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    Friday, August 10, 2018

    Unity Pixel Art Tips 2018

    Unity Pixel Art Tips 2018

    Unity Pixel Art Tips 2018

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 03:31 AM PDT

    How to learn to make game engines?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 06:55 AM PDT

    I have some experience with unity, but I want to learn how to create a game from scratch myself. So the game engine etc. Where can I learn to do this from? All the courses and tutorials for game development leads to unity and unreal

    submitted by /u/tino2tom
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    Macaw, a 2D Game Engine in GO

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:38 AM PDT


    Hi, I created this game engine using Go as programming language and with the help of SDL.

    I used the trendy ECS to design the software.

    I'm looking for constructive feedback on what I can do to improve.

    Many thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/tubelz
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    Lampix AR Monster Card Duel Game Demo - For Developers interested in Developing AR Games

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:04 AM PDT

    The Future of Storytelling: How Medium Shapes Story

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:20 AM PDT

    Can't think of a way to sync the physics of my game

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:49 AM PDT

    To my understanding, the best way to have a server authoritative physics based game is to make the server generate the physics itself. One way is to literally make a full Unity stimulation on the server but that would be to expensive. I feel like maybe if I store the hitboxes of my objects I might be able to get something out of it. As a total noob I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction for making the physics another way.


    Quick summary of my game:

    Sphere type object (player) rolls down endless randomly generated platforms, and tries to avoid randomly generated static positioned objects. So only the player moves if he crashes into one of these objects. I think that will help a lot since I will only need to stimulate the physics of the player. (up to 4 in a game).


    Right now I am using Unity-Netcode.IO to network my game, but I plan on switching to another library due to bugs and inactivity around it. Probably going to switch to LiteNetLib unless someone tells me a better one for my situation.

    submitted by /u/rellicsrocks2004
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    Creating footsteps library for video games! Need your opinions!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 10:02 PM PDT

    Planning to create a footsteps sound library for video games! I found it challenging to find footsteps for monsters, creatures and animal footsteps. What else do you guys think could be included in footsteps library? Would love to hear your thoughts about this! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/wowsoundsg
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    Treasure hunting in video game testing: a tale about using a test coverage tool with Unity3D…

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:53 AM PDT

    Unity 3D Gamekit Tutorial : Getting Started

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:38 AM PDT

    The Writing and Localization of Ghost of a Tale: interview with the developers

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:52 AM PDT

    📣 Here comes our double-post interview with Lionel Gallat and Paul Gardner from SeithCG about the writing and localization of Ghost of a Tale.

    Whether you're already fan of Tilo, or just curious about video game writing and localization, there's plenty for you to learn from our two interviewees's experience.

    ** Part 1: Of Mice and Men - http://www.leveluptranslation.com/single-post/the-writing-and-localization-of-ghost-of-a-tale-part-1-2

    ** Part 2: Localizing an 80,000-word RPG - http://www.leveluptranslation.com/single-post/the-writing-and-localization-of-ghost-of-a-tale-part-2-2

    Happy reading and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments ;) 🐭

    submitted by /u/Level_Up_Translation
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    Rendering a game that wasn’t mine

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:07 AM PDT

    Here's a fun little story I want to share.

    Back when I first started programming I was making a tower defense game, with a grid made by drawing each line individually. The computers at our school were crap, so this was an unexpectedly expensive operation.

    To get past this I decided to draw the grid once to a render texture, and just draw that texture instead of re-drawing all the lines every single time.

    So I wrote the basic logic - make a render texture, clear it to blank, draw the lines to it, then draw the texture later.

    I went to test this out and... I did not see any lines. What I saw was the Start menu for what appeared to be another student's game, and no matter how many times I re-ran my game I was always greeted with the start menu to a game that wasn't mine.

