• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 25, 2018

    I just wanted to share this because i'm happy! learn programming

    I just wanted to share this because i'm happy! learn programming

    I just wanted to share this because i'm happy!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:58 AM PST

    I was checking some of my old repos in Github to see how i changed as a programmer and i came across this 30 line function that i wrote last year, it converts a binary number to decimal number. I thought i would rewrite the function and this is the result.

    def bin_to_dec(binary): return sum([2 ** i for i, bit in enumerate(binary[::-1]) if bit == '1']) 

    or more readable:

    def bin_to_dec(binary): decimal = 0 for i, bit in enumerate(binary[::-1]): if bit == '1': decimal += 2**i return decimal 

    I think i have learned a lot in the past year, and been in this sub and other programming related subreddits definitely helped me improve more.


    submitted by /u/A_X_D_H
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    I would like to share my achievement

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:27 PM PST

    So Today I have deployed my first web app. I have been programming in python for more than a year. I have written web apps using Django, flask and some javascript frameworks like expressjs but I only ran those app locally when I tried deploying i just gave up since I couldn't deal with errors but today I made it and I am happy that now I can add this to my skillset. Anyways here's my web app. https://hackernews-minimal.herokuapp.com/ It's a simple hackernews clone that I built to practice APIs.

    submitted by /u/mraza007
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    When things work on the first try...

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:47 PM PST

    Have you had awkward situations where you're doing something really complex (doesn't necessarily have to be software), and half hoping that it doesn't work coz' then you try to figure out why things didn't work, make appropriate corrections, and then try again. And eventually you get it right.

    For a school project, I was trying to do something complex with graphics (OpenGL), and it involved *a lot* complicated math (in addition to complications of OpenGL itself), and I didn't have a clear idea what I was doing... There was just so many moving parts.

    I was hoping to examine the messed up output (which I was expecting) and make appropriate fixes.

    Except when I ran it, it worked flawlessly and I was creeped out... :D

    Like, building a rocket at home and expecting it to crash. Except, it went to Mars instead!

    submitted by /u/akb960
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    Wrote my first app!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 07:06 AM PST

    It's not much. 12 lines of code maybe, but it's a dice roller

    It asks for two inputs, number of dice and what type, then rolls the appropriate number of dice.

    What l learned:

    • While loops.

    • str() and int()

    • Defining procedures

    What I'd like to improve on:

    • Cleaner code

    • Thinking in terms of algorithms

    What I'm working on next:

    • Adding an aesthetic UI to my dice roller (web app would probably be easiest, but I want to publish this on iOS so I can use it on my phone)

    • new project: Text-based adventure game

    submitted by /u/a_fearless_soliloquy
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    Where to start?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:21 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a software engineer(fresher) at an MNC from non CS background, I have decent knowledge in coding and able to manage work at office. I want to learn new things in programming and develop a portfolio of myself to showcase and get better jobs. I have good knowledge on HTML, CSS, JS, JQUERY, C, C#, and MsSql. I started doing some challenges on hackerrank and Free coding camp. What should I do? I don't have a clear path about what to do. Where should I start? And learn what? MEAN stack? Another language?

    I'm just reading fic-non fic books daily as I don't know what to do with my free time. Learning in office is good but limited.

    And I'm from India so, it would be great if anyone can tell what would be in demand in next 2 years so I can may be start learning that.

    submitted by /u/the_pragmatic_soul
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    Want To Learn Web Development

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:32 PM PST

    I want to learn web development and how to make websites. The thing is, I'm a complete novice. I know a bit of python because of my shitty high school programming class but besides for that I'm clueless. Any help on where to start? I have about $15 to spend on a Udemy course or something if that's a good option.

