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    Sunday, October 28, 2018

    I'm disoriented, I need some advice. What field/ career to pursue? Computer Science

    I'm disoriented, I need some advice. What field/ career to pursue? Computer Science

    I'm disoriented, I need some advice. What field/ career to pursue?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 11:51 PM PDT

    I'm 23 yrs old and studying BSc in Computer Science and this year is my last year.

    Problem is, I know what I'm good at but I don't know what career, study field I should pursue (I'm planning to continue studying for a MSc degree in Computer Science).

    I do really great at math courses like discrete mathematics, calculus, linear algebra, mathematical modelling, logic in CS (predicate logic, natural deduction, induction etc.) and so on (I have a very solid math background but not programming).

    When it comes to programming courses, I really dislike courses that have to deal with low-level programming languages such as Assembly and C. I don't like having to deal with memories, RAM, instructions, any hardware-level kinds of stuff and when I say I don't like I mean I'm quite bad at them. The programming courses that I'm good at are mostly those that have to do with high-level/ mid-level languages such as Java, Python, Haskell (pardon me if I use the terms wrong). I also like courses like data structures, algorithms and I'm pretty good at those. I haven't tried AI and machine learning yet so I don't know if I'd like them as much.

    I hope you have got some general ideas about me. Also, I'm the only person in my family who studies computer science, so they can't help me much either. I'm very worried about my future, I feel very disoriented. I don't know what to do nor aim at because I have no specific goal.

    Therefore, I would like to hear your suggestions about what study field/ career I should pursue and I can do now to work towards that goal.

    Thank you all for spending time on this post. Have a good day.

    submitted by /u/BenniBoiX
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    Any advice for preparing for my first junior computing competition.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:26 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have a fairly good understanding of programming and I understand the syntax really well. But I wanted to know what a good way to learn algorithms are. I have the CLRS algorithm book by I'm having a hard time getting the code to work even if I copy it exactly.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/Mountnjockey
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    What is wrong with my differential total variation (DTV) code?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2018 03:14 AM PDT

    DTV is image registration algorithm which was described in (Li, Y. 2015) -see the pic- in 3 steps:

    1. Calculate gradient domain of the images
    2. Calculate Residual of images in gradient domain
    3. Find TV for residual.


    My Matlab code:

    function TV = DTV (r_img,f_img) %% find gradient domain for the images-> (forward finite difference) [rx ry] = imgradientxy(r_img,'intermediate'); [fx fy] = imgradientxy(f_img,'intermediate'); %% L1-norm of x and y gradient gradR_r = sum(sum((abs(rx) + abs(ry)))); gradR_f = sum(sum((abs(fx) + abs(fy)))); %% TV of residual image r in gradient domain TV = sum(abs(gradR_r(:) - gradR_f(:))); %eq. 1 end 

    The DTV function doesn't measure the similarity correctly when change one of the image transformation.

    submitted by /u/nagdawi
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    What are the ways to design the system so that network oversubscription does not slow down your your activity?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:01 PM PDT

    What are the ways to design the system so that network oversubscription does not slow down your your activity?

    • was wondering if it has to do something with the rack, so it is better to perform it within a rack?
    submitted by /u/reddit_9810
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