• Breaking News

    Monday, November 26, 2018

    I made this free innovative tool for learning how to properly read a computer program learn programming

    I made this free innovative tool for learning how to properly read a computer program learn programming

    I made this free innovative tool for learning how to properly read a computer program

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:49 AM PST

    I'm an ex google software engineer turned programming instructor. Over the years I've noticed that my students struggle because they don't deeply understand Javascript and they can't read the code that they write and understand code other people have written. They end up copy pasting a lot without really understanding. To remedy the situation, I've built a tool that shows exactly how a computer interprets Javascript. I don't think there's anything like it. I've tested it in my class and the students loved it. I saw a big improvement in their learning and their ability to code.

    The language taught is Javascript, but it teaches you how most programming languages work. Python, Ruby, Java and Lisp all have functions, objects, references, primitives, frames and a callstack. Once you learn one language deeply, you can learn others very quickly.

    It's completely free. Enjoy :)


    submitted by /u/rathereasy
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    What’s the “bigger picture” of learning to program?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 04:53 PM PST

    I'm a little over halfway through a semester of a beginner programming class. We did some drag and drop style game making (idk what it's called, but we didn't write code) and now writing javascript. All this is great, and I do feel like i'm learning to program. However, our teacher never really established a base for programming in general.

    This is kind of an abstract question, but what am I really doing here? Cool, I'll know how to write and read java, but what does that mean? What are the applications? So take this very confusing and open-ended question and run with it. I'm just trying to really "understand" the class, I guess.

    submitted by /u/galacticunderwear
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    Is HackReactor in Austin any good?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:31 PM PST

    It doesn't look as decent as the one in San Francisco but I live in Texas so it seems more convenient. I'd appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/morty92222
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    Plotting a course to go from IT administration to Programming.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:57 PM PST

    Currently a senior network admin for a financial institution. My current position has me overseeing the entire network and infrastructure. I've been in this field for a few years but do not find any fulfillment at all in my job. Especially because it mostly consists of "x is broken...let me put a ticket in with x's vendor" and then facilitating WebEx's so someone else can fix it. Everything gets more and more outsourced.

    Fine. Whatever. But it forced me to think of where I am. And this isn't where I wanted to be. I do have an interest in moving more towards network engineering/architecture and planning major network designs/redesigns but...

    I also have a huge interest in programming. I started with BASIC on a Commodore 64 when I was 5. Played with C and even some Assembly as time went on using my dad's books from school (BSEE and MSEE grad). For years, I knew what I wanted to go to college for: CS (though CE did crop up as those programs became more popular).

    When I was in my teens, I managed to rewrite a driver to get a Winmodem to work in Linux. I loved it. I loved creating things and telling the computer what to do.

    Long story short, life happened, I ended up with bad depression and I didn't do anything I wanted. Now, I'm finally finishing a degree I started 14 years ago. But, it's not a CS degree like I wanted. It's an IT. And I unfortunately didn't keep up on the programming. I would try every few years, but would get discouraged.

    Something clicked in me recently. I really want to try my hand at developing. My primary interest was originally embedded/hardware programming (which is why CE was very appealing in addition to CS). But, I also like the idea of custom programs, especially for industrial use. I wouldn't say I have a huge interest in webdev, but wouldn't mind doing backend work for custom programs meant for internal use (whether that's for the company I work for or for products for sale to other companies...just not interested in public facing web desgin/work).

    Okay. That's out of the way. I'm curious where to go from here. I've done the "beginner lessons" for C, Java, C++, Python, VB, and C# (strangely, the two C classes I took in college 10 years ago were my favorite and I did well in them). I always end up getting stuck with "What next?". For the first time, I think I might have a real project. I'm going to work on a project for my mom who is opening a bookstore next year. She wants a custom inventory/POS program. My dad was going to modify one that he did for a relative a few years ago (VB6....I don't know why, but he loves it) but just doesn't have time. So, I told her I would write her one. I plan on using C# and it'll be the first time I've really wrote anything bigger than the "Intro to..." and will be using databases, etc.

