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    Thursday, November 29, 2018

    LearnDB: Learn how to program a database from scratch learn programming

    LearnDB: Learn how to program a database from scratch learn programming

    LearnDB: Learn how to program a database from scratch

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 02:56 PM PST

    LearnDB is now available!

    Back on August 11th, 2018 I made the following post in r/LearnProgramming:

    Would anyone be interested in learning how to build a database?

    There was definitely some interest, and many people filled out a survey with programming language preferences. It took me quite a bit longer than I had hoped to get the initial site online. Recently, the first chapters have been made available at learndb.net.

    The content is a bit rough, so I'd appreciate any feedback you're willing to provide. Also, asking questions and prompting discussions here in the comments will give me ideas for how to improve current and future content.

    Here's the current roadmap for the site:

    Key-value store (foundation)

    • In-memory implementation (completed)
    • Use the filesystem as a database (completed)
    • In-memory log-structured merge-trees (in progress)
    • Persisting log structures to disk (planned)
    • Indexes for better performance (planned)

    Document store (built on top of the key-value store)

    • JSON support
    • JavaScript-based queries for documents
    • Indexes for top-level document properties
    • Indexes for any document property path (JSON path)
    • Atomic operations

    Other possible interesting enhancements

    • Crash durability
    • Transactions
    • Alternative storage techniques, such as Hitchhiker Trees
    • Relational tables and basic SQL queries

    This roadmap includes a lot of guessing. If there are particular topics you're interested in, please mention them in the comments.

    I want LearnDB to be primarily for the LearnProgramming community. Without the interest and support I received in my initial post here, I wouldn't have the inspiration to create such a site for learning.

    I originally planned to post the full content of new chapters and sections here first, but that seems like it's going to be less useful than I had hoped due to the large amount of content and some of the custom formatting I'm using on the site. Instead, I'll start with the setup instructions for checking out the repo, and encourage you to come back and comment on this post with questions or issues.


    The first LearnDB implementation is written in JavaScript and requires Node.js to run. As of this writing, the latest LTS version of Node.js is 10.13.0. You'll want that version or newer. I have verified that 11.x can also run the LearnDB code.

    There are several ways you can install Node.js depending on your OS and preferences. The most straightforward way to install Node.js is to use one of the installers from the Downloads page on nodejs.org. There is support for a myriad of operating systems and configurations.

    LearnDB GitHub repo

    LearnDB has a git repository on GitHub that contains the complete source code we'll be covering. The repo contains starting points for each chapter/section so you can follow along and add code as we cover it. It also contains the completed code for each chapter/section so you can verify your work.

    To get started, clone the LearnDB GitHub repo to a convenient location on your system.

    The git repo contains branches corresponding to the before and after state of the codebase for every coding exercise. For example, the first branch we'll be looking at is key-value-store-simple_before. You can check out the corresponding key-value-store-simple_after branch to see the end result for the exercise.

    Continue on learndb.net.

    submitted by /u/neodon
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    Interactive tutorial site that's different than what I've seen before. It's focused on webdev & free.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:02 PM PST

    I am not affiliated with this site in any way. I stumbled upon it while surfing the web and I thought this might be a good place to share it. It teaches several web development subjects for free but allows you to interact with the code to try out things you might think of during the course. After playing around with the code and seeing the result, you just click on play again and the code reverts and the tutorial resumes. I did a search and didn't see this posted here before. I think it might be pretty new? Hope someone finds it helpful. I'm currently doing the CSS Flexbox course and so far, so good!


    EDIT: Looked around on there a little more and discovered you can not only take the tutorials, but contribute your own. Here's the blog post about it: https://medium.com/scrimba/how-to-create-a-scrimba-screencast-e5ca244bc531

    submitted by /u/se7ensquared
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    deleting memory in classes

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:12 PM PST

    Here's my problem. I've created a basic text game and it works fine until this point. When I finish the game (win or lose), it returns me to the main menu, just like it should. If I decide to play again, it will use the same value for health, money, etc from the last game. I have a feeling that the memory wasn't deleted when the object was destroyed. Is this correct? If so, what goes in a destructor and how do I delete that memory?

