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    Monday, November 19, 2018

    How difficult is it for a non CS major to get a job as a back end developer? Ask Programming

    How difficult is it for a non CS major to get a job as a back end developer? Ask Programming

    How difficult is it for a non CS major to get a job as a back end developer?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:23 PM PST

    "Hello world!" ,

    I am completely new to the world of programming, however from my little experience in javaScript it seems fascinating!

    My main question is: how difficult is it for a non CS major to get a job as a back end developer?

    About myself:

    I have a BS in Chemistry from a good UC school.

    I want to eventually go to graduate school for computational chemistry but my GPA is only a 3.2 and I think I need real world experience first to make me more competitive. I have learned some javascript but I really have no interest in web development. I have heard it is easier to get a job as a front end developer so am considering going that route and then switching over.

    Overall my main interests are video game design, making programs that help with science related computations, and making programs that have stem based applications.

    I dont care much about where I live or how much I get paid I just want to get experience with jobs that would help me towards my goals.

    Thanks in advance,

    Any and all advice is appreciated!

    *Edit: it seems the consensus is it's difficult. To reframe the question. In my specific scenario how would you go about getting experience ?

    And please note: I am not rushed ,I am willing to intern/ work shitty jobs, whatever it takes. I am not expecting instant success.

    submitted by /u/foreverLost1475
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    A rabbit in the forrest question (Graph problem) DFS,BFS or something else?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:06 PM PST

    So I have an interesting question that I ran across online, and I am not sure how to approach this graph problem. We have a 2D array populated by numbers 1-9. The rabbit should get to the carrots, which are at the edge of the forrest (represented by 0's) and it can only go to a field surrounding it if the number at that field is lower than the current field. Let me give an example:

    start = 2







    So the above example is pretty simple, the rabbit can go to 0 directly, or it can go to 1, and then to 0, but it can't go to 5 or 6 since those are > 2. We want to return the shortest path to the 0, so in the case above it's [2,0].

    For this problem I am thinking about using DFS over BFS, since we kind of have to span "deep into the forrest". I would store all the paths, and then go over the path array. I am not sure if this is the right approach, or if I am missing something. I am also not sure how I would store the paths and keep track of what has already been visited, since we have 4 possibilities, and then those 4 have 4 again. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Freeprogrammer
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    Ridiculously large number in malloc

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:01 AM PST

    Hi, everyone. I was testing C's malloc and wanted to see how large of a parameter I could pass to the function, and it turned out to be approximately 14*10^13. What is baffling me though is, I've learned that malloc allocates memory within the heap, which in turn is located on the RAM. However, according to my number that would mean I have 140k GB of RAM which clearly doesn't make sense. How should this number be interpreted?

    submitted by /u/eaglclaws
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    Spring Boot/Angular 6 and AWS API configuration

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:37 PM PST

    I want to deploy my project on AWS. After research I've learnt that for Spring Boot(back-end) the ideal web service is EC2 and for Angular(front-end) is S3. My question is that, I have to change the URL that Angular is using to connect to the API of the back-end, right? localhost:XXXX won't work? I have to use the new URL from the AWS. It makes sense that would be the case, but I don't find it elegant. So, when I deploy my Spring Boot application, I should change the API URLs on Angular front-end app?

    submitted by /u/valkon_gr
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    Stuck on a question.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:32 PM PST

    I have this question for my Operating Systems class I can't figure out. I completed all the other questions but this one.


    submitted by /u/Leonidous2
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    I want to start my own project

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:15 PM PST

    I am a student and just started learning programming for about 3 years. I've learned basic java,html, c++ , php.

    My question is, i want to start my own project(any small project will do) to improve my programming skills and i do not know which language suits for a beginner like me to develop my project. I am still lack of skills and hoping you sensei out there to guide me for my first project. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/sesusesu
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    Any possible approaches to a project idea I have?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:26 PM PST

    Hello, I'm thinking of doing a side project in the coming months because I think it would be a fun way to learn while also saving me time.

    Basically, what I want to do is take a spotify playlist and take all the song names in it and input it into a website (not my own) where I can download mp3 files. Is there any way to achieve the website part? I know how to get a playlists information, but I'm not sure if its possible to make a program that searches something and clicks a button on a website for you. If anyone has an idea of what language/libraries to use and can tell me I'd really appreciate it. If there is a more appropriate subreddit to post this in that would be helpful as well.

    submitted by /u/HydraMC
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    Python CSV File

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:24 PM PST

    Hi I'm new to Python and I'm trying to put my csv file into an array in a certain way. The code I have wrote so far is:

    import pandas as pd import csv csv_file = "dogs.csv" dogs = pd.read_csv(csv_file) data = [] for row in dogs: data.append(row) print(data) 

    My dogs csv file has rows with attributes and a label such as [weight, height, colour, type]

    But the for loop I have only adds the first line so I get :

    ['3', '5', 'Grey','Jack Russel'] 

    But there are 30 rows which I would like added in the format:

