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    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    Web animation tutorial (anime.js) web developers

    Web animation tutorial (anime.js) web developers

    Web animation tutorial (anime.js)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:25 PM PDT

    Web animation tutorial (anime.js)

    Recently created this video about web animation with anime.js:



    submitted by /u/elgoral
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    The easiest way to keep your web apps accessible: Just use text

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:34 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:00 PM PDT



    I would like to present my first NPM package. A few days ago, I was slacking on Uplabs, looking for cool stuff and I found this : https://www.uplabs.com/posts/extreme-hover. So I decided to try to make this hover-effect available in Javascript, and I'm pretty proud of the result.


    So I made a package, if you want to have a look : https://www.npmjs.com/package/puffin.js

    The code is available here on Github : https://github.com/Treast/puffin.js

    So what do you guys think ? Any idea, suggestion, critic ?

    Have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/Treast
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    I had a strange job interview with some red flags. Any advice?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:56 PM PDT

    I recently had an interview for a local web development agency, and it was one of the more odd interviews I've had. To preface this is a family owned business, and has been for at least ten to fifteen years. Went to the office, everything seemed alright. The office skewed slightly younger (recent grads) except for the employees who have been there for over 5 plus years, who, you guessed it, are related to the owners.

    Sat down with the project manager and immediately got the vibe of lets get this over with / better things to do. It wasn't an overtly bitchy vibe, but a general lackadaisical attitude. I talked about my skills very briefly (They are mainly a wordpress agency so I talked about having worked with wordpress). She nodded, said ok, and that was about it. Then she went on about the company, what they do, etc.

    The owner was brought in, talked more about the company, and asked the project manager "Did you go over his design process." She said yes we did, which we didn't at all. They talk more and offer me the job.

    What is strange to me is that I wasn't asked really anything about my skills, knowledge, process. The whole interview lasted maybe 20 min and throughout the whole thing I said like a paragraphs worth of words. They also wanted my acceptance by the end of the day; I was able to extend it to the end of the week after a few emails.

    The work would be mostly stuff I do at my current job, would be a slight raise, but the distance is farther to travel and my health insurance would cost more. I also did some digging and found a bunch of one star reviews on Glass Door from former employees. Some even commented on the crazy quick interview process, preference for family over other employees, constant monitoring, etc. Then of course the most recent interviews are all five stars, all within the last six months, and all the best reviews are copied over to their Indeed profile.

    So I come to you gents asking for advice, would you take the job? I'm also coming from a place with my own cube, and a decent amount of freedom on how I spend my day. I'd be going to an open office setup with what seems like over the shoulder monitoring all day. But then again, mo' money.

    Am I just being overly cautious, or are these actually red flags?

    submitted by /u/FickleTickler
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    How do you "cut out" a div like this? Is there some sort of invisible border around the circle?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    Digital Ocean Responds to Intel’s L1TF Security Vulnerability

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:46 PM PDT

    Continuous deployment to Firebase hosting using Travis CI

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 11:17 AM PDT

    Hack Reactor / General Assembly / Just make a portfolio and hope for the best

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:37 PM PDT

    Hello World.

    Looking at these three options. Regardless of which path I take, I will be doing the OSU CS over 3-4 years, so by the time I am ready to move up the ranks I will have a B.S. CS in addition to my B.S. Business Management.

    Background: I have previous html, css, php, sql, and c++ experience from back in highschool. I just learned for fun. I've also used VBA and SQL professionally at work in major financial companies for the past 5 years.

    I am deciding to stop chasing money and just do what I enjoy. Software and web development is where it is at for me. Web development wins out because IMO with things moving ever more cloud based, a lot of desktop applications will eventually go away, and there is still plenty of opportunity to do a lot of engineering on the backend.

    Where I am right now: I need to decide on which path to take. I am aiming to get a job by early next year. I've been reading YDKJS and doing Colt Steeles Udemy course. I have brilliant.orgs CS classes up next after the YDKJS series of books.

    I can either: Go to Hack Reactor full time, pay out of pocket. General Assembly full time, get half of it paid for with GI Bill. Or just self study, make some personal projects and hope thats enough.

    One thing: I know I will have to take a pay cut from what I am reading about NYC Jr. Dev roles. I can't go below 75k starting at a Jr. Dev in NYC though. I am hoping my prior F500 VBA/SQL experience will support that pay.

