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    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    What should a junior web developer's portfolio look like? learn programming

    What should a junior web developer's portfolio look like? learn programming

    What should a junior web developer's portfolio look like?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:11 AM PDT

    Hello again,

    I generally tend to like working in web development moreso than other software fields, mainly because it's easy to get into and oddly satisfying to pull off. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to be hireable post-university, especially given I have no work experience.

    What kind of portfolio projects should I be making and where should I keep them?

    submitted by /u/TheUltimateInfidel
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    Invitation to learn C# online for free with help of a mentor!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:04 AM PDT

    Hello, I am offering free weekly online C# lessons on Discord. There I store all the lessons-material. There is a channel for programming related questions in general, homework, tasks and much more. There are more people who are willing to answer your questions there. We're willing to help you get into programming or learn coding and do it well.

    I am free to answer questions daily and have voice consulting when needed. Lessons are written, but I do 1 or 2 lessons a week in voice on Discord.

    Are you someone who wants to learn programming, but is intimidated by myths or simply doesn't know where to start? Maybe you're someone who has a bare minimum understanding of how to write code, but would like to learn object oriented programming or know another language and would like to learn C#? If that's the case, join our Discord and we will help you as much as we can :)Find us here: https://discord.gg/vWE4Pc9

    submitted by /u/Kaisinell
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    Want to Learn more about Cryptocurrencies and How You Can Get Involved as a Developer? Free Live-Streamed Class by Crypto Analyst this Weekend

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 04:11 AM PDT

    Hey there everyone, GPal here. I offer live weekly programming classes to give back to the community. Lots of students have expressed interested to learn more about crypto and so I have invited Steve L, an ICO analyst and advisor to VC firms on crypto matters, to offer a class this weekend. Through the class you will learn more about the blockchain technology powering cryptocurrencies, market dynamics, and the programming knowledge you need to learn to get involved in the space. Based on interest, I hope to cover Solidity-which is a smart-contract based programming language-in the future.

    Who is this for? Total beginners who have minimal or no knowledge of crypto. This will also benefit those want to get involved in the crypto-developer space.

    Interested to know more, please take a look here: https://letslearn.corsizio.com/c/5b6852ec20deae768c21d6af


    submitted by /u/g_pal
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    What language are you learning and why?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm picking up C++ for game development.

    Figured it would be cool to hear what you guys are up to!

    What language are you learning? What's your plan(s) once you learn the code?

    submitted by /u/CyanParadigm
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    Feedback on my dev tutorials?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:51 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I recently started a YouTube channel (there aren't any ads, I have no intention to make money off this) about some development concepts and projects for beginners. I wanted to share it with a community of knowledgeable people (and maybe a few other subs in the future) so that you guys could let me know what you think of the videos and the content itself, and what needs to be improved. Here's the link:


    My goal is to make stuff that I wish existed when I was teaching myself. I have no formal training in programming, so all the stuff in the videos are things I learned myself after trial and error. I try to cover topics and projects that haven't already been well documented online. The videos are a bit long, so you could just skim over them.

    If this isn't the right sub to post something like this, please point me in the right direction.

    Thanks so much for you help!

    TL;DR: I made an ad free YouTube channel for beginners to learn developing, and I'd appreciate feedback to make my stuff better for people trying to learn. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2rDgL_hlowyFhhoze3EEA

    submitted by /u/AP6god
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    What language should I focus on if I want to make a simple 2D game

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:53 PM PDT

    i'm learning python but i don't know if it is a good way to start or should i learn another languages ? And what engine is good for 2D games?

    submitted by /u/DonEuos
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    ToDo App

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:52 PM PDT

    So I have used SEVERAL todo in the past and all of them are missing little things that would make my life easier. I was thinking about making a To-Do list app for Android; it will give me practice with Android Studio and give me what I need. I would also like a similar app for my PC and like to have the apps work in sync. Any suggestions to where should I start for this PC app?

    submitted by /u/Cactusjuicesupplier
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    Learning Java without BlueJ

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:24 PM PDT

    So I've tried learning Java on and off a few times using an old textbook from school (Objects First with Java), and they use BlueJ for all the exercises and examples. I like that it gives you a GUI to work in and shows you all the classes that you're working with. It makes it easy to see what's going on and it does seem like a nice learning environment, but it feels like it holds your hand a bit too much and I feel like I wouldn't know how to put it all together outside of Bluej. I do like BlueJ but my textbook is pretty old now and uses Java 5.

    What are some other ways to learn Java that would give me a more practical education to start creating my own projects sooner? Should I stick with BlueJ since I already have experience with it? I'd like to get into android app development but I also don't want my java knowledge to be constrained to strictly android.

    submitted by /u/isapieready
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    Should I learn Python or JavaScript?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:07 AM PDT


    - I have 6 months to study and get a job with either of these two

    - I have base in HTML, CSS and fundamental Python

    - I know a little of PostgreSQL

    - I do not want to mess with programs like photoshop and illustrator

    - I do not have a lot of imagination to create different layouts, but I can write code if I already have a layout ready, and I can only do basic layouts, or copy inspiring other sites

    - I want to work especially as a freelancer remote

    - I do not want to study 6 months and run out of work (if this happens with python)

    - If 6 months studying is not enough to get jobs, how many months are needed?

