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    Monday, October 15, 2018

    What are all the common pieces of a web app that you should know how to build? learn programming

    What are all the common pieces of a web app that you should know how to build? learn programming

    What are all the common pieces of a web app that you should know how to build?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 04:38 PM PDT

    EDIT: I tend to like to learn things top down. Get a high level overview of what's involved then drill down. Kinda like a table of contents. I wanna find some resources like that for all the common stuff in web apps. But I've only found a few.

    I'm looking for like some high level resources in regards to web apps that highlight common structures, patterns, and pieces that go into web apps in general, and then maybe they drill down into the details. I often see tutorials based on a specific language or some piece of functionality but I feel like it's been harder to find resources that step back and talk about all the common pieces of web apps as a whole and how they are supposed to fit together. I also feel like it would be better maybe to practice building the different pieces for a while and getting a handle on them before tackling an entire monster app.

    I dunno, for example login systems, security, sessions, cookies, setting up auto emails, charging credit cards, doing stuff with databases etc.

    submitted by /u/aRLYCoolSalamndr
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    [Python] Which of these maximum of three values function definitions is better, and why?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    def max_three(x,y,z): if x > y and x > z: return x if y > x and y > z: return y if z > x and z > y: return z def max_of_three(x,y,z): Max = x if y > Max: Max = y if z > Max: Max =z return Max 
    submitted by /u/pootlovato3
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    Is Java dying soon?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 07:49 PM PDT

    (First post hah)
    I'm a student, 19 years old, starting the 2nd year of the Computer Engineering career.
    So far, I have been learning Object Oriented Programming through the Java language, but I remembered something.
    There seems to be less and less devices that operate this language and getting overwhelmed by Python, Ruby or C++, and I have the fear that if I keep giving attention to Java, in just a few years it will be so worthless to the point I will be lost onto the other good languages (I think I want to learn C++ & Python soon).
    I need you to answer this: Will Java still remain as an important OOP language? For how long? How relevant is it today?

    Thank you so much C:

    submitted by /u/Some_dumb_mexican
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    Is my new employer asking too much of me?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    Hi, I was recently "brought on board" by a small web development company, I put brought on board in quotations because I am doing a test project to see how I do so they can decide whether to bring me on or not.

    So I have only ever coded with PHP and JS and everything I have made has been from scratch. I don't use frameworks.

    My test project is to create a site for a client using WordPress, and a framework called ?Sage/Roots? They know I have never used this framework before, or WP and they have given me 55 hours to complete the site. I also have to learn how to use and deploy ?images? on Docker.

    I feel very overwhelmed, like I never have before. I feel like crying whenever I open up my editor. I have zero clue what I'm doing, and I can't find ANY tutorials on this framework online. I can't take time to learn WP because the project is decent sized and I'm already behind.

    I really want this job, but I feel like learning two new technologies and a framework along with completing a project in 55 hours is too much.

    Also before anyone says "Why'd you lie about your skills then?" I told them I've never worked with WP or Docker from the jump.

    The thing that pisses me off the most is I could code this site up in five hours if I didn't have to use WordPress and this shit fucking framework.

    Can I please get some feedback?

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Best bootcamps for job placement in NYC?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    What are your opinions on the best bootcamp for job placement in the NYC area. I saw that for their most recent cohorts, App Academy and Hack Reactor (which are considered the best bootcamps from what I can tell) have lower placement rates than from the past. I am looking into Flatiron and saw that they have absurdly high placement rates. What would you recommend? Also, any info on recent reputation or statistics on these bootcamps is well welcomed!

    Thanks everyone

    submitted by /u/shreekalki
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    Is this an efficient way to learn?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 11:03 PM PDT

    I'm doing free code camp and I am breezing through the ex cerise's. However I know that I'm not actually retaining any of this information even when I take notes.

    I only retain information through repetition - example of this would be I type out the same line of code 10x so that I memorize the syntax.

    The problem is this is quite time consuming and allows me full concentration on only 1 minimal component of coding in general.

    Is this a bad way to approach coding?

    Will it be pointless because I'm only memorizing 1 specific technique versus learning it in its entire context ?

    submitted by /u/koalakid12
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    C - Question about pointers and arrays

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 10:12 PM PDT


    This website states that the name of an array is a pointer to its first element. Very well.

    That's what I thought as well when running this bit of code:

    #include <stdio.h> #define N 3 int main (int p_argc, char *p_argv[]) { int b[N]={22, 44, 657}; fprintf(stdout, "[0]: %d\n", *b); return 0; } 

    Yet, when trying to run this piece of code, I have the feeling the previous statement is wrong:

    #include <stdio.h> #define N 3 void foo(int (*p)[N]) { (void) p; } int main (int p_argc, char *p_argv[]) { int b[N]={22, 44, 657}; fprintf(stdout, "[0]: %d\n", *b); foo(&b); return 0; } 

    As you can see I now created a function foo which takes as argument an array of 3 elements, not a poiner, nor an array of another side. If b was indeed a pointer to the first element of an array foo(&b); wouldn't work or I would at least get a warning. This piece of code proves to me that this website's statement is AFAIK wrong and that the name of an array is a pointer to the whole array, yet... fprintf(stdout, "[0]: %d\n", *b) seems to work.

