to put a vacancy? (for illustrations, payed)

    submitted by /u/Sersch
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    Thoughts on This Story Summary I Wrote?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 12:09 PM PST

    So I was digging through my files and found this story summary I wrote for a game that was being worked on. The lead developer had AAA and AA experience and had a small team together with what was at least a rough playable demo to get the idea across. The game was going to be a 2.5D puzzle platformer with some combat.

    I joined the team to help out with the story telling. At this point, nothing story related had been done besides an summary and a rough outline. I really didn't care for the summary that much and thought it could be better so I went ahead and wrote a new one. I'm not saying I had anything to do with it because it was probably a few days later that I shared the summary I wrote but the lead had completely disappeared. After a few weeks of him being gone the team started dropping out, as well as myself (quite surprised they kept going that long to be honest).

    Anyways, so here I am reading this summary I pointlessly wrote probably close to a year ago and I realized that I actually am pretty into the story and where I was going with it. It's not overly original but I really thought I had what was leading up to a surprisingly fleshed out world. Unfortunately with the game being dead I was never able to work with the other developers in actually flesh out the rest of the story into a playable experience. I was just curious about all of your thoughts and was looking for some feedback on the story. I won't actually do anything with it myself anymore so if somebody is interested in using the idea let me know.



    The world is controlled by corporations. The government acts as a puppet in most cases. Greed and power is now what guides our civilization. Those without the money to afford even the bare necessities are left to rot away in the slums. Corporations vie for the public eye, doing whatever they can to gain the upper hand. None is more guilty of this than The Vondura Corporation (Vondur is Icelandic for evil). The Vondura Corporation is a robotics company that has a long history of performing malicious and illegal acts, some more serious than others though none have been linked to The Vondura Corporation or it's CEO Martin Vondura.

    Many corporations, and even some consumers, use an advanced security system called "GATES" (potential acronym if something can be thought of). "GATES" is a security system that uses a series of barriers in place that prevent physical and digital entities to pass without the correct access code. "GATES" has proven to be such a successful system that it has been adopted by nearly all corporations and public services through the world. Entire cities use "GATES" to secure and control the access to water, electricity, food, and any other item that has a value attached to it.


    The Vondura Corporation has developed technology capable of bypassing "GATES," becoming the first to do so. Vondura launches a new program in secret to develop drones that can take advantage of this newfound technology. Within this program, they tinker with AI and have unparalleled success. They launch Jasmyn, the first AI robot to take advantage of the technology. While technically an AI is able to think for themselves, restrictions and motivators are put in place to guide the AI toward Vondura's goal. Jasmyn is much more capable than the drones previously developed. With faster reflexes and the ability to think for itself, Jasmyn becomes the ultimate weapon in corporate espionage. Vondura knows they can do better and begins work on Robyrt. A series two AI meant to eclipse Jasmyn in it's abilities.

    Before The Vondura Corporation is able to finish work on Robyrt, the government launches an investigation due to the mounting evidence of their work along with a massive spike in market control due to corporate espionage. Vondura cancels the program, erasing any history of the drones, Jasmyn and Robyrt. Jasmyn and the unfinished Robyrt have their drives wiped, are dismantled, and cast into the slums junkyard to be used for parts.

    Living in the slums is an ex Vondura engineer, fired from his job and smeared after refusing to take part in the companies malicious deeds. The engineer (name can be determined later) spends his days scrounging for parts, repairing whatever the inhabitants from the slums bring him, making just enough to get by. Weeks... perhaps months after The Vondura Corporations investigation has ended with no results, the engineer comes across a small bot. The bot is rusted and brittle. Yet, across the side in small letters is a very distinguishable "ROBYRT." The engineer takes the bot home, hoping to scavenge some valuable parts from the poor thing. What he finds is more than he ever expected.

    From this point, the engineer would repair Robyrt and reactivate him. With Robyrts memory wiped, the restrictions and motivators alongside it, Robyrts is just a fresh mind. But there is this piece of him left, a memory from the past that will drive him to discover what he is.

    The engineer could also find Jasmyn in order to enable cooperative play.

    submitted by /u/Knapp16
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    Creating a self-driving car simulator 2019 Programming the GENETIC ALGORITHM Tutorial 5

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:51 AM PST

    Does it exist software for simulating combat in a general way?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:49 AM PST

    I am just wondering if there exist some software that can simulate combat in a game.