    I don't know how realistic the idea is to go from my current situation into development work. I don't know where to even start. I'd like to be able to make at least what I am now (around 70k) if not higher but am being realistic about that. How do I find which languages to really focus on? And so on.

    This is both another typical "how do I get into programming" with the twist of I know computers already and am hoping that will help me get a job despite my age (mid 30's) and lack of knowledge and understanding how I can use that knowledge to be a decent developer. Finally, wondering how my degree will play into that. I could switch to CS and do an ABET accredited online one, but it looks like it would be about 12-18 months longer whereas I can finish my current degree (BSIT) around July or August. The most I would do is declare a programming concentration...using either .Net programming (VB,C#, and ASP classes) or Java (using Java and J2EE) but that wouldn't add any time (would one be better than the other?). I would rather have CS, but I have to be practical. I do plan on using various OpenCourseWare classes to actually learn things like algorithms and compiler designs, etc. because I'm a big believer in really understanding the underlying system.

    tl;dr: I don't know what exactly I'm asking, but I think it comes to this: how feasible is it for me to jump from senior net/sys admin to programming without going backwards in salary (near $70k right now). Also, will an IT degree with a few programming classes be okay instead of a full CS? Finally, how do I know which technology is the best to start with for the kinds of things I want to do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BTW_IuseKubuntu
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    "What happened to the programming Discord server?" and associated lessons

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:18 PM PST

    Yesterday, there was a popular, active Discord community for learning programming. Today, it is gone. I just got done writing a report to Discord support about it, and you can read it here if you're interested: https://imgur.com/a/I1EWzxQ (bad language warning).

    Let's talk about what happened, though, because this is a teachable moment.

    When you (as a programmer) build a Discord bot, you naturally need a way to authenticate your bot with Discord. That way it can know who it is, what servers to join, etc. This is done via a "bot token": a simple string of characters that you are given at the Discord app developers page. You can see an example here: https://i.imgur.com/6udIRiU.png

    You can then use this string in whatever library you are using to interact with Discord. For example, with discord.py:

    import discord c = discord.Client() await c.login('NTE2MzQwOTg2MjM5MTIzNDU2.DtyRIw.iw-DV8V2Q2mBR7N9VlOK_BfUncs') 

    Before we go further, I should say... DO NOT DO THIS! Anyone who has that token can gain full control of the bot. This is likely what broke the server. See how that screen also has a whole load of permissions? The more of those are checked, the more someone with malicious access can mess everything up (in this case, changing channel names, user names, permissions, etc).

    So... what exactly should you not do? Do not put any "authentication tokens" (or other login credentials) in your source code, ever. Once you do, you are setting yourself up a minefield of always stripping authentication out every time you have to share your code anywhere. Worse, you cannot use any non-private source control (e.g. Github), as doing so would make your token public. That is likely what broke the Discord server mentioned at the start of this post.

    Note: yes, I realize I just shared a bot token in this very post, but it a) is not part of any servers, and b) has already been invalidated/replaced

    What to do instead... Keep any authentication details in configuration that is outside your code. A couple good examples are environment variables, and CLI arguments.

    For the discord.py example above, an environment variable example would be:

    import os, discord c = discord.Client() await c.login(os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']) 

    Then, to run it (in Linux):

    $ export BOT_TOKEN=NTE2MzQwOTg2MjM5MTIzNDU2.DtyRIw.iw-DV8V2Q2mBR7N9VlOK_BfUncs $ python my_bot.py 

    Or, as a CLI argument:

    import sys, discord c = discord.Client() await c.login(sys.argv[1]) 

    Then, to run it:

    $ python my_bot.py NTE2MzQwOTg2MjM5MTIzNDU2.DtyRIw.iw-DV8V2Q2mBR7N9VlOK_BfUncs 

    Both of these solutions result in the token not being part of source code, and (hopefully) instead being better protected.