    Could somebody elaborate?

    submitted by /u/technical_questions2
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    Should I learn Java?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 03:50 PM PDT

    So I took my first programming class a little over a year ago. It used python. I didn't really touch it but I changed my major and decided I am going to get a dev job by the end of my IT degree. (I'm almost 30 so this is a career change for me)

    My next two programming classes are Object Oriented Programming and Advanced OOP. Obviously they both use Java to teach.

    I've been focused on honing my skills in python. I've written some code to rip podcasts from a xml file and a web app that creates links that I use for work. I'm no expert but I enjoy it and think it will help me to teach myself as much as I can about coding.

    Should I continue to teach myself python? Or start on Java to prepare for my next two classes? Classes start in January if that matters.

    tl:dr - should I start learning Java in prep for classes or keep working on python?

    submitted by /u/tonyoncoffee
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    Fantastic resources for students learning programming?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 05:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys, after coming across the fact that Github gives students 2 years of free private repos , and yes, I know there are other services that do this, I couldn't help but wonder what other free services students may be missing out on that are normally paid?


    Anyone have any other ones?

    submitted by /u/Maliken90
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    Can a college dropout like me have a successful career in coding?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 04:58 PM PDT

    I am 19 years old and I had to leave college after 2 years. Going back isn't an immediate option, but I wanted to know If someone who can start out by simply learning Python build a successful career. I am nervous that it will mean nothing if I don't have the college education to back it up or have access to those resources. Sorry if this is too similar but any starter advice would be appreciated! I would like to have a career doing back-end programming or data-engineering but I am nervous self-teaching will lead me nowhere without the schooling. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ray1022
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    Stupid question, but how do I print multiple items from a list in Python?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 06:30 PM PDT

    I just started learning Python, and I can't figure out how to print multiple items stored in a list without repeating the variable. I have to do stuff like print(names[0] + names[1] + names[2])

    submitted by /u/gwenpena
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    Getting A Masters Degree to Work on Comp Sci + Climate Change

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 10:22 AM PDT


    I just wanted to get some feedback and insight into this path I am very interested in pursuing. I currently work at a startup in Washington D.C. and get 63K, matching contributions up to 6K, health and dental benefits (among a couple others) and equity. However, I don't like my gross income being under my market value and prefer programming to marketing. I also...feel like I lack purpose. Honestly, my job just feels like being rich-people's toy - I don't even help make the toy they're making. This just doesn't feel like where I'm supposed to be anymore.

    I have been interested in getting a Masters Degree in CS from George Washington University. The program head, when I first spoke to him, said I should look into Machine Learning...so I did and the interview I just went in for went *extremely well* since I had done alot of self-education since last seeing him. While I was looking for more course materials I came across a class on building Climate Models using Python, which got me thinking that studying/working on a thesis about Machine-Learning applications to Climate Change issues would be very much up my alley. My undergraduate degree is in life-sciences and working on this would give me purpose...plus any cursory look at my post history will show I'm almost neurotically obsessed with Climate Change and it's affects on Human Civilization.

    I could continue to self-educate and save the $$ from applying to a degree, but if I get one I would have access to working in labs and building relationships with professors. GW is closely allied with the US Gov too - so it's more about making connections as well as learning.

    Does this seem fair? Does anyone know anyone that works in this intersection I can talk to? What employers would be interested in this skill-set (CS applied to Climate Change) post graduation? Is the money (around 50K) worth it for the ability to transition?


    submitted by /u/Kallicles
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    Python: How do closures work?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 09:50 AM PDT

    def outer(argument_outer): def inner(argument_inner): return argument_inner*argument_outer return inner a = outer(3) #When this line runs does the interpreter creates the inner function then it notices #inner is referencing a name outside its scopes then the interpreter assigns 3 or #whatever argument_outer was to inner.__closure__ ? a(3) #Once this runs it looks up argument_outer in inner.__closure__? 

    submitted by /u/awe_awareness
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    I don't know which language to focus on, help?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 07:59 PM PDT

    I'm a 3rd year CS student. My first two years were at community college so that was pretty much all math. I'd like to make projects of my own but am having trouble focusing on a language.

    I was planning on going through the FreeCodeCamp curriculum, but the two CS classes I'm taking now are making me reconsider.

    Currently taking Data Structures and Algorithms, which uses Python. Also, Computer Organization and Assembly which uses C and MIPS. I took Object Oriented Programming at my community college which used Java.

    I feel like I am learning surface level on several different languages and don't know what I should focus on to gain a deep understanding of programming, especially since I'm not deep into my CS courses yet.

    submitted by /u/Schultzie98
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    [Java, JSON] Converting JSON objects into a database

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 10:59 PM PDT

    So, I'm working with MTGJSON to get a full list of Magic card printings. Here's what I want to do:

    1. I have a Card class that has all the fields that are relevant to me (for simplicity, let's say all I care about is name and colorIdentity)
    2. I want to parse each distinct JSON object (e.g. "Ach! Hans, Run!" and "Rumors of My Death..." as the first two in the list) into these Card classes, ignoring fields that don't match up to what my Card class cares about (e.g. I don't care about the rulings field so I want to be able to ignore that)
    3. Then, or maybe instead?, I would like to take these objects that have the relevant things and shove them into an H2 SQL database.