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/AlexTheRedditor5
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    Can someone help explain this concept to me?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 02:39 PM PST

    I'm taking the Udemy course on Python, and in this section we are learning about list comprehension. The instructor wrote this script:

    mylist = [] for x in [2,4,6]: for y in [1,10,1000]: mylist.append(x*y) 

    when you run the code and then call "mylist" you get:


    I'm having a hard time seeing how the computer reads this code and produces this output. I understand that you are adding x*y to your blank list that you initially created. But why does the computer iterate it in this way? Why does it take the first integer of list x, multiply it across all three integers in list y, and then move on the second int in x and repeat?

    submitted by /u/jaypeejay
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    Should I do a course or learn programming by myself?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 04:54 PM PST

    There is a 9 weeks course that cost about £4,000. I think it is a lot of money so I just wanted to know if it is worth the money or should I just learn by myself?

    There will teach us:

    -JAVASCRIPT (Will be taught in 1 week)

    -HTML & CSS (Will be taught in 1 week)

    -C# (Will be taught in 1 week)

    -ASP.NET (Will be taught in 1 week)

    -help us develop a portfolio.

    -Help us in some projects.

    The company that provides the course will also help me find a job and I know a friend who was successful finding a job through them. I have always been a solo learner so I can easily learn by myself at home but I don't know if I will be able to find a job. The course provider has links with companies so it greatly increases my chances of getting a job. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/namh
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    Using C++ Gmail API

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:41 AM PST

    In order to work on my first fairly useful project, I need the program to be able to access my gmail inbox. I believe I need to use Gmail API for that, but it seems like it isn't available or supported anymore. Does anyone know how I can still access and analyze emails that come in?


    submitted by /u/DirectCherry
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    There's GIANT fog in front of me

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:35 AM PST

    Now, I've followed some generic recommendations something like CS50, basic syntax books, and simple example projects.

    I've read KNK(C: A Modern Approach), also KNR(TCPL). Friends of mine also doing some simple and easy stuff like snake game, tic-tac-toe, even library management system.

    The problem starts here. Suddenly, the next curriculum looks like Space Shuttle Software. What happened? I just now learned how to make little things, and then build some gigantic complex buildings with that little blocks? Where's the NEXT middle ground?

    What should I do? things-to-do (or to-study) grows exponentially. I have to study Network, DS, Algorithms, and GUI. Where to start? or even what's recommended order to study?

    (p.s. I really interested in Linux Kernel, and hope I can become developer eventually. But, It's something like the Final mission. I also like to develop general desktop software while going there.)

    submitted by /u/whjeon
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    Easier way to have something happen if X is false instead of having a blank if block?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:35 AM PST

    When I write the following, it seems wrong. I just want to do something if X is false.

    ` if (X) {

    //Blank because I just want the else statemnet


    else {

    ... //something


    submitted by /u/TrickyGiraffe
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    help any course of ajax and json

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:24 AM PST

    ebooks too work

    submitted by /u/sasuke55e
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    [Homework] [Racket] Finding largest difference in two lists.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:37 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    I have a homework assignment in which I have to return the largest difference between two lists in absolute value. We were allowed to assume the lists will be the same size, and we were not allowed to use "cons" to create a new list.

    I actually reached a solution, but I am a little confused on why it works. In my "Difference" function, what part of my code is retaining the largest difference instead of replacing it with the next item regardless of absolute value? (I created the same program using cons to test and compare cases.)

    When I wrote the code, it made sense and my thought process was that the below code, would take the largest difference if greater than the difference of tails. Then, since the list is not the size of one, it would compare the next item with the tail, and if greater than the previous difference, replace it. Then repeat the process...

    (if (> (absHelper list list2) (absVal (lastElem list) (lastElem list2))) (absHelper list list2) 

    When seeing this worked, I tried to draw out the process, to get a better understanding. After doing so, I thought, "Wouldn't it just ignore all differences and keep going and give me the last value of the tails, since this is where the list is one?"

    Could anyone help clarify what is actually going on, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

    Here is my code!