    I ended up just taking the performance hit of re-drawing the grid every frame.

    submitted by /u/tylercamp
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    Strategy Card Game

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:12 AM PDT

    Hello guys, i have a question. I wanted to make a card game that would be some sort of strategy game. You basically have unit cards which you "summon" on the field and which stay in card form like for example in Hearthstone, but the thing is that you can move them and there are terrain effects and stuff. Any idea in which engine i could do that? Thankssss

    submitted by /u/dogg235
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    Localization tips? Unity store?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:45 AM PDT

    I don't want to reinvent the wheel, here. I'd gladly pay for a Unity Asset to help speed up this process.

    I'm interested in localizing with external JSON files. Some bonuses would include scraping UI strings into a JSON dump for easy editing for another language.

    What other localization features should I look for that would save sanity?

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/xblade724
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    What rendering abstracts do you guys use?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 01:16 AM PDT

    I'm writing a 3d game engine as a hobby project and I'm wondering what abstractions you guys use for rendering things? I've tried a few but haven't seemed to have found one that makes a lot of sense.

    Write now I use a class called Scene which contains all the vertices, texture coordinates, normals, materials (specular diffuse and color properties), and the diffuse and specular maps for one model. Then I also have a class called SceneRenderer which stored all the opengl data like vertex buffers, array buffer, and about 10 other uniforms.

    Then my game objects have references to the renderer and the scene.

    Does this make sense? How do you guys structure the process of rendering game objects?

    submitted by /u/asdfkjasdhkasd
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    How I Create My First Voice-driven Game for Alexa

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:39 AM PDT

    My game for Alexa was approved yesterday. It's called Guess the Total, and it's easy to play. I wrote about everything that went into producing it. See what you think.


    submitted by /u/TheHappySpirit
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    Working on Water and Fog for a peaceful little game

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:32 AM PDT

    Introducing TAZ: A.I. Powered Churn Analytics

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:02 AM PDT

    Crystals, Light and Power: An in-depth dive into a game universe art style and inspiration

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:58 AM PDT

    Our game mantra: experience – narrative – gameplay

    Creating a sci-fi universe is a monumental amount of work involving careful iterations and a lot of imagination. The Fantastic, yes team has spent over a year dedicated to the Returner universe. Now that we're so close to the release of Returner Zhero, we wanted to take an opportunity to talk about what elements make the Returner unique.

    If you know the game, you know how important visual style of Returner games is to us. We'd like to share with you how we build out the style.

    Sci-fi with a twist

    We are not afraid to play around with the genre we're in. During the pre-production stage, we went through a lot of references and did our research to define the style. Hundreds of ideas were spawned for the game. If you look closely, you will probably notice at least 10 different references to alien life forms, and theories about the universe (can you name some of them?). We have stayed true to sci-fi in some ways, and also pulled in inspiration from the Renaissance and beyond.

    If we had to boil it down to just few lines, the Returner universe is all about:

    – An alien spaceship made from crystals and hard surface architecture

    – Floating elements and illuminated objects

    – Detailed props and puzzles

    – Beautiful visual effects

    The look we are after:

    Our architecture and prop style is defined by chunky shapes with beveled edges, cornicing around their width and flowing feminine surface details. We took inspiration from the wonderful Renaissance era. Some of the fine details and patterns within the Returner Universe are inspired by the style of furniture dating back to the 15th century, characterized by flowing movements, symmetry, and bold shapes. We implemented some swirls and repetitions that are common for this style in the architecture of the ship.

    If you've been wondering what limitations we set ourselves, the answer is: not many. In the blue sky phase, we experimented with many different styles. After some crazy experiments, we found what we wanted the games to be like and what they should not. We set ourselves the limitations as follows:

    – Avoid going too fantasy (we didn't want to design our own elven language)

    – It's not Art Nouveau. But it IS closer to Art Deco without the light ray diagonals

    – Use curves to cut up flat surface shapes and create depth

    – Think in layers

    The eternal love for crystals

    There would be no Returner without the omnipresent crystals. Our crystals are both wild (growing from the walls) and cut (aliens do this for function and as a means to control their environment). Crystals are the main theme for environments, characters as well as the puzzles.