    - I intend to study between 5 and 8 hours, from Monday to Friday

    - I live in Brazil, so the vacancies here are much smaller, but if it is possible to talk via text, I can translate some things and work with foreigners.

    For JavaScript, I already have a roadmap ready.

    For Python, I made a roadmap yesterday, ps: if I choose python, I want to read from item 1 to item 10 in 6 months, and others I plan to read after practicing more:

    1 - https://runestone.academy/runestone/static/pythonds/index.html

    2 - Secret Recipes of the Python Ninja

    3 - Brett Slatkin-Effective Python

    4 - Tarek Ziade - Python Microservices Development

    5 - Using Asyncio in python3

    6 - Jason Myers, Rick Copeland-Essential SQLAlchemy

    7 - Miguel Grinberg-Flask Web Development

    8 - Django 2 by Example

    9 - Django Design Patterns and Best Practices

    10 - Learning postgreSQL10/ or 11

    11 - PyTest

    12 - Fluent Python


    in the end, it's about focusing on the front or back, with the goal of getting jobs in a maximum of 6 months

    I like back end more because I see that the power to create things is much bigger, and if I focus on the back end, I intend to learn web scraping and work a bit with the generation of data graph, but the problem is that I want to fix a job in 6 months and JS seems easier for that, I'm 22 years old and I've never worked, just a few months as an uber driver, and I do not have any source of income

    submitted by /u/marcosdeveloper
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    What are some differences between a JavaScript library and framework?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:42 PM PDT

    Hello there.

    What are some differences between a JavaScript library and a JavaScript framework.

    From my understanding a library is just a collection of JavaScript components vs a framework that offers a pre made structure to built on.

    I'm incorrect?

    Also are all these popular JavaScript libraries and framework the same, what determines what's a "good" framework/library to use?

    For example if I need a "carousel" JavaScript code why should I use library A vs library B isn't the code the same?

    Thanks in advance and sorry if I'm question isn't as clear. Learning JavaScript is "interesting" lol

    submitted by /u/SpareTech_O
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    Help on codechef question in python 3.5 [problem solving]

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:29 AM PDT

    problem : https://www.codechef.com/AUG18B/problems/SHKNUM/

    my solution with explanation https://pastebin.com/phmLdFkT

    If you can please provide me with test case where my program fails that would be great, or if you can give me time for better explanation I can talk to you on discord. Greatly appreciate help.

    submitted by /u/diablo_fester
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    What is something I can build that will force me to just write code?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:17 AM PDT

    Personally I'd like to build a front-end project without worrying too much about UI I just want to write a ton of JavaScript

    submitted by /u/ItsnotBadr_
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    Testing, where to start?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:13 AM PDT


    I have been programming for two years now, and I am ashamed to say I have never tested my code before.

    Here is what I do:

    1. have an idea .. write pseudo code or highlighting the logic/maths used.
    2. convert this into an app/method/class/function.
    3. run the app and test ALL the outcome

    just as an example, I was making a game yesterday with android, it was tic-tac-toe. there are 8 possible winning positions and three cases for the game: x wins, o wins or a draw.

    I basically wrote the code and then run the app.. tested to see if all winning combo worked and tried it with all three cases

    that is how I have been programming so far. I have experience with web and desktop dev and recently am learning android

    I have always seen the "tests" functions but never written a test .. ever

    So where do I start? I know they are important but why? and how do I implement it? and I am pretty sure there are a lot of testing approaches, where do I read more about it?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Maji-_-
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    What exactly do people mean when they say "use Python for web development"? Isn't JavaScipt/HTML the way to go?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 12:04 PM PDT

    I'm confused when I see people suggest Python for use in web development. I see tutorials for how to "create your first site" and I see simple pages that look like they'd be a lot easier to create with simple HTML. I also see people say that JavaScript is the way to go for web development, and from what I've seen that makes more sense to me.

    As for backend, what exactly does one create with Python in order to help the front end part of the site? I can understand storing usernames and passwords in a database, but what about applications? I see that you can build web applications with Python, but can't the same be done with JavaScipt?

    Thank you, I just need some help clearing it up.

    submitted by /u/Banana_Murderer
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    HopHacks 2018: Tips for a first timer at hackathons?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:30 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I am an incoming freshman and I am attending HopHacks at Hopkins on 14-16 Sept. I am a newbie at coding. I know html/CSS/ currently learning JS. I also know and have built some projects in python.
    Since I am coming straight out of high school rn, I was wondering if my fellow programmers would have some advice for me!