    With this in mind, do bootcamps offer a bump in salary over self teaching? Also, half off General Assembly might make it more viable. I can pay that cash up front right now. I've read many good things about Hack Reactor, is it far and away the best camp and worth the 17k out of pocket?

    To be clear, I am not chasing money here. This is a hobby for me, and I am actually probably going to make less in the short term. So my mindset and intentions are such that I will not be one of those who think they're finding a magic bullet and making a quick buck.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/InvestingAccount88
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    What are some small and fun website ideas for a beginner?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:32 PM PDT

    I have thought about building a basic code editor, international clock, to-do list, etc. Do you guys have any ideas?
    I appreciate your help.

    submitted by /u/liammckechnie
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    Release a webapp

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:44 AM PDT

    Hello guys. I have been working on an image-sharing social network like instagram for the last few months. I am almost done with it and i would like to make it public.

    But I have a few questions regarding this.

    Firstly I do not plan to make any money with it - maybe I am going to includes some ads later. But at start it is completly free.

    I am no company or something like that, just somebody who wants to add something to his portfolio.

    So my question is do i need terms of use conditions and legal notice? Can I write/copy it by myself or do I need a lawyer for that. (that could be expensive...)

    Has anyone good ressources about this topic?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    submitted by /u/Umfi
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    Ionic 4… Should you Build a Hybrid App?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:11 PM PDT

    Returning to web after 10 years off. How screwed am I?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:57 PM PDT

    Quick background:

    • I started, professionally, in web around 1995 in the SF Bay Area. I was primarily a front-end developer in various capacities; running web teams, mentoring junior devs, and bridging the divide between designers, devs, and clients.

    • In 2008, I left the web world and devoted my time to learning iOS. Over the next 9 years I focused primarily on iOS development and had decent success with developing my own Apps. However, I don't think I can compete in today's iOS job market, nor do I really want to TBH.

    • Today: I have a strong desire to return to a full time tech position, preferably in the web space. But, I am 47 years old and behind in the latest technologies.

    Can a 47 year old who is not up-to-date even compete in this marketplace? Are there other positions that would be a better fit given my experience?

    A bit more detailed info:

    Since I was self taught on iOS and didn't grasp a lot of the deep OOP concepts that are taught in college courses nowadays, I am painfully behind the younger developers coming up. So, I will basically suck at any code test given in an interview.

    Front-end was always my passion before iOS came on the scene, but I feel like there is a lot of catch-up needed just to be marketable. Again, a code test will probably be failed miserably.

    The front end world is now completely different from when I was at the top of my game. JS frameworks, build tools, etc etc. are now the norm and I have no idea where to begin.

    I have brushed up on front-end basics and it all came back to me quickly. But, I am not sure about the JS frameworks. React is a bit too complex for me right now, but Vue makes a lot of sense.

    Should I ditch coding all together and try and find a role that draws from my past experience? What would that role be called? I am at a loss and am frantically trying to piece my career back together. I now live in NYC and think that there should be some company out there that might need a person like me. Right?

    submitted by /u/toughturtle
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    Website opening on some machines but not on others

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 09:53 AM PDT

    Fairly new to web dev and I've had this problem that I can't seem to figure out (or can't seem to ask Google the right question).

    I have a domain and cheap shared hosting with Namecheap that I use for a dev/staging server. I normally just spin up a WordPress instance in a folder named for the name of the site I'm working on, add it to ManageWP and clone in my base site I have set up there as a template. I've noticed that now, and I'm not really sure how long it's been happening, that my domain won't open on my iPhone. Sometimes it will when my phone is connected to WiFi, but never on LTE. I sent the link to a friend who is traveling and he wasn't able to open it using the LTE from his Verizon hotspot.

    Has anyone else experienced this, and/or does anyone have any ideas on what's going on and how to address it?

    submitted by /u/ranchodeluxeco
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    RabbitMQ and the Devilbox

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:26 PM PDT

    Anyone know if Instagram Oauth is going to be possible again...ever?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:13 PM PDT

    So, I have a simple app that requires fetching some basic data from a user's Instagram profile (username, followers/etc). Right around the time I created this they shut down parts of the API and stopped accepting app submissions--so I've been stuck for a couple months.

    Right now my submission is still "pending review," although the developer docs for the oauth flow are still up...