    ;Main function that finds largest difference in a list. (Absolute value) (define (Difference list list2) (if (=(size list) 1) (absHelper list list2) (if (> (absHelper list list2) (absVal (lastElem list) (lastElem list2))) (absHelper list list2) (Difference (cdr list) (cdr list2))))) ;Helper functions begin here. ;Absolute value of difference (define (absVal x y) (if (< (- x y) 0) (* (- x y) -1) (- x y))) ;Get the last element in a list (define (lastElem list) (car (reverse list))) ;Count # of elements in a list (define (size lst) (if (null? lst) 0 (+ 1 (size (cdr lst))))) ;Function to have the difference function look cleaner (define (absHelper list list2) (absVal (car list) (car list2))) 

    submitted by /u/NimbusExpress_
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    Help me make my Python Course Better

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 03:59 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm pretty new to these programming communities even though I've been online teaching and programming for awhile now. If this post is breaking any rules feel free to take it down, and sorry for the inconvenience.

    I'd like some new beginners or people who are new to Python to let me know what you think of my course. It's still in the early stages and I know there's not a tonne of content in it yet, I'm slowly working on it day by day and the plan is to grow it out over a long period of time.

    My main effort is to make it geared towards people who are brand new to programming and coding. If anyone here who is interested in trying it out I can provide a free coupon for it. In exchange I'd just like some feedback and I'd be really happy for that!

    I I said I'm really looking for people who have never programmed before so because when I self-taught myself I found that a lot of courses just didn't really teach programming concepts at a beginners level.

    Link can be found here - https://www.udemy.com/pythonbasics/?couponCode=FREECOURSE

    If anyone is interested. I'm still learning Python myself and would really like to make this a great course and help newcomers learn more Python.

    I'm currently thinking about making a section on ether loops or functions next!

    Thanks everyone, and like I said if this post is too self-promoting I totally understand and feel free to down-vote it.



    submitted by /u/robinhaney91
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    Is there a quick crash course for C++

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:23 AM PST

    I used to program in C++ some 3 years ago but it is mostly writing functions and passing references. I don't have good grip on classes and objective oriented programming. I was wondering if I can find any videos or pdf guides ( around 200 pages) which can qucily introduce me to c++ and some objective oriented programming.

    submitted by /u/SholandaDykes_ATT
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    Site Works Locally, Not in Production

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 07:28 PM PST

    I recently built my portfolio with Flask and just changed some things on my local machine. Everything works wonderfully.

    When I moved it to production (on Heroku), I'm getting some SQL issues claiming that one of my tables can't be found.

    Have you experienced anything like this with Heroku and maybe there's something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Bowleander
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    Personal libraries

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:26 PM PST

    What's your opinion on libraries with just basic stuff like ques, stacks, math functions, array lists, hashmaps, and custom rendering code to know what your using while you get through university? I've been debating making my own library for personal use to get to learn how various common things I use work. Would it be useful at all besides the learning aspect?

    submitted by /u/SinpaiSinner
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    First time poster! Need assistance with my course work.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:22 PM PST

    I really would appreciate the help cause I am really stumped on this. I've been on this for about a week now and I really need some help.

    Here is the instruction:

    The Task

    You have just recently attended an Reggae SumFest concert. You noticed that there was a quite diverse group of people attending the concert. Out of curiosity you have decided to attend another concert and pass out a survey asking the attendees to list their ages. Based on their ages, you are going to determine some statistics about the people attending the concert. You are to store the ages of the people attending the concert in a list. Here is the main function that you MUST use in your program:

    def FillAgeList /* Fill list with ages of people attending */

    def ComputeAverageAge /* Calculate the average age */

    def FindYoungestAge /* Calculate the youngest age */

    def FindOldestAge /* Calculate the oldest age */

    def ProcessAgeStats /* Determine and print age statistics */

    Here is what I have:

    print("\tReggae SumFest Concert Age Statistics Report")
    "This programme is designed to give statistics number of persons, age group of the participants of reggae SumFest.\n")

    def fillagelist(alist):
    input_numbers = [int(i) for i in user_input.split(' ') if i.isdigit()]

    def computeaverageage(avg):
    averageage = sum(fillagelist) / len(fillagelist)
    print("The average participant age was:", averageage)

    def findyoungestage(young):
    ygest =min(fillagelist)
    print("Youngest participant was:", ygest)

    def findoldestage(old):
    oldest =max(fillagelist)
    print("Oldest participant was:", oldest)

    def processagestats(average, oldest, youngest):
    print("Oldest Person age: ", oldest)
    print("Youngest person age: ", youngest)
    print("Average age: ", average)

    fillagelist = input("Please enter the numbers separated by a single space only: ")

    # average=computeaverageage(computeaverageage)
    oldestperson = findoldestage(findoldestage)
    youngestperson = findyoungestage(findyoungestage)

    submitted by /u/Huchan
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    If I have a program like SetLCDBacklightValue(x) and I have two common x values (on, off)...