    Memory allocation is my least understood subject so please bear with me if I didn't explain correctly.


    #pragma once #include <string> class Player { private: std::string name; double money; int health; const int maxHealth = 100; int rocketHealth; const int maxRocketHealth = 100; int Food; const int maxFood = 100; int fuel; const int maxFuel = 100; public: Player(); Player(std::string); //name std::string getName();//accessor for name void setName(std::string n); //mutator for name //money double getMoney(); //accessor for money void setMoney(double m); //mutator for money //health int getHealth(); //accessor for health void setHealth(int h); //mutator for health int getmaxHealth(); //rocket health int getRocketHealth(); //accessor for health void setRocketHealth(int h); //mutator for health int getmaxRocketHealth(); //Food int getFood(); //accessor for Food void setFood(int s); //mutator for Food int getmaxFood(); //fuel int getFuel(); //accessor for fuel void setFuel(int f); //mutator for fuel int getmaxFuel(); // display status void displayStatus(); //check death bool isDead(); ~Player(); }; 


    #include "Player.h" #include <iostream> Player::Player() { name = ""; money = 1000.00; const int maxHealth = 100; health = 50; const int maxFood = 100; Food = 50; const int maxFuel = 100; fuel = 50; const int maxRocketHealth = 100; rocketHealth = 50; } //name Player::Player(std::string n) { name = n; } std::string Player::getName() { return name; } void Player::setName(std::string n) { name = n; } //money double Player::getMoney() { return money; } void Player::setMoney(double m) { money = m; } //health int Player::getHealth() { return health; } void Player::setHealth(int h) { health = h; } int Player::getmaxHealth() { return maxHealth; } //rocket health int Player::getRocketHealth() { return rocketHealth; } void Player::setRocketHealth(int r) { rocketHealth = r; } int Player::getmaxRocketHealth() { return maxRocketHealth; } //Food int Player::getFood() { return Food; } void Player::setFood(int s) { Food = s; } int Player::getmaxFood() { return maxFood; } //fuel int Player::getFuel() { return fuel; } void Player::setFuel(int f) { fuel = f; } int Player::getmaxFuel() { return maxFuel; } void Player::displayStatus() { std::cout << "You currently have: " << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Money: $" << getMoney() << std::endl; std::cout << "Armor: " << getHealth() << " / " << getmaxHealth() << " hp." << std::endl; std::cout << "Fuel: " << getFuel() << " / " << getmaxFuel() << " gallons." << std::endl; std::cout << "Food: " << getFood() << " / " << getmaxFood() << " pounds of food." << std::endl; std::cout << "Rocket Armor: " << getRocketHealth() << " / " << getmaxRocketHealth() << " rocket hp." << std::endl; } bool Player::isDead() { if (getHealth() <= 0 || getFuel() <= 0 || getFood() <= 0) { return false; //this means you're dead } else { return true; } } //destructor Player::~Player() { //how to delete money, health, etc? } 

