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    Wednesday, October 17, 2018

    How can self-learners learn programming in the most efficient way? A pragmatic approach learn programming

    How can self-learners learn programming in the most efficient way? A pragmatic approach learn programming

    How can self-learners learn programming in the most efficient way? A pragmatic approach

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 06:33 AM PDT

    Found this thesis from 2016 with some valuable tips for self-learners.

    A lot of the resources mentioned are online today (for free).

    submitted by /u/Leena47
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    App Academy is making its entire full-stack curriculum available online for free

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    When we launched App Academy 6 years ago, I made the announcement right here on /r/learnprogramming (https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/usb1b/app_academy_free_nine_week_ios_course/)! You guys didn't care then, but i'm hoping this time is different 😬. A lot's happened over the past 6 years - we've graduated and placed thousands of folks as engineers and actually placed more people as software engineers at Google (30 vs 22) than UC Berkeley since 2016! Today we're launching a new learning platform where we've made our entire full-stack curriculum available online for free. We've built a learning platform around it called App Academy Open and we're focused on adding a lot of new community focused features over the next few months. Check it out here: http://open.appacademy.io

    submitted by /u/kpatel737
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    Absolutely losing my mind over this Big O question from my midterm

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    Ok so this is literally the first time I've ever posted on Reddit and the reason why is because it seems nowhere online or in my textbook is this type of question walked through and answered.

    The question basically asks to find the big O notation of the following:

    int sum = 0; for (int n = N; n > 0; n = n/2) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum++; 

    Ok so am I on crazy pills or something or is this supposed to be N*Log(N)? Because apparently this is O(N) according to the answer key. Can anyone explain why? I've read everywhere and I keep arriving to the conclusion that the first loop is run Log(N) times and the second loop is run at worst N times, therefore N*Log(N)?

    submitted by /u/BeffBezos
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    if I want to make a roguelike ascii game like sil

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 08:17 PM PDT

    and I mostly know the basics of programming but not much else, wheres a good book to start/or site to visit?

    are there any engines? or should i try to make it from scratch?

    submitted by /u/noom_yhusmy
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    How does Spotify's web player work?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    So due to Youtube's outage I had to resort to Spotify for music. I realized that the web player continued to play even as I clicked on other things. How did they do this? I've also noticed that on some websites, clicking other hypermedia doesn't load the page, it just opens the page up immediately. I'm guessing they're loading all of the page data beforehand but I don't know how.

    submitted by /u/TheNewOP
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    How do LeetCode's runtime percentages work?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    I've been knocking leetcode questions out for a few days after my cousin recommended doing them for jo interviews but I always get hung up on the runtime percentages... something in me can't stand putting out code that is supposedly crap according to their percentage distributions. So after hours agonizing over a "20%" submission that I thought was about as efficient as it was going to get, I tried copy-pasting a random "high percentage" solution from their site.... and I found that what was an 80% solution according to their own distribution, plummeted to a 5% when I ran it?

    Why does it do what it do? Is part of the measurement in internet speed? Is part of it random? Is it their server's fault? Or are they purposefully depressing your scoreline to motivate you to whatever end?

    submitted by /u/Yulong
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    Room Management Software (Programming Changes Help!)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 08:13 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    My main area of expertise is in Networking and Hardware Support so I've never been much of a coder or programmer. I'm trying to get some insight on how involved of a project I'm facing in hopes to help one of my friends out with his hotel business.

    Here's what I have –

    A very basic, old piece of homemade "Room Management" software that uses an old Access DB that contains all the tables (and presumably the programming/backbone of the software?)

    Previously the only computer this software was running on almost died, so I was able to get all the source files needed to simply run the program inside a folder without any need of installation. The program runs great, and I've also been able to find a variety of scanners it works with to take in guest's ID's when they check into a room.

    The main obstacle I'm facing is that my friend needs 2 main changes made to this software, and I'm not exactly sure on where to start making these changes myself (or if they are even possible)

    1st change is that when a guest is checked in, the employee working the counter can easily "cancel booking" after the room is rented and pocket the cash. We need some type of pop-up window that will request the employee to contact the owner when a refund is requested on a room rental.

    2nd change is that the "Reports" option wasn't programmed to be very thorough. Is there any way to add something in that will allow us to see which guests pay with cash, check, or credit?

    As you'll see from the links below, the ".exe" runs inside the parent folder and from there it can be used easily. It uses the Access DB in the directory. The "images" folder holds all the scans of guest's driver's licenses. The "Cancel Booking" button you see can be pushed and refunded from the room and there is no record or proof of the room ever being rented. Maybe I'm trying to go about resolving this the wrong way so any input would be highly appreciated.