    Why the soapbox? The responsibility for maliciously hacking a server and ruining a community rests entirely with the hackers. However, they were given the tools and ability to do so by a careless developer. Defensive coding, and coding with security in mind is critical when making any sort of software others use -- be it a Discord bot or anything else.

    So, please. Learn to protect credentials your code uses.

    submitted by /u/Blackshell
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    Flushing python3 kivy's video buffers.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:57 PM PST

    Full disclosure : I'm a programming newbie. I'm just left wondering with a simple question : Can Kivy's video buffers be flushed on demand? For example, when I do:

    self.canvas.clear with self.canvas: #draw stuff 1 time.sleep(1) #kivy buffers stuff 1 instead of bringing it onto the screen and then waiting for a second self.canvas.clear # clear for stuff 2 with self.canvas: #draw stuff 2 // Now all of them comes on the screen together 
    submitted by /u/python_enthusiast
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    Why on earth is IntelliJ marking a "Cannot access Class.Class" error when their doesn't seem to be an issue?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:38 PM PST

    So here's my code. Tested in a repl and from the command line to verify it compiles, but Intellij keeps marking an error on lines 30 and 32 where I try to access node.left and node.right when making a func call, saying Cannot access ScapegoatTree.ScapegoatTreeNode. I've tried reinstalling intellij and that did nothing, I have no idea what else today because my installation of the jdk should be fine since I can compile this just fine from cmd. Thanks for any help


    public class ScapegoatTree {

    public class ScapegoatTreeNode { int key; ScapegoatTreeNode left; ScapegoatTreeNode right; ScapegoatTreeNode parent; ScapegoatTreeNode(int key){ key = key; left = null; right = null; parent = null; } } ScapegoatTreeNode root; float alpha; //alpha must be passed as a parseable float public ScapegoatTree(int key, float alpha){ root = new ScapegoatTreeNode(key); //only ever instantiate scapegoattree when you have a value ready to insert from a BuildTree command alpha = alpha; } void insert(int key, ScapegoatTreeNode node) { if (node == null) { node = new ScapegoatTreeNode(key); return; } else if (key < node.key) insert(key, node.left); else if (key > node.key) insert(key, node.right); return; } 

    } ````

    submitted by /u/BftME
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    Help with Tic Tac Toe game

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:33 PM PST

    For a class i have to create this tic tac toe game. the main things i need to do is define isValid and switchTurn (in bold), i have spent hours on this but every time i run it all it does is draw a circle in the middle spot, i have to follow curtain things (which i italicized). if anyone can help i would really appreciate it.

    import turtle

    # Global variables which are needed
    # Students should read all the variables to know what they mean
    # define turtle, set speed max, make triangle go away
    drawer = turtle.Turtle()
    # define screen listener
    screenListener = turtle.Screen()
    # size of board
    boardSize = 300
    # A convenient constant for empty string
    EMPTY = '-'
    # The tic tac toe board is a 2D list, it is initialized in EMPTY
    # turn is "X" for x's and "O" for o's. First turn is for o's.
    turn = "O"
    # keeps track if someone has won
    winner = False
    # End of global variables
    function should draw the tictactoe board
    # Assignment 6: Add the statements that will draw the tic-tac-toe board
    # use global variable boardSize
    # turtle name is drawer (see above in the global variables)
    def drawBoard():
    drawer.goto(-300, 250)
    drawer.goto(-300, 80)
    drawer.goto(-300, -80)
    drawer.goto(90, 250)
    drawer.goto(-90, 250)

    function checks to see if the given row and column is a valid
    position to place a piece (O or X, depending on the turn)
    inputs: row and column which makes the position to be checked
    return True if it is a valid position (empty)
    return False if it is not a valid position (an O or X is already there)
    # Assignment 6: Add the statements to validate position as empty
    # hint: use the EMPTY global constant to compare
    def isValid(row,col):
    if board [row][col] == '-':
    return True
    return False
    inputs: row and column in which to draw the 'X'
    # Assignment 6: Add the statements to draw the X in the specified position
    # and with the pen color shown on the examples.
    def drawX(row,col):

