• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 29, 2018

    Hi Everyone! If somebody is working on a war game and needs high-quality tank sound effects I got recordings of an original 1939 infantry tank "Matilda II" and you are more then welcome to use them. Greetings from Bali

    Hi Everyone! If somebody is working on a war game and needs high-quality tank sound effects I got recordings of an original 1939 infantry tank "Matilda II" and you are more then welcome to use them. Greetings from Bali

    Hi Everyone! If somebody is working on a war game and needs high-quality tank sound effects I got recordings of an original 1939 infantry tank "Matilda II" and you are more then welcome to use them. Greetings from Bali

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:32 AM PST

    I've been working on a sci-fi looking shield shader thingy lately! (Unity, Source in comments)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:02 AM PST

    It's Ludum Dare time again!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 04:33 AM PST

    Ludum Dare 43 starts tomorrow at 9 pm EST! This is a duplicate of my post for LD42, but hopefully it proves useful for those of you who are new to Ludum Dare, or game jams in general.

    If you are unaware, Ludum Dare is a game jam consisting of two contests: The 48 hour compo, where you work by yourself and have to create all game code, art and sound within the 48 hours and the 72 hour jam, where you can work in a team and use assets created outside of the jam.

    More details can be found here: https://ldjam.com

    This is going to be my tenth time participating and here are some lessons I've learned over the years:

    • Get enough sleep. My first time participating, I only slept 6 hours during the 48 hour compo. I was basically useless the following week and I'm certain my productivity over the weekend also suffered. There's an intense time crunch with the jam, but don't let your body suffer. Get up from the computer occasionally and rest your eyes as well.
    • Make sure you eat well. Don't load up on sugar and caffeine. Eat healthy and keep your mind sharp.
    • Spend some time brainstorming once the theme is announced. The theme is going to suck. It always does. Don't let that stop you, but also don't settle on the first idea you have. Think outside the box.
    • Once you've settled on an idea, lower your scope. Then lower it again. The weekend will fly by and you won't get nearly as much done as you'd like. The smaller your scope is, the more likely you'll have something to submit at the end. If you do end up having extra time, you can add additional features and polish.
    • Get your gameplay mechanics implemented as fast as you can. Once your gameplay is there, you have something you can submit. That takes a lot of pressure off. You can then spend the rest of the jam improving and polishing.
    • Stick to tools you know. There's nothing more frustrating than spending two or three of your 48/72 hours trying to figure out why this one particular thing isn't working the way you think it should. Experimenting with game mechanics is great and encouraged, but not new tools. Make sure your existing tools are ready to go and use what you're comfortable with. If you do decide to try new tools, accept that you may end up not submitting a game at the end of the contest.
    • Aim for a game that can be played to completion in 5 or 10 minutes. Most people won't play for longer than that anyway, and if your game is short, more people will see all of it. Also err on the side of being too easy vs being too hard, again, to maximize the amount of your game people will be able to play and see.
    • At the end of the contest, be sure to play and rate games. Give other people good, quality feedback and many will return the favor. Be honest in your review, but be kind. I always try to lead my review with something I like about the game before giving some constructive criticism if I see areas of improvement. You need at least 20 ratings to get ranked at the end of the judging period, and you'll get those by rating other games.
    • Most importantly, have fun! Game jams are for learning, fueling creativity and having fun. If you're too stressed out and not enjoying yourself, you're doing it wrong.

    I'm looking forward to seeing all the great games that will be created this weekend. Who else is joining in? Let us know. Also, please share any advice you may have on how to best survive Ludum Dare!

    submitted by /u/jharler
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    My game is marked as a virus?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:33 AM PST

    When people download the game it gets marked as a virus, and when launching the game smartscreen says its a virus.

    I have searched the internet for answers but I couldn't find anything.

    submitted by /u/SkysenBajsen
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    How Neopets was sold to Scientologists

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:22 AM PST

    GIFs are the bane of my existence, please help me

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:26 AM PST

    I adore gifs, they are the best thing ever, but making great quality gifs (that are longer than 5 seconds, not made for ant's eyes, or very busy) that stay below a size limit of say, 10MB, seems to be an impossible task for me.

    I've seen them all around, and for some time, I tried asking people that posted them how they manage to keep the file size down, but they never answered, so I grew tired of trying. I've spent hours on google, trying out any tutorials I could find, but apparently I never found the right one.

    Honestly, I'm kind of desperate and feel incredibly stupid, like I'm missing some entirely obvious thing here.

    Did you make awesome, small gifs before?