    I am thinking about something were one can plug in the stats of characters, abilities, items etc,

    and then have the software calculate a battle between two characters or enemies.

    I'm a bit out of my depth here, and I am just wondering if even something similar like this exist,

    or does other gamedevs just do this themselves?

    The reason I am thinking about something like this is because this might be easier to test different set-ups

    and balancing issues. I guess something like this that should work for any game is probably very complex

    and that this might be the reason that I have not found anything that does this yet.

    submitted by /u/PaleGoblin
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    How difficult would it be to recreate sound effects from 80s/90s anime?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:44 AM PST

    This is barely a gamedev related post on its own, so let me tie it in here: I'm trying to make a game with a late 80s/early 90s anime art style, and want to follow that style to a T.

    I've tried searching for SFX libraries in Japanese, they don't seem to exist at all. I have also tracked down a company that made a huge amount of these SFX but I think my odds of even getting a response from this company are slim to none.

    Does anyone with any Foley/Sound Effects experience have any insight?

    submitted by /u/DRoKDev
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    Renderpeople just released a new 3D people model. Check out their video with Xsens mocap data.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:42 AM PST

    How do you spark inspiration?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:37 AM PST

    Hello! I am currently learning to program in unity using C#. I need a project to practise on, but I struggle to come up with ideas. How do you guys get inspiration? Any help?

    submitted by /u/Diamond724
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    Graph algorithms for efficiently calculating turn-by-turn results in Total War & Civ.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:06 AM PST

    I posted this on the Total War sub but realized it was kind of out of place. I did some sleuthing for past discussions on this topic but didn't find any; please link some if they exist and correct anything below that seems off. I've been playing TW: WH2 effectively nonstop for the past week and have found it to be an absolutely amazing game. It's almost like a fantasy setting was a great fit for the series all along, and WH1 was the official prototype for it after various highly touted mods introduced the concept. I tended to avoid fantasy mods back in Rome 1 / Medieval 2 days because I desired the nitty-gritty realism the series was known for (historical inaccuracies not withstanding). Little did I know how exceptional and interesting a Warhammer-themed TW game could be.

    I've noted that unlike most other titles, turn-based RTS games like Total War & Civ have quite a few novel applications for algorithmic improvements and machine learning outside of the realm of 'DeepMind' real-time AI for battles. Besides the below to follow, I could imagine genetic algorithms being used to determine optimal and effective campaign-wide strategies across each faction in a Total War game. With the aid of high-performance computing we could run simulations per faction for different initial conditions & strategies until only one is left standing! This could then allow CA to tweak the difficulty by "defaulting" factions to optimal strategies that have higher probabilities of success in the long-run. Clearly, some strategies will get factions killed much faster than others and very few strategies will efficiently lead them to a victorious end, or at least to later turns. But I want to focus on something else that is more practical.

    My understanding is that Total War games are not heavily multi-threaded, and that threading is primarily used to separate rendering from computation which is fairly standard and is good practice. At first glance it seems to be too difficult to parallelize the actions of each faction, due to the number of various actors and turn-by-turn changes. After giving it some thought, I suspect that it is possible to introduce threaded calculations of turn-by-turn actions. I don't think CA already uses threads for this process based on playing the game (and waiting quite a while for turns to crunch) and reading their forums/blogs but please correct me if wrong: at first glance it appears that CPU-bound turn calculations are done in serially in a single thread across all factions.

    I'd imagine a procedure in turn-based strategy games for multi-threading turn calculations that uses graphs under the covers to determine subsets of factions whose actions can be independently and safely computed:

    • Maintain a Graph with vertices as factions and edges representing the capability to attack other factions
      • This would be based off of actors such as generals and heroes/assassins with line-of-sight and movement range to other factions (they are in range to take action, such as invading settlements or wounding other actors)
    • Update the graph as needed at the end of each faction's turn
      • Add or remove edges based on new factions entering or leaving actionable range with one-another
      • Add or remove vertices & edges as factions appear (less common) or are destroyed or confederated (more common)
    • At the end of a player's turn, run an algorithm to find strongly connected components in our graph structure, such as Tarjan's algorithm. This gives us a starting point for determining how to allocate threads for computing the results across all factions.
    • Create or re-use a pooled Thread for each strongly connected component
      • Factions in strongly connected components that do not have edges to other components can have turns computed in parallel, as they are incapable of influencing any other faction outside of their connected component (diplomacy aside)
      • Factions that have edges that bridge connected components must still be operated on serially