    Data = [ ['3', '5', 'Grey','Jack Russel'], ['5', '3', 'Black','Sheep Dog'], ['1', '7', 'Blonde',' Golden Retriever'], ['3', '4', 'Spots','Dalmatian'] ] 

    If anyone has any knowledge I'd appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/BrianC2488
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    SSH tunnel in Pgadmin 4

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 11:39 AM PST

    Anybody have a tutorial regarding the integrated ssh tunnel option in Pgadmin 4?

    submitted by /u/hasteiswaste
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    How would I display something in a label by using the click procedure?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 03:09 PM PST

    I am in a Visual Basic class as a credit for my generals from my local college. I haven't really coded anything so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to learn something. I'm almost done with the class but I am having some issues with the latest chapter. This is the code I have(or the parts I need to change):

    Public Class frmMain

    ' Independent Sub procedures.

    Private Sub GetWeekly(ByVal intWeekly As Integer)

    Dim dblPay As Double

    dblPay = intWeekly / 52

    lblGross.Text = dblPay.ToString("C2")

    End Sub

    Private Sub GetTwicePerMonth(ByVal intTwicePerMonth As Integer)

    Dim dblPay As Double

    dblPay = intTwicePerMonth / 24

    lblGross.Text = dblPay.ToString("C2")

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click

    ' Calls independent Sub procedures to calculate and display the gross pay.

    Dim intSalary As Integer

    Integer.TryParse(txtSalary.Text, intSalary)

    If radWeekly.Checked Then




    End If

    End Sub

    I need to be able to display the Gross pay by using the btnCalc procedure. I've worked on it the past 4 hours and I just can't seem to get it to work. I don't understand how the GetWeekly function works and I'm out of ideas. I would ask my professor but it is an online course and my professor doesn't like to answer his emails. If anyone could explain how I would go about doing this and maybe point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/stormside78
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    Don't know how to move forward.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:00 AM PST

    So I've been learning C# for a little over a year, Followed some tutorials, online courses on the basic concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, and OOP concepts like Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, interfaces, generics and the like. But I seem to have a hard time when it comes to writing an application or just solving simple problems in code. Or is it one of those things where you need to think of something to build and have a rough draft on what you'd like to have and then start building it and see what works and what does not? because simply following tutorials and literally typing out every single thing that they do doesn't seem to help in the long-run. I really want to become a great programmer but it's been a slow progress and things have slowed down immensely recently, despite reading a ton of OOP concepts and the like. I don't know, maybe I just have no idea where to go.

    submitted by /u/Bladelazoe
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    [Java] [JavaFX] [Scenebuilder] How do I make an image on the GUI depend on a variable?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 01:35 PM PST

    I'm using scenebuilder, and it only lets me use a specific url to load an image onto an ImageViewer. I want to have the url be set to a variable that I can change during it during runtime.

    submitted by /u/Mutant_Llama1
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    How to sort 2 merged files of numbers in ascending order? C++

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 01:16 PM PST

    I have almost finished my program, it merges the files and everything, but for the life of me I cant figure out how to sort the numbers in both files in ascending order.

    The first file mergeFileInput1.dat consist of: 2 4 6 8 10 16 18 30

    The second file mergefileInput2.dat consist of: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 21

    My output is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 13 18 21

    #include <iostream> #include <fstream> void fileMerge(std::ifstream&,std::ifstream&,std::ofstream&); int main(){ using namespace std; string output; cout<<"Enter the name of the output file you want to create(Must be .dat or .txt): "<<endl; cin>>output; ifstream infile; infile.open("mergeFileInput1.dat"); ifstream infile2; infile2.open("mergeFileInput2.dat"); ofstream outfile; outfile.open(output); fileMerge(infile,infile2,outfile); } void fileMerge(std::ifstream& input1,std::ifstream& input2,std::ofstream& outfile){ int nums; int nums2; while((input1>>nums)&&(input2>>nums2)){ outfile<<nums2<<"\n"<<nums<<"\n"; } } 

    submitted by /u/subconix
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    I want to make a `scripts/` dir which consists of common "scripted" text. What is a better name for this directory?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 12:44 PM PST

    Even though I put all of my python/bash/etc. scripts in /bin/, I can see why this might get confusing. What is another good name for this directory?

    An example of usage is for a tutorial, which says "Hi" to the user for each tutorial loaded. We can just helloMsg = read('/../scripts/hello.txt');


    I also thought about templates/... But is this really a template?

    submitted by /u/but_how_do_i_go_fast
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    [C] Function that if called with the same value again continues where it left off the previous call

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 12:09 PM PST

    Basically, I want a function that gives me a prime factor of a given input. And when I call the function with again with the same input it gives me the next number.


    int pf ; while ((pf = primefactor(12)) > 1) printf("%d\n" , pf); 

    and the output should be

    2 2 3 

    I got the code running for determining the prime factors. But my problem is how I can remember where my function left off and how to recognize that the input is the same as it was the previous call.

    I thought of using a static variable, but that gets initialized only once. What about pointers? But they don't exist once the function ends... so static pointer? But then I'd have the same problem as with a regular static variable.