    Lastly, if I'm going to try and edit the way the "room layout" is can I do that using MS Access? Or I do I need something like Visual Basic to make programming changes in the manner I'm speaking of? Sorry for the dumb questions, thanks in advance to anyone who can help me! J





    submitted by /u/OctopusDicks
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    Reversing elements in array

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:38 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been looking at a for-loop that reverses the elements in an array, but I do not quite understand what's going on inside it. This is the code:

     int middleIndex = (array.length) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < middleIndex; i++) { int temporaryVariable = array[i]; array[i] = array[array.length - 1 - i]; array[array.length - 1 - i] = temporaryVariable; } 

    What exactly does the two lines below int temporaryVariable = array[i] do? How exactly does it reverse the elements?

    submitted by /u/kwalker2
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    .NET app not starting when axMsRdpClient is used

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:13 AM PDT

    Any .NET application I make in Visual Studio won't start after publishing if it has the COM component: Microsoft RDP Client Control in it. No error messages are shown, just a loading cursor for 2 seconds and that's it. It shows the following error in Event Viewer:

    Toepassing: tesform.exe

    Framework-versie: v4.0.30319

    Beschrijving: het proces is beëindigd als gevolg van een onverwerkte uitzondering.

    Uitzonderingsinformatie: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

    bij tesform.Form1.InitializeComponent()

    bij tesform.Form1..ctor()

    bij tesform.Program.Main()

    And that's it, it runs fine in debugging mode. And it's not just this PC, i've tried it on several computers and servers in our network but no gain and multiple new projects to test it... Does anyone have any idea what this could be? As soon as I remove the RDP Client from the form it runs without issues.

    submitted by /u/readdituser007
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    Fastest way to learn basics of C++ and its usage for encryption?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Long story short, my knowledge of programming is limited to basics of python (went through codeacademy and "automating boring things with python" book) and I need to figure out c++ and basic encryption asap. Does anyone have some resources to suggest?

    submitted by /u/PerfectScarlet
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    Noob to VIM. Not sure how to produce executable files.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 05:54 PM PDT

    Hey guys, absolute VIM editor noob here. I just downloaded the editor and made a simple hello world.txt file in vim by typing


    echo "hello world"

    and then :wq'ing it as a .txt

    I go to run the file in cmd, however (by typing "start "" "hello.txt"), and it just opens a notepad file of the script I typed, it doesn't actually execute anything in the command prompt.
    Does anyone have familiarity with VIM and know why my file isn't executing? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Makeartandlove
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    Is this a good place to learn Linux or Windows 10 and to gain certifications?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 08:04 PM PDT

    What is the very best way to learn an operating system for free (or very low cost)?

    submitted by /u/MikeyFirst
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    Is CodeAcademy worth the subscription price, even at least for a month to learn SQL?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 05:44 PM PDT

    I'm trying to pick up SQL after not really getting much exposure in the university, and some Data Analyst jobs that I'm looking at are requiring the language. I'm having fun, and I'm enjoying the language so far.

    I picked up the Head First: SQL book from the Humble Bundle and went through the basic course content for on CA for SQL. But now I'm getting a bunch of stuff in my email recommending to do the subscription because of the opportunity to do and quizzes projects to help build a portfolio or to get more practice exercises and whatnot.

    Is CA's subscription actually worth it though, or are they just kinda talking it up? I fugured $20 for one month to get more feedback with exercises and quizzes might be useful, but I'm not sure if I'd just be better off finishing the Head First book and then attempting to push my way through a project.

    submitted by /u/Nik-kik
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    There are some cars so durable you could drive them into war. What is an example of well built software?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 11:36 PM PDT

    Well built can be defined in a number of ways; time tested, elegantly designed, highly readable, wonderfully maintained...

    submitted by /u/logdog567
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    [C++]Struct not accepting data type in constructor. (For HW)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 05:27 PM PDT

    ifstream trackfile("MKart.txt"); vector <Track> TrackList; string name; Track temp; int plays = 0; int length, difficulty; if (trackfile.is_open()) while (getline(trackfile,name,',')) { //skipping the commas separating data types trackfile >> style; trackfile.ignore(1, ',');//skipping commas separating ints length and difficulty trackfile >> difficulty; temp(name,length,difficulty,plays); /*calling constructor for Track struct, TYPE ERROR OCCURS HERE*/ TrackList.push_back(temp);//adding each object to vector trackfile.ignore();//getting rid of newline character } } 