    restart process is at the very bottom: endStoryWin and endStoryLose

    Looks like it just goes to the main menu, which means I am using the same Player

    #include "Game.h" extern Global global; //extern DeveloperTesting dev; extern GameEvents gameEvents; using namespace std; Game::Game() { } void Game::startGame() { global.storyOpening(); global.clearScreen(); playerSetup(); //loop to run 12 rounds for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { system("PAUSE"); global.clearScreen(); cout << "Round " << i+1 << " / 12" << endl; cout << "Next Stop: " << destination[i] << endl; cout << 12 - i << " stops from Terra Prime." << endl << endl; supplies(); gameEvents.runGameEvent(); system("PAUSE"); global.clearScreen(); cout << "During this round, you: " << endl; cout << endl; int foodUsed = global.randomRoll(10, 2); cout << "Ate " << foodUsed << " pounds of food." << endl; p.setFood(p.getFood() - foodUsed); gameEvents.checkStats(); int fuelUsed = global.randomRoll(10, 2); cout << "Used " << fuelUsed << " gallons of fuel." << endl << endl; p.setFuel(p.getFuel() - fuelUsed); gameEvents.checkStats(); if (isDead() == true) { system("PAUSE"); endStoryLose(); } } if (isDead() == false) { system("PAUSE"); endStoryWin(); } } bool Game::isDead() { if (p.getHealth()<=0 || p.getFood() <=0 || p.getFuel()<=0 || p.getRocketHealth()<=0) { return true; } else { return false; } } void Game::endStoryWin() { global.clearScreen(); cout << "Congratulations, " << p.getName() << "!" << " You've reached your destination, Terra Prime! You've saved your species and found a new planet to inhabit." << endl; system("PAUSE"); global.clearScreen(); mainMenu(); } void Game::endStoryLose() { global.clearScreen(); p.displayStatus(); cout << endl << "You lose!" << endl; system("PAUSE"); global.clearScreen(); cout << "Sorry, " << p.getName() << "!" << " You were not able to survive long enough to finish the mission." << endl; system("PAUSE"); global.clearScreen(); mainMenu(); } Game::~Game() { } 


    void Game::playerSetup() { string name; cout << "State your name, warrior. "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, name); p.setName(name); global.clearScreen(); cout << "Hello, " << p.getName() << endl; cout << endl; p.displayStatus(); cout << endl; } 


    void mainMenu() { int choice; cout << endl << "S P A C E C A T S" << endl; cout << endl << "You may:" << endl; cout << endl << "1. Start the journey!" << endl; cout << "2. Developer Testing!" << endl; cout << "3. Learn about the story!" << endl; cout << "4. Quit Game!" << endl; do { cout << endl << "What is your choice?" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice == 0 || choice >= 5) cout << "That's not an option. Try again." << endl; } while (choice == 0 || choice >= 5); global.clearScreen(); switch (choice) { case 1: game.startGame(); global.pressToGoBack(); break; case 2: dev.devTest(); global.pressToGoBack(); break; case 3: global.gameDescription(); break; case 4: exit(0); break; } } 

    submitted by /u/yestyleryes
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    I have a program idea just need advice what it would entail?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:48 PM PST

    So people say programmers are so lazy they create something to make their lives easier. So I have an idea, I'm a security guard who writes logs on a piece of paper and every day. I jot down what truck came in what time, what numbers , their pickup number, what trailer etc. I'm new to programming and a online student but have worked crazy hrs. Done a 22 hr shift before here. Mainly cause a guard must always be here even on holidays. So I want to create something that can store all of this, a database so different computers can log in and see. Is this a crazy project for someone new? Not sure how long an application like this could take so maybe I'm naive. Sure they could also just use Adobe access? But maybe some features would make it worth. What would a project like this take?

    submitted by /u/bosris21
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    My First Project in Python (Terminal Battleship Game)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 07:42 PM PST

    Hi guys, I am a regular lurker around here. I finally got around to making my first project in python. I thought it'd be fun to make a totally terminal based Battleship game. I learned a lot from this project. I learned, Lists, List indexing, ifs and else, loops, def statements, etc.. If I were to do this project again I would correct my variable names (Variable names are all very similar) and maybe reduce a lot of repetitious code.

    I am open to anyone that wants to correct some of my mistakes on this project, if it's redundancies, incorrect usage of code, etc. I would love to hear from you guys.

    I am very happy that I finally got around to doing something and I am going to continue to work on more projects. Thank you to everyone who continues to help people learn this wonderful language.

    I hope this link works, (New to Github) https://github.com/svennyD/Python_Battleship

    submitted by /u/333base
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    A course to learn how to deploy a server / simple server management?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:11 PM PST

    Hello hello all!

    I've been running vBulletin, and Xenforo forums and Wordpress blogs since I was 16 so almost two decades. But I've always done it on managed shared hosting or a managed VPS setup through a company like Knownhost.

    Knownhost has been great and fantastic but considering all I'm doing with this powerful VPS I'm paying $35/month for is hosting a forum with a single database of about 6 gigs and about a gigs worth of files with not a ton of bandwith, I think I'd be better off with something like DigitalOcean or Linode. And I'm fairly comfortable with the command line already as well.