    The parsing methods I've tried so far (using a couple online utilities, struggling through Gson) seem to really not like the MTGJSON approach of having the name of the card beginning each object.

    I don't know if getting everything into Java objects is strictly necessary / good practice / whatever, so I'm open to suggestions here.

    submitted by /u/MovetoCombat
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    Get number of commits in a directory?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 06:48 PM PDT

    I know I can do

    git rev-list --count develop 

    to get ALL commits, but how do I get all commits in a specific directory? (e.g. src/nodes)

    submitted by /u/HelmanCryptographer
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    [C++] Reading various strings from a file

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    How can I read various strings from a file. For example,

    string title = "This is the title"

    string author = "Thomas Cowden"

    how would I write that out in the text file and how would I code it to ensure it reads "This is the title" for variable title and "Thomas Cowden for variable author.

    I was playing around with getline(infile, title)

    but how do we write it on the text? Also how do we ensure it grabts the title. I thought about using string functions but that seems like too much work, any easier ways?

    submitted by /u/evilprofessor666
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    Explain why this object can't be this other object?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 06:23 PM PDT

    For a quiz we had the following code to work with

    public class Animal { public void greeting() { System.out.println("Hello!"); } } public class Cat extends Animal { @Override public void greeting() { System.out.println("Meow!"); } } public class Dog extends Animal { @Override public void greeting() { System.out.println("Woof!"); } } public class BigDog extends Dog { @Override public void greeting() { System.out.println("Woow!"); } } Animal an1 = new BigDog(); Animal an2 = new Animal(); BigDog dog = new BigDog(); 

    for questions we were given commands and asked if they were legal or not, the command "dog = (BigDog)an2" is illegal, why is this?

    submitted by /u/RoadTheExile
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    Prime counting program

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 09:58 PM PDT

    Just built a program in Eclipse to count the number of primes between 2 and a number of choosing for a class. Of course the professor wanted to know the number of primes up to 10,000,000. The program has been running for 20+ mins and still not done 🙄 also had to use nested while loops for it

    submitted by /u/17crutan
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    I'm writing a program in Go. How do I read a series of numbers from the command line, and then store it in a slice/array?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 06:07 PM PDT

    As the title said, I'm learning how to program in Go. The language I'm most familiar with is Python, so I'm trying to compare and contrast the languages by writing the Go version of one of my Python programs that solves skyscraper puzzles (link for those who are curious).

    In the Python version, if I wanted to collect one set of clues (integers) from the user, I would write it like this:

    prompt = "Enter the numbers as they appear from left to right, separated by spaces.\n>>>"

    clues = input(prompt).split()

    This would prompt the user to enter in a series of numbers, separated by spaces, into the command line, which would then be split and stored in a list. Then I would convert them all to integers so that I could work with them mathematically.

    Doing the same thing in Go is, apparently, much more involved. I've seen a bunch of examples of code that are supposed to accomplish the same thing, but as a beginner, I don't understand what the code is doing. I've tried asking on the Go subreddit, but only got responses that amounted to one of the following:

    • "Why would you want to do that? You should do X instead."
    • "Just read the documentation."
    • [Copies and pastes code with no explanation]
    • [Long string of comments arguing back and forth about the best way to do X, none of which I understand, because I'm a beginner.]

    I'm sure if I knew more about the language, those comments might be helpful, but since I'm new to Go, what I'm really looking for is a sample of code accompanied by a step-by-step explanation of what the code is doing.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

    submitted by /u/SanlyBowitz
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    building a social media

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 09:52 PM PDT

    So im a beginner in programming and i want to get better. Currently i know C++ and lm learning Python, HTML, CSS. Will go for JS after awhile.

    So what should i need to know before i start my project?

    • I want to have a chat like viber inside which allows and video calls
    • i want to have a feed like instagram
    • groups/forums like facebook or reddit
    • also how about the idea of anonymously? Like 4chan has it that you can post without needing to log in.

    How can i achieve these 4 points? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/zenithghost
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    Server Client Networking Question

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 09:49 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm trying TCP networking for the first time with sockets, and i'm struggling to run something I feel should be very simple. I'm trying to run the DataClient and DateServer (from http://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/javanetexamples/) on two computers in the lab with two different IDE's.

    If my understanding is correct they should be able to detect each other when the client prompts for the server for the IP address and I enter it manually. I enter the public IP address and it fails to connect. I've also tried the IPv6 address and it feels to connect. Keeps getting a time-out. Am I missing something obvious in running this network?

    submitted by /u/jmanthedragonguy
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    How would I go about implementing the content that this HTML code creates in java?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2018 09:26 PM PDT


    Trying to find a way to get java to output the same result.

    submitted by /u/somebody_forgotten
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