    Please, tell me how!

    submitted by /u/MinasMorGhoul
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    I made a cartoon procedural road network generator!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:08 AM PST

    How can I retain ownership of a project if friends help me make the game?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:12 AM PST

    I know that title seems selfish, and maybe this post is. The thing is, I've been working on this game (with Unity) for about a year now. It's coming along really well. A couple of my friends are programmers/artists and showed interest in helping out, and I'd love to have them. Now obviously, if the game is successful and actually generates revenue, I'd want to be as fair as possible in the division of money. But, because this is game is my baby, I want to own it. So I don't have a company. My friends wouldn't be employees. How can I retain ownership of the game if others are working on it?

    submitted by /u/jeremyfriesen
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    Want to get influencers to play your indie game? Here are some beginner tips in influencer marketing.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:43 AM PST

    Console Graphics Library

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:54 AM PST

    Hey! Any C# game developers out here? :)

    Just wanted to share a C# library I've been working on for quite a while now that I released some days ago. It wraps around System.Console class, to add additional functionality for displaying graphics. Custom RGB colors, primitives drawing, running border-less, getting input... All of it is in there! Any support would be appreciated! Try it out, leave a suggestion or report some bugs! See you there!


    submitted by /u/ollelogdahl
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    Perforce vs Git

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:28 AM PST

    Hello fellow kids,

    I just started with a gaming company and they use Perforce. I've never heard of it before and all my experience has been with Git. I did a little digging and it seems a bit older and not as widely used and I'm wondering if it really offers a benefit vs git or if this is more of a relic in the company and perhaps it's too time-consuming/costly to switch to git?

    Also, if Perforce is valuable, does it only really shine in gaming, or are there other industries that find it valuable? I'm really only asking this second question because I have NEVER seen it used before.

    Thanks to everyone out there taking the time to answer my question!

    submitted by /u/hbob0734
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    I'm a student using Unity for the first time and I can't find a tutorial that covers the task I'm trying to complete

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:25 AM PST

    Hey devs, first post in this sub so be gentle with me.

    A partner and I are attempting to build a virtual gallery of footage previews for a media project in school. I've encountered a simple issue that I can't seem to find a simple solution for on my own.

    In the space on the graph I'm trying to place twelve 3D objects (cubes in this instance) in a perfect circle around the center point (0,0,0). Each will have a face facing the center that our footage will be playing on.

    At the moment I'm stuck with a weird, bulbous "circle" of cubes that resemble what I'm trying to get. Now, I suck at geometry and I know there has to be a formula that I could use in order to evenly place each cube on a coordinate. (If someone knows the formula that would easily translate into Unity that would be awesome). Otherwise, is there a script or technique I could use to place all the cubes properly?

    I've been scrolling through YT and forums for a method, but I haven't come across someone doing something similar enough to my project that I could copy their method.

    So thanks for reading. If anyone has a tip, geometric formula, or insult to throw at me then please comment. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lord-master-wiener
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    a Coffee Break interview from indie dev Fred Yang, The Other Half

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:23 AM PST

    You can help! At the start of next year I will be starting a "game a week" gamedev stream, some suggestions needed!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:21 PM PST

    Hi there!

    Older professional gamer turned game journalist turned tabletop game designer, turning full fledged game dev this coming year!

    For 52 weeks, I will be spending each week attempting to program the barebones essentials of various already existing games, to teach myself how to program. I have some limited programming experience with Roblox (Lua) as well as a half assed attempt at CS50 and CS51 from Harvard.

    I will be livestreaming this, and treating it similar to a job, Mon - Fri for about 6-8 hours each day. I learn significantly better by doing and repeatedly screwing up, and this will be the best option for that.

    One of the problems I have though, is goalsetting. I have a short list of a few basic games to learn that seem to be teaching different aspects, finishing with The Adventures of Lolo in Week 12 (which will likely be a fail, but hopefully a super useful fail). When I have streamed my beginnings with programming in Roblox it was well received, and people were surprised at how easily I picked up complex ideas (but fail strikingly at simple ones).

    What would be a good final week game? I am contemplating making it instead of a week, dedicating three weeks for it if it is quite complex. My only want is a complex permission system and preferably a complex table system with random elements to it... that's because it will be the most use for what I'm hoping to do with the skills I will learn from doing this.

    I'm hoping for suggestions for a few different things:

    • Good games to emulate that will force learning a narrow but important skill.
    • Good games to emulate that will force building upon core concepts learnt from previous games (Basic AI through to AI Pathfinding for instance)
    • Awesome programming music playlists
    • Has anyone done similar before? Do they have youtube videos?
    • Fantastic learning videos which use game examples
    • Wonderful Discord suggestions!

    Happy to answer any questions people have, or just talk about the insanity that is this whole concept.

    submitted by /u/BaneWilliams
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    Good game networking library (C++) for lobby management

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:11 AM PST

    Hey, Im currently working on my own game, its 2D rogue-like mmorpg, now im working on networking part and I dont know which lib i want to use for lobby, i have Enet for game itself (5 - 10 players per instance) and it works, but if im going to have 100+ players in global lobby, im not sure about enet, any good suggestions? I tried Zeroc Ice, but its not good for this, because is overkill as hell, another approach was poco project, which im not sure if I really want to use. Thanks for suggestions!

    submitted by /u/mattyvrba
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    Looking for a university course with becoming a narrative designer as the goal

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:40 PM PST

    I want to be a narrative designer in the future, but im not sure which university courses to take. Im expecting general answers but I live in Melbourne, Australia so if you know any specific courses that might be good, I would really appreciate it if you sent me a link.