    inputs: row and column in which to draw the 'O'
    # Assignment 6: Add the statements to draw the O in the specified position
    # and with the pen color shown on the examples
    def drawO(row,col):
    drawer.goto(row - 50,col)

    function switches turn by modifying the global variable 'turn'
    # Assignment 6: complete the statements of this function, which does the
    # following:
    # if the current turn is for the 'O' it is changed to 'X' and viceversa
    def switchTurn():
    global turn
    if turn == "O":
    turn == "X"
    function should check if board is full
    In other words no empty spaces in it
    return True if board if full
    return False if board is not full
    # Empty for now, will be written on Assignment #7
    def isFull():
    return False
    function should call all 3 other check functions bellow
    input: piece to check, piece can be O or X
    returns True if the piece checked has won
    return False if the piece checked has not won
    # Empty for now, will be written on Assignment #7
    def checkWin(piece):
    return False
    function should check the diagonals of the board for a win
    input: piece to check
    returns True if the piece checked has won
    return False if the piece checked has not won
    # Empty for now, will be written on Assignment #7
    def checkDiagonalWin(piece):
    return False
    function should check each row of board for a win
    input: piece to check
    returns True if the piece checked has won
    return False if the piece checked has not won
    # Empty for now, will be written on Assignment #7
    def checkHorizontalWin(piece):
    return False
    function should check each column of board for a win
    input: piece to check
    returns True if the piece checked has won
    return False if the piece checked has not won
    # Empty for now, will be written on Assignment #7
    def checkVeritcalWin(piece):
    return False
    # called every time mouse is clicked
    def clickEvent(x, y):
    global winner
    if abs(x) <= boardSize/2 and abs(y) <= boardSize/2 and (not winner):
    row = int(2 - (y + boardSize / 2) // (boardSize / 3))
    col = int((x + boardSize/2) // (boardSize/3))
    if isValid(row,col):
    board[row][col] = turn
    if turn == "O":
    drawO(row, col)
    drawX(row, col)

    def checkStatus():
    if checkWin(turn):
    elif isFull():

    def full():
    global winner
    # set font size
    fontSize = 30
    # sets winner to true
    winner = True
    # draws text stating winner
    drawer.goto(-(boardSize / 2), boardSize / 2 + fontSize)
    drawer.write("Tied Game", font=("Arial", fontSize, "normal"))

    # called when someone has won, to draw a message of who's the winner
    def won():
    global winner
    # set font size
    fontSize = 30
    # sets winner to true
    winner = True
    # draws text stating winner
    drawer.goto(-(boardSize/2), boardSize/2 + fontSize)
    drawer.write("Winner is %s" % (turn), font =("Arial", fontSize, "normal"))

    # Statements of the "main program"
    # Draws the board by calling the function drawBoard.
    # Then it just waits for the
    # user to click on a position on the board.
    # Nothing else is needed in this main program

    # mouse listener: to capture when the user clicks the mouse
    # each player will click with the mouse on
    # the position where they want to play


    submitted by /u/AttAndrew
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    How We Built Collect Using the MVP Pattern (Model-View-Presenter)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:22 PM PST

    Newbie question--how do I format my Python answers in LeetCode?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:18 PM PST

    This is probably a really stupid question, but I am trying to learn basic Python by doing problems in Leetcode, and I don't really know what the interface wants to see. I think part of the problem is that I don't have any background with classes or using the "self" keyword, but this shows up in the text editor, so I'm not incorporating it in the right way.