    Here, i try to use the provided constructor for the Track struct to make a vector of Tracks

    Track.h is included in the header and is as follows:

    struct Track{ string m_name; int m_length; int m_difficulty; int m_plays; Track(){} Track(string name, int length, int difficulty, int plays){ m_name = name; m_length = length; m_difficulty = difficulty; m_plays = plays; } }; 

    MKart.txt is formatted like:

    Rainbow Road,11,22 Bowser's Castle,33,44 DK Jungle,55,66 

    transposed premise to mario kart levels to stay away from classmates' keyword searches

    The error it produces is:

    error: no match for call to '(Track) (std::__cxx11::string&, int&, int&, int&)'


    It works with literals. plays(the last arg) changed from int to int& after i swapped to a variable of int type.

    and i checked each variable to make sure it didn't change type in extraction from file using typeid

    been trying to debug why constructor won't accept my arguments

    submitted by /u/TheWiggleMonster
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    [Matlab] Warning matrix is singular to working precision and Quiver gives empty plot

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 11:09 PM PDT

    Picture has attached code and results.

    Can't figure out why code gives an empty plot. spent too many hours trying to debug


    if i let u = y and v = -x (ie. first order) it graphs and looks kinda like this

    pls and thanks, insights appreciated.

    U_i = 10; G = 2; [x,y] = meshgrid(-50:1:50); % [x,y] = meshgrid(-U_i:U_i/5:U_i); % streamline= -U_i*y + G/(4*3.14)*log(y.^2 + x .^2) % potential = -U_i*x - G/(2*pi)*atan(y/x) u = U_i - G*y/(2*3.14*(x^2 + y^2)); v = G*x/(2*3.14*(x^2 + y^2)); % figure % hold on quiver(x,y,u,v); % hold off 
    submitted by /u/Mirinfromupclose
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    Trouble reading from a file, and storing the variables - JAVA

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 07:18 PM PDT

    Hey r/learnprogramming !

    I'm trying to make a program that stores the variables (ferryID, maxFerry, onMission & crew) as such , given their data type. But I seem to be running into a few syntax errors, and I can't understand why.

    Below is my code, along with the example test file I am using.

    Note, the test file will not always be the same size (could be 3 lines - could be many more), but the format will remain the same.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Run time error:

    Enter a file name:


    Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException

    `at java.base/java.util.Scanner.throwFor(`[`Scanner.java:939`](https://Scanner.java:939)`)` `at java.base/java.util.Scanner.next(`[`Scanner.java:1594`](https://Scanner.java:1594)`)` `at java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextInt(`[`Scanner.java:2258`](https://Scanner.java:2258)`)` `at java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextInt(`[`Scanner.java:2212`](https://Scanner.java:2212)`)` `at openFile.main(`[`openFile.java:19`](https://openFile.java:19)`)` 

    import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; public class openFile { public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println("Enter a file name: "); String fName = keyboard.nextLine(); File fileToOpen = new File(fName); Scanner myFile = new Scanner(fileToOpen); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String ferryID = myFile.nextLine(); myFile.nextLine(); int maxFerry = myFile.nextInt(); boolean onMission = myFile.nextBoolean(); int crew = myFile.nextInt(); } } } 

    Test File:

    A 04 S23




    B 34 H5




    First Person

    A 01


    Second Person

    A 10-N23


    CVN 69




    Captain Kirk

    CV 001


    submitted by /u/mmeeha
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    Why are most bootcamps/online programs focused on web development?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 10:51 PM PDT

    This might be a stupid question. But I recently started teaching myself programming, and have been looking into bootcamps and online programs (don't worry, the free ones too), and most seem focused on web development. Only a select view offer programs in things like Java or Swift. (And they're rarely the free ones.)

    Is there a reason for that? I've been teaching myself C#, with the goal of learning Java after, and am not planning to switch. I've been having a blast. But it still seems weird to me that HTML/CSS/Javascript seem to make up like 90% of online programs.

    Can anyone help explain why? Or is it just in my head. I would have thought mobile development would be way more popular then it seems to be.

    EDIT: Words.

    submitted by /u/Darmok-on-the-Ocean
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    Python Web Scrapers for a Search Engine (with content reformatting and posting)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 10:31 PM PDT

    I need some help relating to building new web scrapers for a search engine. To give concrete details, I am building a new search engine for heavy trucks and equipment export targeted to countries in Africa, South America, and parts of Southeast Asia (it is like IronPlanet.com but global and trucks will be sent from Europe and North America to the rest of the world). My startup already has funding and basically has been greenlighted from all of the business people. This website will send business to all of the source websites to export their machinery and has been cleared for all terms of use (it's like free advertising, sort of).

