• Breaking News

    Friday, September 28, 2018

    Mike Bithell shares a ton of advice on how to apply to game dev companies like his own

    Mike Bithell shares a ton of advice on how to apply to game dev companies like his own

    Mike Bithell shares a ton of advice on how to apply to game dev companies like his own

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 04:18 AM PDT

    I teach my gunships to fly :)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 06:04 AM PDT


    Hello Reddit!

    My name is Maxim and I'm a game developer. My experence is little: I've released only one simple game.

    Also, I'm new on this website and this is my first post. I hope I chose the right thread. Please don't be strict :)

    My first game is called Formata and it's my attempt to mix RTS (real time strategy) and Action genres. The idea is player can control his units using third person mode. Formata is finished and now I work on the next game with the same feature.

    In this post I want to share with you my little achievement and ask you for a good advice if you know how to do better.

    So, I work with UE4 Blueprints. And the game is about gunships and tanks. There is an interesting problem with navigation. To control tanks I can use default navigation mesh. But how can I control air units like gunships?

    I solved this problem with my way. You can see how it works in the video below:

    Air Navigation in Action

    What is it? So, there is a gunship, it uses physics simulation. Player can control it in third person mode using mouse and keyboard. He changes gas and angles like in shooters with helicopters. And now I want to teach my AI to move to location chosen by me in strategy mode with right mouse button like in classic RTS games. I want my AI bot uses the same controls as I use in third person.

    I'm too lazy to find the right solution if it exists, so I've made my own :D I build a simple graph using blueprints. It looks like this:

    My pathfinding graph.

    It has 15 vertiсes on this map. The edges builds automatically using a line traces by landscape channel in construction script. Also there is a brain, which calculates all paths for all vertiсes in construction script too :D When I made 30 vertiсes, I got stack error. Oops.

    Pathfinding on graph is a simple thing, I believe. I do not know the name of this algorithm, but it is intuitive. When I am at one vertex and I want to go to another, I can always find a straight reachable vertex with a smaller path length and move there until I'm on finish. For this algorithm I should know all paths from each vertex to each vertex, which I calculates before playing.

    The next thing is to teach the bot to fly to straight reachable locations. This is something about geometry, lol.

    This makes me crazy a little.

    For example, I want to turn my unit to target location, I can project unit direction vector onto my actor's forward vector, so this is |Cos(alpha)|. When it's 1, I'm looking right to my target or reverse side (because of absolute value). If I unrotate this vector using my actor's world rotation and look to X component's sign, I can know is it reverse direction or not. The same way I can know which side to turn: right or left. I just need to project unit direction vector onto my actor's right vector.

    The same way I can find all other controls positions to make my unit move to straight reachable location.

    Little gunship :)

    In the video my gunships do not react on each others. So, they collide sometimes :D

    Also they trace each frame to avoid collisions with landscape. They can land, take off and hover at location.

    Now I can change some variables to make them move faster or at different heights. The risk of collision also depends on these factors.

    The next thing I want to teach them is to fight. I think it gonna be fun :)

    What do you think about my results? Now it works fine for me, but maybe is there a way to get a better result?

    I hope to get your feedback :)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Nezon_93
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    How do I make a simple privacy policy as an indie dev? (I have zero knowledge in law and such.)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 04:57 AM PDT


    I just got an e-mail about my game has been removed from Google Play Store because I use something which requires a valid privacy policy link connected to my game in Google Play.

    I use Gameanalytics monitoring tool and it needs something called "Android Advertising ID" and unfortunately if an app uses that ID it needs a privacy policy link.

    I only use this as a monitoring tool, my game has no multiplayer option at all, I don't collect user data and such, I don't have cloud or database about my users, only the Gameanalytics library, and I believe they have their own privacy policy or something.

    How could I provide/create a privacy policy if I have zero knowledge in law? Is there a free tool which covers this most simple situation or something? I don't have resources now to pay a lawyer to write me one and my game is unpublished because of this right now.