    The problem is I've never had to manage or deploy my own server before! I bought the cheapest droplet from DO and spun up a server and tried installing a LEMP stack with their guides but things quickly went awry. So are there any great resources out there to help me out or should I just keep tinkering and banging away until I crack it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/John1744
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    For those of you that save code for later, what's your preferred way of storing/organizing it?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:41 PM PST

    Sometimes you have code from an app you were working on that you recognize could be useful later, and you save that piece.

    I'm just wondering: for those of you who have made a conscious habit of doing this: what's your preferred way to store and retrieve things? Do you have a private repository on github/bitbucket? Is there an application out there for this that you use? Do you just store code files on your local drive? I'm curious as to how other people do this. It's not something I actively do, but I'm thinking of starting and was just going to have a private repository on bitbucket.

    submitted by /u/proginprocess
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    Does Git ever get easier?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:34 PM PST

    I've tried learning Git a few times and have failed at keeping the knowledge in long term. Every time I use Git, I just get confused. I know I'm no dummy, so is this just a steep learning curve I need to overcome?

    submitted by /u/_One_Of_Everything_
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    Regex to remove first and last words of file

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:32 PM PST

    Throwaway because this is for porn. I have a bunch of RipMe files like so:

    a1b2c3_title_of_image_d4e5f6.jpg abc3_name_of_image_de5f6.gif abcdefg_name_of_image_x1y1z2.mp4 

    I need a regex to turn them into:

    title_of_image.jpg name_of_image.gif name_of_image.mp4 

    I'm going to use rename, and my basic knowledge of regexes seems to fall through there, because rename seems to take regexes that are like /find/replace/ which I don't know how to do... Aside from the fact that whatever I try seems to eat up the file extension too.

    Can anyone help me here? I tried a bunch of things but am really lost.

    submitted by /u/regexquestion123456
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    FYI: US Military and DoD Civilians have FREE access to Safari Books Online

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:08 AM PST

    I didn't see this posted in the FAQ. All you need is a .mil email address.

    This isn't limited to just programming books. They have study materials for CompTIA certifications, business books, videos, etc. Just register and get learning!


    They just redid the website, not too into the redesign but I am still able to find what I'm looking for.

    There is also FedVTE for retired military, civilians, active military, etc. They have CompTIA study materials, cyber security, and not so much programing material.


    If this has already been posted or isn't allowed please let me know and I can delete it.

    submitted by /u/zombieshavebrains
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    Best Java book for me?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 07:59 PM PST

    Hi, I am working as a software engineer in India in a big service based MNC. I am being trained in Java. The trainer is quite good but I need a book which is thorough with the topics I am being trained on.

    I am being trained on Core Java, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC etc. Which book should I pick up for reference?

    submitted by /u/s_131
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    Can somebody explain me how this scroll function works?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:35 PM PST

    function scrollTo(element, to, duration) { if (duration <= 0){ location.hash = hash; return } let difference = to - element.scrollTop; let perTick = difference / duration * 10; setTimeout(function() { ele.focus({preventScroll: true}); element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + perTick; if (element.scrollTop === to) { location.hash = hash; return; }; scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10); }, 1); } 

    I don't understand what is the purpose of * 10 and -10.

    submitted by /u/neutral24
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    Automate a mobile game+db

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:04 PM PST

    Hey guys, I would like to automate some tests on a mobile game that for almost every action performed in the client logs the actions in a mysql db. For client side automatisation I've heard of tools like Katalon and Appium, are there any better options? Also is it possible to set the automatisation up so that for every action performed in the client a query is ran to verify the action in the db?

    submitted by /u/strah1
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    Beginning login system with nodejs help...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:42 PM PST

    I have seen a lot of youtube tutorials but honestly I want to comprehend what I am doing more than just jumping into a project and following along. I am not really sure where to start with making the most basic login system I can. I want to stray away from as many dependencies as possible and use vanilla javascript. Just looking for some direction I hear to stay away from mongoose but I still am not an expert in MongoDB or anything like that just really curious about what kinda path I should look into to fully do this and understand it.

    submitted by /u/findingjake
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    Select Max +1 error in SQL (NOT MYSQL)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:34 PM PST

    Hello everyone, i'm getting an error when trying to perform something in my sql code. The goal is to insert into a table (Appointment) a new entry. The appointment id (ApptID) is supposed to be the previous appointment ID + 1, but it cant be hard coded in, per my professor. I'm trying to use Select to do this, but i'm getting error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here. I assume it means my select was wrong, i'm thinking im doing the alias incorrectly, but i'm not sure.