    Intuitively, the best way for me to imagine this is when the game starts most factions are small and localized. There are very few factions that we or the AI are capable of influencing in the beginning, so we'd basically have disjoint graphs for each region of the campaign map that can each be computed via multithreading. As turns proceed and factions expand the complexity increases dramatically but in general there are still many smaller, localized factions and a few large and expansionist ones- not every faction can be the top dog at the same time. This may resemble similar problems faced in assessing dependencies in job scheduler applications. As a disclaimer I'm 100% not sure this would work in practice and I can already see glaring issues, such as if CA adds the ability to teleport armies in TW:WH3 and how to handle rendering of factions in your line of sight. It remains a thought experiment on improving turn speed in the Total War series, which seems a bit on the slow side.

    submitted by /u/happydemon
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    Guides on how GPUs and APIs around them work?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:00 AM PST

    I'm just not sure where to ask about this. I'd like to learn:

    1. How modern GPUs differ on hardware level

    2. How does that difference affect applications performance and why

    3. What is Vulkan API and why is it important

    4. How is it different from DirectX 12's API

    5. Why is CPU important for some 3d games

    I understand that I could try to google each individual question and do my own research, but I'm hoping there is some YouTube channel that already explains this stuff, or maybe some other Reddit sub focused on these questions, or a website or something, that will save me a lot of time on this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Wilem82
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    How and Why to use the NavMesh System in your C# Unity Game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:50 AM PST

    Chinese Gamers are More Competitive and Completionist, More Homogeneous in Gaming Motivations Than US Gamers

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:45 AM PST

    Is Unity still impressive to the industry?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:40 AM PST

    Long story short, i'm making a game with 2 others and showing it off to the game development industry(indie, startups, and AAA). My group members are leaning towards using Unreal Engine but I'd much rather use Unity as we are much more comfortable in it. It seems their only argument to use Unreal is that it uses C++ as a language and that's more impressive to industry than C#.

    Is this true? Is C# or Unity looked down upon in the GameDev industry with C++ being more impressive?

    (Sidenote: Don't get me wrong, we know how to use Unreal, it's just going to be extra hurdles in a project that is already going to be difficult to manage)

    submitted by /u/schmee_irl
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    Unity Animation Tutorial For Beginners - How To Animate In Unity

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:28 AM PST

    How To Create Custom IES Lights

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:47 PM PST

    Pitfalls of Rigidly Following a Formalized Game Development Process

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:06 AM PST

    Worried about finding a job after graduation?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:05 AM PST

    I'm currently halfway through my junior semester at a university, studying Virtual Design. My dream is to be a game developer of some sort, preferably in the "visual" world. I'm trying to learn Unreal Blueprinting (and potential C# for Unity eventually), and I spoke to some of my professors, who told me that if I try and be an "all rounder" (as in, I learn coding, 3d modeling, texturing, and everything), it'll be more difficult for me to get my dream job. I'll probably get hired on as a coder somewhere, and then never have the opportunity to move forward with my real passion: 3D modeling.

    The thing that's scary for me is, I don't think I'm good enough yet to get jobs, internships, or other things based off of my 3D modeling ability. I want to keep trying, but I don't know if I'll be competitive enough in the industry when the time comes for me to get a job. I know I could get good at blueprinting in Unreal, and if I put my 3D passion on the backburner, I could get good enough at C# to get a job somewhere as well...but I don't want to get stuck in that trap.

    On the other concerning side of things, as different parts of every industry get more "automated," how might that affect my job search? If I get really really good at texturing just to have a program that can do it all automatically off of a picture or something, then did I waste all that time? Or an AI that can figure out how to code something together? How can I ensure that I land a job in the industry and not at a burger joint by the time I leave?

    Does anyone have some feedback or advice on what direction I should be moving in? If you need any more information, or want to see my portfolio or Artstation or something, just let me know. I'd be glad to provide that. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/AccidentalNGon
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    Vortex rider- my first itch game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:07 AM PST

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