    Could somebody point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/placeholderbagholder
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    I need motivation to code

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:44 AM PST

    Where do you guys get your motivation to code? I really need to know. Please give me your best motivation. It really blews my mood away when im stuck at certain errors.

    submitted by /u/sesusesu
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    Problems creating a function to toggle fullscreen mode

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:09 AM PST

    How often do you commit to a project repository and do you always write a message?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:59 AM PST

    I have a bad habit of not committing too often, particularly when I think what I'm working on is more of experimental or one possible approach to a problem that I might not end up using. How often do you make a commit? Do you commit in batch then breaking down the hunks or as soon as you finish working on something?

    submitted by /u/The_Wanderer2077
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    Is there a simple way to architect reports of what people search for on your site?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:55 AM PST

    I.e I have an idea for a simple crud site and I want a report of what people are querying in the filters.

    Is there an out of the box solution for this or is there a design pattern around it?

    Do I manually insert into a dB table every time someone searches for something with a time stamp and then create a report from that?

    submitted by /u/bustyLaserCannon
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    Starting point for a simple data organizing utility app with a user interface?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:14 AM PST

    I am wanting to write a program mostly for my self and my job which will help organize data, take in a few variables about a piece of inventory, then based on some simple logic and checking a spreadsheet which will probably just be excel, gives back to the user what should happen with the piece of inventory. I already have my program logic and structure figured out but my issue is the user interface part. I know how to program in Matlab quite well which is great for math but not so much for a UI. I'm self-taught in C# just for programming Arduino and fooling around with Unity but I'm not looking to use an Arduino for this and I'm not making a game. I know how to do some simple logic in excel obviously but again that doesn't really help for a UI.

    Basically, I want a clean user interface that's simple to use, checks a bunch of data and spits out what you should do. It would be awesome if I could make this into a smartphone app as well but that's a story for another time. I've done a little bit of looking around but I can't find a good starting point, this is just for fun mostly though it could potentially be beneficial to my company if it works. Thank you greatly for any help!

    submitted by /u/Madbull405
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    Need advice on optimization problem

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 08:54 AM PST

    I want to organize a card game evening and provide the players with the highest amount of diversity of opponents. Here are the rules:

    n (multiple of 4)

    Distribute n players over tables of 4 in 2:2 teams

    For 8 rounds

    The value function I was thinking of using:

    -5 if same ppl in team from a previous round

    -1 if ppl on same table more from a previous round

    We can't avoid putting people on the same table in different rounds or pray tell put people in the same team twice (which they hate) but we want to minimize it.

    I wrote something in python using matrix operations like 8 years ago and this is one example output I got for n=60


    But I don't have the code anymore and not even used python for many years. Hopefully people here can point me towards an easy way to implement this optimization program for any value of n?

    submitted by /u/billiebol
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    Ruby: attr_accessor vs. attr_writer/attr_reader

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 08:43 AM PST

    Hi, all. I'm fairly new to programming. Been learning Ruby. I have a quick noob question: I'm always using attr_accessor, but I see some people using attr_writer/attr_reader. Why doesn't everybody just use attr_accessor? Is it because, by using writer/reader, you can make instance variable inaccessible by some classes, rather than making it globally accessible via attr_accessor? Or am I misunderstanding something here?


    submitted by /u/k-hiroshi
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    I need help deciding on coding language.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 08:12 AM PST

    Hello guys and gals! I'm a college student looking to create a project for the internal use of my student friends. Sorry if my English is bad, ask me if there are any questions.

    The story: We have few teachers that don't read (sometimes read very lightly) the homework we submit and run it through a college internal system that compares the Word file against other Word files in the system to see if they are written the same and if not they just give us an "OK" on our homework assignment.

    Today one of my friends took an assignment done by another student, changed some words to similar words (ex; 'before' 'beforehand') and got an "OK" on his assignment which sparked an idea.

    I want to create a website where you can upload a .doc file, the site will scan for a database of pre-assigned words (ex: 'before) and change it to a random word from a matching database (ex words; 'before' 'beforehand' 'previously' 'earlier' will be searched in the document and if found will be changed to the same definition but other words).

    The question: Which scripting language do you advise me to use in order to get good result and also an easy scripting language to learn? I have some background in C, and Javascript but I've never had done projects like this. *TL;DR This shouldn't create a new work for you based on someones else's work, it should only switch between existing words in a document to other words with the same meaning and give you a quick solution if you forgot to send out your homework.

    submitted by /u/xanny_x
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    Browser cache checksums?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 07:43 AM PST

    Hi, how does the browser cache (just pick your favorite browser that you know the best if the cache differs fundamentally) work? Does it use checksums, i.e. does the server send, e.g. a SHA256 of a large file like a .png or a .jpeg to the user's browser and the browser only downloads the file if the checksum changed and there's no file in the browser with that checksum? or is it simpler? does it do the caching in a really smart manner for any type of content, e.g. chunks of text, etc. that it re-downloads if there's nothing like it already present in the cache?

    submitted by /u/MuckDwellerLord
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