    To create crystal constellations worthy of outer space, many different crystal sources from earth were combined to create the final result. Compared to any other topic, crystals is what we talk about most at Fantastic, yes.

    Getting the style "just right" took a lot of research. We studied fluorite, amethyst, tourmaline, and different types of quartz clusters. We spent days researching and recreating natural formations, geometric compositions and fascinating variations found in nature. After we were done with crystalline construction, we played with alternating transparency and reflection.

    In Returner 77, you can find them floating around in the ship and explore the formations of crystal plants and flowers and watch them grow. Crystals aren't just a hard element, they are the main basis of life for the aliens and the organic growth on the ship illustrates that.

    Refining the theme

    Puzzles do play the central role in the Returner games. We didn't want them to be just tactile and standard brain teaser puzzles, therefore as we got further into the design, we realized that there are three distinctive themes for the puzzles in the Returner series: light, power, and alien language.


    – Light can be reflected or refracted by surfaces (split, bundled, redirected)

    – Crystals and lenses can change the wavelength (color), split, reflect or redirect the light

    – Bundled light can be used to destroy objects, but also to power some alien objects


    If you played the game, you probably noticed that sunlight is used to ignite the ship's core. That is because the light is collected and bundled through crystals to be converted to power. In The Den, the god statue represents the alien reactor which needs an ignition to start producing energy, like a fusion reactor.

    Going back to the crystals: not only are they part of the environment, but some of them can be charged and store power. Crystals and beams can power/deactivate items and puzzles. Also, consoles can be powered up to become intractable, while force-fields can be deactivated to give access to restricted areas.

    Alien Language

    As an advanced form of life, aliens developed a graphic language.

    The signs were inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphs and the ancient signs found in caves, tombs, and walls. Our graphic designers created a whole alien alphabet and symbolic drawings. Alien symbols are required to solve certain puzzles or puzzle stages. Symbols and drawings provide hints to the final state of a puzzle.

    We're proud of what we have created and we hope that learning more about the Returner universe gives more meaning to the games. What do you guys think about the style? We're hyped to share visuals if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/Fantastic_yes
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    C# and game frameworks in 2018

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:58 AM PDT

    What are the best options for gamedev with C# nowadays if you don't want to use a huge IDE like Unity but instead want to create some small 2d game?

    I dont have much experience with gamedev but I work as a professional developer. Is XNA still used or are there any good reasons to move to Monogame instead? The fact that it's not being updated any more is not a valid reason, I'm looking for good documentation and a stable framework. I'm not looking to write my own physics engine, higher level the better

    submitted by /u/PhoneLa4
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    Time-lapse of my 2D game's artwork! What do you think?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:28 AM PDT

    When buying assets how do you make sure the assets are consistent with your style?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:18 AM PDT

    I plan on buying some assets while also making my own, but my question is for those who have bought assets how do you make sure the assets you buy are consistent with your style? Especially when buying from varied authors. Also, how do you make sure they are consistent?

    submitted by /u/jokersleuth
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    Is it utterly stupid to release a very story heavy (linear) game as early access?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:13 AM PDT

    I am investigating and learning about different release strategies, the pros and cons, etc.

    If you take a very story heavy game, such a point and clicker, any modern Telltale game or such games like Heavy Rain, Until Dawn - Would it be utterly stupid to release it as Steam Early Access?

    The purpose of releasing such a game would be to collect data, how players solve puzzles, choices they do, average time, etc, in order to learn and improve the story, puzzles, challenges and decisions.

    However, personally, it feels like you are "letting the cat out of the bag", meaning the story will be spoiled prior to the actual polished release.

    Anyone who has any insights or experience regarding this? Both as a game developer, but also a story loving potential gamer?

    submitted by /u/corgrath
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