    I basically need to build the entire search engine from scratch and will need to scrape thousands of different types of websites (eBay, Craigslist, Autotrader, Scout24, etc.) and webpages in different formats and languages (English, German, Spanish, etc.), take the data, and then re-post the data in a standard template that is country-specific to the user. I have built many scrapers in the past using Selenium and Beautiful Soup to scrape all kinds of data out of HTML, but I am struggling for how to build 1) a scraper flexible enough to handle many different kinds of HTML pages, 2) a second scraper that can decode JavaScript pages (visually if needed), and 3) how to quickly save the data into a common re-post-able format. I am less familiar with Scrapy and some other tools, do not want to rely on natural language processing, and I know that this is possible.

    The brute-force methodology (which a bunch of websites have done) is to literally build thousands of site-specific scrapers and language-specific conditions in order to search for the x-paths or CSS sections and maintain these scrapers as websites change; I would like to avoid this if possible. If anyone has experience building 1) search engine back-end systems for collecting data from webpages (main pages or subpages), 2) complex, flexible scrapers that can handle diverse page formatting (almost a complement to a web spider), or 3) a good means to reliably reformat scraped text data for reposting (like a truck's details), please kindly send me a note or post below. I wanted to build this all in Python if possible using Pandas, Numpy, Selenium, and Beautiful Soup, but if there are better systems for Python, I am definitely open to learning.

    Thank you everyone! I'm a new guy.

    submitted by /u/SkyArbRex
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    Thoughts on Googles 'Associate Android Developer Certification'?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 01:38 PM PDT

    I have taught myself quite a bit of android coding, and I think I could meet the certification requirements with some dedication. But the question is if it's worth it.

    I'm currently getting a Bachelor degree in Chemistry, do Android development is probably not very easy to include in some way. Do you have any thoughts if that Certification might help me get a job, wheter related to my degree or not?

    submitted by /u/Somethingweirdhere
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    How to be a better programmer ?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 10:14 PM PDT

    I am a software engineer for 3 years. I should say I have learnt some stuff over the years and consider myself a decent programmer. But I recently gave interview for a big company after preparing for couple of months and got selected. I am feeling very nervous about going there because I am not a brilliant programmer like few of my colleagues.

    I would like to improve my coding skills and want to be a better programmer.

    Aspects I want to improve in

    1) Currently I am coding in C and have to move to C++ language. So I need to improve in using OOPS concepts

    2) Confidence to dive into new projects or complex projects. Currently I am comfortable with my company's code base but feel very lost/scared when I look at the ton of projects in github and their codebase

    3) Improve my coding style and make my work as efficient as possible.

    I feel that interview preparation helped only with the algorithms / problem solving aspect but didn't have much effect on my daily work or confidence.

    Do you have any suggestions on where I should start ? Any books or previous posts that you are aware of ? Any open source projects ? ( I tried few times but always feel overwhelmed by the open source projects)

    Thanks to anyone for reading this and sorry for the long unclear post. Have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/nervousprgm
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    Creating sites from mock-ups?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    Hello /r/LearnProgramming I have been steadily learning web development and doing freelance work over the last year or so and I have typically taken on projects that have provided me a lot of creative freedom. Clients present me with a problem and ask me to solve it with a web application and I am given a lot of license in how I do that. I have begun looking for my first employed developer position and I've noticed that many agencies ask that you are able to quickly make prototypes and mockups based on PSDs provided by the UX team in house at the firm. I've never done this, is there anything more to it than just trying your best to recreate what you see in the PSD? Are there any resources to learn or practice copying design from these sorts of sources? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/234879
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    ARM Assembly

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    what's the quickest / most comprehensive way to learn arm (bad prof, project due soon)

    submitted by /u/mskye10
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    My teacher doesn’t teach. How could I teach myself?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    Hi! I am a sophomore in High school who recently discovered their passion for computer science and programming. I am currently taking a computer science principles class where we do absolutely nothing. She just hands us a 10 page packet(that has nothing to really do with programming/computer science) and that's it. Almost done with this semester and haven't learned one bit. I was just curious on how I can teach myself and spark my passion? I know, there's a ton of resources posted here but it's just so overwhelming. I know absolutely no code so lead me somewhere for beginners. Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/callmehypee
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