    Is it okay if I just set the link to Gameanalytics's privacy policy or something? Afterall that's all I use.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Adam_DuelsRPG
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    Promoting games cheaply - what worked for me

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 10:01 AM PDT

    How do you organize your design notes and documents?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 12:11 AM PDT

    I use Trello, Github wiki, Google Docs, markdown files compiled to a static website using Hugo, etc. to record and manage my game development ideas. It's a bit chaotic as there's no easy way for me to arrange these notes by date or topic, so I'm wondering how do you store and manage your ideas? Have you found a good solution that can be used online and offline, on desktop computers with proper keyboards as well as smartphones?

    submitted by /u/SandorHQ
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    How to avoid long parameter lists and many dependencies?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 11:27 AM PDT

    Hey! I've some C++ experience (less than one year, still learning a lot) but just began studying gamedev; I've just finished SFML Game Development book as my first contact with the subject. I'm trying to write simple 2D games on my own (Tetris, Arkanoid, long list of 2D clones with increasing complexity here etc) following the book approach, but I'm wondering if there is an alternative implementation, because the book's code is very different from what I've learned in other programming books (e.g. Martin's Clean Code).

    For example, there are large parameters lists (which Uncle Bob advises against); sometimes the parameters are not really used by the class, they're just passed-by-reference/pointer to another class, which pass it to another class, which pass it... and so on, until reaching some class that really uses it. At some point the book creates a struct Context, which is a simple wrapper around all those many parameters. Example:

    Application(): initializer list with 11 members, which calls // Application stores a FontHolder and a lot of other stuff; let's see which class uses the font Context(): initializer list with 8 members, which is used by // Context have a pointer to FontHolder // suppose that we are in the GameState GameState(): initializer list with 3 members, which calls // GameState have a Context member, which passes FontHolder to World World(): initializer list with 18 members, which calls // World passes FontHolder to Aircraft() Aircraft(): initializer list with 20 members, which calls // Aircraft passes FontHolder to TextNode TextNode(): initializer list list with 2 members, which uses the font 

    IMHO this long constructor lists are aesthetically ugly and smells like a big heavy monolithic class. However, being myself a beginner, I'm not sure if there's a stardard alternative.

    On one hand, I feel like it would be logical to instantiate a single TextureHolder on Application, so that we don't have one TextureHolder to load menu buttons on MenuState, another TextureHolder to load aircraft textures on GameState (I think that we would be wasting memory with so many std::maps* and speed with constant calls to load) etc; on the other hand, instantiate a TextureHolder on Application impose the burden of passing it through many (already long) initializer lists until finding some class that really uses it. In FontHolder example, I would like to have something like:

    class FontUser { sf::Text text; text.setFont(fontHolder.get("fileToLoad")); // how can fontHolder be accessible here without passing through all that constructors above? text.setString("someText"); } 
    • I didn't understand why use a std::map instead of std::unordered_map, but whatever.

    My only idea was to create a singleton, but I've read here that they're bad and one alternative is " to simply pass the object you need as an argument to the functions that need it ", but perhaps the author of this site didn't have a 20 argument list in mind.

    I've read this, which ressonate what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to redesign.

    That said, chances are, if you're dealing with an argument list that long in your constructor, that your object is too big and does too much, as is. Again, this is a personal-preference thing, and there are exceptions far and wide, but if you're passing 20 things into an object, chances are good that you could find a way to make that object do less, by making smaller objects.

    TL;DR: Beginner in GameDev struggling in redesigning giant class with long parameter lists and many dependencies. Reading a gamedev book that is confusing me and (I think so, at least) conflicting with other programming books that I've read. For example, I don't know how to pass a ResourceHolder (e.g FontHolder, TextureHolder etc) to classes that use it without singletons or huge parameter lists.

    Thanks! :D P.S.: Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language x_x

    submitted by /u/__AmandaGB
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    Item and Inventory System - Unity Tutorial - Dragging Items To Other Slots

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 08:57 AM PDT

    Which gamedev platform is the best one for making visual novels?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 01:47 AM PDT

    I want to make my first visual novel, but I haven't got any experience in programming. Which game development platform should I choose?

    submitted by /u/MarkGamer76
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    Blender 2.8 Low Poly Modeling : Pirate Sword

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 07:03 AM PDT

    I’m making a horror game which uses stamina as a mechanic. There is a tutorial message informing the player of this during gameplay before he must sprint from a monster. How does this message look?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    Sprinting allows you to move and evade danger more quickly. Just like jumping, sprinting comes with the cost of stamina. Stamina limits the duration of sprinting and other actions such as the height of jumping.