    Thanks a lot:)))


    submitted by /u/adeebabbas
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    lost my ability to program quickly? trying to regain ability?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:54 PM PDT

    for awhile i was extremely invested in programming, really into messing with very concepts, then i got programmer burnout and stopped programming regularly for awhile. during the time i had burnout for what ever reason i had cognitive decline. overall i had lost interest in all my hobbies, feeling number every day, in retrospect i believe that the cause of burnout was depression. while there was slight apathy the primary symptom was just extremely numbed and muffled emotions. over the last few months its gotten alot worse. apathy has come and gone. though ive had spikes of energy they were almost more debilitating as my adhd was so bad it was like my mind was a cloud of thought rather than a distinct line of mental dialogue. my memory is getting hazy. i cant maintain focus on anything. infact now i cant focus no matter what state of mind im in, the first real sign of mental decline was being able to hear memories. if i thought of sound that i often heard in the background it would echo, when ever i think of crickets i hear crickets same with sirens. i want to start programming again but i cant my mind is so scattered all the time. i want to rehabilitate my self and get back into programming and start becoming who i used to be again but i just cant due to my messed up head. any advice for rehabilitating my head out of what ever pit its in so i can get back into programming? sorry if this makes no sense my head is hazy.

    submitted by /u/IncrementTimesTwo
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    Learning Redux for react, if you know React already

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:37 PM PDT

    How does one go about creating a pre-processed language like SASS?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    I was thinking of starting a project like this, but Google does not yield clear results. It generally just string parsing from a file? I'm not really sure about what I need to consider before spending millions of hours on this.

    submitted by /u/2hands10fingers
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    Will project euler help me prepare for technical interviews?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 05:17 PM PDT

    The data structures class at my University was garbage and I really need to do a lot of self studying problem solving. Are the types of questions on Project Euler the right way to go?

    submitted by /u/MasterChipmunk
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    Banking Professional with Zero Programming Experience - In Need of Advice

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 05:06 PM PDT

    I work in banking and need to determine which programming language is best suited for the following situation:

    Bank system provides client with .csv output of their transaction data. Data ultimately needs to be imported into client's ERP system (SAP/Oracle, NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics Nav), but cannot due to incorrect formatting (unaligned fields, need to suppress certain fields/data, etc.). I will need to write an application that can loop through a file (usually .csv, .xlsx, .txt), re-configure the data formatting, and provide a "new, clean" file that can be directly imported into their ERP system.

    I've been told C# will work the best. Thoughts and advice?

    Edited: shortened post

    submitted by /u/T-WRXed
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    C vs C++ [Difference in where one can be used over the other]

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:01 AM PDT

    In what applications you can use C and not C++ and the other way around? For embedded systems, I think C is predominant but you can still do low-level stuff in C++. In what scenarios does one language win over the other? How about automation, though I think python is mostly used for it?

    After having used C and C++ for some projects, I can say you can still write some C code in C++ environment and get it to work but NOT the other way around. For instance, you can use structs, raw arrays (though it's discouraged in C++) etc.

    The common differences I know are:

    • obviously no classes/objects in C
    • no RAII elements like in C++ for memory management
    • C doesn't have namespace
    • C doesn't have STL containers like std::vector, std::array, std::string etc that make your life easier but at the cost of overhead obviously.

    When someone asks if I am better in C or C++, I often get stumped because I perhaps don't know enough of C++ to differentiate fully other than the difference I mentioned above.

    I enjoy OOP and am familiar with basic principles but other than that, I am not too sure how do I judge my skills in C.

    submitted by /u/jaffaKnx
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    Second year university student

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:29 AM PDT

    I am about to enter my second year of computer science, and towards the end of the year we can apply for co-op (internships). My advisor said that GPA doesn't matter too much, but side projects carry a huge wait if you get accepted or not.

    I am wondering what type of side projects I could do with only intro courses under my belt. (We covered basics in java for the first year like loops, ifs, some understanding of OOP, simple linked lists)

    I know I should pick projects in the subfield that I am interested in, but I am still not sure what sub field I am interested in

    submitted by /u/nhawk07
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    im very much a procrastinator - need help with identifying what languages id need to learn

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:02 PM PDT

    So, ive been posting here and there requesting guides and etc.

    but this month will be the month i put in time to actually get some hours in.

    I mainly just want to build websites and apps,

    what are the core languages Id need to learn for this and othet backend stuff ?

    I know for websites its pretty much html,css, and java script.

    for apps i know its apple own code or java,

    outside of that what else do I need to learn to do these things?

    right now i know how todo very basic stuff like assign variables, if/else statements, and solve very basic problems on coding bat with this. other than that i know.no othet functions or methods. heck i dont even know what a function or method is really.

    i kind of get what object oriented coding is, where objects are created from a templates o, or instances or w.e, but thats it.

    outside of the online compilers, i really cant do shit. I can imagine how i would use these if else statements but have no idea whats actually.available to me to go any further.

    this is the extent of my limited knowledge. my computet always lags and freezes when doing anything programming related. it makes it such a bore. but i dont want to be that guy who buys something theyll use and then drop after 6months especially when people are coding on.older computers.

    really looking for advice here. thanks!

    submitted by /u/badtradesguy
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    how to get google or bing maps api to run background of app? (i'm new)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:55 PM PDT

    working on branching out part of a business with an app, does getting access to the api just require a check? I want to learn the process so I can try and find someone to fill the need as my novice experience of python wont cut it lol.

    submitted by /u/thisIS4cereal
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