    SELECT MAX(ApptID + 1) AS ApptMax FROM APPOINTMENT_cld; INSERT INTO APPOINTMENT_cld VALUES (ApptMax, '9/3/2018', '11:00', '15', '2', 'SP', '', 'CN') ; 

    Output is:

    SQL> SELECT MAX(ApptID + 1) AS ApptMax FROM APPOINTMENT_cld; APPTMAX ---------- 113 SQL> INSERT INTO APPOINTMENT_cld 2 VALUES (ApptMax, '9/3/2018', '11:00', '15', '2', 'SP', '', 'CN') ; VALUES (ApptMax, '9/3/2018', '11:00', '15', '2', 'SP', '', 'CN') * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00984: column not allowed here 

    Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/RebornPhoenix97
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    [homework] Taking multiple expressions in one input, Program evaluates expressions

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:22 PM PST

    Hey, so my program essentially takes expressions as inputs, and then the user can choose to get the postfix, prefix, fully parenthesized, evaluate, etc.

    My program works fine if they input just a single expression(each expression must be input with a ; indicating the end of the expression. However I need to make it be able to take multiple expressions at once.

    Here is all the files in my project: https://gist.github.com/ColdMold/ea6b3b70e2c4b744f5e9bebefb64e58b

    The code as of now will work perfectly fine like stated above with just one expression. I have a block of code commented out in homework5.cpp that I was trying to use to get multiple expressions in one input. The issue when that code is not commented out is that when the program asks for input, the user types in something and presses enter, and it just goes to a new line for more input.

    The code block that is commented out is the part using find_first_of() towards the top of homework5.cpp

    Sorry if this is not clear, I can provide more info if necessary.

    submitted by /u/s_pieps
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    How to get quickly started on a software project solo?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:19 PM PST

    I want to be able to develop apps for android using graphics and user interaction but I'm struck with major setbacks. Oftentimes I find myself getting bogged down with how programming languages work and studying computer science theory instead of actually building something tangible. I guess this comes from lack of challenging and complex problems on the free courses I follow online but is there anything I can do to get quickstarted?

    Background about me: I know how java/c/python work but haven't made anything beyond console apps that only work in the terminal. I also don't know how I'll ever achieve the graphical finesse of apps already on the market. Even though thats not a priority I'd like to build this skill overtime. I have limited time to study as I work most weekdays.

    Any kind of help would be appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read this :)

    submitted by /u/weezylane
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    Input help

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:14 PM PST

    So I'm trying to convert an input into individual numbers for a function in java.

    The input is something like "w(a,1,2,3,4)" (generalized version: "w(char,int,int,int,int)")

    The function is something like exampleFunction(char c, int w, int x, int y, int z)

    If I were to use the input above, the function should run: exampleFunction(a,1,2,3,4)

    My question is, what is the simplest way to get this done? Regex? Something else???

    submitted by /u/5apph1r3
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    Can anyone explain to me why we add, subtract, multiply, and divide arrays in c code?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 06:25 PM PST

    I googled and cant understand completely. 1 or two examples would be of adding and subtracting arrays would be nice too. Imagine if numbers, characters or words are declared in array too

    submitted by /u/coolio2264
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    Help with grasping a general tree

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 06:17 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I am trying to process the logic behind this method to find a node in a tree and return it. I've been going through it with the following example of a tree:

    A --------------------------------------- B

    / \ ------------------------------------ / | \

    C D ---------------------------------- E F G

    ----/ \ -------------------------------------

    ----H I --------------------------------------

    So in my example, I want to find the data in the node I. I understand that the first thing the code will do is check if the tree in general is empty (size is an int variable for the tree) or if the root node that is on equals null and if it does it will return that. Then it checks if the root's instance variable data equals x (what we are looking for) and if so it returns the found root. Otherwise, the recursive part happens.