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:44 PM PST

    Given the defines

    #define OnValue 100 #define OffValue 0 

    Is it better practice to A) B) C) or other?


    SetLCDBacklightValue(OnValue); SetLCDBacklightValue(OffValue); 


    void LCDBacklightOn (void); //{SetLCDBacklightValue(OnValue);} void LCDBacklightOff (void); //{SetLCDBacklightValue(OffValue)} LCDBacklightOn(); LCDBacklightOff(); 


    #define LCDBacklightOn SetLCDBacklightValue(OnValue); #define LCDBacklightOff SetLCDBacklightValue(OffValue); LCDBacklightOn LCDBacklightOff 


    submitted by /u/Montzterrr
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    Configure and use regex in C

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:40 PM PST

    Hi, I have been looking for a while on how to set up some regex libs for use in C. I am new to CMake with some unsuccessful attempts to compile other libraries in the past. Im a bit confused on the process I guess. So is there anyone which can point me to a tutorial on getting regex files for use in my project?

    Im not sure what my target would be because Im unsure of what the process is for building C libraries for targets. I am developing in Windows on VS15 or VS 17 and code is for embedded environment running on VxWorks. However, I feel that the C library should be agnostic of the target. Simply a matter of obtaining the .c/.h files and importing them for use. Am i overthinking this by trying to follow CMake examples?

    submitted by /u/P_a_r_z_i_v_a_l
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    If I forked a repo with MIT licence, can I later change the licence to my name if I have made considerable codebase changes?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 05:45 PM PST

    I forked a python repo that was originally written 2-3 years ago.

    I have basically made it faster and also converted it to python 3.

    At this point, my repo only has the basic idea of the original repository owner.

    But the thing is, I have forked his repo, and then started my work on it.

    So, when I show this repo to people, I don't want them to think,

    'oh, DarthFarious only changed few things'

    When in fact I have considerablly changed the code.

    Hence, my question, can I change the licence name to my name?

    submitted by /u/DarthFarious
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    Connec tto MySQL (PHP)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:30 PM PST

    I'm relatively new to both PHP and MySQL and am unable to get mysqli_connect() to work. I get these warnings:

    Warning: mysqli_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

    Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY00/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client

    I am using the latest version of MySQL and v7.2 of PHP. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tonymantato
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    Never programmed in my life, need help and advice ASAP

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:21 PM PST

    Hello I'm a newbie. Honestly I never coded in my life and there's so much information on here I don't know where to start. I'm in my 3rd year of university majoring in MIS and I really want to start learning programming but I have no idea on how/where to start. There's so many resources, paths etc. such as should I start front end or with python, what are the best resources. Please I know there's so much information but I need guidance if someone can just push me in the right direction I will put in the work. Any resources to help me learn, I don't know what path/language to start and if there's one what is the best resource. Please help someone!

    submitted by /u/grahamcrackeri
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    Why do several large libraries implement their own SPI and does that cause code bloat?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:15 PM PST

    I am working on a project involving both radio communication and SD data logging. In other forums people recommended using an updated version of SdFat, which I downloaded. In addition I downloaded the radiohead library to use. When I looked though those libraries I noticed that they both implemented both hardware and software SPI for communications. I intent to use SPI myself as well, should I be trying to use one of their libraries rather than importing yet a third one? Should I try to port the code of one to the other so that there is only one shared library? I guess by should I mean, would i save space by doing it, if so would you more experienced folks consider it worth it? I'm coding for a Adafruit feather (ARM Cortex M0+) so i have a generous amount of flash and ram now but i would like to write portable code.

    submitted by /u/rao000
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