    When using stamina, your breathing will become faster and louder, indicating your stamina is lowering. Stamina will slowly replenish over time by not using actions that require it.

    I'm mainly concerned about the very last sentence. To me, it's pretty cringy.

    submitted by /u/CARVER-D12
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    How do you start a multi-player game economy? The first person signs up... then what happens?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    How does a game that has a super complex economy start? Ideas? Examples? Suggestions?

    submitted by /u/KyleFromOhio
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    Feedback Friday #308 - Unique Finds

    Posted: 27 Sep 2018 10:42 PM PDT


    Well it's Friday here so lets play each others games, be nice and constructive and have fun! keep up with devs on twitter and get involved!

    Post your games/demos/builds and give each other feedback!

    Feedback Friday Rules:

    Suggestion: As a generally courtesy, you should try to check out a person's game if they have left feedback on your game. If you are leaving feedback on another person's game, it may be helpful to leave a link to your post (if you have posted your game for feedback) at the end of your comment so they can easily find your game.

    -Post a link to a playable version of your game or demo

    -Do NOT link to screenshots or videos! The emphasis of FF is on testing and feedback, not on graphics! Screenshot Saturday is the better choice for your awesome screenshots and videos!

    -Promote good feedback! Try to avoid posting one line responses like "I liked it!" because that is NOT feedback!

    -Upvote those who provide good feedback!

    -Comments using URL shorteners may get auto-removed by reddit, so we recommend not using them.

    Previous Weeks: All

    Testing services: Roast My Game (Web and Computer Games, feedback from developers and players)

    iBetaTest (iOS)

    and Indie Insights (livestream feedback)

    Promotional services: Alpha Beta Gamer (All platforms)

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    A question about character customization

    Posted: 27 Sep 2018 10:30 PM PDT

    Hello, so I'm just curious about a few specific customization dilemmas that could arise with making a character customization screen in a 'realistic' first person shooter (A la Post Scriptum or Project Reality). Let's say it's set in Vietnam, and the character is given the ability to customize the NVA, Vietcong, SVA and US troops independently. During the character customization, would it be wrong to stick entirely to historical accuracies (such as the Vietnamese forces not having access to particularly dark or light skin tones, red hair, etc and the US not having women in combat roles)? Would this be going too far?

    I pose this question in light of the recent Battlefield V drama, since they took the customization a little too far for a lot of the community's liking and I would like to avoid the equal and opposite fate in the future by being too restrictive. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ninjaboy42099
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    I need a quick portfolio creator. does anybody know any tool?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    Idk If it happens to you or not but this is the first time I need a portfolio to show my works to a potential client. Don't have time to struggle with wordpress. Does anybody know any other option ? faster one?

    submitted by /u/henryhendricks
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    Favorite book on abstract game engine design?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 11:27 AM PDT

    Hi all. I've been reading this book on C++ game design, SFML Game Development by Example. It's been a really good insight into components of game engines, but I find it to be very concrete. The examples of how to implement components of your engine, while cohesive, are very tightly coupled and hard to deviate from if you want something else.

    I'm interested in finding a book on game engine architectures that abstracts away from a specific language or specific code implementations. My goal is to read about a component and then be able to implement it in my own way that fits whatever engine I'm trying to build in whatever language or paradigm. A modular, IOC approach is a huge plus. It should be a solid reference book to review concepts as well.

    Anyone have a favorite?

    submitted by /u/Rob_Blob
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    developing ai

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 10:34 AM PDT

    So, I'm trying to make a survival game. I want an enemy to deal damage to players every frame they're in its field of vision. Basically, if there's a line connecting the player and the enemy, and there are no obstacles in the way of that line, then the player's health goes down 5 points a frame, or 150 DPS. Does anyone know how can I implement obstacles this way? If you could teach me it would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/ZenZero1026
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    Basic Road Construction in Metropolisim: The deeply complex city building and management game

    Posted: 27 Sep 2018 07:30 PM PDT

    Comprehensive lists of US events for indie games?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 10:07 AM PDT

    I've been looking all over for a comprehensive list of upcoming indie festival/showcase events. I can't seem to find a good up-to-date one that includes some of the smaller events. Where do you guys usually hear about these events in time to submit your stuff to them? Are there any really good calendars/lists that have even smaller local events?