    Now I'm going through this in my mind and trying to figure out the flow of logic that will lead me to find the data (x) in node I. So I would call find(node A, whatever data is in I, 0). The 0 makes sure not to check the siblings of the root because this method should only go through the subtree of the root I declared. I understand that it then goes all the way down and calls find with it's child node C. Then I'm not as sure what happens. I think it calls find(node D, ...) but how does it work to call D's child and check all the nodes under parent D. Also, when and how does it check childs of C if there were any?

    Sorry for typing a lot. Thank you for your help!

    And here's the code:

    public treeNode<E> find(treeNode<E> root, E x, int level)


    treeNode<E> retval;

    if (size == 0 || root == null)

    return null;

    if (root.data.equals(x))

    return root;

    // otherwise, recurse. don't process sibs if this was the original call

    if ( level > 0 && (retval = find(root.sib, x, level)) != null )

    return retval;

    return find(root.firstChild, x, ++level);


    submitted by /u/imtooop
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    What is Grade(And other build tools like Maven and Ant)? Analogies to Java appreciated!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:14 PM PST

    I've looked online for a bit and found some explanations that say Gradle is a 'build automation tool'. What is 'building' and why does it need to be automated? I've also read that Gradle is written in a language called Groovy. What is Groovy and why isn't Gradle just written in Java if it messes with Java programs? How does using Gradle differ from when I press the green run button on Eclipse IDE?

    submitted by /u/Fluffycoper
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    I'm trying to make an autoclicker in c++ GetAsyncKeyState() doesn't seem to be working?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:07 PM PST

    #include "pch.h" #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #undef max #include<limits> using namespace std; int main() { int clicksPerSecond; cout << "Enter How fast should I click for you? (per second) "; while (!(cin >> clicksPerSecond) || clicksPerSecond <= 0 || clicksPerSecond >= 1000) { cin.clear(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); cout << "Invalid input. Try again: "; } cout << "You enterd: " << clicksPerSecond << endl; typedef struct tagMOUSEINPUT { LONG dx; // documentation says if these are left as default current postion will be chosen LONG dy; DWORD mouseData; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD time; //according to documentation time is in miliseconds ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo; } MOUSEINPUT, *PMOUSEINPUT, *LPMOUSEINPUT; tagMOUSEINPUT mouse_input; clicksPerSecond = clicksPerSecond * 1000; mouse_input.time = clicksPerSecond; while (1) { while (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_OEM_PLUS) & 0xBB) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } 

    submitted by /u/XxMlgDankSmoke420xX
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    In SF bootcamp seeking local PT mentor

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:54 PM PST

    Hey all!

    I'm currently working my way through a bootcamp until March. I am very interested in what I'm learning (Full stack JS and Python), but I don't come from a very technical background and am struggling somewhat to merge the nitty gritty coding labs with the higher key concepts of OOP, TDD, API calling, the DOM, etc.

    I'm looking for a very PT mentor to meet with me in downtown SF or perhaps remotely. I'm hoping for at most an hour once or twice per week. Thanks in advance to any thoughtful programmers out there willing to lend me a hand.

    submitted by /u/hotsoup86
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    Swift - JSON/MySQL/Php API clarification

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:48 PM PST

     let urlPath: String = "http://yourapproadmap.com/service.php" 

    The above code in Swift would basically allow me to use a simple .php api build to connect to MySQL and to grab a JSON parse but in code services.php doesn't seem safe to me to publish on a App Store as well someone could technically find my url and download that .php file and view my source code that holds my username and password to MySQL database.

    Am I correct? Or does the .php file process and you're unable to actually see the source code of a .php file. Honestly have messed with .php directly.

    And if I am correct about the above information, would it be better to just use like Spring.io or a reliable api website to grab my MySQL information?

    submitted by /u/CEOTRAMMELL
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