    There's not really any narrative design focuses courses, so I was wondering if it would be more beneficial to do a game design course or something like a creative writing course or is there another type of course that would be really good?

    submitted by /u/Loves_U
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    Battle Royal as a solo indie dev?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:00 AM PST

    I am (hopefully) finishing my singleplayer android fps game in about 2-3 months and I want to make BR game mode or sequel with that mechanics.

    Not really sure what goes into making a BR game. Or fps multiplayer game..

    My game is now using firebase for player stats, google pay for in app purchase, upgradable weapons, two play modes. It is a low poly fps shooter.

    How much work it is for a single developer?

    Is serverless 8 players (google realtime mp powered ) mini BR good start? How about 50-100 players with full server support?

    I know it is a general question? Right now I am trying to figure out the direction I should take...


    submitted by /u/noobfivered
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    Need a bit of help with component based game engine

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:52 AM PST

    I have been tasked with creating a component entity based game engine in c#, and am struggling quite a bit with it, specifically with creating collisions and a camera that can collide with things. Does anyone know of anywhere i could find information on achieving this, or anyone know any examples of code that can be viewed.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ImBadAtSC2
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    How to make a First Person Shooter in Unity - Automatic Fire Rate - Ep 06

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:31 AM PST

    Working on the best game ever? Submit it to the IMGA

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 04:50 AM PST

    Hello there devs,

    We are the IMGA, an annual competition, and awards ceremony that honors outstanding games made for mobile devices. We will soon have our 15th edition of the Global competition and we are now open for submissions.

    If you have an unreleased mobile game with a playable (and fun) demo (APK or Testflight), or a mobile, VR or AR game released in 2018, you can participate.

    You will have the chance to win an award, get more exposure and connect with fellow developers. Also, the chance to compete with mobile game developers all around the globe, both huge studios, and indies.

    Is very simple and completely free. Enter your game here: http://www.imgawards.com/mobile-gaming/global/

    submitted by /u/fannygillet
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    We're hosting a Game Jam - join for some fun and the chance to win some cool prizes!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:19 AM PST

    Would you call this wood?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 03:27 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've been working on this procedural wood shader with the aim of sharing it via a tutorial later on and was looking for some feed back. Would(ignoring the urge to make a pun) you guys look at this and think wood? And if not what can I improve?


    submitted by /u/euanhollidge
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    Unity Pokemon - Game Base setup of pokemon scripts - need help with setting up

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:21 AM PST

    Hello there!

    So im fairly new to Unity and coding (i use C#). I understand some basics, and i want to learn while creating.

    So ive been following some tutorials, and now i planned to make a fairly easy game (of so i thought..) and that was pokemon. So ive setup the movements, encoutering pokemons and the rareties of them. But now i need to implement pokemon. And im not totally sure of how i should do that, but i have a idea, and i would like some opinions about it.

    So my idea:
    I want to create scripts for everything a pokemon has/needs, so abilities,types,natures(?),effects etc (like poison etc). Im not sure if i want to implement natures. And then i want to make a base pokemon script where every pokemon will be named and will get every characteristics (i dont know if characteristics is the right word, but i mean like what type it is, abilities and base stats etc). And after that i want to make a battle script that will calculate everything, how many damage you do, and will keep track of debuffs, and buffs like lower defense or poison etc.

    Im not sure if this approach is good, and will work. So thats why i like to have some opinions from you guys about it.

    Thanks in advance!


    Ps. It will be a custom pokemon game, i want to add some unique stuff to it, and create my own fakemon.
    Another thing, Sorry if i didnt explained it well enough, English isnt my main language, any questions are welcome and appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Lylithrea
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    Going in with Voodoo or Ketchapp?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:09 PM PST

    I am an indie game developer (mainly made PC games in the past). Now, I have this swell prototype of a hyper casual game and it's kinda like my early days moving on to mobile platforms. I have heard that it is quite impossible for a small indie game dev to make it out on the mobile gaming industry without publishers, so I tried reaching one. I have pitched the game on Voodoo and I think they loved it since after about a day, they introduced me into this publishing dashboard of theirs with their custom sign-in password. I tried submitting my game to them again (prob. like the Stage 2 of the process where you showcase the gameplay and stuffs) and they approved it. I am now on the testing phase of which I have to integrate SDKs... you know the rest of the steps.

    So I'm wondering now what's next for this. For example if my game would be a hit, how would these publishers pay you? I heard they'd buy the game from you for a fixed amount, not through revenue sharing etc. For those who have experienced releasing your game into these publishers, how was your journey? Mind giving any heads up.

    submitted by /u/JamesR_Quantonium
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