    One I found but, outdated and only very large events. http://www.gameconfs.com/other

    Also mostly big events: https://www.zo-ii.com/events/

    This may be the best one I've found: http://www.eventsforgamers.com/

    I wish it was more obvious when submissions were due though? If there's a list sorted by submission due date, that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/tmkang
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    Unity & 6D.ai

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 09:55 AM PDT

    Any one worked on unity & 6d.ai?

    submitted by /u/mesaurabhsaxena
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    Steam Early Access strategy - your input appreciated

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 09:42 AM PDT

    I am a solo developer making a 2D platformer Action RPG. It is a cozy game with a unique art style. It has very simple movement and actions, which are drawn from items and character progression, so it "feels" the same from start to finish. Think of a single-player MapleStory, if that helps. There is a level cap at ~5hrs gameplay, then an uncapped "endgame" progression. The game features an adjustable difficulty system similar to Diablo 3.

    I have a good amount of programming experience in multiple languages (call it 7500 hours), and I'm building in Unity 2D using C#. I also have marketing and copywriting experience. I currently have a working prototype and am nearing completion of a vertical slice (I'm referring to it as Chapter One, because the game has a similar plot development and critical path style to the first Dungeon Siege).

    I intend to transition to full-time development in February 2019. Money will not be an issue due to years of saving, but I intend to contribute 90% of the work myself and not outsource much.

    I would like your input on a release scheme. Basically, I'm considering offering it as EA on Steam, priced at 1USD per completed chapter, changing the price as I drop new chapters every ~2 months (Big Boss at chapter 5, total of 10 chapters). It will begin very streamlined, and I will add significant non-critical-path game features with each chapter. I'm estimating playtime per chapter at ~30min.

    My thinking is that this scheme will offer a feeling of "got what I paid for" for early adopters and mitigate the fact that I am an unproven developer. I also look at this as an opportunity to build a bigger community around the game.

    I don't know enough about Steam yet to know whether this kind of pricing strategy would even be possible, but I would like to hear your thoughts on its viability.

    submitted by /u/hainesjd
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    Is the HTC Vive front Camera usable in unity for game development? Has it ever been used in game development?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 09:23 AM PDT

    I want to be able to take pictures or snapshots with the front facing camera of the vive and load those pictures into my game, is it possible to do so?

    submitted by /u/moudisoubra
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    Game Dev student, couldn't afford my art school. Should I go elsewhere or change my degree?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 09:14 AM PDT

    Hey so...I tried signing up for classes this year at AAU and I usually have to pay for partial of it. Tuition Assistance I get from the Army only covers $750 of it and my classes are $2751. However, tuition assistance could not be offered to me this semester because it was too late to request and I couldn't afford the $737 first installment. I know it sounds bad that I pay for it out of pocket but I make too much for grants and I don't take students loans. So I have zero debt in student loans and it feels nice to not have that burden.

    Now I feel though, I should go for something else to at least say I have a degree before getting out. I don't want to come out with nothing and feeling like a failure to my family. I know specifically, I want to draw digitally for games, 2D art, character concept art. Learning 3D modeling on my own is hard and programming for games is hard.

    I did do some web development as my first degree choice and I really like the design part of it even maybe UI/UX but it was because I felt it was an easier job to get than a character concept artist.

    What are some other options for degrees?

    What about schools for online since I move around too much?

    Once I get out Im heading back to Florida, and in order to use my full GI Bill I have to be there at that school I rather not travel to far. I'll stay on the east coast if I do but I don't want to come back to the west coast after this.

    tl;dr- Im a broke game dev student and don't know if I should continue learning this degree or just find another college...again

    submitted by /u/tetracat
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    Siege Con in GA, who else is going?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    I'm giving a talk at Siege Con in GA next weekend! It will be on how to make a little bit of music work for a long amount of time in a game. If you are near the Atlanta area and interested in getting audio for your next game project or just want to hang out, hit me up! I'm excited to be visiting, it's been a long long time since i've been to Siege and I have a lot of fond memories and met some great people in the previous years. (I also got to try beets with blue cheese for the first time and it was awesome. It was also my first time trying beets. It was also my first time trying blue cheese lol)

    submitted by /u/bubblepipemedia
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