    Anyone know if they're going to start reviewing submissions again, or can suggest any alternative methods?

    submitted by /u/iclimballthethings
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    Do you use flex for overall layout or just items? (bootstrap)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    I am right now using twitter bootstraps row/columns with my own custom classes to style items within them but should I be using flex box's / grids within row / columns or just get rid of row columns? What is the main difference between the two as they seem like they can do practically the same thing.

    submitted by /u/beeboprob
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    Looking for resources on how to make this neat button

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:03 PM PDT

    I found this neat little button on Cuberto that I would like to recreate. If you scroll down to their projects section, on the bottom left you will find a 'View Case' button. This button seems to track your cursor when you get near it, and you pick up the button for a little bit. It seems like they're using TweenMax, but I haven't had luck looking through their bundle.js file...

    Anyone know how to recreate something like this?

    submitted by /u/Kksailskivt
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    SNES Party – Online Multiplayer SNES Emulator Using WebRTC

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    iframe embedded inside of div works but not when it's a child of frameset. Why is that and is there a workaround?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:34 PM PDT

    My browser extension "opens" but does not display on webpages with frameset. I assume there's a workaround for this issue. Any thoughts and inputs is appreciated!

    Example: Go to this example: https://www.w3schools.com/TAGs/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_frame_cols And replace the code with the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <frameset cols="25%,*,25%"> <iframe src="https://www.w3schools.com"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe> </frameset> </html> 

    Nothing shows up. But if you replace the frameset tag with div then the iframe will work.

    submitted by /u/prove_it_with_math
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    Client wants me to make them an "spreadsheet management service". Need some guidance, advice much welcome.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    So, I have a task to make an application that merges multiple excel documents (5 at the moment) and merges the data somewhere so that when they need to, they can just look up the person's name and can see all the info needed.

    A better example: on the first spreadsheet, there may be

    name | surname | age | marital status | no. of children |

    and on the second spreadsheet:

    name| surname | income | monthly spendings |

    while speaking of the same person.

    So far, I've tried the approach of converting all the csv files to json (using an npm package, csv-json) and then running a search through the JSON fields, but this gets very tedious when there are updates to the info, or new people added.

    There must be some piece of software that was build for this, or a MUCH simpler approach that I'm not seeing, would love to discuss about it.

    Cheers, thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/spidersandstuff
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    Building a Glip Notes Viewer (like Evernote) using Vue.js – RingCentral Developers

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:33 AM PDT

    Moved WP to https and images disappeared?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:13 PM PDT

    I checked the media library and the images are there, but I have to click 'edit' to see them. The site's https://ioncoatings.com any idea why they aren't showing now?

    submitted by /u/djstriver1
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    Bitballoon is dead. What should I use instead?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:08 PM PDT

    I have been using bitballoon to test my Unity WebGL game.. I could just drag and drop the game and its hosted in a few minutes.

    Bitballoon has just changed to netlify and it does not work anymore. (The UI is much more complex for one) Also deploying doesnt work most of the time, and when it does my game takes several minutes to load, and may even be missing css or stuff like that. This is not good enough for my beta testers.

    Is there a good free site like bitballoon used to be? Where one can quickly (drag n drop) host a website?

    submitted by /u/superfunawesomedude
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    Todd Mcleod's golang tutorials review

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:07 PM PDT

    Are these 2 courses from udemy (same instructor) good for learning golang as a beginner?

    I know there must a lot of good books to learn golang but i just prefer video tutorials.

    course 1

    course 2

    submitted by /u/xerxes3117
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    Advice - Finding a Job in NYC

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:07 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    I'm looking for advice on finding a job in NYC as a front end web developer. I'm currently living and working in Pennsylvania at a WordPress shop and most of the jobs in this area work within the same technologies and clientele (mostly brochure websites). I have been working at this company for close to one and a half years now and I believe I've reached the limit of what I can learn at this company. When I started working at this company, I had very little experience and the first few months were a little crazy, but now I'm beginning to feel comfortable and I know it's time for a change.

    Does anyone have any experience with this type of move? What can I do to stand out as an applicant? And will applying as an applicant outside of the Great NYC Metro area affect my chances as an applicant?

    **Note: I do have a sibling living and working in NYC at the moment so I wouldn't be without any help when making this transition.

    submitted by /u/GullibleAir
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