    To give an example, here's the first problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/two-sum/. Here is the code I wrote in Python's IDE, which seems to work:

    def twoSum(nums, target): for lcv in range (0, len(nums)-1): for lcv2 in range (1, len(nums)): if nums[lcv]+nums[lcv2]==target: return [lcv, lcv2] nums=[2,7,11,15] target=9 print(twoSum(nums, target)) 

    I'm sure it's not the most efficient or elegant way of tackling the problem, but this returns [0, 1], so I think the algorithm itself is right. But when I put this into LeetCode and run it, I get an error that says "name 'Solution' is not defined." I tried re-writing it to include Class and self. This is what I ended up with:

    class Solution: def __init__(self, nums, target): self.nums=nums self.target=target def twosum(self): for lcv in range (0, len(nums)-1): for lcv2 in range (1, len(nums)): if nums[lcv]+nums[lcv2]==target: return [lcv, lcv2] nums=[2,7,11,15] target=9 print(Solution(nums, target).twosum()) 

    Again, this returns the right answer when run on my computer, but I get an error message when running in LeetCode. So, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in order to run it. I know this is probably a dumb question, but can anyone tell me what to put into LeetCode to get my algorithm to run? Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/uteng2k7
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    Does anybody have this problem - copy codes from tutorials and no knowing how to code from scratch

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:17 PM PST

    I have been watching a lot of tutorials but don't really know how to code from scratch especially not knowing where to start when I start a project. I just copy codes from tutorials. How can I get better or I'm just not meant to be a programmer cause I lack creativity?

    submitted by /u/reddit_9810
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    How did YOU learn C++?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:54 AM PST

    I am a Physics student who for his Bachelor Thesis had to use C++. Not really huge stuff, just 5-10 lines of code. I am interested in learning more and I am kinda amazed by all the other people I have met, who could use and understand most of it.

    I wanted to ask the guys with experience in C++ here, how YOU "learned" C++ (I know you never finish learning a language but you know what I mean). And I am literally wondering about THIS Question. Since I know how these kinds of question usually go on reddit I just wanted to say beforehand, I am not asking for somebody to say "just do projects" or "just read this 1000 book and do all exercises". I am also not looking for an easy way out or some magical story or someone to point out to me that I am gonna get disappointed that there is no easy answer and so on.

    I am literally just curious, how YOU learned C++ and please be specific when you mention "oh I did lots of projects". What kind of projects, what did you have to do there and so on.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/scccP
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    Learning SQL, where should I start?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:45 PM PST


    Well this question is a little bit odd and I feel myself kind of embarrased asking it.

    A little more information about this question: I was applying for a long shot job when they asked me "do you know SQL?" and well after the interview it got me thinking and I to be honest I have no idea about it, it is like something you use but dont pay too much attention to, at least that is what happened to me.

    So I dont want to be ashamed anymore and I want to learn!!!!, any advice on where to start besides any random youtube video? maybe any of you (or every single one of you) have already walk this patch and can tell me what you think?

    Thx in advance!.

    submitted by /u/xaitox
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    Eli5: what is an active template library?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:56 PM PST

    My BIL is an ATL developer. I honestly can't wrap my head around what he does. I have very little programming knowledge and I am just looking to relate to him more. If this is not the right place to post this can you please direct me to a more appropriate place. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/shophet
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    Auto dealership website inventory page

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:51 PM PST

    I have the opportunity to completely rewrite the engine that presents vehicle inventory on the websites my company provides. As it stands now, filtering and pagination are all handled in the database which adds a quantity of time to serving the pages. For even only about 500 vehicles, the delay is noticeable. For other functions, I've explored jQuery DataTables, using it for (for instance) an employee database with more than three thousand records, returning the dataset as JSON and each "turn of the page" or filtering is instantaneous. I'm trying to work out how best to approach this problem: I don't think DataTables is the best solution - the format of each vehicle isn't columnar, though maybe it could be - but perhaps a DT-like solution? How does DT take a JSON datasource and build the output? Is it all just DOM manipulation?

    submitted by /u/mapsedge
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    C++ behaving unexpectedly

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:43 PM PST

    I know C++ is C++ and behaves as it should, but I expected it to behave in another manner. I'm trying to program a Mexican wave and I came up with this:

    #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> typedef std::vector<std::string> str_vec; str_vec mexican_wave(std::string str) { str_vec result; for (auto &c : str) { putchar(toupper(c)); result.push_back(str); putchar(tolower(c)); } return result; } int main() { str_vec res = mexican_wave("hello world"); for (auto &str : res) { std::cout << str << std::endl; } return 0; } 

    But the results are:

    HhEeLlLlOo WwOoRrLlDdhello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world hello world 

    In one hand, I'm ashamed that I don't know how to solve this simple thing. On the other hand, I wonder what could be the issue... I know I'm foregoing a simple thing here, I just don't know why. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/Lithy_Eum
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    Defined a struct "node" inside a class "RBT". I want to create a "node" object named "nil" inside the class that will be refered to later, but when I try to change a member in "nil" I keep getting: "nil does not name a type"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:35 PM PST

    Every time I google this, I just get a lot of noise about "typedef" which I am not using here. It also makes it more difficult that I don't understand enough about programming to filter out the sheer avelanche of results from Google.

    Here's my code:

    #include<iostream> using namespace std; class RBT { struct node { public: int key; enum Color { red,black }; Color color; node *left, *right, *parent; }; node nil; //********* even if I change this to "struct node nil;" I get the same error as earlier nil.color = black; node *root; }; int main() { } 

    Basically, the "nil" node will remain constant. The only important part of it is that the color is black. It is something that will be pointed to in the future by other nodes.

    submitted by /u/AbCzar
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    getting the wizz air api version or general getting requests help needed

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:19 PM PST

    Hello! I am trying to scrape some flight data off wizzair to use it in a school project. Later I will probably use also ryan air but for now wizz is enough.
    I found this but by the looks of it its pretty outdated, the api they are using is old and I can't get any results
    I could easily use selenium or something to get a html response of the whole page after sending the airports n stuff and filter out only the flight data I need but I have a feeling that it would turn out really impractical and ugly whereas this solution from stackoverflow seems a lot more elegant

    it may sound stupid but is there any way to find out what requests will happen when I press a button on a website? or maybe somehow identify the current api version or location? I did try google but there wasn't much information


    submitted by /u/Yaddos
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    Software that helps people?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:30 AM PST

    Hey guys, I need to give a talk on something software related and want to find out more about software that helps people? Whether that be medically or not, what are different types of software I can learn about that helps people? Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/Wizard_Knife_Fight
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    [c++][HW] Sentinel controlled while loop wont stop the loop

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:36 PM PST

    I'm trying to get my program to run and then at the end of it, it'll ask for a number again. If the user enters "0", then it should stop, but it doesn't. It just increases the userNumber by one and continues with the program. I can't tell if my getInput function is wrong, if I didn't the sentinel loop wrong, or its something I don't even know. ANy help will be appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Either_Rock
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    How to insert a Canvas into my GUI?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:32 PM PST

    I created a GUI that is going to require a canvas. My only confusion is how to place a canvas into the GUI. Do I created a different class for Canvas and construct and canvas and just add it to my JFrame or so I create the canvas in my GUI class.

    Any links or videos for this would be great.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/mediocreNintendo
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    So many python versions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:10 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I went to change my python version in vscode and there were a lot of copies: https://imgur.com/FA2uKSI

    As you can see, my python versions are all over the place.It's my understanding that my python versions should be stored in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions, so could I just delete it from the other places?

    submitted by /u/GullBull
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    Safety precautions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:02 PM PST

    I remote control my pc while my monitor is turned off. What I want to do is if someone at home tries to turn on the monitor, I want the pc to turn off itself. How can I do that?

    I program robots, so I am not really good at computers

    submitted by /u/wallhack_tr
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    Syntax Errors in my c++ code, don't know how to fix them

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:58 PM PST

    .h - https://pastebin.com/2kbKgCJT

    main - https://pastebin.com/d0KBq1dK

    .cpp - https://pastebin.com/u26md9Qw

    I am trying to create an initially unfilled array that adds a user-entered value to the end of the filled part of the array. I have some "not declared in this scope" errors but I don't know how to fix them. Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/LucyIsATemplar
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